Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Bath Conversation ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Marik: What?
I've posted at least three chapters today.
Marik: Must have been bored out of your mind.
Or I have so much free time.
Marik: That was my second guess.
… Enjoy the chapter. *taps keyboard*
--- time pass
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Ch.16: Bath Conversations
“Dere! All done!” He said as he looked at his cleaning work. He looked at where the Rat was, who is still knocked out and covered in, what Joey calls it, zombie's gravy. He looked over to where everyone else was doing and spotted Sha-lie. “All done wit da floors miss Sha-lie.” He said as he went up to her.
“Oh good.” She said as she handed him a small box that has some small bottles in it. “I now want you to take these oils to Seto's bathing quarters and—“
“Whoa, whoa, whoa.” Joey interrupted. “Bathing quartas?”
“As in taking a bath, sorta t'ing?”
Sha-lie raised an eyebrow. “Is there a problem with you delivering oils?”
“Yeah,” Joey said. “Why do I `ave da deliver dat to dat bas—“
“I HAVE JUST ABOUT ENOUGH OF YOUR COMPLAINTS!” Sha-lie shouted, making everyone look. “Either you deliver these oils to Seto's bathing quarters or deliver the Rat to his bathing quarter's and wash him.”
Joey groaned as the walked out of the kitchen's with the small box of the oils. He tried to think positive about this situation while not being spotted. `He won't be dere.' He held the box to his face. `I'll just put dis 'ere box somewhere and walk away.' He nodded. `Yep. Dat's exactly what I'm gonna do.' He reached to Seto's room and entered it. Once he entered, he looked around to see if the other was here before proceeding. He went into the closet and went clear to the back, where there was a door there that matched the walls. `I vowed da neva come back `ere.' He thought as he remembered the last time he was back here.
~Flashback: Joey's POV~
I went inta da bathing quartas completely by accident. Seto went inta da closet n' didn't come out for a long time. I went in and saw dat he wasn't dere. `Where did dat pain in da ass disappear to?' I thought as I went further to the back, where I became stumped. I leaned against a wall and da next t'ing I knew I fell backwards and landed on my back, which hurt. “OW!... GODDAMN!... FUCKING!... AAGH!” A lot.
“What are you doing here mutt?” I heard da same cool voice dat burns me so much.
I was about da counter when I saw da room; it was huge!
The ceiling has da be more dan a hundred feet from da ground, columns almost surround every corner, but da bath itself looked more like a pool.
“Answer me mutt.” He said. His head and shoulders were da only visible parts I could see from dis point.
“What da hell is dis place!?” I said.
“My bathing quarters.” He responded not looking at me.
“Bathing quartas?” I asked aloud.
“Yes.” He said and started da explain. “It's the one place where I could relax and not be disturbed. Though, it doesn't seem that way anymore, now that you're here.”
“Whatta ya mean!?” I said, feeling fired up once again
“I mean that your negative energy is disrupting the calm and neutral atmosphere in this room.” He said, which clearly lost me.
“Fine! If ya feel dat I'm bothern' ya, den I'll leave!” I said as I turned da go back into da closet.
“You can come back here anytime you wish.” He said, which made me trip on something.
`Why did he say dat for outta da blue!?' I thought as I looked back to see dat he was starting da get out and quickly faced the closet. “Thanks for da offa, but I got my own way of relax'.” I said, somewhat cocky-like, but I didn't care.
“Very well,” He said. “While you're over there, mutt, would you mind fetching my robe?” He asked.
I hated being called mutt all the time and turned to counter argue, which was a BIG mistake on my part. He was drying off and I stared. `Damn…' Was da only t'ing I thought and dat brought me back to reality and went to get that robe. `Dammit! Fuck! Shit!' I kept thinking as I grabbed dat robe and headed back while finding da floor interesting.
“Good boy.” He teased, but I didn't respond and walked back into the room, working on getting da nude image out of my head.
`I'm going straight da therapy da moment we get home!' I thought as I quickly got out of dat room and headed towards the kitchens where I completely focused on preparing meals.
~End of Flashback: Normal POV~
He knocked on the hidden door and waited for a response. When there was none, he opened the door and looked around before entering. He set the box down on the edge of the bath and noticed that the water seemed to be around boiling level. `If I fall inta dat, I'll be burned alive!' He thought as the started to walk back when he bumped into something, or someone.
“What are you doing in here, again?” Seto asked looking down at the blonde.
Joey looked up to see who he bumped into and jumped back to distance themselves. But he jumped to far and was at the edge of the `bath'. `OH SHIT! I'M GONNA FALL!' He thought as he tried to balance himself, which was a poof effort on his part.
But Seto was quick as he grabbed the other's hand and pulled him back to leveled grounds. “You alright mutt?” He asked, seeing the momentarily shocked look on the blonde's face.
“Yeah, just a bit freaked, dat's all.” Joey responded as he took a couple of deep breaths. “Why ya help me?”
Seto sighed. “If you get hurt in any way, I would not forgive myself.” He said as he let go of the other and went over to test the temperature, and commenting that they made it too hot again.
Joey was completely confused by this response. “How come?”
“While you remain your stay here in the palace, you're my responsibility, next to keeping my cousin in line.”
“So, all dat time ya called me mutt, was ya way of seeing if I was okay?” Joey said.
“You're a lot smarter than you look mutt.”
“Shud up and answer me!”
“I did, and it was a compliment.” Seto said as he turned to look at the other. “Thank you for delivering my oils.” He went back to checking the temperature of the water.
Joey was courious about how the other gets hot water and opened his mouth when the other answered.
“The water is prepared earlier and servants come in with huge buckets and dump the water in here. Dose that answer your question?”
“Uh… yeah.” Joey said than had another question. “What's wit de oils anyway?”
“Ever heard of aroma therapy?” Seto said.
Joey has heard of it, but never plain understood it. “Yeah, but what good would it do?”
Seto stood up from his position. “I gues I'll explain while the water cools to my `comfort' temperature.”
“What are ya? A girl!?” Joey asked with an eyebrow raised.
“So you like cold baths mutt?” Seto said with a very rare humorous smile.
“Don't change da subject!”
“Anyway, back to explaining aroma therapy.”
“Ya haven't even started!”
“And whose fault was that?”
Joey slightly growled but sat down to listen while Seto started to explain what it is, how it could effect the body physically and spiritually. He then started to explain what each oils can do.
“Take this oil for example.” Seto said as he grabbed a light blue bottle, took a sniff, and held it out to the blonde to do the same.
Joey sniffed the scent of the oil, which was sweet and airy.
“This is used when I'm meditating.”
“So ya put it on ya face and just relax?” Joey asked, somewhat getting it.
Seto nodded as he placed the bottle back into the box, and checked the temperature of the water once more.
“Over in the far right, there's a self behind a curtain, and I want you to fetch a large, dark blue bottle.”
“Got it.” Joey said as he headed to where the other said, grabbed the requested bottle, and headed back, only to stop mid-step.
Seto was already in the bath and mentioned the blonde over.
Joey still didn't quite recover from the last time he'd been here, but, despite his better judgment, he walked over and was glad the stem was thick enough to cover certain `areas'.
“That's a good boy.”
“Shud up.” Joey said as the other chuckled.
“Sorry, couldn't help it.” Seto said, which surprised the blonde, but didn't say anything about it.
“Whateva.” He said as he got up and was about to walk out when the other called him.
“What now!?”
“I nearly forgot to tell you something.”
Joey was somewhat curious and went up a little. “What is it?”
“You know Mateo?”
“Big guy, loud voice, and very cheerful?”
“Yes.” Seto said as he continued. “Well, earlier today, he asked for my permission to let you train the ways of combat with him.”
Joey was silent.
“Mutt?” Seto said not liking this silence from the other.
“Do I have da go inta battle?”
“… Only if Mateo sees that you're outstanding enough, but I believe; even if you did an outstanding job, he might let you stay here to protect the palace.” There was a pausing moment of silence when he spoke up again. “But you do have a choice.” Another pause of silence filled the room. `He's probably thinking it over.' He thought as he leaned against the wall.
Joey leaned against a column and thought about the possibilities of this. `Da training might be good. I could betta protect Serenity from jerks who would take advantage of her disadvantage. Not only sis, but Yuge as well, though he did grow somewhat of a backbone since we got `ere.' He thought of other possibilities. `Da soldiers use spears, swords, shields, and I t'ink daggers… I could probably use the training for my advantage on some levels…' He then thought about the negative side of this. `What if I was sent out and died there, here in Egypt, or Kemet. Who's gonna help sis and Yuge and…' He looked over at the relaxed High Priest before looking up at the high ceiling. `What am I gonna do?'
“You're being awfully quiet mutt.” Seto said. “Care to tell?”
“Da best objective of dis.”
“That's deep thinking.”
“I know.” A pause. “When do I start?”
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Good? Bad? Okay?
Bakura: *snore*
*shakes head* Why me?
R&R please.