Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When That Day Comes ❯ The Forgotten Girl ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: I do not and never will own YuGiOh. Though that'd be awesome if I did! I've got nothing to say about this fic except that some characters might be OCC. Please read and review! I'm begging you! Now, for those who actually care, the story.

When That Day Comes

Chapter 1: The Forgotten Girl

There's no one around. I look in every direction possible but not a person in sight. Did they forget? It's already half past 2… we were supposed to meet here at 1:00.

Every Saturday since I moved here we've gone to the pizza shop then the arcade starting at 1 in the afternoon. Am I the only one who remembered this time?

I sat alone at a table, sipping a never-ending glass of water. Best to be healthy, right? The waitress came over yet again to fill my glass as I got down to the lasts of it. Why wasn't anyone coming?

10 minutes passed before I heard the door open and turned around.

"Oh. Hi Usagi," I said in a depressed voice.

"Why are you still here? Normally you're at the arcade by now," my brother commented.

"Yeah, true. But I would be there if anyone remembered to even come here," I replied.

"Sorry they didn't come… could I hang out with you?"

"Sure, I've got nothing else to do," I knew he could hear the mockery in my voice.

"So I'm last on your list? How enlightening!" Usagi shot back with more sarcasm than me.

We both laughed and he sat down across from me. Each of us had a piece of pizza before heading home.

Usagi always knows how to cheer me up, doesn't he? Sometimes I wish we could stay this age forever. We'd have fun to the end of eternity…

"So, how'd your day go?" My mother questioned me as I motioned to go up to my room.

"Just fine. Nobody came but Usagi and I had fun together." I said with a false cheer covering up my sadness.

"I'm glad you and your brother got along. Do you know why your friends didn't show?" She sounded so concerned.

"No but I'll ask them Monday," were my departing words as I shot up the stairs and closed my door.

My room… my escape… The only place I can get privacy. I retreat here every second I have alone.

I plopped down on my bed and stared at the plushies piling up. Why didn't anyone come? Did they want to leave me alone for an hour and a half in a pizza place? Did they forget about me? I was the one who organized this… Maybe they all just got tired of wasting their Saturdays eating greasy pizza and playing pinball and Pac-man…

A small beep knocked me back into reality. The computer screen was flashing. An e-mail? Who would it be from? I walked slowly over to the electronic device and opened the message. Who is this? I've never seen this address before…


There have been rumors of a great power growing in Domino city. If you know anything about them, please reply to this message. If they are true, you and the people you care about will be in great danger. I doubt you will notice anything for a few weeks or so. Any signs, please contact me with them. All you have to do is hit the reply button. Good day and good luck."

It wasn't signed… and what was that about a power? I hope it's not true. I wouldn't want anything to happen to my friends or family… But what if the group not showing has something to do with that?

The thought plagued me for a few moments before I ran to the phone. The first number that came to my head was punched in.

"Hello?" The voice from the other side greeted.

"Hi Ryou, it's Rikoh." Atleast he's home…

"Oh, uh, hi…" Ryou stammered out. Why did he seem so surprised to hear my voice?

"What were you doing this afternoon?" Maybe this will explain things…

"This afternoon? Bakura and I were… uh… we were at my grandma's house and we just arrived home a few minutes ago."

Did he just lie to me? Ryou… just lied to me… on purpose…

"Oh, well I was just wondering because I got this crazy e-mail saying that there was some power growing in Domino and that the people I care about and I are in danger. Weird huh?"

"Um, yeah… weird… Could you hold on one second?"

"Uh, sure." What was he up to?

Several minutes passed before I heard Ryou's voice again.

"You still there?"

"Yeah, what was that about?"

"Oh, nothing. Just keeping Bakura out of trouble again." Does he not know I can hear the falseness of his statement?

"Oh, ok. Please be careful, just incase that e-mail was real."

"Ok, I will."

"I guess I'll see you Monday then. Bye"

"Bye Rikoh."

There was a small pause before I hear the dial tone. Why would Ryou lie to me? And why would he do it twice? That's not like him…

Well, atleast he's ok. If nothing happened to Ryou then surely nothing happened to anyone else; Ryou is the one closest to me… and my heart. I've loved him but I could never tell him…

There is one other… she was my first friend when I moved here. Maybe I should call her… just incase…

I dialed the number and waited for someone to pick up.

"Chikara residence, Akira speaking. May I ask who's calling?"

"Hi Akira, it's Rikoh. Is Kirei there?"

"No, she's out with Yugi and Atemu. But she said she'll be back around 7 if you want to call then."

"Thanks, I will. Bye."


As I hung up the phone my body began to shake. She was out with Yugi and Atemu… That's 3 more of my friends who didn't care about our Saturday rendezvous… The only one left that would care was Seto… never mind. He probably had some meeting to go to. It's not like he'd actually care about me. It's not like anyone cared about me.

We all were together yesterday at school… Why did they change so suddenly? Have they been faking friendship the whole time? Do I really have anyone? It doesn't matter, I can tend for myself. I don't need another to be there for me, I lived 12 years of my life with no one there. Don't get dependent now.

Does anyone even deserve to deal with me? They shouldn't…

"Rikoh, can I come in?" Usagi called from outside my door.

I wiped away the tear that had fallen and looked in the mirror. No signs, that's good. Wouldn't want him to figure out, would you?


Usagi slid inside the door and closed it behind him. He then made his way over to my bed where I sat and placed a box down next to me.

"I found this in the closet. Do you know what it is?"

I examined the black container. Why hadn't I seen this before? I didn't even notice it when the boxes were being stowed into the moving truck.

"I don't. Did you look inside?"

"No, I didn't want to just incase it was something private."

"Do you think we should?"

"I guess. That's the only way we'll find out whose stuff it is."

I smiled and nodded. Then my fingers carefully lifted the lid off. We peered inside.

"Duel Monsters cards?" Usagi said with disgust.

"Just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can make fun of it!" I lifted the belt deck box out and opened it to see what lied beyond the first card of Gyakutenno Megami.

"I don't see how you like that game…" Usagi commented after a few seconds of silence.

"And I don't see how you don't! Everyone loves it!" I looked up from my card sifting.

"I just don't. I'll go now, since this is something you'd like."

"Ok, I'll see you at dinner."

Usagi walked out and shut the door again. I lay down on my stomach and began my examination again. Every one of these cards so far I had… Atleast now I have a better case than a metal lunch box.

I got down to the last few cards and saw something that made my heart almost stop. There's only one in the world and Yugi has it… how could it be here? I took the card in my hand and dropped the others. As I stared at it I read the name aloud.

"Slifer the Sky Dragon…"

Yugi would be devastated if this is his! It has to be though, it's not a fake. Three hours until he would be arriving home… I have to call him when he gets back!

I picked up the last 3 cards and saw they were just commons. The only difference between this deck and mine was the Slifer card… How odd… I placed the cards back in their container but left the Slifer card on my computer desk.

Why was this the first time I was seeing that box? It must have blended in with the shadows… but it's been three years since we moved here…


I sat on the couch in the living room. Thank Ra Rikoh didn't catch on! I wouldn't want her to know about the party we were having for her birthday. It's only a few days away and shopping needed to be done!

"Bakura, did you wrap your present yet?" I asked as I spotted my yami walking in the other room.

"No! The wrapping paper attacked me so I sent it to the Shadow Realm. I'm going to get new wrapping paper," came his response.

Sometimes he worries me… and that's the 3rd roll of wrapping paper he's sent to the Shadow Realm! I'm not going to have any left for mine if he keeps this up…

I tried to focus my mind on something other than Rikoh by turning on the TV but somehow everything I saw kept on reminding me of her. I know I love her but today she's the only thing that's been on my mind. Maybe if I called Yugi… we could discuss the balloon decorations.

There was a voice as soon as the first ring ended.

"Moshi moshi, Kame Game Shop. How may I help you?" Sugoroku answered.

"Hello Sugoroku. May I speak to Yugi?"

"Sure thing. Hold on one minute."

I waited until I heard another voice enter the telephone.


"Yugi? This is Ryou."

"Oh, hi! Is anything wrong?"

"No, nothing's wrong. I just wanted to discuss the balloon arrangements for Rikoh's party."

"Good. Now what colors would she want?"

I thought for a moment. Rikoh always said her favorite colors were red and black but that's not exactly the colors you'd see on birthday balloons…

"How about rainbow? We could get one of each color and make bunches."

"Great idea! How many would we need? I can order them and pick them up on my way there."

"We'd probably need 10 of each. And there are seven colors. Would you be able to carry 70 balloons?"

I could imagine Yugi struggling to carry a huge bunch of balloons that took up more space than he did. I had to suppress a laugh.

"I could get Atemu to help. We'll be fine. So I should order 10 of each red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, and pink?"

"Sounds about right. I'll see you tomorrow."


This is going to be the best party ever! Rikoh was turning 16 after all. I hope she likes everything we've planned.


7:10pm… did I fall asleep? I lifted my head and noticed I was on the floor. How did I get here? I don't remember anything…

I got up and noticed the Slifer card on my desk. Yugi! He'd definitely be back by now! I ran over to the phone and quickly dialed in his number.

"Moshi moshi, Kame Game Shop." Atemu hated when he had to answer the phone.

"Hi Atemu, it's Rikoh."

"Rikoh! Oh, uh hi!" Why was he surprised as well?

"Hi. Would I be able to talk to Yugi?"

"Um, sure. Let me get him." I heard the phone drop.

"Sorry about that Rikoh."

"It's alright."

"So you wanted to talk to me?"

Everyone sounded so nervous or anxious when they talked to me.

"Yeah. Could you check your special card pouch? I think there might be something missing…"

As soon as I finished what I was saying I heard the phone drop again and heavy footsteps. I walked over to where I had placed down the God card and noticed it was missing. I was just holding it a few minutes ago, what could have happened?



"There's nothing missing. I have the Red Eyes Black Dragon and Slifer the Sky Dragon like I'm supposed to."

"Oh, ok. That's good. But the oddest thing happened just before."


"Usagi found a box and gave it to me to look at. It had Duel Monsters cards in a case inside. The deck was the same as mine except Slifer was in it."

"Slifer?! But there's only one!"

"I know, that's why it's weird. About two minutes before I called you I placed it down on my computer desk and now it's not there."

"Are you sure it wasn't a fake?"

"Yes, I'm sure. But thank you for checking for me."

"No, I should be thanking you since you were the one worrying about my cards."

"I was just a little freaked out by it… that's all."

"Well I would be too."

There suddenly came a beeping from Yugi's line.

"Oh! Dinner's ready! Sorry but I have to go!"

"Bye," I only got to say that one word before the dial tone yet again found it's way to my ears.

What is going on here? My friends forget about me, they all start acting weird, the freaky e-mail, then the Duel Monsters cards, and Slifer, waking up on the floor, and then Slifer disappeared. Could this day get any more confusing?

I laid down on my back on my bed and stared at the black ceiling. All of these thoughts keep on coming back to me… no answers to my questions… no reason behind anything…

*************************************************************** ****

The sun was rising as I was getting out of bed. I'm always early to rise. Getting dressed and starting to prepare breakfast for Bakura and I, my mind went back to thinking about Rikoh. Did I dream about her last night?

I watched the eggs and thought about it at the same time. Then I realized that I had, in fact, dreamt about her. The party… We were all there… but… I don't even want to remember what happened. Just the thought is too horrid.

I noticed that the eggs were a little more than done and placed them onto two plates. I then walked upstairs to wake Bakura. He always sleeps late.

"Bakura, it's morning. Time to get up," I said standing beside his bed.

"Just 2 more hours…" he mumbled in his sleep.

I chuckled slightly.

"No, Bakura. It's morning now. We're going to the bakery today for the cake, remember?"

At that Bakura's eyes shot wide open and he sat up quickly.

"Ryou, why didn't you wake me earlier?! I've only got… 1 hour and a half until we have to be there!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

"That's plenty of time. Why would you be so concerned anyway?"

Bakura stared at me and my eyes settled on something that shocked me.

"Bakura? Are you… blushing?"

Bakura's cheeks started to glow a little. That's the first time in… history that I've seen him blush, let alone be embarrassed by something.

"N-no! I'm just getting warm! Now leave me so I can get dressed!"

I was laughing still as I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. Bakura embarrassed? That's a new one for the records…

I sat down and began to start eating my eggs. My mind yet again drifted back to Rikoh. That dream… what if that's what really happens? I'd be devastated…

"Ryou? You ok? You're poking your eggs with the wrong end of your fork." Bakura said as he stood at the doorframe.

I looked up at him and put on a fake smile. Then I turned my fork the right way.

"No, nothing's wrong. I was just thinking."


"Nothing really."

"You look too worried and distracted for it to be nothing."

"Bakura, I don't want to talk about it."

"Oh, come on. You can tell me anything. And if it's not interesting, I'll just go back to sleep." Bakura was mocking how I always told him my problems with no regard of whether he cared or not.

"Ha ha. But really, it's not something you'd worry about."

"Oh, are you sure? You'd be surprised, my hikari"

"Well, it concerns Rikoh and the party so I guess it would be of benefit to tell someone…"

*************************************************************** ************

So that's the first chappie. Hope someone liked it, though I didn't think it was too good. It's my first continuation fic, and my first self-insertion fic. So please review, even if it's a flame, I want to know what I'm doing wrong! So to all you people who review, whether you hated it or not, thanks!^^