Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When I Said Forever... ❯ History Part 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: KuraKat does not own Yu-Gi-Oh (*sigh* sadness).


Chapter 1: History




Hello, my name is Taide. Three thousand years ago, I lived in Egypt with my beloved husband and little brother Neci. I married when I was 15, not long after my parents became ill and died. Neci was 8 at the time and immediately clung to me like a mother, though often, he avoided my husband. The man was not mean to Neci or me; he was simply distant at times. But back to Neci. He and I looked very much alike, both of us having think, dark hair and deep emerald eyes. We both had a sun-kissed tan and were very petite.

My husband, on the other hand, was no average Egyptian. He was peculiar, but terribly beautiful. His hair was silvered and came to his shoulders with a disheveled look to it, while his eyes were a deep chocolate color. Strong muscles defined his chest, stomach and arms. The only physical imperfection was a series of three overlapping scars on his right cheek, just below his eye. I, however, hardly noticed it after a time, and found him beautiful all the same; he was my Bakura.

Bakura, of course, was no saint. He had witnessed too much in his short years to have such purity. As a child, he had watched his entire village of Kuru Eruna come to ruins when the pharaoh decided to forge the 7 Millennium Items. His own family's flesh and blood went into the accursed items, and he never forgave the royal family. I had been there with him that day; I had walked back from one of the markets with him as he stopped short and all color drained from his face. I was seven at the time, and he was ten. I saw the change in him at that instant. The sweet, innocent little boy who walked with me every day was gone. He instead grew distant and cold, speaking to no one but myself. Even at the age of seven, I knew I would remain by he broken soul's side forever. It was I who had to protect him.

Years went by and Bakura became darker, always trying to find ways to destroy the pharaoh, disregarding the fact that it was son of the man who had killed his family. He didn't care though; all aggression was directed toward King Atemu. In his many plots, Bakura became a skilled thief and tomb-robber, thus he earned the title King of Thieves. Don't get me wrong, it was a little un-nerving to be palling around with a man of such a title, but I knew he would never strike out against me. I simply set about my own business every day and waited for him every night. Neci and I often sat outside and watched as the sun went down; Bakura was always home at sundown. Neither of us really knew why we had taken to staying with each other; we were both simply lonely I suppose, since we were all that was left of either of our families.

One day was different though. Bakura did not come home at sunset. At first I was a little concerned, but immediately determined that he could easily take care of himself. I waited all night for him, but he never came home. Then, two days later, he came back with a gleam in his eye. Before I could get three words out of my mouth, he was on one knee, asking for my hand in marriage. I was utterly speechless, but after the shock wore off, I said yes. Neci only stood there snickering; for years he had told me that I would end up married to the thief, and he was finally proven right. Three weeks later, Bakura and I were married. Thus began an eternal love.


~Sorry for ending it there, but I promise to update soon. I really can't wait to write more of it because I've got so many ideas and I'm already formulating the rest of the plot. Well, tell me what you think!~

*~Kura Kat~*