Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ I thought I could trust you ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Bakura sighed as he worked. Finally, after much time and effort, he managed to unlock the second door. He perked up immediately from his dazed stupor and smirked at the metal path obstruction. "It's open!!" He cheered and threw the door open. The inside was dark...very dark. Bakura blinked after a moment, there was faint childish humming.

"You opened the door..." Bakura jumped a bit and looked around. There he was again, the child form of his hikari standing just feet behind him. "You shouldn't nose about, in that which is none of your business Bakura." Bakura blinked. He was about to ask how the ghost of Ryou's past knew his name, but just as he opened his mouth, the child interrupted him. "It is time to play..." The chibi whispered looking to the doors. The doors slammed behind Bakura and he immediately tensed at the sudden realization that he would be watching something he might not wish to see...and there wasn't any avoiding it.

Bakura turned and squinted through the darkness to a small sandbox. "One, two, one, two! A castle to the sun, a moat to the moon. A dragon to be slain by the knight so plain! This is the story of the sand castle game!" The ghost sang, its childish voice filled with laughter and glee. He was building a small mound of sand up; obviously it was to be a castle. Bakura blinked and looked back to where the chibi hikari had been standing moments before. Gone.

An older, yet highly accented English voice filled the darkness. "Ryou..," The voice seemed filled with charismatic European charms, and the room filled smelled of the sweet aroma of pipe smoke. The stinky yet sweet smell of the smoke left Bakura feeling clumsy and sleepy. "Come dear child..." The small hikari looked up. "I don't want to...please don't make me..." He whispered to the darkness. Bakura was shocked to see the darkness lash out violently to grasp the small child and suspend him above the sandbox, as the play area faded into nothing.

Blackness, that was all that was visible now...except for the door, and Ryou. Bakura felt a rush of cold air and glared at the darkness. What did this all mean? Something was indeed very wrong. "No! Please!" The chibi wailed as he struggled. "I don't want to!"

The look on the pale child's face was a mix between pain, fear and sadness. Bakura watched as the clothing dissolved away, leaving the poor creature nude as it began to sob. "Ryou?" He whispered, unable to truly comprehend at the moment what this all meant. He watched on, as the small child aged to the point that he knew Ryou had to be 15, when he had first seen the boy he'd come to care for. "Leave me alone..." Ryou whispered as his eyes landed on Bakura. "Bakura..." He mumbled emptily.


Ryou gasped the moment his memories flooded back the unwanted surge of images, more vivid than Ryou cared to know flashing through his mind. The door in his soul room! He immediately entered the quaint room, and looked to the door...the floor was littered with broken lock picks. "Oh no! Bakura!" Ryou gasped. He didn't want his yami hurt by the vicious and horrid memories that resided behind the door. Ryou knew that door better than anything...and he hated what it hid from the world. But Bakura was in there...and he needed to get him out. Beyond that door was a dangerous place, especially to someone who didn't understand its contents.


Bakura struggled violently, at first...the darkness had been like a movie, and then it had suddenly enveloped him, blinding and stifling him. It was like drowning in a pool of despair, being devoured by the blackness of the modern time's `hell'. He couldn't breathe! Bakura clutched at his throat and immediately began struggling more. Air! He desperately needed air! "Do not fight..." The smooth British accented voice called. `To whom is this voice speaking?' Bakura thought as he closed his eyes, his body becoming weak and his head beginning to swim.

Bakura watched silently as the swimming began to form thoughts that were not his own.

"I have been missing you grandson!"

"Do you want to go outside to play?"

"How about spending some quality time with grandpa hm, Ryou?"

What did it all mean? It surely meant that Ryou was tormented by some heinous act that had been imposed on him at such a tender age...


With trembling hands, moving forward only in his love for his yami, Ryou opened the obtrusive doors with the only key that Ryou ever held, a tiny gold key. It was the key to his soul...his journal key. His father had given him a journal shortly after they had left England, and Ryou had never used a book as much as he used that journal. Though, there were no entries on his grandfather...or what had been done.

Throwing the doors open, Ryou gazed into the darkness, but he could easily feel Bakura's presence. "Stop!" Ryou demanded, with a tremble in his voice, to the serpentine darkness. It quivered a bit at first, and slowly it receded. "B-Bakura!!" Ryou gasped, as his darker half was revealed, collapsing unconscious to the floor. Bakura was gasping for the air he had been deprived, and he was covered in sweat. The darkness of Ryou's memories had attacked him.


Ryou had gone home after that incident, claiming to the school nurse that he was ill. He could only hope that Bakura had not been harmed by the darkness of those nightmares...harmed...or worse. Ryou shuddered at the thought as he tended to his yami. "Please...please be ok Bakura..." Ryou whispered.