Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When It Hurts The Most ❯ Bakura...help me ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Ryou walked back to his house slowly, he was actually a bit tired from the day's activities. He had been bombarded with 3 pop quizzes! His whole head felt numb. "I suppose it serves me right for not studying recently...although I'm sure I passed those tests." Ryou chuckled a little. "But by the look on Jono's face, he did not. Yugi didn't look too thrilled either."


William saw Ryou approaching through the den's window and smirked to himself. It was going to be today, right when he walked through that door. After all, Ryou had dropped his guard a bit, and who in god's green Earth would expect to be jumped the moment they walked into their home? Exactly, no one.


Ryou sighed rubbing his temples as he dug through his carrier bag for the keys to his house. The ring jingled lightly at the movements. "I wonder where Bakura went...?" he mumbled finally pulling the small key ring out of his bag. It held the front, back and basement door keys. It also held a `Domino City Duel monsters championship Finalist' Trinket. It had been close, but Yugi as usual, had won. Ryou smiled at the memory, before gently putting the key into the lock and turning it.

Before he'd even had a full foot into his home though, Ryou was tugged in and the door slammed shut. Ryou blinked at the sudden change in light and shook his head a bit, trying to adjust his vision. He heard the lock click and looked over to catch his Grandfather's silhouette. Ryou backed away a bit, feeling threatened by the sudden suspicious actions, and the fact that his home was nearly pitch black inside. All of the drapes had been pulled down, and it was eerily quiet.

"I missed your sixteenth birthday, my chocolate angel..."

Ryou gasped as his grandfather approached. "Be still my sweet pet." William murmured pinning Ryou to the wall behind him. Ryou looked away, shaking in his fear; he knew what would be next. It had been stupid of him to hope that his grandfather had changed! "Please…grandfather…I don't want to do this." Ryou whispered ashamed that he'd hoped for change, ashamed that he was in this situation, and ashamed that he'd EVER been in this situation.

William smirked and pulled Ryou close to him, pressing their bodies close, and taking particular interest in grinding his aching desire into Ryou. Ryou felt his eyes burn. "I…I don't WANT to!" He shouted pushing him away. William shook his head sighing. "How long Ryou? How long will you deny the love you have for this? It is clear that you love it." Ryou stared at his grand father, who held him firmly to the wall, as though he had grown a second head. "How could I POSSIBLY love this?!" Ryou said, a tear slipping from his eyes. William merely pressed closer to Ryou, forcing a deep kiss upon the teen.


Bakura walked quietly back to the place Ryou called `home'. The Ishtars had been a little help, although they hadn't figured out what was bothering Ryou either.

"Just stay close to Ryou if you're worried. After all, what can happen if you're there watching him?"

Bakura looked at the door before grumbling quietly to himself. "Damn...I forgot the fucking keys..." he mumbled pulling a lock pick from his pocket.


William frowned at the sounds of the door being tampered with. He grabbed Ryou by the arm and led him away from the door. "There is too much distraction my sweet...We'll take this to a more appropriate place." He said huskily, literally dragging Ryou away from the door. Ryou took a breath and was about to scream `HELP ME!' or something to that measure, before William clapped a hand over his mouth. "Must you always fight like this?!" He whispered harshly.


Bakura grumbled, he couldn't really focus on the lock...his mind kept wandering back to the look of fear and insecurity on his hikari's face that night he had the nightmare. It had really struck something inside of him. He had felt...well, warm inside, when Ryou had hugged him, despite how he treated the smaller teen. He hadn't ever really beaten Ryou, but he had treated him like dirt. Called him worthless, degraded him, purposely made life harder...and all Ryou ever did in return was care.

Bakura sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I'm going to get so plastered tonight..." he grumbled continuing his work on the lock, and forcing himself away from any further thoughts about Ryou, and the warm feelings.