Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Before the Party ( Chapter 36 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

*stretch* Hey everyone. *hears banging on the door* … I forgot the guys in there. *knocks* Hey! Are you guys okay?
Malik: *comes out* Thanks for forgetting us, its been heaven.
Uh… you're welcome?
Ryou: We don't mean to be a nucince… but…
You could stay with you're guys a bit longer, I'm sure they would like another round.
R/M: Yay! *goes back into the room*
*sighs* I'm too nice sometimes. *hears moaning* Those two have better thank me for letting their boyfriends stay.
… I'm not going to ask.
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Ch.36: Before the Party
Seto was on his way to the dinning hall when Joey ran past him. “Mutt!”
Joey stopped upon hearing the nickname, and ran backwards before turning to face the other. “Ey Seto.” He said.
“And why are you running?” Seto asked and was responded by a growl. “Never mind.”
Joey grinned as he and the High Priest walked down the halls. “So…” He started to say. “What's new wit ya?”
“Nothing new. I'm going to bother my cousin about his speech and then head down to the dinning room.” Seto responded.
Joey shrugged. “I haven't seen my pal in awhile.”
Seto nodded slightly.
They headed over to the room and found it empty.
“They must be over at the dinning room.” Seto said as he started to move, with the blonde following.
“So… how much longa are dey gonna be bedriddn'?”
“I believe this is their last day or, if any signs of dizziness or things of the like, another couple of days.”
“Oh… okay.”
They were near the entrance when the blonde slightly shoved the brunette behind a pillar and locked lips.
Seto was completely off guard, but returned the kiss.
A minute passed before they parted for air and they were looking at each other for a moment. They stood there in silence when sounds of people entering the dinning room were present.
“Hungry pup?” Seto asked which was responded with a growl and smirked. “Well let's not stand here all night.”
They headed over to the entrance and got seated beside Atemu and Yugi, who were talking and laughing.
“Ey, what's up?” Joey said as he sat beside Yugi.
“We were just talking about our embarrassing moments.” Yugi said with a laugh.
Joey raised an eyebrow. “Really.” He said while the small teen nodded.
“He was telling me about the time that you didn't wear any pants at all in one day.” Atemu said.
Joey looked confused. “What's `e talkn' about?”
Yugi shook his head. “Remember back at kindergarten when your pants were attacked by ants and you had to take them off for nearly the whole day.”
Joey blushed. “Oh… yeah… I rememba now.”
“And I was telling Yugi that one time Seto was attacked by flies and found out that his clothes were accidentally washed in something that attracted insects and had no choice but to take everything off and walked from the gardens to his room, in the nude.” Atemu said as he held his sides. “I was so embarrassed to even tell everyone that we're related.”
Seto was beet red and glared at the other.
Before conversation could continue, dinner was served. After dinner, they headed over to the Pharaoh's room and Seto looked over at the scroll while Joey and Yugi played jackals and hounds, a form of chess.
Seto nodded now and then while Atemu killed time by watching the two. “Good, pretty good.” He said as he handed it back to the other.
“Do I need to change anything?” Atemu asked.
Seto looked at him and Joey, who overheard the small chat and laughed.
“Do ya expect `im da say its perfect?”
Seto smirked. “He knows me more than you, and we're related.”
Atemu glared at his cousin, but didn't say anything.
“Finish your game and get back to my room.” Seto said as he got up and left.
Joey rolled his eyes. `At dis rate, I'll be `ere all night.' He thought as he made a move.
Yugi moved his piece. “I won.”
“Huh?” Joey looked and saw that he left himself open. `Well dat screwed me up.' He thought as he shrugged and got up. “Well, I betta turn in for da night.”
“You sure you don't want to play another game?” Yugi asked putting the pieces in their rightful spots.
Joey shook his head. “Danks, but I'm kinda tired.” He looked at the small teen. “I didn't take a good long nap like ya did.”
Yugi glared at him. “I was forced to take a nap.”
Joey laughed. “Ya still took a nap.”
Yugi rolled his eyes.
“Well, see ya in da mornin'.”
“Good night Joey.” Yugi said.
“Night Atemu.”
“Good night.” Atemu said as the blonde walked out of the door and headed towards Seto's room.
When he got there, he saw that Seto is working on scrolls, again. He shook his head and walked up behind the other. “Ya know dat ya are workn' on da scrolls for da past few days.”
“Well pup, if you have a way to bring a river full of water in Kemet, please tell me now.” Seto said, not looking at the other. “In the meantime I'm trying to figure out how we should hold out until the rains come.” He was completely focused on the scrolls that made Joey feel a little disappointed.
But he knew that the Nile is the only reason that Ancient Egypt even exited and without it, it's just another dry desert. He walked out into the balcony.
“What are you doing?” Seto asked, listing to where the other's footsteps are going.
“Just getn' some fresh air.” Joey responded.
Seto shrugged and continued to focus on the scrolls until…
“WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!?!” Seto shouted, looking completely shocked at the blonde.
Joey stood there as he pointed to the night sky. “Talkn' to da gods n' goddesses.”
Seto slapped his hands over his eyes. “You don't get their attention like that.”
“Why not?”
Seto didn't really know how to answer this as he sighed and lead the other back into the room. “Just go to bed.” He said than added. “I'll join you in a moment.”
Joey knew better and stepped in between the other and the desk of scrolls.
“What now?” Seto said getting slightly annoyed.
Joey moved closer. “Seto, ya need da sleep more.” He said, and before the other could say anything, he continued. “Ya stay up for a few days straight and its really startn' da show.” He placed his hand on the other's face. “Ya look almost like da livin' dead, wit da dark circles undea ya eyes.”
Seto looked less annoyed than before.
“Please Seto.” Joey pleaded.
Seto sighed and lead them to bed.
`Wow, it worked.' Joey thought but dropped it when they were under the sheets and wrapped in each other's arms. He nuzzled the other's neck before settling into the embrace.
After a few moments, Seto slowly and carefully tried to get out of bed without waking the other; only to fail miserably as the blonde grabbed the rim of his sheti.
“N' where do ya t'ink ya goin'?” Joey said, really getting annoyed.
Seto sighed. “Joey, as High Priest I have to do my dut-“
“I know dat!” Joey said really pissed. “But da way ya perform is also important!”
Seto was taken back by how the other is saying.
“N' if ya keep doin' dis you'll probably die from lack of sleep! Da body `as da rest too!”
Seto looked at the blonde, than the desk and back… before laying down. “I don't have anything to do tomorrow.” He said, earning a passionate kiss from the other, before settling back on top of him. He wrapped his arms around the blonde's frame. `Damn I'm getting soft.' He thought as the other suddenly moved into a position that was slightly uncomfortable, with the other on top and his leg between his. `This is… nice. I have to admit.' Than the other slightly moved slightly rubbing their groins together. `No! None of those thoughts!' He carefully rolled to the side and made it so they're slightly apart, but still closer than arms reach. `Of all the thoughts I have about him, it has to be that!?'
Joey snuggled closer to the other's warmth.
`I just have to be careful and gain control to myself.' He thought as he held the other close. The image of `It' came to mind and sneered distastefully. `I will not lower myself to that level!'
~-Next Day-~
“A what?” Joey said as he and Yugi were in the kitchens, helping out and refreshing their cooking skills.
“There's going to be a victory party this evening.” Yugi said as he cut some fruit. “Mahado came in and told us about it and Atemu seemed a bit unsure.”
“Why would `e be unsure?”
Yugi shrugged. “Alcohol involved perhaps.”
Joey nodded. “I see what ya mean.”
Sha-lie came up between them and kissed them on the cheek and hummed happily along the kitchens.
“Oh… kay…” Joey said. “Dat was weird.”
Yugi nodded in agreement. “At least she's happy today and not overly stressed like she usually is.”
They saw her twirling in the middle of the room and spinning some of the startled cooks around.
“Whateva ya say pal.” Joey said as he put the cut up vegetables into a boiling pot. “But it's still weird.”
Yugi shrugged and continued to cut fruit into tiny slices.
~*Throne Room*~
Seto stared as his cousin. “A victory party?” He said.
“That's what Mahado told me.”
Seto sighed. “Great.”
“Come on now.” Atemu said. “It can't be all that bad. We just need to limit the drinking and everyone won't have a hang over by tomorrow.”
Seto again looked at the other. “And just how are you going to do that?”
Atemu sighed. “That's what I'm trying to figure out.”
The sound of happy whistling was heard as Ahmose came in with a dozen scrolls in his arms. “Hello! Beautiful day isn't?”
The other two were confused by this mood.
“Uh… yes, it is.” Atemu said.
“Don't you just love it when you wake up feeling brand new?”
Now, at this point, they were creeped out.
“Ahmose, are you well?” Seto asked.
“Never better in my life, why do you ask?” Ahmose said smiling.
“No reason.” Seto said quickly.
“Well then, I better prepare for that party.” Ahmose waved as he walked away.
“I don't know what's scarier, his overly happy mood, or seeing Sha-lie go on a rampage.” Atemu said as the other nodded.
“I may have to agree with you on this one.” Seto said.
~-Couple hours later-~
Yugi and Joey walked out of the kitchens with some powder on their faces, and walked towards the throne room.
“Dat was kinda weird when Sha-lie told everyone da take da rest of da day off.” Joey said, wiping away some powder off, while the other nodded.
Halfway there, they bumped into Ahmose, who looked as though he ran a marathon. “Oh, hello boys.” He said happily. “Sorry about that.” He helped the boys at the same time. “Well, I better be off now.” He was about to turn the corner when he called. “Oh! And tell the Pharaoh that I won't be able to attend to the party!” With that, he disappeared.
“Are we missn' somet'in' `ere?” Joey asked.
“Lets see if Atemu and Seto knows what's going on.” Yugi said as he took a head start when he started to run.
“EY! Wait up!” Joey called as he began to run.
~*Throne Room*~
Seto and Atemu were discussing about the drinking issue when the other two came in.
“Hello Atemu!” Yugi said.
“Yo Seto!” Joey said as the both paused to take a breather.
“Hello Yugi.” Atemu said.
“Hello pup.” Seto said
“I ain't a dog!” Joey called.
“Haven't you two settled with that?” Yugi asked.
“Please, wit dat guy, not'in's settled.”
Seto smirked. “I'll give you credit for sounding smarter than you look.”
Yugi and Atemu both sweat dropped as the two started their argument.
“Anything happen today?” Atemu asked.
“Well, Sha-lie was acting pretty strange today.” Yugi said.
“Like how strange?”
“Kissing everyone, humming, dancing, than suddenly telling us we have the rest of the day off.”
Yugi nodded. “And what's new with you're day?”
“Besides talking about how to limit the drinking and being completely… freaked out by Ahmose's overly happy mood, everything else is just the usual.”
“Why is Ahmose overly happy?”
“Why is Sha-lie acting strange?”
Yugi shrugged. “Got me there.” Both smiled at this before he asked. “So, what is the victory party about?”
“A huge get together with music, food, and drinking.” Atemu responded. “But there's usually wine and beer served at any occasion, and that's what I'm concerned with.”
“How come?” Yugi asked as he sat down on the throne's left arm.
“Because sometimes everyone drinks too much and end up doing… things.”
Yugi could think up more than five ways drunken people might do and nodded understandingly.
“But so far Seto and I can't seem to find a good solution.”
“How long are the parties?” When the last person falls asleep to the rising of Ra.”
“That long?”
Atemu nodded and they watch the other two bicker about completely nothing for a moment.
“Amazing.” Atemu said shaking his head.
“What is?” Yugi asked.
“About how your friend seems put out by Seto, yet can't leave him alone at the same time.” He chuckled. “Almost reminds me of a married couple arguing about simple things.”
Yugi giggled. “You're probably right on that one.”
“Who do you think will let down first?”
“By knowing Joey, I'd say about… fifteen minutes. And you?”
“Knowing Seto… Between ten to an hour.”
After sometime, it was Joey who gave in. “Ah! Screw dis!”
“Where do you think you're going!”
“Somewhere far from ya!” Joey stomped out of the throne room.
Seto sighed. “Why does he have to be so stubborn!”
Atemu and Yugi rolled their eyes.
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I just notice something… I only got one review… *looks into nothing* Only one person is kind enough to get me a review, while the rest of ya think that I'll just post up chapters for the fun of it huh? Well, that maybe true, but I would like to know what you people think! Give me a good or a nice, or something along the lines. I mean, come on!
Atem: You're scaring your readers.
*jumps* Where did you come from!?
Atem: *points to door* Front door was open.
… I really need to remember to close that thing.
Atem: *shakes head* Readers, please R&R. Other wise she'll stop making this story, and that's not a joke.
Atem: What? You want reviews right?
Yeah! But you don't need to threaten them!
Atem: I'm not threating, I'm informing.
… I need to sit down…
Atem: *shrugs*