Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Dive Into the Pharaoh's Mind ( Chapter 20 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura: … What are you doing?
Humming. *continues to hum*
Bakura: It's annoying.
Your point? *still hums*
Bakura: … Do I have to kill you to shut up?
No. You just have to wait until I drive myself crazy over the song… Which would be now.
Bakura: … You got issues.
Don't we all?
Bakura: I rest my case.
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.20: Dive Into the Pharaoh's Mind
~*The Next Day*~
“WHAT!?!” Joey exclaimed and he looked shocked at his small friend. “Ya can't be serious!”
Yugi sighed and looked at the blonde. “More serious than I have been.”
“But da risk of getting killed in dere…”
“I'll be fine.” Yugi tried to reassure. “It's like Ahmose said, I have a better chance to help him than anyone.”
“Dat's true, but da risk—“
“Don't worry about me, just don't tell Seto about it.”
“How come?”
“Because he's been breathing down Ahmose's throat for a way to wake the Pharaoh, ever since he went into a coma. And I'll be dead meat if he finds out that I'm going to do it.”
“Good point.” Joey said recalling a few times that the sapphire-eyed High Priest has been snapping at people for this reason. “So, what do ya want me da do about it?”
“Keep him occupied until Ahmose is finished with the spell.”
“N' if da spell worked, den what?”
“Depending on his reaction…”
“Don't ansa dat.” Joey said as he asked. “So, when is dis t'ing taken place?”
“Later this evening.”
“Why during da night?”
“Ahmose said the spell can easily be seen at a darker hour. I guess it's for safety purposes.”
Joey nodded understandingly and looked at the comatose Pharaoh. “Ya `ear dat! Ya just hang in dere n' Yuge will come da help ya out!” This earned a laugh from the young teen. “Ya sure ya going to be alright?”
Yugi looked at him and smiled. “Yep.” His smile than faded. “I just hope I could get to him on time.”
Joey patted the youth on the shoulder. “I'm sure ya do fine! Ya da only one dat could understand `im, and if push comes da shove, ya could always count on ya famous puppy eyes da pull ya through.”
They both laughed at that before Joey got up to leave.
“Where are you going?” Yugi asked.
“Mateo told me he `ad somet'in' da say earlier and all of us `as da meet up in da afternoon da `ear da announcement.”
“I hope it's good news.”
“Well find out soon enough.” With that he left the room.
Yugi sighed and looked out of the balcony, where the sun was still shining in the late morning. `Just a few hours to go.' He thought as he sighed once more before looking at the other.
The Pharaoh's bandages only covered his chest and the right shoulder, making him like the usual injured person.
“I can't wait to show you what my time looks like!” Yugi said. “You'd be amazed on how much the world has changed.” He started his conversation with that.
~*Outside Arena*~
Mateo looked at all of the men who attended to come and took in a deep breath. “Men! Today we will decide who will join out into battle, and who shall stay behind to protect this palace along with its people out in the city.”
Everyone, including Joey, were confused of this announcement.
Mateo, seeing the lost looks of everyone, continued. “The reason for this is because…” He took a deep breath. “The enemy, thanks to one of our brave spies, was planning to snake their way towards us and catch us unguarded.”
At that point there was an outrage.
“Damn those snakes!”
“They went back on their word!”
“We need more time to prepare!”
Through out most of the outrage arguments, Joey stayed silent. `Damn. Not a half of them are prepared for an out field battle. What are we going to do?' He thought.
“SILENCE!!” Mateo shouted causing everyone to settle down. “I know that some of you are new to this experience, and there will be a chance that you will not be picked to go with us in battle, but that doesn't mean that you will go untrained.” He took in another deep breath. “Instead, I have a great trainer in mind that would whip you into fighting shape in order to catch up.” He looked at Joey and extended his hand. “Come on up, Joey Quick Fist.”
Joey was shocked to hear this that a few guys had to push him up to the arena.
“From now till the end of this battle,” Mateo said as Joey stood up and saw everyone. “He shall be your mentor until he sees you are ready.” He nodded. “That is all.” With that there was a huge discussion there. He walked up to Joey. “I'm sorry that this is short notice to you,” He said. “But, as a leader, I can not stay and train my men here and fight along side them out there.”
Joey listen intently, knowing that it's going to get tough from here on in.
“That's why I chose you. You got down most of everything that even some of my earlier warriors have difficulty of and you never give in.” Mateo said as he patted on the blonde's shoulder. “I want you to teach them that as well… Understood?”
Joey nodded and smirked. “Ya got it, chief.”
Mateo laughed. “That's the spirit!”
~*Inside: Pharaoh's room*~
Joey burst in, catching his breath, and went up to the two occupants in the room.
“Hi Joey.” Yugi greeted, a bit shocked to see him coming in. “What happened?”
“Yuge… Pharaoh…” Joey said as he tried to straighten himself out. “What do I look like?”
Yugi was completely lost and had some concern over his friend's actions. “Joey Wheeler, my best friend since kindergarden and a soldier-in-training.”
Joey laughed. “Dat's true, but dat ain't it!”
Yugi shrugged.
“What ya see before ya is da new mentor of the soldiers dat are going da be stayin' `ere, protectin' da kingdom.”
Yugi was shocked at this great news. “Really Joey!?”
Joey nodded.
“That's awesome!”
“Yeah! Mateo and da otha lords are gonna pick out whose gonna go n' whose gonna stay, so dat I could get started.”
“Get started on what?” Seto said as he stepped in.
“Joey just became a mentor for the men who are going to be staying here.” Yugi said.
Seto looked surprised by this. “Is this true?” He asked.
“Every word!” Joey said.
“Did Mateo say anything why they're rounding up men?” Seto asked.
“Yeah.” Joey said with dislike in his tone. “Your enemy was about to launch a sneak attack on us while we're tryin' da get ready.”
Both Seto and Yugi were surprised by this news.
“I know!” Joey said knowing the looks on their faces. “N' Mateo wanted me da train da guys dat aren't ready for dis kind of action yet.”
“I see.” Seto said as he exited the room.
“Ey! Wait up!” Joey said as he went after the other. “What's da big `urry!”
Yugi sighed and looked at the Pharaoh. “Looks like there's going to be a lot of changes after this is over.” He sighed again. “And I don't know how I would help in this situation.” He looked at the other. “I wonder how much time they're going to give us until they start heading out.” `I just hope it's not too soon.' He looked out of the balcony and saw that it was a little pass noon. `Won't be long now.' He thought as he silently prayed for everyone's safety.
~*Later that Evening: Pharaoh's room*~
Ahmose walks in with a scroll in hand. “This is going to take a moment.” He said to the youth, who nodded. He then started to make a circle on the ground around the two.
“What are you doing?” Yugi asked.
“I'm making a protecting circle, so when the spell activates, no one comes in to disrupt you or the Pharaoh.”
Yugi nodded in understanding.
“All done.” He said.
“Ey! Where ya goin'?!” They heard Joey's voice outside the room.
“Oh no.” Yugi said.
“What is it?” Ahmose asked.
“Earlier today, I asked Joey if he could keep Seto busy so that he won't find out about this.”
Ahmose nodded in understanding. “Say no more.” He opened up the scroll. “Young master, would you mind lying down next to him?”
Yugi did just that and nodded when he was ready.
Ahmose nodded as he closed his eyes and started to chant.
~*Outside the room*~
Seto was heading towards the room to see if he can get through to his stubborn cousin when the blonde showed up.
“Ey! Where ya goin'!?” Joey said awfully loud.
Seto raised an eye brow. “Where do you think?” He said as he tried to walk pass the other only to be blocked.
“Da scroll room?” He asked. `Gotta give dem more time!' He thought.
“No, you dumb mutt, I'm going to see the Pharaoh.”
“How come?” `Man, I'm starting to act like Yuge.'
“To see if I could talk my way to get through to him.”
“Ya think that could work?”
Seto sighed in annoyance. “No, I don't know if it can work.” He tried to take another step only to be blocked once again.
“What are ya gonna say da `im?”
“I don't know mutt! Now get out of my—“ He was cut short when he saw a pale green light coming from the Pharaoh's room. He shoved the blonde out of the way and ran towards it.
Joey, recovered from the shove, ran at the same direction. `Somebody's gotta make sure dat bastard don't kill anyone.'
Seto entered the room and had a look of shock when he saw the green wall around the youth and his cousin. He looked at Ahmose, who sighed.
“Well, that went well.” Ahmose said as he saw Seto, glaring at him. `I'm going to die.'
“Ahmose,” Seto said in a low, warning tone. “You had a spell to get the Pharaoh to wake, didn't you?”
Ahmose sighed. “I'm not sure if is going to work. But yes, I did have a spell that could possibly get him to wake.”
Joey came in. “Whoa! Dat's awesome!”
“You knew about this?” Seto asked.
“I, kinda did.” Joey said, getting ready to run from the other.
Seto took a deep breath and looked at the green wall. “How long are they going to be in there?”
“It depends.” Ahmose said. “Could be tomorrow, a week at the most.”
“Damn.” Seto said. “That's not good at all.”
“Whatta ya mean?” Joey asked.
“I heard the lords say that they're going to move out within five days time.” Seto said. “And they're only going to give the Pharaoh two days to wake up.”
“Say wha!?” Joey said.
“That's not enough time!” Ahmose said. “When he wakes up, he'll need about one or two days to get back on his feet.”
“And what would you propose?” Seto asked.
“At least convince dem da give us a little more time!” Joey said. “Aren't ya good at dat sort of t'ing?”
“It's not whether I'm good at it mutt.” Seto sighed. “Even I'm not sure if they are even going to accept this.”
“Dey `ave da!” Joey shouted. “Yuge is risked `is life more dan once for da Pharaoh, and dis is no different!”
There was a pausing moment of silence in the room.
Seto sighed. “Alright, I'll tell them the situation.”
“I'm comin' too.” Joey said.
Seto nodded and looked over at Ahmose. “And you keep an eye on them. Report when they are awake.”
Ahmose nodded. “Will do!”
With that, Seto and Joey ran down to see the lords and Ahmose sat down and waited for a sign.
~*Somewhere: Yugi's POV*~
I woke up in, what looks like, my room but has a lot of toys and games scattered all over the floor. “This must be the room in my mind.” I said as I got a look around. It was a small room with one door, no windows and a bed. I looked at the door and went up to it. I opened the door to find a hallway that leads to another door. “This must be the way to the Pharaoh's mind.” The hallway was dark with purple lightening coming up here and there. I was about to step out when a thought came to me. `What might happen in the Pharaoh's mind?' I recalled Ahmose saying that sometimes a mind infested with demons could easily harm a person without reason or the other's control.
I looked back into my `room' and searched for things that I may need to go into his mind. I found a few items, like a flashlight and a first-aid kit, and put it in a bag. “All set!” I said as I headed for the door once again and started down the hall.
When I did, though, I felt a huge chilling gust of wind going right through me. Even though the change in temperature caught me off guard for a moment, I still continued forward. As I did though, the wind kept getting stronger and more chilling than a moment ago.
“The route between two minds can sometimes test the other.” I remember what Ahmose was saying. “If you were to try to enter his mind, it will probably test you before allowing you to enter. Be aware of that when you're crossing from your mind to his.”
`This must be the test he was talking about.' I thought as I continued, slowly, towards the door.
The icy wind became harsh as it added glass like rain drops, trying to cut through me. But my mind was set on a goal, and I wasn't backing down until I met that goal.
I fell on my knees a few times, but I looked to see if I was getting closer to the door, and when I saw that I was only a yard away, I got up and fought through the wind and rain. As I inched closer, the situation became tougher, trying to knock me down and blow me back to the safety of my `room'.
“I'm not leaving without the Pharaoh!” I shouted as I grabbed to door handle. Then, everything stopped. The wind died and there wasn't a drop in site. I looked back to see that my `room' was only a few feet away from where I was standing. `Guess I passed the test.' I thought as I opened the door.
Inside was dark and I couldn't see a thing. I brought out a flash light and turned it on. When I aimed the beam to the floor, I entered and aimed the light on the other parts of the place as well. Then the door slammed shut, leaving me in the dark. “Okay.” I said as I looked around the dark room with my only light source. Then, without warning, the room suddenly brightened and I was shocked to see what I saw.
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Okay. Another cliffy. Please R&R.
Bakura: Hey, you got two reviews here.
*?!* Really!?
Bakura: *points* Yep. And they want you continue.
*looks at reviews and starts tearing up*
B&M: Oh boy.
Thank you reviewers! You made my day so much better. *hugs self*
B&M: *rolls eyes*
Marik: At least she's happy.
Bakura: That's true.