Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Music Takes Hold ❯ Chapter 1

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Geez, I'm on a roll with this short, meaningless one-shots! I've written three in two days! @_@ Wow! I guess my birthday gave me new energy, yup, yup, I turned seventeen, fwee! This is my second attempt at a song fic, the other was written and posted last night and this morning, it was an InuYasha one. This goes along with my

Crazy Little Thing Called Love universe since it was asked by one of my friends at my party to write a short side fic, hopefully song-fic. Well, it's not really a song fic, but it does have a song in it, does that make sense? Anyways, this takes place after everyone at school finds out, but way before Jou and Seto get married and have a kid. Those fics, the wedding and pregnancy have been delayed because my dad's moving, I'll get them up ASAP!

The time frame is after the end of the story, so, Anzu's been banished, yada, yada, yada...Jou's unwinding in the Kaiba manner, dancing to his favourite song, unaware of the Blue Eyed bishie watching him.

Disclaimer: Don't own, really, truly wish I did, but, sadly, nope.

See ya at the bottom!


Jou sighed for the millionth time in five minutes he was so bored, Mokuba was at a friends, Dia, George, Monique and Jou's mom had gone for a 'girl's night' to see some sappy chick flick. So, therefore he was stuck, all alone, minus the help, in Kaiba Manor, he tried calling Yugi, but, no answer, he was currently debating phoning Seto and begging him to come home early. So, he had resorted to staring blankly at the stucco ceiling and trying to count the indents, he'd lost count after 721, sitting up on the couch he grinned as he caught sight of the stereo. Standing up he crossed the room and turned it on, pulling out his 'Queen of the Damned' soundtrack he ejected the disc tray and placed the CD in one of the five placings, then closed it and let the music play. He hit the surround sound mode and with a smirk, cranked the volume to an uncanny decible and ear splitting level before pushing the bass button, with that done as the drum beat, the floor vibrated. With a quick glance around the room as to make sure of the vacancy, he changed it to his favourite song, as the humming chords of the bass gituar flowed through the room he shut his eyes, allowing the music to wash over his body competely and he began to move, rather unconsciencely and suductively to the beat.

~You fell away, what more can I say

The feeling's evolved, I won't let it out

I can't replace, your screaming face

Feeling the sickness inside~

Swaying his hips to the xylophone and gituar he lifted his arms over his head he ran a hand through his hair, shoving it away from his face. As the hard gituar and drums kicked in he thrust his chest forward, his whole body snaking and waving after it, he twisted and turned, litterally writhing to the beat.

~Why won't you die, your blood and mine

We'll be fine, then your body will be mine

So many words, can descirbe my fate,

This feelings evolved, so soon to break out

I can't relate, to a happy state, feeling the

Blood run inside

Why won't you die, your blood and mine

We'll be fine, then your body will be mine~

Jou allowed his hips to snap back and forth quickly, he twined his arms outwards, moving them to the music as well, he beckoned towards himself, swaying his hips in a suductive, provocative manner. He was so lost within the music, eyes shut, back to the door, that he didn't even hear Seto enter the house.


Kaiba Seto exited his limo, glad to finally be home for the day, he nodded to his driver, then walked up to the porch, he thought he heard faint music, Jou was probably cleaning again. He turned the knob on the front door and entered the home, when the wall of music hit him he all but covered his ears at the volume, he toed off his shoes, no wonder Jou was half-deaf, listening to music at a level that even those deaf could hear it could not be good for one's ears. Hanging up his coat he moved to the living room to scold his lover and turn off the music, but he was greeted with a site that made him reconsider. A small smirk appeared on his lips and he debated running for his camcorder, Jou was in the middle of the living room, so lost with his music and so into his dancing it made Seto smile, not to mention, the blonde's outfit was enough to make one consider your sexual preferance. Clad in leather pants so tight they seemed like a black, shiny second skin, moving upwards, Seto's smile changed to a smirk, one of Jou's favourite shirts. He had bought it for his lover, the blonde was so in love with the shirt when he had spotted it in the store, but, sadly didn't have money with him, true enough it belonged on a female, considering Jou was browsing in a girl's store...again, not that Seto minded, the shirts were skin tight and perfect for the trim blonde. Charcoal in colour, the shirt revealed a perfect patch of Jou's back and washboard abs, coming to rest about an inch or two above his navel, the front of the shirt had a catchy saying that was very true to the blonde tempter. 'I may not be perfect, but I'm so damned close that it scares me.' Jou continued to move, still unaware of the appraising blue eyes, his hips swivled and he pivoted, once again running a hand through his hair, letting the other drop to the waistband on his sinfully tight pants just as the bridge kicked in.

~Why is everything so fuckin' hard me

Keep me down to what you think I should be

Must you tempt me and prevoke the ministry

Keep on trying I'm not dying so easily~

Jou's constant moving had him nearly facing his boyfriend, Seto could see that his eyes were shut and his mouth was moving silently to the words. Then Jou pulled off a move Seto was pretty sure the blonde had learned from his dance loving sister or Isis, lifting his arms above his head, exposing more of his abs, he clasped his hands together and with a hip swivle, he dropped his left hip, his left leg shifted behind his right and he turned, it was a well known belly dancing move.

~I will not die

[Why is everything so fuckin' hard for me]

I will not die

[Why is everything so fuckin' hard for me]

I will not die~

Seto knew the song was nearly finished so he moved quickly across the floor to the stereo, eyes still on the captivating blonde.

~Why won't you die, your blood and mine

We'll be fine, then your body will be mine

Why won't you die, your blood and mine

We'll be fine, then your body will be mine~

With the final beats of the song Jou thrust his chest forwards and allowed his body to snake along, Seto smirked, without allowing the song to finish he pressed the stop button. Jou froze, arms above his head, hips stuck to the right and he opened his eyes, he lowered his arms, silent, Seto merely watched, arms crossed and body leaning against the wall.

"How long have you been here?" Seto mused,

"long enough, I never knew you danced so well." He advanced on the now panting Jounouchi, who stepped backwards, unaware that he was going right where Seto wanted him to, with another step towards him and another step back Jou yelped falling backwards, landing, splayed in a plush chair.

"Well, Shizuka taught me." Seto nodded,

"hmmm, I see." He swooped down, latching onto Katsuya's lips, the reaction was instant, Jou arched upwards, his arms twined about Seto's neck, before pulling back,

"close windows, seal doors, exit only." He managed a clear, calm voice between ragged breaths, there was a pause before the room fell almost completely dark, he smirked, glad for the latest top of the market technology, also glad that Mokuba had prompted Seto into upgrading the Manor into a 'smart home'. He pushed Seto upwards, he too stood fluidly, latching onto Seto's neck, his hands worked quickly, discarding Seto's shirt off to the side. Before wordlessly trailing kisses down Seto's torso, dropping to his knees and working Seto's pants and boxers off, he gave no heed as his mouth slid over Seto's swollen length, suckling lightly on the head before he took him completely into his mouth. His arms slid about Seto's slim hips before he held his hands together, running his tounge along the full length of Seto's need, causing the blue eyed teen to groan and bury his hands into the golden blonde hair, urging the action further. Jou sucked hard at the head, lapping up the drops of

pre-cum, pulling back with a soft tug on the hair, he stood, matching his lips to Seto's own. The black shirt fell to the floor and Seto discarded the leather pants smirking,

"no boxers?" He ran his hand the length of Jou's hardened shaft in emphasis, Jou groaned,

"you try wearing those pants with boxers, it's murder." Seto moved down Jou's body quickly, he teased the navel ring causing Jou to squirm and moan, he finally took Jou into his mouth, fully and in one swift movement. Jou gasped, hands knotting into chestnut brown hair, after a few minutes he stopped Seto, who straightened, shoving Jou back effortlessly into the chair. He reached into the side of the chair, opening a small compartment he pulled out a tube of lube, he matched Jou's lips to his own, pushing two fingers in, quickly stretching the blonde before adding another, Jou took a small amount of lube into his hands, before running them down Seto's shaft, coating it completely. Seto took hold of Jou's hips, matching their lips and thrusting into the inviting heat, Jou gasped, wrapping both of his legs about's Seto's waist, then his arms about Seto's neck, there was a small burst of strength before Jou was fully impaled by Seto who pulled him upwards, out of the chair, then sat down himself, the blonde in his lap. Jou whimpered, moving himself on Seto's length, allowing it to fill him fully, when he thrust down, Seto thrust upwards, doubling the pleasure. The two didn't last, their prolonged need and lust had them moving at a fast pace quickly, Seto grasped onto Jou's member, pumping him before setting his lips on Jou's still sensitive spot and nibbling, then suckling harshly. Jou gasped in shock, his whole body tensed, shaking, Seto increased the pressure, then Jou shuddered, convulsing twice as he released his essence on Seto's hand. Seto groaned, releasing himself into Jou, the two limply fell together, before the doorbell broke up the comfortable silence.

The two parted quickly, throwing on clothing and Jou brushed himself clean before watching Seto run off to the kitchen to clean up, Jou plopped back down in the chair, "unlock doors, entrance allowed." The four women entered just as Seto emerged from the kitchen, two glasses in hand, he handed one to Jou, then slid into the chair as well, Jou smiled, "how was your movie?" Dia nodded,

"good, I see you finally got that shirt you wanted." Jou glanced downwards,

"oh, yeah, aren't you guys gonna sit down?" Helena sat instantly, but the other three remained standing, Jou sipped his drink, "why aren't you sittin'?" He sipped his drink, nearly choking on it due to George's response,

"well, I don't know where you two've done it, so, I'll stand." He coughed, pulling his glass away,

"WHAT?!" George nodded,

"don't want your gay cooties on me, I might start liking guys, not with Monique, don't wanna screw it up." She crossed her arms, "besides I bet I can point out every place you two have done it in this room." Seto raised a


"I don't know."

"Seto, don't encourage her, wait, bet what?"

"How about, dinner for a week?" Jou and Seto shared a look, then Jou faced George,

"does it have to be full out sex or between two and home?"

"Two and home, and I have to get at least half, so, I'll need at least a ball park figure of how many times you've done it in here?" Seto frowned, thinking, as Jou began to count in his head, they faced her and spoke in usion,

"twelve." She nodded,

"hmmm, okay, let's start, oh and if I get all twelve, which means where, how many times if more than once, not only do you own me dinner, but laundry too, fair?" Seto and Jou both nodded, she grinned, looking around the room, she pointed to a spot by the fireplace, "there, once." Seto paused, then nodded, using his hands to keep track, she pointed at the table, used for junk, but an actual kitchen table, "twice." Jou nodded, she tapped her mouth, thinking, then pointed at the chair Jou's other was currently inhabiting, "there, once." Jou nodded and instantly his mother hopped up, he smirked, George pointed at the two, "there, three times?" Seto paused, then placed three ticks onto his fingers, she grinned, "okay, I'm getting dinner, let's see about laundry, uh, couch, once." She was up to eight, by now she was running out of places, she leaned against the wall, thinking hard,

"I give up, dinner's enough for me, I'm four off, where else?" Jou grinned, lowering his water,

"well, for one, you might wanna get off that wall." With a yelp she shot upwards, then moved to the middle of the room, sitting down in a bean bag chair, Seto merely raised a brow, tilting his head, she fell out and crawled along the floor, coming to stop by the coffee table, Jou frowned, "ya might wanna avoid that whole area, s'how the coffee table broke, we sexed it out, then kinda, well, rolled on the floor, so, move." She took a spot in the very middle of the room twitching slightly, "you're safe there, uhh, last place was, oh yeah, right by Monique, when we barely got in the room." Monique poiltely stepped aside, while Jou sat back sipping his drink, "and this is proudly after only six months, you'd be scared of the bedroom, especially since last week, when we hit the six month anniversary, surprised the bed's still in once piece." He was giggling by now, Seto shook his head,

"it wasn't that many....wait." He paused, nodding, "nevermind, shit, that can't be right." Jou faced him,


"It was over three days right?" Jou nodded, thinking,

"yeah, because on the seventeenth....shit that is a lot." Seto's lips twitched,

"that's a damned strong bed." George looked at the two,

"I'd like to guess, hmmm, okay, three days, seventeen times?" Jou counted, then made a larger motion, "higher, holy shit, twenty one?" Another motion, "lower, twenty." A nod, she blinked, "twenty, in three, ohh, wow, how do you do it?" Jou tilted his head,

"well, first you gotta take off your clothes, then you-" His mouth was covered by Seto's hand, George rolled her eyes,

"baka, I know that, no wonder you two are fit, you have sex all the time, I envy you." Jou beamed,

"damn straight, wait...damn gay, yup, now, shoo, me and my extremely hot and sexy boyfriend must have more sex to keep ourselves thin and hot, shoo, out, go, go, good night!" He was shoving them out the door and when they were gone slammed the door shut, he sighed, locked it then re-entered the living room. Seto stood from the chair,

"so, think you can show me that dance move?" Jou frowned,

"which?" Seto turned on the music, wrapping his arms about Jou,

"you know which, just let the music take control." Jou stepped out of his lover's embrace, moving to the middle of the room, he shut his eyes, the music washed over his body and with a suductive smirk he snapped his hips, swivling himself to the front, once again, lost within the music.


Whew! This is my longest corny, stupid, lemony one shot, thing out of the three! Figures since I love this pairing and I can write for them easily, as for the Jou dancing thing, I'm sorry if it's confusing, just, I had such a precise picture in my head which had my drooling on my papers, that I tried to write it out. I'd been watching Queen of the Damned, I love that movie, Stuart Townsend is like superwow!hot, if you haven't seen that movie, what rock have you been living under? The dance is taken basically straight from that movie, from the scene in the Admiral's Arms where Akasha dances, and hey, it's to the same song! I figured Jou for a heavy metal fan, since it fits in with his life and character, so, I chose System from QOTD, which is one of my all time favourite songs because it's by one of my favourite singers, Chester Bennington from Linkin Park! w00t! So, that's the song I used, I don't own Queen of the Damned, though I own a copy of th movie, book and soundtrack! Yay! And I don't own Linkin Park, sadly! Anyways, R&R people, onegai to arigouto! Gomen if they're spelt wrong, please and thanks!

Ja Ne
