Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Similar ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hello everyone!
B&M: *groan*
*sigh* Are you guys going to be this down all the time?
Bakura: If it could get us fired, then yes.
Aww…, too bad, I actually have a surprise for both of you to.
B&M: *??*
Marik: What is it?
*doorbell* This. *opens to reveal Ryou and Malik*
Ryou: Hey `Kura.
Malik: Yo.
B&M: *mouths open*
While you guys get settled, I'll start off the chapter.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.11: Similar
Night has fallen too quickly in the golden land as the sun completely set. The sound of running water from the fountain was heard along with the whisper of ht evening wind. In the papyrus reeds, where no one expect to find anyone or thing, sat two boys.
The Pharaoh seemed to be taking a nap while Yugi quietly played with the fishes, like a kitten with a fish bowl.
When Yugi noticed the sky has gotten dark and the temperature seemed to cool, he went over to the young ruler and gently shook him awake. “Pharaoh. Pharaoh it's time to wake up.” He whispered so that he doesn't give the hideout away.
The Pharaoh opened one lazy eye to look at the youth before closing it again.
Yugi slightly shook his head as he did his waking up attempts again. “Come on Pharaoh.”
The Pharaoh grabbed the small teen's wrist, stopping the other's shaking him, and tried to give out an evil glare, but looked more like someone who isn't a morning person.
Yugi kept the laughter in. “Sorry for waking you up. But its getting close to evening and everyone is probably wondering where we are.”
The Pharaoh looked up at the sky and got up from his position, pulling the small teen along. They were about to head inside when Yugi stopped. The Pharaoh looked over to see what was wrong and saw the other looking up at the night sky.
“Wow.” Yugi breathed when he saw the stars.
The Pharaoh looked up, but didn't find anything about the small lights interesting, seeing them every night throughout his life. He tapped on the other's shoulder and gave the other a confused look.
Yugi smiled and explained. “Where I'm from, you can't see stars like this; too many lights from buildings and streets.” He looked up again, memorizing the simple beauty.
The Pharaoh looked up as well and, after hearing what the other said, found the interest of the night sky.
A shooting star streamed across for only a second, but it made the small teen clap his hands together and closes his eyes, as if saying a prayer.
The Pharaoh waited for the other to finish what he was doing before giving out another questioning look.
“I was making a wish.” Yugi explained. “Whenever you see a shooting star you make a wish.”
The Pharaoh looked up than back to the teen.
“It doesn't always work, but its fun to do.”
The Pharaoh gave him a questioning look again.
“I think it gives a person a little bit of hope or something like that. If that's what you're asking.”
The Pharaoh nodded understandingly then did motions that asked the next question.
It took Yugi a moment to understand and laughed. “Rule number one in wishing: you can't tell anyone what you wished for until it your wish comes true and/or it happens.”
The Pharaoh seemed bummed about this response, but shrugged it off and thought it was fair.
“Wanna try it?” Yugi asked pointing out the stars, which became a little brighter.
The Pharaoh took a moment to think, looked around at his surroundings, and looked at the night sky. When another shooting star zoomed across, he did the same thing as the other did. When he was done, he felt, a little better and looked at the other, who was smiling like he did something that he liked.
“I hope your wish comes true, whatever it is.” Yugi said.
“PHARAOH!!” A loud voice was heard from inside the palace.
“We better get inside before they start tearing down the palace.” Yugi said grabbing the Pharaoh by the hand.
The Pharaoh let himself be dragged by the small teen, giving him sometime to think about everything that might happen. If they're going to battle, then he's going to need all the help he could get. He knew that Lord Mateo is in, since he's been helping his father before he was born, even before his father married his mother. Which was a good thing, beside his loud and friendly personality; Mateo has the strongest army force in all Kemet. With that, the battle might go smoothly. But, it would take more than strength to bring down an enemy. He will find some whose forces have speed and wit, but such forces were hard to find, since battle is mostly seen as a competition between strength and military strategy. There was also the evening meetings with the Rat; which he didn't dare think about it, never want to think about it, but the words echoed in his mind and the slight feeling of vulnerability was present whenever he sees him, feeling him, and when he gets beaten till the Rat sees him broken enough for the night before throwing him out to suffer till the next meeting.
“Pharaoh?” Yugi said as he stopped and noticed that the other had that eerie distant look again. “Pharaoh!” He slightly shook him, which seemed to do the trick.
The Pharaoh woke from his reverie and realized that they were in the halls heading towards his room.
“Pharaoh?” Yugi said, gaining the other's attention. “Are you okay?” Concern was easily heard in that tone.
The Pharaoh forced a smile and nodded, signaling that everything was fine and inwardly prayed that the other bought it.
Yugi knew better, but he forced a smile as well, since he didn't know what to do to help; he felt useless, just standing there knowing well that the other kept secrets that could eventually kill him. `I have to be there for him, as much as possible.' He thought. `But, how do I help him get out of the dark?'
“There you are!” Seto's voice was heard and the sound of foot steps followed. “Where have you been? I have to calm down all of the occupants in the sub-dinning room.” He said and for proof of his point, he was covered with all of the possible food items and had a huge bump on his head. (A/N: ;P )
“Where's Joey?” Yugi asked.
“Ya rang?” Joey said as he appeared from the corner, also covered in some of the food items but was licking it off.
“What happened?” Yugi asked while the Pharaoh looked questionably.
“I don't want to talk about it.” Seto said, looking away and crossing his arms.
“Well…” Joey started mischievously.
“If you mutter one word mutt, you're going to pay dearly.” Seto warned, making the Pharaoh raise an eyebrow.
“Save it for da Rat, I'm telln' a story.” Joey said while he cheered inwardly as the other was trying to show that this didn't bother him.
“So… what happened?” Yugi asked.
“Well, afta ya guys bailed on me, leaving me to deal with Mr. I'm-betta-dan-ya…” Joey said making that last sentence heard.
After Yugi and the Pharaoh left, Joey and Seto continued their argument until they were out of things to counter and the sound of pottery and shouting was ever getting louder in the sub-dinning room.
“I have to see what's the commotion is about.” Seto said as he walked towards the door. Before he got out, some food items were thrown, including a piece of pottery, and he closed the door immediately. He turned and wiped away the gunk that covered his face.
Joey was keeping his laughter in, just enjoying the site and memorizing this moment.
“Don't say a word mutt.”
“Not gonna, ya speaking it for me.”
Seto was about to say something until the crashing sounds were heard.
“Sounds like ya need a bit of help.” Joey offered.
Seto sighed and nodded reluctantly. “Make sure you're not seen by Lord Mateo, understand.”
“Crystal.” Joey said as he started to walk out the door, while dodging some of the food that was being thrown at. `Dis reminds me back at elementary.' He thought. `Dis will be a piece of cake.' He was hit by a piece of cake. `I didn't mean it literally.' But it gave him an idea. He purposely got hit by the food on the upper part of his body until he seemed to be covered by all the possible mess. “EY! WHAT ARE YA! A BUNCH OF COMPLAIN' CRY BABIES!!!” He shouted getting everyone's attention. “I seriously had better judgment on all of ya, but now I see dat you're not'in' but kids; Screaming, crying, nose-dripping kids!”
Seto, watching the site from the open door, stood there in shock. `That dumb mutt! Does he have any idea who he's talking to?'
But the three adults looked at each other and the mess they created in the pointless argument.
Mateo sighed and nodded. “He's right.”
Everyone looked at him in shock.
“If we're going to help this kingdom, we must not fight among ourselves over things that should be laid to rest.”
Ahmose and Sha-lie agreed to this and started to clean the mess off the table and Mateo started on the walls, along with some of the troops that were there to see the commotion.
Joey sneaked back into the kitchens to find a very shocked High Priest. “What?”
Seto sighed as he placed one hand on his forehead. “I can't believe that you called all of them those…, child-like characteristics.”
“Yeah, and ya point?”
Seto didn't continue, instead he walked out of the kitchens from the other door with the blonde following behind.
~End of Flashback~
“And dat's when we bumped into ya.” Joey finished.
“Sounds like we have to work double time tomorrow.” Yugi said.
“Yeah, but it's all gonna be worth it in the end.” Joey said patting the young teen's shoulders.
“And what is the end?” Seto asked.
Joey glared at him. “WAS I TALKIN' TO YA!”
“I'm just asking.” Seto said coolly as the blonde growled and stared daggers at the other.
“Its never a dull moment with those two, right?” Yugi said to the Pharaoh, who nodded his head in agreement.
“What ya say?” Joey asked.
“Nothing Joey.” Yugi said. “We better turn in for the night. Everyone is going to have a busy day tomorrow.”
“Yeah, good point.” Joey said scratching his head.
“Pharaoh! There you are!” Ahmose's voice was heard as he ran up to them.
“What's up?” Joey asked.
“I think I've found a way to get you two,” Ahmose pointed to the boys, “back to when you came from.”
Everyone was shocked at the news.
“Really!?” Joey and Yugi said in unison.
“Dat's great!” Joey said happily.
Yugi on the other hand was the opposite. `Oh no, not now!' He thought as he stole a glance at the Pharaoh. `I still need to find a way to get rid of that Rat that is still causing him so much pain!'
“But…” Ahmose said, causing Joey to look confused and Yugi to have some hope. “I'm not sure if its going to work, or if its safe.” He looked around before continuing. “Like I said, I think, but that doesn't mean I truly found a way.”
“Damnit!” Joey said kicking dust in the air. “I don't `ave fucking time for dis!” With that he ran off.
“Joey!” Yugi called but the tall teen was gone.
“Was it something I said?” Ahmose asked as he thought back to what might have triggered the blonde to be upset.
“It's his sister.” Yugi said still staring at the direction that his friend disappeared to. “She had a problem with her eyes since she was little and he couldn't afford an operation to help her.”
There was a still silence at that point.
Seto looked at the direction as well.
~*Scroll Room*~
Joey was punching a pillowed mat on the floor and pretended he was beating up a school jerk he used to pick fights with and always won. But soon his punches went slower as anger and frustration was quickly forgotten as he cried. “Serenity.” He sobbed.
Seto entered the room quietly and stared solemnly at the site.
When Joey looked up and saw the other, a bit of anger came back. “Satisfied?!” He cried. “Are ya glad da see me like dis? HUH!?”
Seto was a bit taken back about what the other thought, but didn't move or speak, which made the blonde ticked off even more.
“Say sometin' damnit!” He quickly got up and started to get ready to punch.
Seto didn't move and closed his eyes.
Joey put all of the strength into that punch, but didn't hit the other; instead, he hit the wall that was a few centimeters from the other's face.
Seto, thinking that he was supposed to be punched, was somewhat shocked.
“Why da fuck are ya doin' `ere?” Joey said a bit shaky.
“To make sure you're alright?” Seto answered.
“Why? So ya could insult me again?”
Seto was shocked to hear this, but kept his calm stature. “After what your little friend told about your sister and how you spent almost half your life trying to get the money to help her? Do you actually think I would insult you on something that is precious to you?”
Joey looked up and didn't know what to say.
Seto looked at the hand, which the other used to punch the wall with, and checked over its condition. “Besides the bruises and that nasty cut, you're fine.”
Joey jerked his hand away and grabbed a stash, which was wrapped around his waist, and wrapped it around his hand. “Good as new.” He said not looking at the other.
“Its getting late,” Seto pointed out. “We better get some rest before the big evening.”
“Whateva.” Joey said sadly.
“You're not the only person who has a problem with a family member, you know.”
Joey slightly looked up to see the other as he continued.
“When the Pharaoh, somehow, lost his ability to speak… I didn't know what to do. All I could do is stand there in front of the council and speak for him.” Seto quickly looked at the blonde than back towards the floor. “It probably doesn't make sense to you because your sister's situation is far different than my stubborn cousin's.”
There was a moment of a pause before Joey spoke. “No. Not really all dat different.”
Seto looked confused by this.
“If my sista would loose her sight, den she probably have a hard time knowing how da react to her surroundings. She might have a dog da help, but, what if someone `as a gun…” Joey paused getting that thought out of his mind. “Den dere's da Pharaoh, like ya said, he can't speak what `is problems are and, by da look of it, hides how he really feels, making it even more difficult da know what he's tryin' to tell ya.”
“True.” Seto said with a sigh.
“But Yuge seems da know about da Pharaoh den anyone.” Joey pointed out.
“He's very patient.” Seto said and Joey nodded in agreement.
“Ya know sometin'?” Joey said, making the other look questionably. “We acturally `ave sometin' in common.”
Seto smiled. “I believe you're right, mutt.”
Joey smirked.
“Shall we go then?” Seto mentioned towards the door.
“Yeah,” Joey said. “It's gettin' late.”
Seto shook his head and he and Joey walked to his room.
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End of chapter everyone.
Bakura: Already!?
*sighs* Yes…
Marik: What lousy timing.
*rolls eyes* Oi…
Ryou: Don't worry `Kura, we'll continue-
Too much info!
Ryou: Sorry ^_^;
Malik: We're leaving now!
See ya. *hears doors closing* Oh boy. Well… R&R everyone.