Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Seto's Confession and Moving Out ( Chapter 23 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ok! Here's another chapter! Hope you enjoy it and, if you feel like it, review on your ideas. Well, enough talk and more on the chapters, eh? Again… Enjoy!
//speaking Japanese//
/speaking in Egyptian/
--- time pass
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Ch.23: Seto's Confession and Moving Out
~-The Next Day-~
In the morning, everyone was more than relieved when they heard that their Pharaoh and the young master, aka Yugi, have finally awakened. The Pharaoh on the other hand was tied up with the paper work that Seto brought in. Yugi was there as well and read through some of the scrolls and found that most will be a cinch to fix.
“Hey Pharaoh?” Yugi said making the other look at him with that smile. “Are you hungry at all?”
The Pharaoh had completely forgotten about food until the other mentioned it and there was a slight growl in his stomach, which made him blush out of embarrassment.
“I'll take that as a yes.” Yugi smiled as he got up. “I'll be right back.” He said as he walked out the door and leaving it opened.
The Pharaoh shook his head and continued to look at the scrolls and groaned mentally. But at the same time, he was, for the first time in a long while, happy to be the Pharaoh, to have a cousin that can be a pain in the ass, to have people who look after his well being, but most of all, he has someone that cares for him because of who he is and not because he's a king. He felt lighter when he thought about the youth, and it made him wonder why and at the same would muse on it later and enjoy the feeling.
~to Yugi~
He just finished making his famous honey rolls and placed them in a dish. After that, he walked out of the kitchens, which most of the servants were greeting him and saying their congrants and thanks, and walked down the hall. He thought about how happy the other became and was happy that he helped get there, but then the thought about the upcoming battle began to bother him. `Just when he gone out of one crisis, he's forced into another.' He thought as he sighed. `I guess, if I haven't stopped him from killing himself, Egypt would have to deal with… `It'. Just like in the story.' He looked up and saw Mateo walking into the Pharaoh's room, after asking permission. In his curious nature, he went close to the door and over heard the conversation.
“I see you're doing well Pharaoh.” Mateo said. “You gave us all quite a scare there for a great few days, but all of us are glad you woke up and had a fast recovery.”
The Pharaoh shrugged.
“But it's a good thing you got someone like Yugi to care about you so much to do the unthinkable, not to mention dangerous task to get you here at this moment.”
Yugi blushed at that, knowing well of it already and didn't need to be reminded the hundredth time.
The Pharaoh nodded in agreement.
“Unfortunately, the battle proposal has been moved up to three days time.”
Both Yugi and the Pharaoh were shocked to hear this.
“You mean nobody told you?”
The Pharaoh shook his head.
“As it turns out, our enemy has been trying to sneak in and attack us by surprise. But, if not for one of our finest spies, we wouldn't have known about their plans, so far.”
The Pharaoh rubbed the temples of his head, sensing a headache coming on.
“Sorry to be the barer of bad news but…” Mateo shrugged. “What do you expect?”
The Pharaoh sighed and nodded understandingly.
“Well… I'll leave you to finish whatever business you have and we'll see you later then.” He said as he walked out, not noticing Yugi. “Oh boy…” He whispered as he continued down the hall.
Yugi looked at Mateo for a moment before walking in to find the other, with elbows on the desk and his head supported by his hands. He walked up quietly before placing a hand on the other's shoulder, which seemed to get the other's attention. He gave a small smile, which in turn was given a small smile from the other.
~*Seto's room*~
“There's nothing wrong with me.” Seto said looking at the scroll.
“Dere is somet'in' wrong wit ya!” Joey said stubbornly.
“There's nothing wrong with me. Period. Now leave me alone!” He said as he tried to exit out the door when the blonde stood in front of him. “Move mutt.”
“Not till ya tell me what da fuck is goin' on!”
“I told you once and I'll say it again, there's nothing wrong with me that is any of your concern.” Seto tried to walk around, only to be blocked again.
“It does concern me!”
Seto was a bit taken back but returned to being demanding. “Oh really? What about me that made you so concern?” He asked somewhat annoyed.
Joey was silent for a moment, giving the other time to move.
“This is a waste of time.” He said as he inched closer to the door.
“Dat's it? I'm just a waste of ya time?” Joey said all of a sudden, making the other stop. “If I'm such a time wasta, den why da fuck do ya let me stay?”
Seto looked over unsure of what the other was talking about.
“Before da Pharaoh was out, ya were always makin' fun of me, just so ya could see me enrage. When da Pharaoh was out, I was takin' lessons from Mateo, given ya time da finish some stuff. But now, ya tryin' da completely ignore me, as if I don't exist!”
Both are staring down at each other.
“And now, when I'm tryin' da get ya attention, ya cut me off and told me da leave ya alone.” He took a deep breath. “I'll ask you again.” He said in an uncharacteristic tone. “What is wrong with you?”
Seto now looked like he's internally struggling with a choice. “I thought you hated to be around me.” He said in an unemotional tone.
“Well, I admit, I said somet'ings behind ya back, but I don't really mean it all.” Joey said and added. “N' no changin' da subject! I hate it when ya do dat!”
“What else do you hate about me?”
“Not until ya—“
“I'll answer your question, if you answer any of mine.”
Joey raised an eyebrow as he thought up of a list. “Well… I hate da way ya wake me up at da crack of dawn. I hate da way ya keep teasing me, though I'm starting da get used to it. I hate da way ya smirk at me when I'm enraged by the dog calling t'ing!” That earned a small chuckle. “But, does are minors.” He continued. “Da major hates are when ya look completely hopeless. Da way ya beat yaself up when it's not ya fault. N' I really hate it when ya keep t'ings da yaself till it can get ya to a kill'n point!” He stopped and crossed his arms. “Anymore questions?”
Seto was completely silent as he turned around, his eyes shadowed by his bangs. “After I answer your question, you'll have another reason to hate me. To a point where you never want to see me again.” He said, his voice somewhat shaky, but still kept control.
“Whatta ya mean?” Joey asked as the other bend down to his level.
“This.” Seto said as he quickly placed his lips onto the blondes and waited to be pushed back, which didn't happen.
`What… Da… Hell…?' Was the only thought in Joey's mind when the other kissed him. When his shocked mind finally registered what's happening, Joey quickly parted away from the other. “Wha… How… What da…?” He didn't know how to start questioning the action.
“That's why I kept ignoring you.” Seto said as he straightened and started to head towards the door.
Joey was about to ask why, but all he could come up was, “Seto?”
“I didn't want to feel attached to you…” Seto said a bit choked and his hand was slightly shaking. “If I did… it would make letting you go far to difficult to handle.” With that he quickly opened the door, got out, and slammed the door.
Joey just stood there, completely dumbstruck and confused. He placed his fingers lightly over his lips and closed his eyes. `Dat shoulda `ave felt wrong, weird, gross, but…' He placed both hands to both sides of his head. `But why does it fell so fucking right!?' From there he cried his frustrations out.
The Pharaoh, after finishing the paper work and the young one meeting up with Sha-lie about something, decided to shoot some arrows over at the archery area. He was getting out the arrows from the target when Yugi came by.
“Hey Pharaoh!” He said while waving. “I was wondering where you were.”
The Pharaoh smiled when the other came up.
“What cha doing?” Yugi asked looking at the bow and arrows.
The Pharaoh made motions about practicing his shooting.
“Oh.” Yugi said.
The Pharaoh tilted his head to one side and smiled at the other while holding up the bow.
“I don't know how to do archery.” Yugi confessed.
The Pharaoh pointed to himself as he lead them both to the spot that was a good distance away from the target. He positioned the bow in the petite hands and let him get the hang of how to hold it and how the bow string worked. When that was done, He gave him an arrow and showed him how to placed the arrow and shoot it. He then stepped aside to let the other have a go at it.
Yugi did what the other showed him and positioned so that he hopes would hit a bull's eye. He let the arrow go and it hit the edge of the target, which made him groan. “I missed.” He said.
The Pharaoh patted him on the back, giving some encouragement. He then showed what he did wrong before he let the other try again.
Yugi tried again and did a little better than last time. “That's good.” He said as he looked at the other, who had a set of his own and watched how the other did it.
The Pharaoh positioned himself and shoot the arrow at a bull's eye.
“Bull's eye.” Yugi said amazed.
The Pharaoh smiled as he did it again.
Yugi got the point and tried again.
Throughout the afternoon, they practice shooting arrows until Yugi's fingers started to bleed. The Pharaoh, seeing this, felt a bit guilty for this, but Yugi said that it was okay. The Pharaoh used his cape to cover the bleeding fingers and lead them inside to his room, where he bandaged them.
“I'm really okay Pharaoh.” Yugi said reassuringly. “I bet this happened to you, right?”
The Pharaoh nodded and smiled a little.
Yugi tried to find a way to get the other's mind of the guilt trip when he saw the ring, the one he gave him that one day. “You still kept the ring?” He said.
The Pharaoh looked at the ring and nodded, while fighting the slight blush that tried to get through.
Yugi smiled. “Has it become a good luck charm?”
The Pharaoh thought about it and had to admit that he was lucky that Yugi survived not once but twice through the death traps. The first was with… It… And the other was in his mind. He smiled and nodded.
Yugi tried to think up another topic, but found the silence comforting.
The door knocked and Ahmose came in and started to talk to the Pharaoh about the plans on moving out, completely obvious to the fact that the small teen was right there, listening to all this. When he was done, he walked out the door, muttering about the mess in the scroll room.
The Pharaoh looked over to see the other, who started to shake from the emotions, and held him in a comforting embrace while leading them towards the bed and sat down. He knew how the other felt and he didn't like to see him like this, but there was nothing for him to do.
“It's not fair.” Yugi said while the other slightly nodded and rubbed circles on his back. He blushed at the action, but at the same time, he felt comforted and wanted to stay like this. “Do you really have to go?”
The Pharaoh slowly and sadly nodded.
Yugi looked down on the ground and brought his knees to his chin and wrapped his arms around them. “Promise… you'll come back.”
The Pharaoh was a bit surprised by this but wrapped his arms around the small teen.
They stayed like that until Yugi felt tired from the emotions from earlier. Before long Yugi fell asleep and the Pharaoh carried him over to youth's bed, which looked like a real bed now, and placed the covers over the small teen before risking a small kiss on his forehead and headed to his bed and fallen to an uneasy sleep.
~*To Seto and Joey*~
Seto, after hearing the plans, laid there on his bed, staring at the wall. He couldn't face the blonde after what he had done earlier. After the kiss, he went down to the scroll room, where Ahmose told him the plans and went back to his room. He kept his eyes down to the floor so he couldn't meet the honey-eyed one, who sat there, on the couch, quietly, not getting up to say insults to his face or ask what's wrong. `It's for the best.” He thought as he tried to sleep by closing his eyes, but the image of the blonde was there; thus making it difficult for him to sleep. `Damn Hathor*! Why do you tourcher me so?'
Joey on the other hand, didn't have to much luck either. He tried to not look at the other and instead look at the ceiling and count sheep. `282… 283… Seto in the nude… !?!' Joey pinched himself for what seems like the tenth time that evening. `Damnit!' He growled lowly as he buried his face in the pillow. `Why do I keep t'inkin' about dat!?' Oh how he wanted to bash his head into a wall just to get the other out of his mind. Instead, he gnawed on the corner of the pillow, while thinking colorful curses in his mind, both his native and adopted language. `Why!? Why da hell do I feel dis way all of a sudden!?' He looked at the sleeping form and death glared at him. `It's all cause of dat damn kiss!' He buried his face in the pillow once more. `I want da hate `im! I want him da be far away from me!' He thought as tears started to appear. `But I can't… even if I try.' He growled in frustration as tears came down freely until he finally fell into a dreamless slumber.
~-Early morning: 5 days later-~
~*Pharaoh's room*~
The first rays of light just barely reached the horizon when the Pharaoh was fully dressed along with a sword hanging to the side. He looked over at the youth, who was still asleep on his bed. Last night, the other wanted to be sleep with him for just one night and he allowed it.
The Pharaoh tucked in the half sleepy youth to his bed before going over to his and laid down. A few minutes later, he felt a tap on his shoulder along with a soft voice.
He turned to see the small teen standing beside his bed. He gave a questioning and concern look.
Yugi shook his head. “Nothing's wrong.” He said. “But…” He looked shy and looked at the ground while putting both index fingers together, making him look adorable and innocent. “I-I was wondering i-if I could stay with you? Just for tonight?”
The Pharaoh was somewhat shocked to hear this, but at the same time was glad, for some reason. He moved over and mentioned for the other to lie down, which he did and both laid their heads down on the pillows.
“Thank you.” Yugi said before sleep took over.
The Pharaoh smiled as he used his hand to move away the golden bangs that covered the youth's face. He looked at the youth's face. He looked at the small teen for awhile before he fallen to an uneasy sleep.
~End of Flashback~
He noticed tear stains on the other's cheeks and sighed. This is not going to make leaving easy for him, but he had to do this; for the safety of everyone he cares for. He placed a scroll on the side of the bed he was in and started to walk out.
~*Seto's room*~
He was dressed, armed with a sword and dagger, and was about to walk out when the urge to look back made itself known and looked to see the blonde, who was still asleep. He sighed as he opened the door after placing a scroll on his desk and walking out. `Sorry mutt.' He thought after closing the door.
The Pharaoh and Seto walked out to the stables, mounted their horses, and went out to meet up with Mateo along with five other lords.
“Are we ready?” Mateo asked.
The two nodded, both looking down.
Mateo gave out the signal to move and stayed behind with the two. “What's wrong you two?”
“Don't want to talk about it.” Seto said.
The Pharaoh pointed out that he can't speak.
“Well, someone needs to answer or I'll keep pestering till we get to a resting point. And you know how I get when I start pestering.”
Seto looked at the Pharaoh. “I loathe your silence.”
The Pharaoh shrugged.
Seto sighed. “I'll tell this much, it's something I've done and hope it will pass as soon as all this is over with.” With that he rode up ahead of them.
The Pharaoh and Mateo looked at him strangely as he rode off.
“I don't suppose you have any idea what he's talking about, do you?” Mateo asked.
The Pharaoh shook his head, having no idea what could go through his cousin's head, and didn't want to be there either.
“What about you?” Mateo asked.
The Pharaoh looked back at his kingdom and looked worried.
Mateo looked back as well and figured what the problem was. “Ah! Don't worry your royal head! The young master and your kingdom will be safe and sound with the men under Master Joey's command.”
The Pharaoh nodded and sighed with regret for not see the small teen's shining eye's once more. But that just motivates him to get this battle over with and get back as soon as possible. With that in mind he went up ahead.
Mateo smiled and shook his head as he too went up ahead as well. “Hey! Don't leave me behind!”
~-Few hours later: Palace-~
“Alright!” Joey called as he looked over the men he'll be training for some time. “Taday, we'll work on `and-da-'and combat!”
Looking above the arena is Yugi with the scroll in his lap. He looked at the scroll and read through it.
I'm sorry that I didn't say good bye to you, but I couldn't handle seeing you sad if I did. But, know, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't be alive today. For that I thank you, and to let you know that I plan to return. And to also answer the one question, that I probably should have written it down some time ago, my name is Atemu. I saw myself as unworthy to everyone, but you proved me wrong. I thank you, again, for being there and for believing in me when I thought I could not continue.
Forever grateful,
`Atemu…' Yugi thought as he watched Joey and the men do a warm up routine.
Joey on the other hand, looked over at the scroll that was in him bag. He didn't bother to open it when he woke up and found out that the other left. He remembered finding the scroll there and brought in along with him. He didn't want to thing about the scroll or Seto, he concentrated on training the men and that was that!
Yugi walked down the halls after deciding that it's going to take Joey awhile to finish. Some of the servants bowed to him. Now that `It' was gone, he's free to walk along the grounds, without fear of being caught. `It's lonely now that Atemu and the lords with their men gone.' He thought as he went around the halls without a clear destination as to where he was going. He felt his heart tightening as he took one step at a time. `Why do I feel this way?' He sighed. `I need to get my mind off of this.' With that, he headed towards the scroll room and started to read the numerous scrolls that were there and straighten the place a little.
They took a break after a round of workouts and the scroll seemed to be mocking him. `It's probably crap dat he put in da piss me off.' He kept thinking to himself so he wouldn't think about reading the scroll. But the curiosity of what the other wrote was driving him over the edge of insanity. `Just crap… just crap… just some lousy fuckn' crap dat's not important! But what if it's not?' His inner thought said. This made him scream and curse out loud.
The men looked at him strangely. “What's got into him?” One asked. “Stress?” One suggested. “This is his first time training out of the blue.” The men agreed and let the blonde have his tantrum.
When Joey was through shouting, he looked at the men, who were either sitting around or were working on what they have learned. He sighed. `I'll read it tonight.' He got up and round up the men for another round of work outs.
He was on the couch and has the unread scroll in hand. “Alright.” He said as he opened the scroll. “Let's see what crap ya written.” He read thought the first line of the note.
I don't know how I could write this, but, I'm sorry for what happened and all the other times that I have been, as you say, a jerk or a bastard. I understand that you show any ill actions for what I'm about to write next, since I'm probably not returning to say it to you. I really do care about you, and that I have develop feelings for you that are hard to explain and even more difficult to show. I don't expect you to look, act, or argue the same as before, but those are the times that I… You get the idea.
High Priest Seto.'
After reading, he dropped the scroll to the ground and looked completely shocked and hurt at the same time. `What did all dat mean!?' He thought as tears fell without notice. `What da hell did he fuckin' mean!?' He quickly stood up. “DAMN YOU SETO!!” He shouted, making the room echo. For the first time, he felt his heart being heavy to a point to where it could bleed out. `What da hell is wrong wit me!?'
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That's it for now! And you know the drill. See ya!