Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When That Day Comes ❯ New Arrivals Bring New Mysteries ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Again, don't own YuGiOh. I've decided to add a new original character for my sis! She asked and it fit perfectly with the plot line. So in this chapter, you will meet Saki! Except she's not my sister in this… Oh well! And remember, some characters might be OOC. Now to the traditional flashback then story!

When That Day Comes

Chapter3: New Arrivals Bring New Mysteries

*last chapter*

I gasped audibly as I opened the cover and read who it belonged to.

*this chapter*

But… why would this be here? It's not ours… Oh yeah! Rikoh had given this to Ryou to fill in anything he had. Ryou gave it to me and I guess I shrugged it off…

Different pictures, souvenirs, and descriptions of days met my eyes. It only started on the day she moved to Domino… what about Rikoh's American memories? I guess she has another book for that.

I laughed as I read the note Ryou wrote to Rikoh to introduce himself. He had asked Jonouchi to give it to her; never did Ryou expect him to hit her in the head with it at break. Ryou is probably still mad that Jou crumpled his letter into a ball and aimed to hit Rikoh when she was still a new student.

Page after page I turned and saw everything that was in my recent memory as well. As I flipped over the last page, I saw something sticking out of the back cover pocket. Puzzled, I pulled it out and examined it. It was a whole page of writing in some language I didn't know. Looked almost like English. I guess I'll ask Rikoh about it tomorrow. It's getting late….


"Rikoh! It's time to wake up for school!" my mother shouted up the stairs at my closed door.

I groaned and opened my eyes. Another school day… Another boring school day…

Only 30 minutes it takes me to get ready fully in the morning, yet my mother insists on waking me an hour before hand. Probably `cause it takes 10 minutes to walk to school… I wrote the next few paragraphs in my fic before it was time to start walking.

As soon as I stepped in the main doors, Ryou was there to greet me.

"Hey Rikoh!" He shouted as he ran from Bakura's locker over to me.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Bakura wanted to ask you something. I don't know what it is but he said I wouldn't understand."

"Oh. What could it be?"

"Dunno. I'll tell him to meet you at your locker so we won't be late for first period. Ok?"


"Then see you very shortly," Ryou said as he left to go back to Bakura.

Alone again …That phrase kept on repeating in my head as I walked to my locker. Mine was the only one really separated from the others. Not my fault I happened to get sick the day we planned to pick our lockers.

Shortly after I got out the books I needed, Bakura appeared next to me.

"Where's Ryou?" I asked, wondering why Bakura would come alone.

"He's waiting for us in the classroom. But I found something yesterday."

"Oh? What did you find?"

"This," he said as he pulled out a sheet of paper from his pocket.

I immediately recognized it and grabbed it away from him. Does he know English? I hope not!

"What was that for?!" Bakura shouted.

"Did you read it?" I answered harshly.

"No, I don't know any English. Or atleast that's what it looks like. But why did you just do that?"

"It's not for you to read. Where did you find it?"

"In that scrapbook thing you gave Ryou to fill in a few weeks ago."

"And why did you have it?"

"Gosh Rikoh, you don't have to be so mean. I didn't read it anyways."

"That's not the point! It's very personal!"

"Ok, ok. Calm down. It's safe as long as I can't read English. And believe me, I can't."

"You better not tell anyone about this! They'll get curious and they might try to read it!"

"Seriously Rikoh, it's not that big of a deal. I'll meet you in class," Bakura said as he turned away.

I wish you could know Bakura, I really do. But it is that big of a deal, considering a bad thing in my American past is written on this sheet of paper. A very bad thing. If only I could share this pain with someone… But no one should have to carry the burden as I do.

I finished up at my locker and quickly got to class. As I passed Ryou's seat, he asked me what had happened. I gave him a quick smile and told him nothing at all before sitting down in my seat. Conveniently, Bakura is right next to me.

"I'm really sorry Bakura. It's just that something really important that no one can know about is written on there and I get possessive of those kind of things."

"It's ok. It was just odd that you were getting vicious, of all people."

I smiled and opened my notebook. I looked in my backpack for the paper again, but noticed it was missing. How could it be gone? I just had it! What if someone finds it and reads it? Great, now I have to go find it!

As I got up, Bakura grabbed onto my sleeve.

"What's wrong? Class is about to start!"

"I lost the paper! I think it's near my locker," I said as I left quickly.

I almost ran back to my locker and searched around and inside of it. The paper was no where to be found. What could have happened to it?! I turned around as someone tapped my shoulder.

"Hi, could you tell me where class C for 10th grade is?" The girl asked with a heavy Scottish accent.

"That's my classroom! We could walk together if you like."

"Thank you. My name is Saki, what's yours?"

"Rikoh. And I have a lot of friends who you could meet. They're in our class as well!"

Saki and I walked back to class and everyone stared as we entered. Saki was starting to look uncomfortable as she walked towards the front of the room.

"The bell is going to ring soon so the teacher will be here any minute." I said and she nodded, then continued down the aisle.

"Who's that?" Bakura asked as I sat down again.

"Her name's Saki. I think she's new."

"Just like you were 3 years ago," Bakura said and chuckled a little.

I smiled and looked around at the faces of all of my friends. Everyone was glancing from me to Saki. All except for Seto. His view was fixated solely on Saki. Is he trying to tell if he could accept her just by her looks? Or… is that blush? The great Seto Kaiba blushing for a new girl?! Now I think I've seen it all.

The last bell rang and Saki began to talk to Mrs. Abachi, who had just walked in. Some people were whispering while others were passing notes. One of them landed on my desk. I was startled, and started to look around for the sender. Ryou's eyes met mine and he mouthed "open it." It wasn't like Ryou to be passing notes in class.

Despite that, I opened the folded piece of paper. A second folded piece fell out and I read the note on it.


I found this on the floor just after you passed. I didn't know if it was important.'

I smiled at Ryou and mouthed "thank you." He returned my smile. I looked at the second paper and realized it was the thing that Bakura had found. Did I really drop it?!

"Excuse me class. Settle down," Mrs. Abachi said and everyone began quieting down.

"We have a new student in our class. Saki, would you like to tell us something about yourself?" Mrs. Abachi passed on the spotlight.

The whole class suddenly became dead silent and all eyes were focused to the front of the room. Poor Saki…

"H-hi, my name is Saki. A-and I moved here from Scotland," she managed to stutter out with her Scottish accent making her Japanese very hard to understand.

Some of the boys snickered but stopped as Mrs. Abachi gave them a "be nice or else" look.

"That's very interesting Saki. How can you describe the differences between Scotland and Japan?" Mrs. Abachi asked an already blushing Saki.

"Well… the technology is different… and there's more big cities…" Saki said while looking at the ground.

"Very good. You can sit in your new seat next to… Seto Kaiba. Seto, will you please stand so Saki can see who you are?"

Seto, with a bit of blush strewn across his cheeks, stood up rapidly. Jonouchi and Honda started laughing silently to themselves.

Saki quickly moved to the near back of the classroom and sat down in the empty seat. Seto sat down quickly, with Jou and Honda still silently laughing.

I couldn't help but smile. If only it was truly a real smile. I still haven't learned how to do that… The only time I have was at the school picnic last year when Kirei took that picture. Maybe Saki will be able to bring out my smile…

"Now, everyone take out their notebooks and start copying the…


"So Rikoh, why did you walk in with Saki?" Anzu asked.

"She met me in the hallway and I showed her where the classroom was," Rikoh responded.

I wonder where Saki is anyway… She might be having trouble finding her next classroom…

"So, does anyone want to invite Saki to eat lunch with us?" I asked.

"That's a great idea Ryou! Let's go find her now!" Rikoh shouted with enthusiasm.

"There's only 30 more seconds till the bell," Bakura stated.

"Then maybe after class?" Rikoh sounded so intent on making Saki feel welcomed.

"That'll be good," I said, glancing at everyone to make sure.

They all nodded their heads in agreement. It's so odd that there is another new student in our class. Rikoh only moved here 3 years ago and she's already greeting the new comers. I would have thought both would be too shy by the way Saki acted in the beginning of class.


Break was probably my favorite part of the day besides lunch. We all walked up to Saki and prepared to invite her to join us after the next two classes.

"Hi Saki!" Rikoh said cheerfully.

"Hi Rikoh. Are these your friends that you wanted to introduce to me?"

"Yep! This is Ryou, Bakura, Seto, Yugi, Atemu, Kirei, Otogi, Jonouchi, Honda, and Anzu," she said, pointing to each person named.

"Hi," we all said in unison.

"Hello. Everyone here is so kind. I thought I wouldn't meet anyone until atleast the end of my first week," Saki said, almost as if relieved.

"Well, we were wondering if you'd like to join us at lunch to eat and chat under the tree. Are you interested?" Rikoh asked.

"Of course! Thank you all! I'm so glad I can fit in," Saki said nearly jumping out of her seat.

"Us too!" Kirei said.

"How long is break?" Saki asked.

"About 25 minutes," Yugi chimed in.

"Would you like to watch the Duel Monsters face off between Jou and me?" Atemu questioned.


We all set up two desks and two mats as the duel was about to begin. Saki looked intently as both duelists drew their first 5 cards.

"Have you ever played or watched Duel Monsters before?" I asked, noticing Saki's involvement. "Yeah, I've dueled but I'm not that good." She sounded embarrassed.

"You and me, duel at lunch," Seto suddenly said and walked off to his desk to prepare his deck.

"Kaiba? If you're not too good of a duelist, you'd be looking to face someone like Anzu first," Jou said as he placed two cards face down and played a monster in face down defense.

"That's not nice Jonouchi! Remember, I beat Krunk all by myself!" Anzu screeched.

"Well I beat Johnson and you don't see me bragging, now do you?" Jou retorted.

"Could we just resume the duel?" Atemu asked as he put his Celtic Guardian in attack mode and destroyed Jonouchi's face down Baby Dragon.

"Aw! All this talking is throwing of my game!" Jou complained.


I waited for Saki at the main doors before lunch. As soon as she came into view, I waved her over.

"Are you ready for your duel with Seto?" I asked as Saki walked with me in the direction of the tree.

"Yeah, I think so. I hope it's not too much of a challenge. I'm not too good as it is," Saki said nervously.

"It's ok. It's only a practice duel anyway. It's not like we're at a tournament or something," I mentioned.

"True. Wish me luck though!"

"I will. Good luck!"

Saki smiled as we joined the already congregated people. Seto would be hard to defeat… I know from watching Yugi, Atemu, and Jonouchi.

"So Saki, did you prepare your deck?" Yugi asked as our presence was acknowledged.

"I did at home. I always do before I go out, just incase I have to duel."

"That's good. Where are you going to duel?" Kirei questioned.

"Right here is fine," Seto suddenly said from behind us.

"Oh, hi Seto." I said.

"Enough talk, let's duel!" Seto said, setting up a set of mats on the ground.

We all watched as the match dragged on between the two. Finally…

"What?! How…? But…! Ugh!" Seto was almost having a nervous breakdown.

"Yay! I won!" Saki shouted.

"That's amazing! You're a pretty good duelist!" I said, walking over to Saki.

"Thanks Rikoh. Have you ever dueled before?"

"M-me?" I was startled.

"Yeah, If you have your deck, maybe we could duel."

"Uh… well… I'm not big on dueling, only with collecting the cards."

"Oh, but you do duel, right?"


"She beat Yugi once," Honda stated.

"Really?" Saki asked.

"It was just a practice duel! And anyway, it was just beginner's luck," I responded.

"Could you duel me then? Just for fun?" Saki pleaded.

"Um… I guess…"

"Now this will be interesting!" Jou shouted.

I blushed greatly and started to get my best cards out of my bag.


I can't believe it! Saki really is a good duelist!

"Wow! Saki, that was awesome!" Anzu commented.

"Th-thank you," Saki said embarrassed.

"That was fun. You should enter the next tournament," I said.

"You should too! That wasn't the easiest duel to win!" Saki mentioned.

"Thank you. But really, you are very skilled."


"You both battled a fierce duel," Atemu stated.

Saki and I both nodded in appreciation to him. Saki is probably the toughest opponent I've ever faced.

Just then the bell rang, signaling that lunch was over.

"I guess we should head to class, shouldn't we," Ryou mentioned.

"Right," we all agreed and ventured towards the school.


"Hey mom! I'm home!" I shouted as I dropped my jacket on its hook and headed up the stairs.

"Why don't you tell me about your day?" Came my mother's voice from her workroom.

"You sound busy and plus I've got homework to do," I called back.

"Ok dear, but talk to me at dinner!"


I tossed my backpack on the floor and immediately sat down to type my fic. I opened the program and a little alert window popped up. It read:

`Warning: Danger is nearing you. New arrivals bring new mysteries to be solved. The puzzle must be done before that day comes or the ones you care about will suffer.'

Now that's just plain freaky. It's one of those odd messages I got the past two days. How could this person know how to do that and that I'd be on my computer right now? And what mysteries are there to solve? Or puzzles?

I just lost my train of thought on my fic because of that alert window… What was going on?! Either someone's after me or somebody wants to pull a nasty prank on me. I hit the `ok' button and decided to lie down to think about what's been happening the past few days.


"Bakura? You got time to talk to me?" I asked as I wandered into the living room.

"Not now, hikari. I'm on level 15 and I only have 7 demons left!"

"Ok, I was just wondering `cause there was something really strange I noticed today about Rikoh."

Bakura suddenly stopped pressing all buttons and stared at me. He left himself lose and start back at level 1.


"Yeah, she wasn't exactly as active as she normally is in class."


"She also looked like she was gazing out into space during math, and that's her favorite subject!"

"Well that's odd. So why did you have to tell me?"

"I wanted to know if you noticed it too. Or if you had any idea why."

"Nope, but nice try. Maybe come again later."

"Bakura! I'm being serious here!"

"Is it a crime to put just a bit of humor into our lives?! You really need to lighten up."

"But there could really be something wrong with Rikoh!"

"So what do you want me to do about it? I mean, she's my friend, but there's nothing I can do."

I just walked away to my room. Bakura wouldn't understand. I don't think he even likes anyone. But something had to be bothering Rikoh… She was acting so differently. I just hope nothing serious happened that we should know about.


Um… What just happened here? I don't remember falling asleep… And I definitely don't remember being near the door. I do remember lying down to think… and nothing after it. Did I really fall asleep for 4 hours?! But how could I travel; I've never sleepwalked in my life. These past few days are just really scaring me.

I suddenly felt a pain in my arm and stomach. When I lifted my sleeve, blood began to drip out of an open wound. How did I get that?! It's huge! And why is my stomach red and bruised? Why do I have no memory of this?!

Not to scare my mother, I wrapped my arm in a cloth and made sure my sleeves covered it. How could I get damaged so much and not be conscious for it?

"Rikoh, dinner's ready," Usagi called from outside my door before I heard him rush down the stairs.

Maybe this will make more sense after dinner…


What could that paper of Rikoh's meant? As soon as she ran out of the room, I noticed it on the floor. I opened it and read it, just incase it was mine. But what I read wasn't what I would have expected.

Why did Rikoh keep her past secret? We are all here for her, just incase she needs us. But why would she keep something like this from us? It's important for her friends to know when something important happens in her life, and that was something important.

I didn't know Kirei used to live in America… She's known us since we were little. Maybe she went during the summer… But Rikoh and Kirei used to be friends in America before they were friends here. That explains why Kirei was so happy when Rikoh came to our school for the first time.

If Kirei knew about this, why wouldn't she tell us either? And the description of the other boy… It sounded like Yugi… But it says she was only 12, 3 years ago… And the second memory… Rikoh was 9.

No wonder when we asked what growing up in America was like, New York of all places, she said it was just ordinary. The second memory… those descriptions almost fit Jou and Honda… Did they live in America before they were transferred? But… they… Were they really…?

"Ryou? What're ya doing?" Bakura broke my deep thoughts.

"Oh, nothing. Just thinking."

"When you're thinking deep enough to ignore me the first 3 times I called you, something must be really wrong. Is it about Rikoh?"

"Well… kinda…"

"What'd ya mean, `kinda'?"

"Nothing, you wouldn't understand it."

"Believe me, I can understand a lot of stuff."

"I know… but it's more in the psychological aspect than the academic."

"So you're going to complain about Rikoh keeping everything to herself, yet here you are, refusing to tell me what's wrong. You're such a hypocrite."

"Are not! This is just something personal."

"You know I'm going to find out sooner or later. We still have a mind link."

"I know, but I can keep it secret until then."

"Suit yourself." Bakura walked into his room and slammed the door. A few seconds later I could hear Linkin Park blasting on the stereo system.

I wish I knew what was going on with Rikoh and why she kept her past locked away…


So many things are swirling around in my head… So many thoughts not grasped or undiscovered… What is this whole thing with the warnings supposed to be about?

I unwrapped my arm when I knew the bleeding had ceased. I ran my fingers along the scar, gasping at its rough feeling and the pain that went shooting throughout. I closed my eyes to take it all in and then reopened them. But what I saw was not my room anymore.

A blackish purplish abyss that seemed to never end surrounded me. Where have I seen this before? Why was it so cold? I started to walk, shivering from the change in temperature. It seemed like 10 minutes before I saw a dark figure ahead.

"Hello?" I called to the unknown figure.

I could make out the shape of a human. The person turned their head towards me but they were wearing a cloak. Nothing was visible except their outline.

"Excuse me, but where is this?" I asked coming closer.

The stranger pointed a finger above their head. In the air formed letters, spelling out a phrase. The white read `THE SHADOW REALM.' I gasped as I realized exactly what that meant.

"There is no need for alarm," the stranger said in a calm voice.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

"I am merely a wandering spirit, wishing to contact a human."

"So what is it you want?" My voice became apparently shaky.

"Your death!" The person said in a harsh voice that had suddenly grown extremely loud.

I backed away in fear and stumbled over my own feet. I tried to get up but the other with me used their foot to keep me down.

"W-why… why would you… want me… dead?" I squeaked out, not having much of a voice.

"You will soon learn. When that day comes, you will learn." The stranger before me suddenly disappeared into the shadows.

I was breathing heavily from all of the fear. My room began to form again and I was on the floor, just below the window.

*************************************************************** ***********************

So that's the third chapter! Yay! I'm pretty good at making cliffhangers! The fourth is going to be up sooner than the others `cause I just have this flowing idea of the plot line right now! And Sakiyama, now you can probably guess why she woke up on the floor *wink* *wink* Now to the review!


I've decided to just continue for my own pleasure. I really want feedback but I just want to get it up anyway. Thanks so much! And I promise to work on this more frequently, but I have the third and fourth chapters of Miss You to write and I was thinking about posting the other fic I showed you. So I'm pretty much in more than I can handle right now with both my fics and school.

But I promise to you loyal fans, you will get new chapters soon! So please review, it would do me wonders!