Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ The First Day ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I don't like this month, I really don't.
Seto: Don't have a bf huh?
No, but that's not my problem in the matter of this stinking month.
Seto: ??
Just don't ask and you will be spared of any wasted time that will take me to explain.
Seto: *shrugs* Fine by me.
How did yours go with Joey?
Seto: *blush* I believe your readers, if they even care to read, would like to see the next chapter.
?? *shrugs* Yeah you're right. Everyone enjoy this new chapter!
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
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Ch.5: The First Day
The Pharaoh and Yugi walked down the halls, which were empty save for them.
The Pharaoh, knowing the halls as well as himself walked without showing any interest.
Yugi on the other hand, was taking some time to look around the halls, which also had some hieroglyphs of animals, people, even a creature or two.
Thanks to his wonderment, the Pharaoh had to slow his pace to let the other see around the place, in case if he wanted to go somewhere he'll remember which hall leads where.
//This place is soo cool!// Yugi said looking at everything, which almost making him dizzy.
The Pharaoh shook his head while seeing this almost amusingly.
//My name's Yugi by the way.// Yugi said, almost startling the other. //Gomen.//
The Pharaoh looked lost once again as the small teen pointed at himself.
//Yu-gi.// He said pointing at himself and repeated a couple of times until he knows that the other has got the idea.
The Pharaoh understood that the other is known as Yugi and was glad to know that much about the other.
//What about you?// Yugi asked pointing to the other with a questioning look.
The Pharaoh took a deep breath and pointed to his throat and, for what seemed like a while to him, moved his mouth as if he was speaking, but no sound came.
Yugi looked understandingly and continued to walk along side the other to, where ever they were heading.
~*Somewhere in the halls: Joey*~
Joey looked left and right, noting all the things in the halls; incase if he gets lost in here, and keeping his eye out for the small teen. //Ey, I know ya don' have any idea what I'm saying, but, where da hell are we going?// He asked.
Seto took a deep breath and continued to walk down the hall.
Joey didn't like to be ignored, but since there was a language barrier here, he let the other ignore him. `Damn dis shit.' He thought as the looked at the hieroglyphs. `If Yuge's okay, den I'll give dis place a chance. But we have da find a way da get back.' That was his plan: find Yugi and find a way to get back home, in their own time.
They stopped in front of two, huge doors and the other knocked rhyemely and the doors open slightly, enough for them to enter. Inside the room, were mountains of scrolls, some herbs and other things scattered the floor.
/Where in Ra's name is it?/ A voice was heard and some papyrus was thrown carelessly in the air.
/Loose something Ahmose?/ Seto asked, getting the man's attention.
Ahmose looked up from his search and looked shocked to see Seto. /What? Is it truly that time?/
/Hard to believe, isn't it?/ Seto said with a hint of amusement in his tone.
Ahmose rolled his eyes as he straightened himself to look presentable. /So I believe this is the `mutt' you referred earlier?/
/That's correct./ Seto said as he and Ahmose looked at the blonde, who at this point didn't like to be the center of attention.
//What ya lookin' at?// Joey said.
/You're right, he and the one that accompanies the Pharaoh right now, need to learn about our customs if they're going to stay with us for sometime./ Ahmose said.
/That, and to know where they came form and why they're here./ Seto said.
The sound of a steady ryheme on the door was heard and opened to see the Pharaoh and the other come in.
//YUGE!!// Joey shouted as he saw a familiar face.
//Joey!?// Yugi said completely bewildered.
Joey quickly came up and hugged the small teen before putting him in an arm lock. //Do ya have any idea how worried I was!?// He said as he ruffled playfully at the tri-colored locks.
//Cut it out Joey!// Yugi said laughing, but was also relived that he knows that his tall friend is okay.
While the two were having their happy reunion, the three watched before discussing of what might happen while they're staying.
/So, I will teach them the basics and work on some spell that has to be very accurate into sending them back safely. Both won't be easy, since they're not from here or any of our neighboring nations nor do I know if the spell can actually work without sacrificing someone, that and it could be a one way trip./ Ahmose said, which the other two agreed.
/We would have to make sure no one comes in here./ Seto said than looked like there was rotten fish in the room. /Especially that slimy, no-good, annoying Rat./
The Pharaoh seemed to freeze at the mention of that, but hid it well from the two.
/Aiwa*, aiwa./ Ahmose said agreeing. /He's definitely the one we have to make sure that he never knows about the boys. Ra knows what will he do if he found out about the boys./
They all agreed at this. The Pharaoh, from the corner of his eye, saw the two boys, but looked at the small teen.
/So, shall we begin with the first basic lesson?/ Ahmose said as he walked over towards the boys and patted their backs.
The two boys were confused by this until the man, who looked like a younger version of the Dr. Ahmose they knew, made motions with his hands on reading, writing, and speaking the ancient language.
/Ah! Cool!/ Joey said, both he and Yugi were excited about learning something completely new.
Ahmose was equally excited, having someone to teach and having one of the most challenging spell that have yet to be started to work on.
/We better hurry to the throne room to start the day of completely listening to nothing but complaints./ Seto said in a bored tone.
The Pharaoh seemed to feel down at the mention of that until he was embraced by the small teen.
/Arigatou gozai mashita* for letting me and Joey stay for awhile./ Yugi said, even though he knew that the other did not understand him.
Ahmose and Seto raised an eyebrow at this action and were about to pull him off, when the Pharaoh return the embrace.
The Pharaoh had to admit, he did feel a bit better. And after he and the other let go of the uncalled embrace, he smiled just a little and ruffled the small teen's hair.
Ahmose and Seto couldn't believe their eyes, but didn't question about it.
/It's been awhile since I've seen him smile./ Ahmose pointed out and Seto agreed.
/Pharaoh, if we want to secure the safety of our `guests', we have to get our asses down in the throne room, now./ Seto pointed out and headed towards the door.
The Pharaoh sighed and patted the other by the shoulder before leaving the room.
//That was kinda risky of ya, Yuge.// Joey said.
//What do you mean?// Yugi asked, which made the other laugh.
//Oh come on Yuge! You of all people should know about the do's' and `don'ts when meeting the god king of Egypt.//
Yugi froze, remembering what he learned.
//Yeah. I'm surprised that he didn't sick guards on ya.// Joey said teasingly. //But den again, he looked like he liked it.//
/Come on you two!/ Ahmose said as he settled things in the scroll room. /Let's start your lesson./
~-Half a day later-~
Seto and the Pharaoh walked out of the room, looking in deep of thought.
“This can't be possible.” Seto said as he rubbed his temple. “Things just have to get worse in our position.”
The Pharaoh nodded not looking at the High Priest, also known as his cousin.
“I mean the questionable war is bad enough, but a banquet with our allied nations is just… just… desperate!”
The Pharaoh looked at his cousin unemotionally and waited for the other to cool down.
“I really hate that guy.”
“OOOHHH Pharaoh! Seto!” Said a high-pitched, very annoying voice behind them.
“Fuck.” Seto whispered as he and the Pharaoh turned to see a willowy man, a face that looked like a rat's, slick black hair that looked overly kept, and a smile that was enough to make you ill for the next month. (A/N: Sounds like Tea after plastic surgery. *shudders and faints* @_@)
“Hello, Rah-iten.” Seto said, hiding his dislike.
“So, what do you think?” Rah-iten asked, examining the halls. “Should there be curtains hanging from the pillars or…” He was about to continue when Seto cleared his throat.
“I think that's enough for one day, Rah-iten.” He said. “And really, the thought of an actual war is giving me a headache.”
Rah-iten waved it off as if it wasn't important. “What could those has-beens do anyway? Hmm? Throw pots at us?” He laughed.
“They've improved for the last five decades, in case if you haven't noticed.” Seto informed, getting closer to losing his temper.
“So…” Rah-iten said, not caring.
Seto was just about to raise his fist when the Pharaoh quickly grabbed his wrist.
“Rah-iten!” Said a different voice.
“Ah, Pu'uat, what brings you here?”
“The councilers have asked you to come immediately.”
“What do they want now?” Rah-iten said as he stormed off in the direction that Pu'uat came from.
“I thought he never leave.” Pu'uat said with a smile.
“Quick thinking Pu'uat.” Seto commented. “Another second and that Rat would have died.”
“And you would have to explain why you did so.” Pu'uat pointed out.
The Pharaoh shrugged with a look at showed oh-boy.
When they reached the scroll room, they heard a very lively voice.
“Sounds like someone had fun with teaching while we almost died of boredom.” Seto said.
They entered and almost had to laugh. Ahmose was reading a scroll while the two dozed off on their pillowed mats. The Pharaoh quietly walked up behind Ahmose and found out that he was reading a fable, a really long fable. When Ahmose turned, he almost jumped.
/Pharaoh! Seto!? When did you two get in?/ He asked.
/Only a moment./ Seto said. /Looks like you started off easy./
Ahmose looked at the sleeping boys and shrugged. /Must have been bored, since they couldn't understand anything I say./
/Or anything about how we run here./ Seto said as he looked at the blonde, who was snoring and a snot bubble formed. `Why must the gods torcher me with this… dog?' He sighed and lightly kicked him on the shoulder, who slightly woke from a start.
//Huh? Wha? Who?// Joey said then glared at the other. //Ey! I was sleepin' `ere!//
/Quit your whimpering mutt and move it, unless you want to stay out here tonight./
Joey mumbled something inchorhet and stood up. //Ya happy now?//
/Come on./ Seto ordered as he started to head towards the door.
The Pharaoh, however, carefully picked up Yugi, who somewhat woke up but fell back to sleep.
`Damn, Yuge's lucky da have someone dat nice enough to do dat, an' not kick ya awake an' tellin' ya da move it!' Joey thought as he glared at the blue-eyed young man. `What's dis guy's problem? Yeah he's hot and… Okay, now I need therapy.'
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Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I apolidzied if it's not to your liking, boring, or I did a really crappy work on this.
Seto: Are you on your PMS or something?
… Shut up.