Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Unexpected Arrival ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello! Konnichiwa! Em hotep!
B&M: …
Bakura: What the hell?
I was looking for Egyptian and Japanese words for this and the upcoming chapters.
Marik: Must have taken you awhile.
*plops down on a chair* You have no idea. I thought I was going crazy after finding the words I needed.
Bakura: So… Now, whenever I say something in Egyptian, you would understand?
… No… Not completely… *door knocks* Oh that must be him.
B&M: *!?* Him?
Hey Kaiba!
B&M:*!!* NANI!!!
Kaiba: Hello, YGO Cupid.
Call me Authoress, or anything that is acceptable.
Kaiba: Whatever.
*sweat drop* Ohhh… kaay…
Bakura: Why's he here?
Marik: Yeah.
*grins* Well… I know you two really hate to listen to me babble all day… soo…
B&M: What is it?
You have to wait until after the chapter.
*smiles at the audience* Enjoy the chapter.
… Here are some things you might want to look for:
//speaking Japanese//
\\speaking Egyptian\\
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Ch. 3: Unexpected Arrival
#Last Time#
“So, ya think this is the chest that has da scroll in it?” Joey asked.
Yugi just looked at the golden chest, remembering the story and took a deep breath. “Only one way to find out Joey.” He said as he placed his hand on the lid and slowly lifted it.
There was a dead silence when the small chest was opened.
“Yuge?” Joey asked when the other wasn't moving. “Yuge, are you alright?” He moved next to the other, only to see why the other wasn't responding.
`The Scroll of the Pharaoh's Heart!?' They both thought upon looking at the scroll, which was protected by sand surrounding it.
They were gapping at what they once thought was a complete myth, a part of some story.
“Okay! Dere's no way dat's da scroll dat the Doc told us about!” Joey said as he scooted back away from the scroll.
Yugi looked back at his friend then at the scroll. He felt a pull from the scroll and tempted to reach to it and grab it.
“Yuge!” Joey said as he saw what the other was about to do. “We don't know what dat t'ing can do!”
`Joey does have a point.' Yugi thought as his hand was only a couple of inches above the rolled up papyrus. `But… If Dr. Ahmose left this scroll with Grandpa, because, he believes, that Joe and I are the ones?' He stared at the scroll, pondering what to do.
Joey noticed the hesitation the other was making and went over. “Yuge, just back away, put da lid down and we'll place the t'ing back at da attic.” He said as he was about to take the golden chest away from his small friend.
“Joey.” Yugi said, making the tall teen stop.
“Would it kill us just to look at it, at least?”
“Think about it Joe!” Yugi looked up to his friend with complete seriousness in his features. “Why would Dr. Ahmose left us this?”
Joey never thought about that before. “Maybe he just trust Gramps wid `is prized possessions.” He said, trying to sound knowingly.
“Can't we just look at it?” Yugi pleaded, using a hint of his famous irresistible puppy eyes.
`Oh damn, he's using dose eyes!' He thought as he inwardly groaned. “Alright!” He said as he added. “Man, dere's not'ing that could beat your eyes.”
Yugi smiled triumphantly as he turned his attention to the scroll. He grabbed it, without hesitation, and slowly opened the scroll.
`I can't believe I was talked into dis.' Joey thought as he felt concerned about the whole ordeal.
Yugi on the other hand, felt drawn to the scroll. `Alright, now or never.' He opens the scroll completely and looked at the masterpiece that has been untouched. The scroll had golden hieroglyphs and lotus flowers bordered the edges.
Joey, who was looking at the scroll over the other's shoulder, was in awe at the bright artistic work whoever had done.
Yugi, also in awe, felt something in his mind, telling him to read. His eyes became completely focused at the golden letters, and, for a moment, heard someone whispering in his ear.
“Gods in the Land of the Pharaohs, hear me now!”
Joey looked over, confused at what the other was doing. “Yuge… what are ya…”
“Turn back the sands of time and take me to the time of the one I shall save from an event that was never was suppose to be.”
Joey, who is completely weirded out now, called out to the other, but had little effect.
Yugi couldn't control himself; the whispering was urging him to read on, as if he didn't have a choice.
“I ask you now!
Turn back the sands of time to thee, whose lost in the dark and, I, the heart, shall bring him back to the light!”
He said the final words and the scroll started to glow.
“Yuge…” Joey had a bad feeling about this. “What ya do?”
Yugi shook his head, to shocked to speak.
All of the sudden the wind picked up and created a whirlwind around them. The scroll, as if having a mind of its own, forced itself out of Yugi's hands and floated in front of the two boys. Then, the scroll turned into a huge portal, forcing them in. They were too shocked to scream as they were lifted off of the ground and plunged into a bight vortex. When they were gone, the wind had died down and the scroll went back to its normal state on the coffee table, with the picture of Yugi and Joey falling into the portal, instead of the golden words.
~*Kemet (Egypt): 5,000 ago*~
The sun slowly set across the horizon, making the evening sky give off colors of violet, red, orange, and yellow. The people in a huge village readied themselves for their evening duties; round up their children, making dinner, packing up their selling supplies, and making more for tomorrow. Looking over the village is a palace with grand statues and obelisks.
A pair of distant red eyes looked across the horizon from the balcony as the sun completely set down for the night. The stars appeared not long go, but were now brighter, since the sun is set. Tanned hands laid on top of the hard surface of the balcony's railing as his distant eyes began to look dim with hurt and shame. He took a deep breath as he got on the railing and stood up. He had tri-colored hair of red, black, and blonde bangs and some went up to the black mane, he also had a lean structure but was also masculine. He looked at the village and heard some laughter in the mud brick houses and felt a pang of jealousy. He looked up into the sky, which is now filled with stars, but looked at one star before he held his breath. He closed his eyes and slowly moved his foot closer to the edge of the railing that lead to the ground that was stories down.
Just then, the star on which he looked at started to flicker and shot straight towards the red eyed man. The shooting star's light was enough for the man to stop when his heel is at the edge and look up to what was the sudden brightness. Before he had time to react, the shooting star seemed to transform into an object, as the light dissipated and a solid form hit him back on the balcony platform. He completely tensed up when he saw the figure is human, and was about to push it off when he saw the moon and star outfit. He relaxed only a little and sat up straight.
Another star flickered and shot to a different direction. He saw this, but didn't pay any mind to it and looked at the figure that was on top of him. He turned the figure so that he could look at it, and gasped at what he saw. The figure looked like him, with some differences, and very childlike. The youth stirred a little and partly open his eyes, which made the red eyed man hold his breath. But before the youth said anything, he passed out. The man didn't know what to do, he looked at the railing and back at the youth. He sighed and got up with the youth in his arms and carried him to what looked like his room. He looked around for a proper way to settle the child down for the night, and was caught by surprise by the slight nuzzling the child made, but soon found out that it was looking for a source of warmth. He looked at the innocent looking child for a moment before looking around in his dim lit room and saw a table filled with some paper work he needs to do. He saw that his bed was the only option at the moment and set the child down, pull over the sheets over the sleeping form, and walked towards the table and started to work, but kept looking back at the small form.
~-Meanwhile: somewhere else-~
A pair of sapphire eyes looked focused at all the scrolls that were laid out across the desk. “Dammit.” He said frusteratedly. “Why can't these people solve their own fucking problems.” He growled and rubbed his eyes. He looked out into the entrance of his small balcony and decided that some fresh air would do him some good, if not then lift his already growing headache. He saw the clear night sky filled with stars. `If we're lucky and if the gods favor our wishes, we might have a good rain storm in the next month.' He thought as he watched the river. He sighed as he noted that the river seemed smaller than the week prior.
Then, one of the stars flickered and shot towards him, and didn't notice until it became unusually bright at this time of night. When he did look up, he met it head on; literally, he fell backwards onto his back and was dazed for a moment before he collected himself. He was about to get up, but there was an extra weight on top of him. When he realized that there was someone, or something, on him, he saw, not only who the figure is, but noticed that their lips were connected. `This… has…to be... a dream.' He thought as the one that was on top of him started to shift, making it a more uncomfortable position then it already is. He didn't want to do anything that he was going to regret, so he quickly, but cautiously got the other off of him and he got up to recover from a moment ago, and got a good look at who it was, and thought his heart stopped. There, sleeping on the floor, was a tall youth, with sandy blonde hair, and a strange outfit.
Still thinking all of this is a dream, he shut his eyes and counted and opened them. He looked over, and, sure enough, the youth is still there. “I must've had too much wine.” He told himself. He grabbed some sheets and a pillow and made a make-shift bed for the night. `This has to be a dream when I get up, otherwise I have to explain to Per aah* on what to do with the mutt.' He paused at the thought. `Why did I think about mutt?' He looked over at the other and noted the muddy dog prints on the sleeping forms pants. `He does look like a mutt. I suppose.' He took a deep breath and called it a night, thinking that having too much wine and not enough sleep is what's causing him to hallucinated
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That's it for now folks!
Bakura: Now, what's this deal with having Kaiba around?
Marik: I agree with him.
Okay, gentlemen, as you know that you two tolerated with being with me for a couple of chapters. Soo… *digs into pockets and shows tickets* I got you, and your boyfriends to a cruise to the Caribbean Islands.
B&M: …
*sweat drop* You don't like it, do you?
Bakura: How long is this trip?
A month. Two months, if you pay two hundred extra each.
B&M: *looks at each other*
Marik: So, a month or two with out listening to you and spend all our time with our hikairis?
That's right.
B&M: … *grabs tickets and runs out of the place*
You're welcome.
Kaiba: *sighs* Please R&R.
And no flaming!