Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Closing Conflict ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Seto: ?? What the hell is wrong with you?
One, I'm a terrible authoress. Two, my mind just doesn't want to stop creating more stories!
Seto: …
… T-T… I'm pathetic.
Seto: *sigh* One, what makes you think you're a terrible authoress?
Because I made two mistakes in the other chapter.
Seto: Don't make a big deal about it.
*sighs* You're right… Thanks.
Seto: Whatever.
Enjoy this chapter everyone!
Seto: You got issues.
… I take back my thanks… *glare*
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.6:Closing Conflict
~-2 days later: Throne room-~
“Anything from the other kingdom?” Seto asked looking around at everyone in the room, who were silent at this subject.
“Well…” Rah-iten spoke.
`Oh great.' Seto thought.
“We, have had some more threats about our kingdom. They even compare our beautiful, prosperous land to their run-down one.” Rah-iten said uncaringly.
“Where are these threats you mentioned?” Seto asked, not up to get angry at someone who isn't worth it.
Rah-iten handed the scroll to him. “This arrived late at night, just so you know.” He said calmly.
Seto read, or more like scan, the scroll and looked shocked. “The other kingdom is giving us two months to reach their demands or set out to war!” He said, making the everyone, except Rah-iten, gasp.
“So?” the Rat said. “They can't be serious.”
The whole throne room members either stared at him in bewilderment or glared at him.
“All I'm saying, that if they didn't have the guts to come up to war with us years ago, then why now?”
At that moment, one of the members stood up. “How can you speak like that when the other kingdom is demanding us into war!?”
“That's enough Ito!” Seto said, though he silently agreed.
Ito sat back down, glaring at the Rat with all the pure rage he felt within.
“Pu'uat, you need to teach your young warriors to know their place.” The Rat said.
Pu'uat just looked over to the other and stood up. “Pharaoh, if I may speak my idea on how we should deal with this.” He said as he bowed respectfully.
Seto looked at the Pharaoh, who nodded, and looked back at Pu'uat. “What do you have in mind? Pu'uat, Head of the Med-jei group.”
Pu'uat, still in bowing position, looked up and speak, loud and clear. “The scroll mentions that we have two months before they declare war on us, correct?”
The two nodded and a quiet snicker was made by the Rat, thinking that his idea was a waste of time.
“My plan is this; We don't reach their demands and it would give my men time to prepare for battle.” Pu'uat explained.
“Forgive me for speaking up,” Ito said as he came up and bowed next to Pu'uat. “But, thanks to a certain member, we also have that banquet for our allies.”
The Pharaoh and High Priest nodded at this and looked at Pu'uat, who looked like he was smiling.
“Do not worry, Pharaoh,” Pu'uat said as he looked straight in the Pharaoh's eyes. “The only thing you need to worry about is finding who is willing to help and who has a good army background that could aide us.”
The Pharaoh nodded, liking the idea.
“Very well,” Seto said, also liking the idea. “We shall follow through with that idea.”
Everyone, except the Rat, seemed pleased by this and couldn't wait until the banquet came along, for hope that one or two of their allies would be able to help.
After that meeting was done, everyone was dismissed and left to either work on the upcoming events or spend time to themselves for the rest of the day.
Seto sighed and rubbed his temple. “I really hate that Rat.” He muttered.
The Pharaoh, hearing all of it before, didn't pay too much mind of it.
When they reached to the scroll room, they heard laughter coming from inside. They were confused and concerned about this, because if anyone were to come in here, their guests were out and open to everyone in the palace. They entered to see Ahmose and Sha-lie, the head kitchen servant, laughing
“Ah! Pharaoh! Seto! Come on in.” Ahmose said happily.
They went inside and looked around to see no sign of the boys anywhere in the mountains of scrolls.
“If you're wondering where your guest's are,” Sha-lie said with a smile. “They're in the private room in the kitchens.”
They were relieved by this information and the fact that only Sha-lie, so far, only knows about their guests.
The sound of pounding feet, a door opening, and quickly shut was heard in a short amount of time as the four looked over to see the two boys catching their breath.
//Dat was too close!// Joey said leaning against the door and panting.
//Yeah.// Yugi said, his hands on his knees and waited till his breathing pattern was back to normal.
/So, how are they on their lessons?/ Seto asked.
At that point, the two boys straightened and bowed, Japanese style. /Afternoon everyone./ They said in unison.
/As you can see, they're learning a few things./ Ahmose said almost proudly. /But, they need a bit more practice outside the scroll room./ He looked at the two.
/What are you saying?/ Seto asked, knowing the look from the other.
/I'm saying that you could help them practice in your rooms when you're done with whatever it is you need to do./
The two young men just stared at him as if he was crazy. /Ahmose./ Seto said. /I barely have enough sanity to not kill the Rat. What makes you think that I can handle the mutt's lessons?/
/I understand Seto, but you are the highest of your class and you're the only one besides the three of us that knows about… this mutt… and his small friend./
Seto sighed and solemnly agreed. /And what about the mutt's friend? You know that the Pharaoh has a… questionable condition./ The Pharaoh glared from the corner of his eye.
Ahmose waved his hand as if swatting away an annoying fly./ The young one, amazingly, can handle it on his own. In fact, he's somewhat ahead of the other./
`No surprise there.' Seto thought.
/Well, enough of that, what's new?/
Seto sighed and explained what happened earlier.
Ahmose sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. /Count on Pu'uat to know exactly what to do in a situation like this./ There was complete silence in the room.
Joey slightly bent down and whispered. //Wonda what's makin' dem so stressed?//
Yugi looked at every concern, angry, annoyed, and even a bit of hope in each of their faces. //I don't know, but something tells me it's not good.//
~* Pharaoh's room*~
The Pharaoh laid down on the bed and stared up at the ceiling. He looked distant, yet solemn.
Yugi was staring at the untouched food. `This is the second time he didn't eat anything.' He thought concerningly. He grabbed a small loaf of bread and headed over to the other. /Per-aah*/ He said, getting the other's attention. //You should try to eat something.// He sat next to the other, who still laid there.
The Pharaoh looked at the offer and shook his head, than continued to look at the ceiling.
Yugi sighed and placed the loaf of bread on a nearby nightstand. He then got up and laid down in his makeshift bed, which wasn't so bad; having a lot of cushions and blankets to make sure he was comfortable, and slowly went to sleep.
The Pharaoh sat up and looked over to the other, then at the bread. He grabbed the bread and took a couple bites, before getting up, grab a torch, and open a secret door and quietly left with one last look at the small teen, who looked peaceful there, before disappearing.
~*Seto's room*~
Seto was working in his desk with dim lit torches and about ten scrolls laid out.
Joey had finished his meal a long time ago and was bored. `Let's see… Bur means sweet, bin means evil or miserable, what else did Doc said.' He thought. He kept thinking Ahmose as the beloved Doc that acted like the crazy, in a good way, good-natured father he never had. `At least e's betta dan dis stiff.' He looked over at the other and became curious. `Wonda what's wit a da paper work?' He thought, but quickly dropped it. `Why should I be curious about a bunch cha boring paper work?' He looked at the other again, this time, a bit longer, wondering what to do with the other. But like his previous idea, it quickly died. `Nah! He hasn't done anyt'ing da me or Yuge.' Then a second thought came up. `Unless he took da lack of language to `is advantage!' He went to sleep, or trying to, after that thought.
Seto, on the other hand, was starting to go on the brink of screaming. `How, in Ra's name, are we going to counter the other kingdom's attacks!?' He thought as he glared at the threat, which was sent earlier, for what seemed like forever. He sighed and looked up, as if waiting for an answer from the ceiling. Then he heard mumbling sounds coming from the sleeping blonde. `Dumb mutt.' He sighed, but he felt better when he saw a few movements and mumbled something incoherent. `He's amusing to have around I have to admit.' He smirked then an idea came. `Why didn't I see this before!?' He thought as he quickly jotted down before it slips away. When it was done, he looked it over and nodded. “This looks good.” He said quietly than looked over to see the sleeping blonde once again. `Thanks mutt, as much as I hate to admit it.' With that thought, he got up and head over to his bed.
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I'm soo sorry for taking soo long to post this up! *cries*
Seto: … When are those two knuckle heads getting back?
Sometime in the end of March. *sniff*
Seto: You were grounded from going on the computer, could you blame yourself?
Seto:… Ladies and Gentlemen (if you're actually reading this…) It would make her happy (and pull her act together) if you would R&R. She'll take criticism in any form, just to let all of you know.
……………. I'm not talking to you.
Seto: *rolls eyes* Again, please R&R.
Per-aah: Pharaoh.