Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Confusing Feelings ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wow! I got really good reviews! *hugs*
B&M: *sigh*
Oh come on guys! It isn't that bad.
Bakura: I feel happy for you, really.
Marik: Diddo.
*sigh* Are you guys going to act like this all the time? *raises an eye brow*
B&M: *gives out the look*
*shrugs* Oh well… I guess I'll just forget to add you two in my next fic and let Ryou and Malik pair up with someone- *has a knife up to her throat*
I'm serious!!
Bakura: What is your next fic about?
You just have to find out at the end of this chapter.
Marik: …
I know, I know. Hmm…
Bakura: What's up now?
The tag team fic making thing. Sounds like fun and challenging at the same time.
Marik: *whispering to Bakura* She has the Pharaoh's thoughtful look.
I heard that! *glares* Anyway, lets get this chapter up and running! Enjoy!!
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Ch. 27: Confusing Feelings
~*Battle Grounds*~
The smell of death was everywhere and the heat of the sun only made it worse.
Seto stabbed an attacking opponent and only took a deep breath when another opposer attacked. 'Fuck! There's too many of them!' He thought as he finally cut the opposer's arm off. 'I like them better when they were retreating.' He saw the man fall to his knees and wail out in agony. He looked out for another opposer and found that some of the men looked ready to pass out at any minute and his cousin seemed to go in defense with three fighters. He went over and stabbed one of them and sliced another in the abdomen.
Atemu took this chance the stab the third.
"Are you alright?" Seto asked and got a nod in response.
Both turned quickly and blocked the opposing blows.
"I hope Mateo made it to the palace safely!" He said as he blocked a sword from stabbing him.
Atemu was thinking the same thing as he struck the opponent down and sliced another to his side. He fell on one knee as he took huge amounts of air.
"Pharaoh!" Seto called but two attackers blocked him.
The heat was making him tired and thought he would collapse here and now. Then the thought of the smiling youth came to mind and remembered the letter. That gave him some extra boost and blocked a sword from stabbing him. He vowed to return and was going to keep that whether fate likes it or not.
~*Palace: Scroll room*~
While everyone was trying to sort everything out from yesterday's battle, Yugi was telling stories to the children to keep their minds off of what's happening. When he was done, a small girl asked a question.
"Are you and the Pharaoh friends?"
"Because there are some things we have in common and we can understand each other."
"Is he mean?"
"No. In fact, he's very fair and just."
"Do you like him?"
That question made him freeze. Before he could respond, Sha-lie entered.
"Alright children! Time to eat." She said as the children immediately got out of the room. "Sky-child?"
Yugi looked up and smiled. "I'm not really hungry Sha-lie." He said as she nodded and walked away. He looked around the room and started to sort out the scrolls. `Do you like him?' The question kept whispering in his head. `Why does that question seemed so difficult to answer?' Then the thought of what the blonde said that night had given him an image. He looked down at the floor. `Why is it so confusing? This heavy feeling in my chest?' He shook his head and worked on his task.
“There! All done.” He announced as he looked around at the now clean scroll room. The room that was once had mountains of scrolls, were now sorted in shelves and a tile floor was seen. He sighed and sat down, than looked around the room once more.
At that moment, Ahmose entered in a rush and was looking through different shelves and reading through different scrolls before throwing them over his shoulder while muttering. “Where is it!?” After ten scrolls, he called out a success sound and quickly hurried out of the room.
Yugi looked at the ten thrown scrolls, which are now on the ground, and sighed. “Now I know why it was a mess in the first place.” He said while scratching his head. He got up and put the scroll back to their rightful place and walked out into the halls. As he walked, he remembered what happened yesterday.
He heard a commotion as he went out in the halls and found Joey, Mateo, and all the men out in the court yard.
“Everyt'ing's settled now!” Joey called out towards the people that were there.
“But would like to ask you to remain here awhile longer until further notice.” Mateo continued.
Everyone understood this and were dismissed.
Joey caught sight of the small teen. “Ey Yuge!” He said as the other came up.
“Hey Joey.” Yugi said as he looked over at the condition of the tall teen. “Are you alright?”
“Betta den eva!” Joey said with a wide smile. “Does guys didn't know what hit `em!”
Mateo patted him on the back. “You did a fantastic job on commanding the troops.”
“Well, I can't take all da credit. To be honest, I wasn't sure what da do until dese guys convince me da snap out of it n' do somet'n'.”
Mateo laughed and patted Joey on the back, which almost knocks him off balance. “Either way, great job.”
Yugi looked up at Mateo and asked. “How are the Pharaoh and the others doing?”
Mateo turned solemn. “At this point, I'm not sure.” He said.
Yugi sighed. “Is he alright? Before you left?”
“Yes, and he looked very disappointed for not being here.”
“Why didn't he?”
“Yeah!” Joey said. “And what about Seto?”
“This battle is between his kingdom and the other kingdom; he has to be there to defeat the leader face to face. Seto is going to help by making sure there are no interruptions when they do fight.”
Yugi and Joey nodded.
“But I can assure you, they both miss you very much.”
Yugi smiled and Joey was somewhat smiling, in a bitter way.
~End of Flashback~
He sighed and looked out into the gardens. Thinking about Atemu and hoping that everything is alright.
~*Battle Grounds*~
Everything was still and silent as the scent was heavy with blood. Healers were tending the wounded and the collapsed were getting water and rest.
“Those snakes are unpredictable.” Said one of the exhausted lords.
“Aren't all snakes like that?” Another said as a healer bandaged his arm.
Seto was counting the dead and sighed.
“How many lives were lost?” Asked a lord.
“About fifty…” He looked around their camp. “Maybe more if we can't keep them cool.”
The lord agreed with a nod and looked around at their area. “Where's the Pharaoh?”
Seto looked around and cursed under his breath. “Ra dammit!” He got up and looked around more until he saw the familiar spiky locks of hair, looking towards where the palace may be. He sighed.
“What's he doing?” The lord asked.
“Either he' wondering what's going on in his kingdom, or he's plain homesick.” Seto responded then added. “Or both.”
“Probably worried about the young master. Like you with Master Joey.”
Seto looked at the lord with a shocked expression.
“Mateo told me that you and the Pharaoh have a special attachment to those boys.” With that the lord walked away, leaving Seto dumbfounded.
He sighed and looked at his cousin, standing there looking out to never-ending sand and sky. `I wonder what's in his head right now?'
Atemu stared out into the desert for a few reasons: 1) He needed to think. 2) He was worried out to no end. And 3) He was praying to each and every god that could help his people, and Yugi, to stay safe when he returns. He sighed as he mentally growled at the mere thought of everyone getting hurt. All this made the Rat's meetings seemed like a grain of sand compare to this. Just thinking of that made him sick. He sighed as he remembered the pain and the shame of it all. He then remembered what the small teen had done for him. Just thinking about the small dropple-ganger always seems to make him smile, worry, hurt, and a lot of other emotions. He remembered that night when Seto was completely out of character. His chest started to feel heavy and wondered why he felt that way; he did whenever he thought about Yugi. He looked up into the cloudless sky and pondered on his musings. But it wasn't long until his cousin called him by his title.
“Pharaoh! It's time to move out!”
He silently sighed as he walked back to the camp grounds. While he does that, he looked at all the corpses on the ground. Their faces held anger, fear, and pain, but their eyes held no life to them. Even thought their souls are in a different realm, their remains still held that emotion that they felt; and this made him weary. If a body could tell part of a story… he didn't want to imagine what his people would look like, and he definitely didn't want to know how the youth's eyes would look if they lost their beautiful shine. He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts.
“What were you doing out there?” Seto asked in his usual annoyed tone.
Atemu shook his head and got on the horse.
Seto raised an eyebrow, but shrugged and got onto his horse.
With that, they rode out into the desert.
“How long `ave dey gone?” Joey asked in a bored tone. He and Yugi were out in the gardens.
Yugi looked at the blonde before looking at the water and thought up a reasonable answer. “About nine or ten days.”
“Dat long?” Joey said as the other nodded. “Damn, feels like two weeks.”
Yugi nodded understandingly. He missed them, especially the young king. `We would usually have a nice chat to one another when he's around. Even though I do most of the talking.' He smiled at the memory of all the times he told the young ruler so many things
“What are ya'll smile'n' about?” Joey asked in a bored confused look.
“I was just thinking of the time when I talked to Atemu about well… almost everything!” Yugi said honestly. He told the other about the Pharaoh's name when he started to complain about it and nearly gone insane because of it.
Joey shrugged and looked up at the cloudless sky.
“How are the men doing?”
“Dey're wit Mateo.”
“Glad to be back as a student?”
“Kinda, but I like da slack off now n' den.” He responded. “I wish we were dere.”
“Where Joey?”
“Da battle.”
“Why would you want to be there?” Yugi asked with an eyebrow raised.
“Because dey might need a help'n' hand ya know.”
“What can we do to help?”
“I'll fight and you could do heal da wounded.”
“Or so you can try to tell Seto off, again.”
“Ey! Dere's more to it den dat!”
“Even if we were some sort of help, we'll still be in the way.”
Joey sighed in defeat. “But I really wantta kick some ass around `ere!”
Yugi sighed and looked up into the sky.
“Hey guys!” Mana's voice was heard. “I've been looking for you two all day!”
“How come?” Joey asked.
“Mahado wants you to show him that hand-to-hand move again.” Mana said as she rolled her eyes.
Joey laughed. “I don't blame `im, it's really tough da get it down.”
Mana giggled. “He's over at the open area next to the arena. I have to go to the scroll room and study.”
“Alright den!” Joey got up from the ground and looked at the small teen. “Whatcha gonna do Yuge?”
“I'm going to stay here a little longer.” Yugi said as the two nodded and walked away. He sighed and looked at the peaceful scene before falling asleep under a tree.
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Okay! That's one chapter down.
Bakura: Okay, now spill. What's your next fic about?
It's based on the Egypt Arc of the season, with a few twists.
Marik: Like…
The Hikairi's and Duke are girls and the Yami's get their own bodies.
Bakura: … Interesting… Anything else.
If the reviewers would like to get a sample summary, they would have to ask first.
Marik: No fair!
Sorry, anyway… R&R everyone!