Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When in Egypt ❯ Surprise Re-Accuatiance ( Chapter 46 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Sorry! Sorry! SORRY!!
Bakura: *sigh* The reason she's doing this is because she feels this way to you the reviewers.
Marik: Thanks to school schedule and moving, she has been unable to type up more chapters.
Bakura: That and the internet wasn't up.
B/M: She's stressed.
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Ch.46: Surprise Re-Accuatiance
~-5 months later-~
“Yugi!” Grandpa called. “You've got work tomorrow!”
“I know.” Yugi replied, some what depressed.
Grandpa entered his grandson's room and found him drawing.
Ever since the two came back, and after telling about their experience and noting that they're gay, the youth has been drawing about the young ruler and the scenery of Ancient Egypt, or Kement.
“Yugi, I know you're feeling down and all, but it's not the end of the world yet.”
“I know Grandpa.” Yugi said as he finished with the finishing touches on his latest work; Atemu looking out of the window with the sun shining on his face and curtains gently blowing in the wind. He set it aside and crawled into bed.
“Good night.” Grandpa said.
“Good night.” Yugi responded as he fell asleep.
~-Next Morning-~
The buzzer rang off, causing the youth to hit it and groan. It was Sunday, the day he works full time. “I hate Sundays.” He said as he got up and started to dress in his uniform; a long loose white sleeved shirt, fancy black pants, violet velvet vest with some gold emborering, and shinny black shoes. He heard a car horn and quickly brushed his teeth, ran down the stairs, grabbed a piece of toast, and headed out to see Joey.
“What took ya?” The blonde asked from the driver's seat. “We're gonna be late again.”
“Bye Grandpa!” Yugi called as he got in and put his seatbelt on while hanging onto dear life.
“What are ya tense for?” Joey asked as he drove off at about eighty miles per hour.
“How's Serenity?” Yugi asked.
“She's doin' great! N' Mai's a great help!”
“When's the wedding?”
“In da spring, before da snow melts.”
When they got back home, Joey hand in the gold Seto gave him and nearly gave everyone at the bank a heart attack. He spend mostly on his sister's eye operation, and found out that they only needed a third of what they wanted and the rest was taken care of. He went over to his sister to see if she knew any thing about it, and found out that she had a visitor.
Mai is a young woman with long blonde hair, violet eyes, and has a figure that can make any man howl. She used to live with her parents who owned a hotel in Las Vegas, but moved to Domino for college. Turns out she got on the wrong side of the tracks and ended up doing community service as a helping nurse, and ended up taking care of Serenity. She got along with the girl as they talked about themselves and what their dreams are. When she learned about her condition from the doctors, she went gambling houses, using her tricks to get the two-third amount. She fell in love with her and time was really short.
Than Joey appeared from being missing for a couple of months and got the amount needed for the operation. I was only during the operation when she told him about her and her feelings towards his sister, and asked if she would stay with her after the operation. This threw him off, as in unexpected and told her that he'll let her know after the operation. Well afterward they stayed in the hospital while Serenity rested and when she woke up; Joey asked what she thought about Mai, who was waiting outside by his asking. Serenity told him that she admitly has a crush on the tough gal and begged him not to be angry at her or Mai. Joey laughed and told them separately that it was fine with him.
A couple months later, they announce their engagement, which was uncalled for, for Joey, but accepted it, seeing the love in their eyes; which greatly reminded of himself and Seto.
“Here we are!” Yugi said as the blonde parked the car.
They worked in a very popular and very fancy hotel where you have to be rich to stay in. How they got the job was a complete mystery even to the two some.
“There you are you two!” Said a man who looked exactly like Mahado.
“Ey Mahad! Sorry we're late.”
Mahad Takishi was the director of the hotel employees. “Actually, you're timing couldn't be perfect!” He said. “Today we're expecting business men from America on the gaming company with Mr. Kaiba, the CEO of the Kaiba Corporation, which so happens to be the top of the market on the gaming industries.”
“Isn't also an amusement park?” Yugi asked.
“Correct.” Mahad said as he got out his clipboard. “And we're also expecting the world champion of games himself to be here as well.”
“Whoa.” Joey said. “Big name people.”
“Yes.” Mahad said with a smile. “And you two got the lucky positions.”
The two looked at him confusingly.
“Out of everyone I look over, you two are the most trust worthy to handle this.”
“Aww danks!” Joey said. “So what are we gonna do?”
Mahad checked his clipboard. “Joey's going to the valet Mr. Kaiba's care and watch over his little brother.”
“How little are we talk'n?” Joey asked.
“Just pre-teen middle school age. Why?”
Joey looked over at Yugi. “Tell my sis I love `er n' tell Mai da take care of `er.”
“You haven't even met him yet!” Yugi said.
“Doesn't mean I know `ow it's gonna go down.”
“I'm sure it isn't that bad.”
“And Yugi.” Mahad said changing the subject. “You will be the only one serving the `King of Games' with my sister and Haley Dawn, so no one would follow you or try to take your position.”
Yugi nodded understandingly.
“Big man stress'n ya?” Joey asked.
Mahad laughed. “Like there's no tomorrow.”
“How much time do we have?” Yugi asked.
Mahad checked his clipboard again. “The `King' will arrive at around two hours and the business men about thirty minutes after.”
“Alright den!” Joey said rubbing his hands together.
“Do you think we could handle it?” Yugi asked Mahad, who smiled.
“I trust you guys, even the big guy agrees.”
“Dat settles it!” Joey said as they headed towards the staff room, where Mana Takishi and Haley came up.
“Hey guys!” Mana said as Haley came up to Mahad and gave him a kiss on the cheek.
“Morning sweetie.”
Mahad blushed while Mana giggled.
“So, besides our positions, what are we suppose to do?” Yugi asked.
“Just stay out of trouble.” Mana answered.
~-2 Hours later-~
“He should be arriving any minute now!” Mahad reminded.
Yugi nodded as he straightened himself out and followed the other to the lobby, where cameras men, reporters, and every other media crew's men were there. “How come the media is here?”
“They all want to be the first to get a shot of the `King's' face.”
Yugi looked confused.
“You see Yugi, he doesn't show his face in public, even in tournaments. He would usually wear a hood and big dark shades.”
“And no one knows what he looks like?”
“Not one.”
“THERE HE IS!!” Shouted a reporter as everyone started to crowd around.
Joey walked up and saw the site. “Looks like `e needs some help.” He said while rolling up his sleeves.
“No one's stopping you.” Mahad said as he handed Yugi a key. “This is his room. Please try to get there and back in one piece.”
Yugi nodded as Joey was half way to the crowded media.
“Outta da way! He'll answa ya fucked up questions afta da break!” He shouted as he caught site of the center of attention, grabbed and mounted him on his shoulder, jumped over people and stepped on people's heads, shoulders and cameras. “Mahad! Yuge! Get da elavata ready!”
Mahad pressed the up button and the elevator doors opened.
Yugi stepped inside and waited.
“Heads up!” Joey called as he threw the person to Mahad, who caught him and nearly breaking his skull on the impact with the wall, and shoved the person to Yugi.
“You know which floor!” Mahad called as the elevator doors closed.
-*Yugi's POV*-
“Ow.” I said, after recovering the impact with the wall and floor. I noticed my guest already got himself up from the floor and dusting himself off. I straightened myself off and put on a smile. “Hello, my name is Yugi Mouto.” I said and bowed. “I'm you're assigned host for your stay here.” I straightened back up again as the elevator stopped and the doors opened. “Right this way.” I stepped out, followed by the other. “This will be your room.” I pointed out and turned to hand the other the key. “If you need anything, call for Mahad and he'll send me up.” I saw the person as I turned.
The guy had a sleeveless black hoodie and huge black shades that nearly covered up his face.
“I'll see you around then.” I said with a bow before walking pass him.
“Yugi.” The he said, making me stop and turn around.
“Yes?” I said, slightly confused because of the voice. `That sounds just like Atemu!' I thought.
“Never mind.” The he said.
“You could ask me anything sir.”
The he looked at me with his huge, bug like shades before speaking. “First of all, don't ever call me sir, I'm not thirty yet. Second, it's Atemu, and if you ever repeat that name out to the media, I swear I'm going to kill you.”
I nodded, while my heart swelled with joy.
`Atemu' started to turn to his room before stopping. “And… would you mind getting something sweet?”
I smiled. “Of course Atemu.”
Atemu looked over and took his shades and hood off, making me, secretly, shocked and relieved. “This is the first time I've shown my identity to anyone.”
I smiled and nodded. “I understand.” My buzzer went off. “I'm needed somewhere else.”
Atemu nodded. “Understandable.”
“I'll get your luggage when I'm done. For now, relax and enjoy your stay.” I said as I went over to the elevator, which opened and, with one final look and wave, entered and waited till the doors closed and went slowly down. I couldn't help but jump for joy. `I can't believe it! It's him! It's really him!' I leaned back against the wall and looked up at the numbers. I remembered the first day of the job, where me and Joey met Mahad and nearly called out the past name. Than we met Mana who looked exactly like the Mana in the past, except the fair skin, blonde hair, and pretty green eyes, but everything else is the same. `If that was possible, than he should be reborn as well!' I hugged myself but pulled myself together when I reached the lobby area.
-*Normal POV*-
No sooner as he walked out of that elevator, he was bombarded by cameras and media people shouting questions. Mana, Haley, and Joey were able to get him out and into the safety of the staff room.
“Are you alright Yugi?” Haley asked. She's a pretty girl with light brown hair that was tied to a pony tail, gold eyes, and a light tan skin.
“Yeah, I'm fine.” Yugi responded, trying to get the flashes out of his vision.
“So?” Mana began. “How was he?”
Yugi looked at her confused at a moment before realizing what she meant. “He didn't say anything really.”
Mana pouted. “Aww! I thought you might be able to get him to talk!” This made the youth sweat dropped.
“Well, if ya don't mind,” Joey said as he checked his buzzer. “But I got a date wit da big corp. names!” He said as he walked out of the room.
Yugi than realized something. `If Atemu's here, than…' He smiled. `I bet Seto's here as well!'
“What are you smiling about?” Mana asked.
“Uh… No reason.”
“… Right.”
I and Mahad helped the police that were there and shoved the media maniacs to the side. When that was done, I waited on my usual spot as the valet and waited until the first car came up. It was one of the American business men, who looked like he was going to pass out from exhaustion. `Musta been a long flight for `im.' I thought as I parked the car.
I was about to run back until I heard a yelp. `Dat sounded like a kid!' I thought as I headed towards that direction, which wasn't far from the parking lot. I was about to run around the corner but stopped and hid when I noticed a few figures there and listened.
“You either hand every damn cent you have…” The voice said as he held a whimpering kid. “Or I'm gonna blow this kid's fucking brains out!”
I heard a growl sworn I heard it somewhere as I peeked around the corner and saw three thugs; the middle one was holding the kid, who had long black hair, and was wearing a drivers suite as well as holding a gun. `De disguise method.' I thought as I sneaked up a little.
“What are ya gonna do?” The `leader' said aiming the gun at the frightened kid's head.
I saw the gun and recognized it as a silencer. `No wonder no one called da police.' I thought as I saw a crowbar and smirked. I grabbed the object and swiftly knocked the other two and grabbed the `leader's' gun hand. “Let da kid go.” I said low and dangerously.
The guy shivered and let go of the kid, who immediately ran to a fallen figure next to the limo.
“Not so tough when someone else `as da upper `and, eh?” I said as I punched the guy hard in the stomach and waited until he passed out. I threw the gun to the side and looked over at the kid, who was crying.
“Brother! Brother! Please say something!” The kid said.
I quickly took his cell out and dialed 9-1-1 and gave out the location. When that was done, I went over and checked the pulse. `Still strong.' I thought.
“Is he going to be alright?” The kid asked.
“As long as `e `olds on, `e'll be fine.” I responded as I took off my vest and shirt and use them to wrap around the gun shot wounds on the upper arm and leg.
“Who are you?” The guy said.
I blinked, recognizing the voice. “Joey Wheeler, valet of da hotel n' damn good fighter.” I responded.
The guy tried to look up, but seems that he was beaten up as well.
“Seto! Don't move too much!” The kid said.
`S-Seto!?' I thought as I looked at the guy closely.
“I'm fine Moukaba, I'm not going to leave you like Mom and Dad did.” Seto said as his face became visual.
`No way!' I thought. `This can't be him! It's just isn't possible!'
“Hey mutt.” Seto said, making me some back to reality. “I'm trusting you to take care of my brother.
“But Set-“
“No buts Mokie.” He smiled “I'll be fine.”
The sounds of sirens were heard.
“Hang tight.” I said as I waved our position.
When the ambulance members put Seto one a stretcher, the brunette looked at the blonde. “Take care of Moki.”
I nodded. “Ya betta get back.”
Seto nodded as they members got him into the ambulance and closed the doors before driving off.
“Seto…” Moukaba said as fresh tears were about to escape from his dark violet eyes.
I placed a hand on his shoulder. “I'll show ya to ya room, den we'll get a numba for da hospital so ya could check on `im.” I said, which he nodded and walked along side me to the hotel.
~-An hour later: Normal POV-~
Joey used his cell to talk to Yugi while Moukaba slept by the phone in the room.
“Ya tell'n me dat we met deir reincarnations?”
“Yep.” Yugi said waiting for the dough to rise.
“So… da King of Games guy…?”
Yugi giggled, which was a clear answer to the blonde.
“I get it.”
“How's Moukaba?” Yugi asked as he got the pan out.
“Still sleep'n, I don't blame `im, its been a tough day.”
“I bet.” Yugi said sadly.
“Well, I betta let ya go.”
“Alright, see ya.”
“See ya.”
They both hanged up.
Joey than went over to the phone and dialed the information desk. “Ey, would ya hook me up wit da hospital? … Because someone's olda brotha is dere and would like da know what's up? … Yeah I'll hold…”
“Joey?” Moukaba said, just waking up. “Who are you calling?”
“Da see about what da doc said about ya bro n' see if `e's up da visitas.” Joey responded.
“Really!?” Moukaba asked, fully awake.
Joey nodded as he got the hospital information desk. “Yeah, I'm look'n for da doc dat did Seto Kaiba taday. Do ya t'ink I could get a hold on `im.... Yeah I'll hold…” He rolled his eyes and made faces, making the kid laugh. “Yo doc... I'm fine, so what's up wit Seto? … Really? Dat's great da `ear!... Do ya t'ink `e's up da see a couple of people? … Alright, we'll be right down… Danks, bye.” He smiled at Moukaba, who had a bigger smile knowing that this was good news. “I'm gonna let Mahad know I'm off n' we'll see ya bro.” He dialed the desk again and told them a message to Mahad to tell the businessmen about Seto's condition, and left the room with the kid following.
When they arrived, they stopped by and got a box of sweets and went over to the room.
“Hey Seto!” Moukaba said as he ran up to the cot the other was occupying.
“Hey Mokie, how've you been?” Seto asked.
“Fine now!” Moukaba said as he handed out the sweets. “This is for you from me and Joey.”
Seto looked up at the blonde, who was standing in the door way. “Really?”
Joey shrugged. “He picked it out, I simply paid for it.”
Moukaba pouted. “It's still from both of us!”
Seto chuckled at this. “Thank you.” He said as he took a sno-puff. “I was beginning to think I'm going to die off of hospital food.” They all laughed at that. “Thank you for taking care of Moukaba.” He said.
Joey shrugged. “No problem.”
They looked at each other in the eye.
“So, ya two want anyt'n?”
“A soda please.” Moukaba said.
Seto just looked at his brother than looked at Joey. “Two waters.”
“Two watas, got it.” He said, followed by an `aww' from Moukaba, as he left for the vending machines.
After hearing what happened to Joey and Seto Kaiba, he was both frightened and relieved; frightened because of the situation and relieved because that everything is fine and that his suspicions were correct. “Done!” He said as he looked at the freshly made honey rolls. `Just the way the past Atemu likes it.' He thought sadly. `If there's an ounce of him in there.' He sighed as he carefully placed them in a box and worked on getting Atemu's luggage up in the elevator through the swarms of media maniacs that were still there, being competitive about the whole ordeal.
`How do I get his luggage up to his room?' He thought as he saw an empty luggage mover and saw that some of the luggage can be fooled to be the other's. `The hotel may get sued for misplacing, but…' he sneaked past the camera men and grabbed the luggage from one mover and replaced it with the identical that he got from a sleeping old man, who was probably waiting for his wife to finish her conversation about this and that. He kept this up smoothly until he was done. `Now they're guarding other people's luggage.' He thought as he placed a hat over his head, trying to hide part of his face and placed a table cloth over the luggage, before pushing it over to the elevator. No one was paying attention to him as he entered, pressed the button to floor ten, and was safe. `Man that was close!' He thought with a sigh as he took the hat off.
He waited until it dinged and the doors opened for him to push the luggage to the room. He knocked on the door. “Atemu, it's me Yugi.” He said. “I got everything without anyone knowing.' He waited. He checked the luggage for any hidden cameras or microphones, only to find none. He knocked on the door again, but no response was heard. He took out an all access key and slipped it in. “I'm coming in!” He called as he opened the door. He dragged the luggage in and set them beside the bed.
The room was not over fancy, but still dectorive. It was a settled red color with the floors a dark dogwood color. `Who ever made this room has to be color blind.' He thought, thinking it could be a little better, especially with a hotel like this. `But they're still doing some of the changes on the ninth floor.' He thought as placed the honey rolls on the glass coffee table before walking around the room. “Atemu? Are you here?” He asked as he searched around the place. `He doesn't seem to be the type to go out without being hounded.' He thought as he was going to check the bathroom, finding to be closed and locked. “Atemu.” He knocked. “Atemu! Are you in there?” He didn't like this, not at all. He checked around the door, which was old fashioned, meaning you could use a poker card to open a door. But he didn't know that, but he does know how to unbolt a door. “I'm going to thank Joey for this.” He whispered to himself as he started to work quickly on the bolts that made the door swing. After about three and a half minutes later, he managed to unbolt and push the door. What he saw nearly made him scream.
The other was uncautious on the floor, with a bottle of medicine in his hand. “Oh my-“ He was about to finish when he saw some movements from the other. He went over to his side and lifted him up before grabbing his cell and was about to dial when a hand stopped him.
“Don't call for help.” Atemu said weakly. “I want it this way.”
Atemu sighed. “Guess it doesn't matter anymore.” He started. “I've been on my own for ten years now, my ex-girlfriend turns out to be a whore, and the media keeps hounding me and putting down trash about me and sees what mess up I'll do next.” He than looked slightly pale and he immediately went to the toilet and puked the contents out.
Yugi remembered that night back in Ancient Egypt, when the other had food poisoning.
“Damn…” Atemu said. “Wasn't enough.” He lifted the bottle up to his lips and was about to drink when Yugi slapped it out of his hand. “What the hell?”
“Please don't do this.” Yugi said.
Atemu sighed. “This is my only escape Yugi. There's nothing here that is worth living for.”
“How do you know that?” Yugi asked. “How do you know that this is all there is?”
Atemu just looked at him with a glare. “Why would you care!?” He shouted.
Yugi just looked at him. `He looks like him, but he doesn't act like him.' He thought sadly. `He doesn't remember me because it's been too long… unless…' He remembered the many times they'd been together. `No… It won't work.” Unknown to him, he was holding the other's hand or a long time as he thought.
“Hey,” Atemu said, a bit concerned about the other when he fell silent for a long time. “Yugi.” He shook his hand to gain the other's attention.
Yugi looked up and realized how close they were. `He probably won't feel the same as before.' He thought as he let go of the other's hand and got up. “I brought your luggage and some honey rolls I made.” He said as he was about to walk out, but came back and took the bottle away, and dumped the contents down the drain. “I'm going to check on you before I leave.” He said trying to hold back the tears as he walked out of the room.
Atemu sat there for a moment, looking at the open space that used to have a door, before getting up and noticed the box on the coffee table. He walked over and picked up the box before opening it and smelled its sweet scent. He took one and took a nibble of it before popping it in his mouth. Tears rolled down his eyes and he realized what he tried to do and knew the other was right.
“I'm going to check on you before I leave.”
He remembered what the other said and sat down… and waited.
He came back, while mumbling something about the evil vending machine, and handed the water to Seto and one to Moukaba, while he got himself a clear soda.
Moukaba noticed the bubbles in the water bottle and looked at the blonde, who gave him a wink.
“So, tell me about yourself.” Seto asked looking at Joey.
“Not'n much. Just an average junior go'n da senior in high school.”
Seto nodded. “I see.”
“Do you have any siblings?” Moukaba asked, the sugar making itself known.
“I `ave one younga sista, n' she's gonna get married.”
“Really?” Moukaba asked as the blonde nodded. “Are you gay?”
Seto nearly choked on his water. “Moukaba!”
Joey laughed. “Yeah! Does it show?”
Moukaba just smiled and shook his head. “No, just wondering.”
Than a growl was became known, and the blonde laughed sheepishly. “Anyone besides me starving?”
Moukaba raised his hand.
“Okay, okay, I'll see what I can do for ya.” Joey said as he exited the room.
“What was that for?' Seto asked.
“What?” Moukaba said innocently.
“About asking if he was gay.”
“Well, I like him and I know you do too!”
Seto was speechless.
“Admit it! You liked him the moment he came to help us back on the ally.”
Seto sighed and leaned back. “There's something about him… I don't know…”
“He's better than those other fuckers that you used to go out with.”
“Watch your mouth Moukaba!”
“I'm just being honest!”
Seto sighed. “True.” He said as he looked at his brother. “And he's tricky enough to switch the water and soda into different bottles.”
Moukaba drinked up the rest of his soda. “That's one of the many things I like about him.”
Unknown to the two, Joey was listening to their conversation. He forgot his wallet back in the room as was walking back to get it when he caught the conversation. He smiled as he heard this. `Alright! Seto likes me and `is brother likes me! Score! That's always a good sign!' He thought. `I wonda `ow Yuge is do'n?'
He walked out of the elevator and towards the door and knocked on it. “Atemu!” He said and waited. He heard something from inside. `Probably television.' He thought as he heard footsteps coming towards the door.
The door opened, revealing a solemn looking young man. “Hello Yugi.” Atemu said. “Would you like to come in?”
Yugi nodded and walked in.
“Yugi,” Atemu started to say as he closed the door. “I've been thinking about what you said earlier, and … you were right.”
Yugi looked at him and encouraged for the other to continue.
“And I would like to say thank you…”
Yugi smiled. “You're welcome.”
“But, I don't think that alone isn't enough, for how thankful I am.”
Yugi looked at him as the other moved up and embraced him.
“Yugi, I don't know how to explain this. But the first time I met you, it feels as though I've known you longer than a few minutes.”
Yugi embraced back. `His heart does remember!' He thought as he pushed back far enough to see into the other's eyes. “I felt the same way, when I heard your voice.” He said.
When he came back with some food, he noticed that Moukaba wasn't in the room.
“He went to the bathroom.” Seto answered his unasked question.
“Oh, alright den.” Joey said as he placed the food down on the table.
“Sorry for my brother's question.”
“Dat's alright.” Joey said with a laugh as he threw a dumpling over. “I don't mind.” He opened up a sandwich.
“Is it alright, if you could join Moukaba and me for brunch?” Seto asked.
Joey smiled. “Sounds great.” He said. “But I'll warn ya, I'm da reason dere's world hunga.” That earn a laugh from the brunette.
Seto calmed down for a moment before looking at the blonde once more. “Joey,”
“Yeah Seto?”
“Would you come up a bit closer?”
Joey did to about a foot away from the other's face.
Joey did, faces almost touching.
Seto placed a hand behind the other's head and sort of felt around before claiming the blonde's lips, which the other returned and remembered how it was like back in Egypt.
Moukaba choose this time to witness the site. `Yes!' He thought happily as the two continued with their kiss.
~*Yugi & Atemu*~
Atemu ran a hand over the other's face before leaning down and kissed the youth.
Yugi closed his eyes and returned the kiss.
After a moment or two, they parted and Atemu had a surprised shock look. “I'm so sorry Yugi!” He said as he backed away. “I-I don't know what came over me.”
Yugi stepped up and grabbed his hand. “It's okay.” He said with a smile.
Atemu blinked before leaning down and started to kiss again. He led them to the couch, where he sat down and let the other do as he pleased.
Yugi deepened the kiss and silently asked permission, which the other accepted. He felt around the other's hair, neck, shoulders, chest and stopped at the waist.
Atemu rubbed the youth's sides up and down as the other continued to kiss.
They parted for air and looked at each other in the eye until Yugi's cell went off and he had to answer, which had to be Grandpa on the other line.
“I have to go Atemu.” Yugi said sadly.
Atemu smiled. “Would you like a ride?”
“But the media's still down there.”
“But they never seen my face, except you.”
“Yeah, but-“
“Do you have an extra uniform somewhere?”
Yugi blinked as Atemu smirked.
Yugi and Atemu, wearing the hotel uniform, walked out into the lobby, unnoticed by the media, and were able to reach the parking lot.
“I can't believe that worked!” Yugi said.
“The wonderful things about letting people wonder what you look like.”
Yugi laughed at that.
“There's my car.” Atemu pointed out a black Jaguar.
They got into the car and drove out of the parking lot.
“It feels good to know you're not being hounded.” Atemu said sounding like a weight is off his shoulders.
“I bet.” Yugi said.
“So, where do you live?”
“The Kame Game Shop.”
“I think I passed by that place on my way to the hotel.” Atemu said as he took a few turns and stopped in front of the house/shop. “Here we are.”
“Would you like to come in?” Yugi asked.
Atemu blinked at the offer, but smiled and turned the car off. “Why not?”
Yugi smiled as they both got out and was greeted by Mr. Mouto.
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One down, one more to go!
Bakura: Whoopee. *rolls eyes*
Marik: R&R everyone, just get it over with and move on with your pathetic, pitiful…
*whacks Marik's head*
I know…
Bakura: *sigh* R& fucking R
Bakur- Oh forget it!
Bakura: *smirks* I win this one.
Shut up
Bakura: Make me.
Do we have to go over this again?
Marik: Yes you do.
B/Me: Shut up Marik!
Marik: What did I do!?