Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Water Play ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Hey everyone.
Bakura: *glares**still in the same predicament as he was in the last chapter*
*goes over and carefully removes duct tape* How are you?
Bakura: About damn time bitch.
*sigh* I'll take that. *walks away*
Bakura: Where do you think you're going you crazy bitch!
I'm announcing the new chapter! *sighs* Jeez!
Bakura: When's Marik coming back?
I don't know.
*places duct tape on his mouth again* I don't know because Mahado cupid didn't mention anything about him coming back, but he may be back before the end of the fic.
Bakura: *rolls eyes*
Don't you give me… Never mind, it's pointless to talk to you.
Bakura: *looks at her as if he agreed*
Well, here's the next chapter everyone! Hope you enjoy it.
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Ch. 34: Water Play
#Last time…#
“Seto!” Ahmose's voice was heard. “I've found it!”
“Found what?” Joey asked as the man came up.
“I've found away to get you and Master Yugi back to your own time.”
Silence struck in that place like lightening as everyone stared at him.
“Say what?” Joey said, as he looked surprised to hear this.
“I've found out a way to get you two back, but-“ Ahmose explained. “But there's a catch to it.”
“What?” Seto said.
“The key thing is, is that, Yugi has to give the Pharaoh something.”
“And that is?” Seto asked.
“That's what I like to know, but I know that I'm getting very close to know what it is.”
“Da heart.” Joey said, causing everyone to look.
“Come again?” Ahmose asked.
“Yuge mentioned dat da scroll may `ave a hidden clue da get us home, but I didn't understand shit of what `e's talkin' about.”
“Well, yes,” Ahmose said. “But the question now is what is it and how the young master is going to do this?”
Mana looked completely lost. “Why does it have to be Yugi?”
“Because da scroll said dat only da heart could mend da Pharaoh's… being, I could say, and Yuge was able to read da scroll, even dough we `ad no idea what da hell it said, let alone understand it.”
“So…” Mana looked at the blonde. “What is Yugi suppose to do?”
Ahmose looked thoughtful. “The young master has to give our king a heart, or in other words… something that is cherishedable to the youth that identifies his being.”
“… N' dat is…?” Joey asked.
“Only time will tell in this one.” Ahmose said.
“I wonder what it could be?” Mahado asked.
Seto shrugged. “Don't forget that we are in a recovering stage from a battle, and all of us would like to take it easy for a bit.”
“As if.” Joey said. “Ya could stay up for three damn days straight witout anyt'n'!”
Seto sighed. “Not now pup, I have a real bad headache and I would like to try to sleep it off.”
Joey rolled his eyes.
`Oh boy.' Ahmose thought. “Sleep sounds really good right now.” He said, trying to change the subject. “I bet all of us would rest easily for the night, now that the worst is over.” He yawned.
“Yeah.” Mana said as she yawned as well and stretched. “It's been quite a day.”
With that, everyone said good night and headed to a different direction.
Seto and Joey were heading towards Seto's room when the blonde asked.
“What was it like out dere? Da battle?”
“Pretty much what you witnessed, but we were picking off weaklings first and improved along the way.” Seto responded with a sigh. “Kind of a waste of time and effort really.”
“So it basically sucks, huh?” Joey said.
“Pretty much sums it.”
There was a moment of silence between the two before they reached the entrance of the room. When they entered, the blonde began to say something.
“Where I'm from, we usually take a nice bath before goin' da bed.”
Seto was a little curious to why the other would bring up such a random topic. “Really?”
“Yeah! N' wit all does oil's n' stuff you have in dere, it could help ya headache.”
“True.” Seto said, sounding that the suggestion wasn't a bad idea.
Joey on the other hand, was trying to fight off a blush that was threating to come up and keeping his voice as straight as possible.
“Alright.” Seto said. “I'll take your surprisingly well thought out suggestion.” He said as he rubbed his neck, which the pain had gone down. He didn't notice the look that the other was giving him.
`Get a hold of yaself! Ya got da make sure ya feel'n's are known in a casual and respectful way.'
“Would you like to join?”
“I asked if you would like to join me?”
Joey tried and succeeded to look casual. “Sure.”
“Well than lets not stand here like trees.” Seto said as he started to head over to his closet and into his bathing quarters.
When they reached to the bath-pool, Seto started to strip off his top robe, showing the bare masculine chest.
Joey tries to ignore it by looking at the corner of his eye.
Joey snapped back to look at the half covered High Priest, who is on the edge of the first step to the bath.
“Are you going to join me?”
Joey looked a bit shocked. “Huh?”
Seto sighed. “Are you going to join me or am I going to decide for you?”
Joey noticed that the other was still wearing the pants. `What's da harm of it?' He thought as he took off his shirt.
Seto took a moment to look at the other's chest before looking foreword and continued till the water reached his hips.
Joey quickly followed into the water. “Fuck it's cold!” He said as he was about to get out, but a hand on his wrist pulled him back and found himself in hip-deep water.
“Give it time and it would seem warm.” Seto said with a grin.
“Still fuck'n cold.” Joey said as he heard the other chuckle. “Seriously!”
Seto crossed his arms, his smirk never leaving. “And what do you want me to do about it?” He said.
Joey smirked, which made the other looked suspicious and raised an eyebrow, and pushed the other into the water.
When Seto came up, he glared at the blonde, who was laughing. “And may I ask why you did that?”
“Well, since ya like da cold so much, I thought ya should enjoy it more.”
Seto shook his head with a smirk playing on his lips. “You don't know what I like.”
Joey looked a bit confused by this as the other walked up and just looked at him. “What ya look'n at?” He asked frozed on the spot of those sapphire eyes and slightly blushed.
Seto leaned down till he could almost reach the other's lips. “I was just thinking how I first met you, when you fell on top of me. I don't think I ever told you about it.” He breathed at the other's neck as he placed a hand on the other's neck. “When you kissed me, but you were too knocked out to know that.”
Joey blushed deeply to know that little fact.
“And now.” Seto breathed, making the other seemed daze. “I'm wondering what you look like if… I… did…” He was closing in on the lips. “… this.” He pushed the other into the water
Joey got up, shivering like crazy, and death glared at the other. “W-Why I-I-I ou-out-outta.” He said through chattering teeth.
“Now we're even.” Seto said with a content smirk on his face.
Joey splashed the other, who went down before he got hit. He looked around but couldn't find the other around.
“Looking for something?” Seto said as he snuck up upon the blonde, causing him to jump and quickly turn to face him.
“Ow'd ya do dat!?”
“My little secret.” Seto said with a proud smirk.
Joey stared at him. “Don't do dat.”
“I can't guarantee that.”
Joey rolled his eyes than looked as though he realized something. “Ey! Since when were ya all nice n' try'n da be funny all of a sudden?”
Seto smirk faded and looked somewhat sad and walked up and claimed the other's lips before saying. “Does that answers things?” He walked up towards the steps that lead out of the `bath'.
Joey turned to look at the other. “I love you.” He said loud enough for the other to hear, which was responded by stopping. `I'd know dat I'm gay for sometime n' accepted dat fact.' He thought when the other didn't respond.
Seto stood there, not looking at the blonde, who was hurting with each passing second.
“Seto, I'm sorry if I offended ya, but I honestly do.” Joey said as he slowly walked towards the other, whose eyes are shadowed over. “Dammit Seto! Say somet'n! Anyt'n!”
Seto slowly turned to face him and shocked the other with tears coming down his face on his once proud and emotionless face.
“Seto…” Joey said, dumbstruck by this emotion the other showed.
Seto managed a small smile. “I love you too, Joey.” He said in a strained voice.
Joey came up and placed a hand behind the other's neck and pulled him down till their lips met.
Seto instantly relaxed and wrapped his arms around the other's waist.
Joey deepened the kiss and ran his tongue along the bottom lip, which surprised the other, but was allowed entrance.
Both of their tongues met and played for dominance until the need for air was known and parted. When both caught their breath, Seto spoke.
“I'm the one that should be sorry.” He whispered.
Joey looked at the other confusingly. “Ow come?”
Seto sighed. “I let my emotions show and it shouldn't.”
“Da kiss before ya left?”
Seto nodded. “Yes. And ever since, I've been beating myself to let that happen and forced it on you.”
Joey shook his head. “Ya didn't force it on me.”
Seto looked lost.
Joey winked. “Yuge isn't da only one wit a reason da be `ere. N' even if ya didn't kiss me on dat night, I'd learn da love ya n' you wit me.”
Seto blinked than softly smiled. “Well spoken.” Than the smile became a smirk. “Did you come up with that on your own?”
Joey looked ticked. “Whatta ya mean by dat!?”
Seto chuckled. “Oh, nothing pup.”
Joey groaned. “Not da dog naming again!”
Seto laughed. “Oh yes, and you can't stop me.” Joey tackled him, which caused the two to fall into the water
They stayed down there for a moment, looking at each other, until the need for oxygen was known and got up.
“I think we're clean enough.” Seto said as he started to head over to the steps, with the blonde wrapped around.
When they dried and respectfully; as in giving each other space, dressed, Seto headed towards bed. He looked at the other, who was about to sleep on the couch when he said. “You have my permission to sleep with me… If you want to…” Seto felt his face being slightly warm. `My permission? Way to go idiot!' He thought, realizing that it's not usually his nature to think this way, but he did know it was stupid the way he asked the center of his interest to lay down with him.
Joey was a bit confused by the offer, than looked closely at the other's face. `Man he's almost as readable as Yuge. But he hardly ever show's emotions. It must be an improvement for him.' He thought as he walked over and climbed in.
Seto's previous thoughts were disappeared when he saw movements on his bed and saw it was the blonde and settled.
Joey leaned over and kissed him. “Danks n' g'night Seto.” He said as he snuggled into the covers. `Now dis is what I call a place da sleep!' He thought.
Seto wrapped his arms around the other's waist and pulled him close, making the blonde look at him in surprise. He smiled and kissed him on the forehead. “Good night.” He said as he fell asleep.
Joey blushed at the closeness, but smiled and cuddled closer before falling asleep as well.
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Lots of fluff in this one.
Bakura: *hits head on the wall*
*sighs* I really need to find a good place to put you in.
Bakura: *glares*
*shrugs* Look on the bright side, I'm not letting any of your crazed fangirls and boys in here and take advantage of your situation.
Bakura: *goes back to hitting head on the wall*
*shrugs* R&R everyone.
*traps door appears on ceiling and Marik comes down*
Marik: Ow…
Oh, what do you know. Marik's back.
Marik: I'm never going to go to that crazy bitch and her demonic cats again.
*grabs phone and dials number* … Yello… Yep… Okay… See ya in the next chapter… Bye.
Again, R&R!