Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ Help. ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Aww fuck this!" Bakura grumbled kicking the door in. Its not like Ryou didn't have the funding to fix it later.


Ryou whimpered as his grandfather shoved him back into the bed. "BAKURA!!" He yelped in desperation. William grumbled and pulled Ryou to him, crushing their lips together in lust-filled frustration. Ryou felt his grandfather's hands roaming over his body and pulling whatever clothing he could from Ryou's form. Ryou whimpered and tried to shove William off, but the he wasn't strong enough and was only rewarded in rough bite to his lips. "Stop being so difficult!" Ryou felt his pants being roughly tugged away, he began struggling more hearing the soft thwump of his clothing being discarded to the floor. "Please stop!" Ryou cried, as William struggled with his wrists, tying them to the headboard of the bed. "Shhh, you're going to like this my little one." William said smirking and running his hands over Ryou's exposed flesh.

Covering Ryou's mouth with his free hand, William gently shoved a finger into Ryou, beginning to stretch him. Ryou gasped and began furiously struggling. "Stop!! Please I don't want to! Leave me alone!" He pleaded into the hand, which muffled his cries into what could easily be considered moans to a filthy mind. He added a second finger, stretching Ryou more. Ryou began sobbing. "Stop!! I don't want to!" He begged through the hand.


/BAKURA!! HELP ME!!/ Ryou shrieked through their bond. Bakura jumped slightly, not expecting such a fear filled shriek from his hikari. //What's going on? Where are you?!// he said back, panicking.


Ryou felt a third finger shoved roughly into him. /Bakura Help! He's going to rape me!/ Ryou sobbed. He could feel Bakura begin scouring the house for them, and he hoped Bakura would save him before something truly awful happened. "Oh, my beautiful little Ryou, you're so tight...if you relax it will not hurt so badly." William groaned, removing his fingers and working the belt of his pants off. Ryou whimpered, knowing full well what was next, and began struggling with everything in him, causing the belt to dig into his wrists. "Still you act as though you don't love it!" William bellowed huskily grabbing one of Ryou's legs with his free hand, since his pants were now out of the way, and lifting it harshly up. Ryou winced more and tried to struggle, but found his position left him unable to move much at all.

"I'm sorry little one, but because you've been so persistently rude, I have no free hand to lubricate myself...perhaps next time you'll be more agreeable..." Ryou froze when he felt the head of his grandfather's erection press against his entrance. "Please!! I don't want to! Leave me alone! God please make him stop!" he shrieked, feeling his grandfather begin pressing his way into him.


Bakura found Ryou, and stared slack-jawed for a moment, before shaking his head. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" He bellowed, picking up the nearest object (which happened to be a family portrait) and slamming it down on William's head. William fell to the floor with a groan, leaving Ryou sobbing on the bed. Bakura immediately untied his wrists and hugged him. "Ryou...are you ok?" Ryou shook his head, gripping Bakura tightly and sobbing.


Bakura growled, after Ryou had finally managed to stop crying and tell him what was going on. "Ryou he almost raped you! How can you still defend him?!" Ryou looked down and sniffled slightly. "Bakura...him and father...they're all I have left! Mother's gone, grandmother's gone...they are all that is left of my family!" Ryou said shaking his head. Bakura sat down on the bed next to him. "Listen you pathetic excuse for a hikari..." Bakura said softly, before hugging Ryou to him. "You'll always have me. I'll be here for you."

AN: NO this is NOT the end! Don't think it is. I haven't resolved the whole issue. Ok, well I'll be back tomorrow with the next part. Just for you Hato.