Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When The Phoenix Rises ❯ Surprise! ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

When the Phoenix Rises

Walking down the street from school, Yugi, Anzu, Honda, and Jonouchi, walked. It was an ugly day. Clouds lingered above, threatening to pour upon them. "Looks like it's gonna rain again," Jonouchi sighed. "Another heart broken."

"Gomen, Jo, but it was fun while the sun was out," Yugi said trying to cheer up his friend.

"Yeah," having a gloomy face. "But why me?" His friends could only look down and only imagine the pain he was going through. Anzu walked up from behind and puts her hand on his shoulder, "Daijoubu, Jo-kun, there'll be others."

"I know, but I can't help but feel..." he puts his hands on his heart. "...that my heart was torn away from my body."

No one said a word. To break the silence Yugi abruptly said, "Hey guys, let's go to the music store."

"Whatever for, Yugi?" Honda asked.

"Well, I hear that Kihana Ootori's newest album came out this week."

"You're right! But there will probably hordes of people trying to get her album and the store will probably run out before we could get it," Anzu added.

"Not to worry guys, I ordered 4 copies."

"Four!! Thanks Yugi. We'll pay you back," Honda hugged him.

"Kihana Ootori!" Jonouchi awoke from his depression. He gets out his little notebook. "You're right; her newest album was just released this morning."

"What's that?" asked Yugi.

"It's my information about Kihana Ootori. I a big fan of hers."

The short teen giggled at his friend's remark. "Well, I'm sure she'll be glad to hear that."

"I also heard a rumor that Kihana is coming to this town! But then again this is her hometown, after all"

"Reeeally?" Yugi asked as he smirked.

"Yeah, maybe we can meet her in person."

"I'm sure we will."

"But, how would you know that Yugi?" Honda asked.

He looked away from his friend and smiled. "Oh, just a feeling. Let's go."


(At music shop, at the counter)

"Can I help you, sir?" asked the woman at the counter.

"Hai, I ordered 4 Kihana Ootori CD's. It's under Yugi Mutou."

"One moment." The woman gets up and heads to the back to grab his CD's. Somewhere, near Yugi and his friends, in the store a girl looking for some CD's. She hears a familiar voice, looks up in Yugi's direction, and pauses before walking in his direction.

"So are we doing anything else after this?" Yugi asked.

"Yugi?" a girl's voice was heard from behind. He turned around to see who it was. He saw in front of him a girl that was just a few inches taller than he was, wearing gold bracelets that shined; khaki cargo pants that went to the knees, a belt around her waist; a large V-neck shirt with a golden eye like on Yugi's puzzle, and a tight fitting over coat that went her knees. Her hair was a golden yellow, with deep, red dyed ends. She wore a dark red headband. Only two hairs covered part of her forehead. Her golden hair went down to just below the shoulders.

"Yes?" His eyes widen with delight. "Ki-chan!" He ran to her, and they hugged each other. They then, shortly let go of there hold.

"It's been awhile." She said as she smiled.

"No kidding! Why didn't you email me that you were coming?"

"Well, if I..." She was then interrupted by Jonouchi.

"Hey, Yugi! Aren't you gonna tell us who she is?"

"Ah, gomen nasai. This is Kiha-" he was suddenly interrupted by the store clerk.

"Here you go. That'll be 3,000 ¥."

"Oh . . . Arigatou gozaimasu."

Seeing Jonouchi's notebook of information about Kihana Ootori in his hand, she grabbed out of his hand. "Hey, what do you think you're doing?"

"Just want to see what you got in here."

"Well, it's just information about the famous singer, I have all the information I could get my hands on her."

"Hontou? I'm impressed. You must be her biggest fan."

"Damn right, I am."

"Demo . . . you're missing some information."

"Ee? Usou!"

"Yeah. I could give you that information. You're a friend of Yugi's, aren't you?"


"What are your guy's names?" she asked pointing at Honda and Jonouchi.

"I'm Jonouchi and this is Honda," Jonouchi introduced. She took out the pencil that was part of the notebook and began to write in it. ::Scribble, scribble. Scribble, scribble::

"Oi, what are you writing in there?"

"You'll see." She continued smiling. She handed it back to Jonouchi.

Yugi asked with curiosity, "What did she write?"

"It says `Friends'. Underneath it is says, `Yugi, Anzu, Jonouchi, Honda'. And under that it says, `Hope we become good friends, Kihana Ootori'." He looks up at Kihana, then back down, and back up again. "YOU'RE KIHANA OOTORI?!!!!" he yells at the top of his lungs, while pointing at the star.

Surprised by his loudness, Kihana pushes Jonouchi to the wall and covers his mouth. "Shssssh."

"Why the hell did you do that?"

Just then, a fanboy wrapped his arms around her legs. "That's why." He sighs. "Hordes of fans will come and surround me within about five seconds."


Within five seconds, hordes of fans come rushing towards the girl, screaming out of excitement. Kihana braced herself for the pressure from bodies she wished she would never touch. Just before the hordes of fans, reach her, a man in a black suit steps in front of the crowd, stopping the mass of people from getting anywhere near her. When Kihana finally looked up. She saw four men in black suits and sunglasses stopping the crowd, but she noticed it was someone she knew. "Please stay back," one of the men asked crowd.

Recognizing the voice Kihana called out, "Taneka-san?"

"At your service, Kihana-san." He left where he was standing, and another man took his place.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as Taneka was helping her up.

"I was sent by your father to bring you home," he said in a calm voice.

"Home? Well, maybe I'm not ready to go home, right now."

"Gomen nasai, but I must follow his orders."

"Can't you just to him that you couldn't find me?"

"I'm afraid not."

"Well, how about this...if I can get you into a lock position in three moves will you say to him that you couldn't find me?"

He thinks for a moment. "It's a deal."

"Ki-chan, what's going on?" asked the curious Yugi.

"Well, since I don't want to go back to the house, I just have to put Taneka-san into a lock position. Then, I'm home free." Glee happiness overwhelmed her.

"Uh . . . ok . . . I think."

"Ready, Kihana-san?"


In the aisle, the two were standing a few feet away from each other. The crowd was in wonder and confusion of all this. Suddenly, a CD fell from a shelf. With swift movement, they each made their move. In a blink of an eye the movement stopped. The result, that Kihana blocked Taneka's punch, but her punch was blocked by his hand. Swift moving action into a stalemate. "I guess I have taught you everything about fighting."

"Well, there's a problem with that..." Still stand in that position. "...I can create new techniques!" She jumped away from him, and then jumped on the counter, and then, a back flip behind Taneka. Grabbed both arms and pulled them behind locking him into a hold.

"Not bad. Well, I guess this means you win. I guess I will have to lie to your father . . . again." He gave out a long sigh.

"Thank you so much, Taneka-san. I hope to do something in return, like I always have." She smiled and then gave a great big hug. "Thank you."

"Now you better get out of here."

"Hai. Are you ready guys? Or are we just going to stand here all day?"

Her friends were still shocked from what they had just seen. "Yeah we're ready. Those were some awesome moves you did back there. But what about the hordes of fans still after you?"

"Don't worry about that. Taneka-san knows what to do." They all leave the store together and walk off to Yugi's house.

Inside the fans tried to go after Kihana, but were stopped by the men in black suits. Taneka steps forward and calls out, "Please stay where you are. You will all receive an autographed card signed personally, by Kihana-san." And the crowd went wild.


(At Yugi's house.)

"Grandpa, I'm home."

"Okaerinasai, Yugi. I see that you brought your friends along, too."

"Konnichi wa, Grandpa Mutou."

"Kihana?" He walks over to Kihana. "It's been such a long time since I last saw you. How is you family?"

"Good." She looks down with sadden eyes, but then shakes off the feeling. "You know that box I sent a while back? The one that from Egypt? Could you get that for me, please?"

"I think I know what you are talking about. I'll be right back."


"Hey, Ootori-san why do you call Yugi's grandpa, Grandpa Mutou, even though he's not related to you?"

"Please call me Kihana. Well, I've known Yugi since I was little and the same for Grandpa Mutou. Since I couldn't pronounce his name, he told me to call him Grandpa. Later I decided to call him Grandpa Mutou. And that's why I call him that."

Grandpa Mutou came back in the room. "Here you go, Kihana."

"Thanks. So tell me, did you try to open it? Just out curiosity."

"Yes, actually. I'm sorry, but I couldn't open it."

`That's because you need a key." She takes off the necklace she has been wearing, and puts one end of the pendant that looked like a mini wand, from Egypt, in the eye that was on the golden box. She gave it a turn and the box opened. Inside there was card. Kihana carefully took it out and then showed to everyone. They awed in its beauty of brilliant colors. "What is it?" asked Yugi.

"It's the Phoenix. It's one of the top rarest cards of all time."

"That's so pretty," Anzu said while gazing at the magical bird of reds. "And you got this in Egypt, right? The box looks so much like Yugi's box that had his puzzle."

"Yeah, I was told this pendant I'm wearing is a millennium item."

"That's a millennium item?"

"The box came with item, but I don't think I've unleashed the power of it. If I have I wouldn't have known."

"Could it be that the Spirit isn't awake, yet?"

"Maybe. I wouldn't know. But also think there's another card in there."

"Why would you say that, Ki-chan?"

"When I shake the box I hear a noise that sounds like a card or something thin. But since I can't read hieroglyphics, I don't know how else to open this second part. Kind a like a puzzle, but not at the same time. For example, you don't need to read hieroglyphics to open it, but you have to read the hieroglyphics to open it all the way, if you know what I mean."

"By the way, how do you know about the millennium items?"

"The person who sold the box and pendant to me told me about the legend of the items and story about the box, but I only remember half of the story." Suddenly, a phone began to ring. It was coming from Kihana's pocket. She takes it out and realizes who is calling her. "Oh, boy." She presses the button to talk. "Hello-" And she takes the phone away from her ear when a voice begins yelling across the line. "Calm down. Calm down...hai...hai, hai...hai...hai, I'll see soon. Bye." She put the phone away.

"Who was that?" asked little Yugi.

"Papa. He wants me to come home or else."

"Or else what?" Honda wanted to know.

"He..." She stopped for a moment. "I would rather not talk about it. Well, I had better be off. See you guys tomorrow at school and watch the 5 o'clock news tonight. It's very important. Bye guys." And she was out the door.

"I wonder why she wants us to watch the 5 o'clock news?" Jonouchi pondered.

"I guess we'll just have to watch."

To be continued

It's not really new, but I rewrote a few things to make it better!!

So what do you guys think. It's my first Yugioh fanfic. Not my first fanfic, but first Yugioh fanfic. ^^ Tell me what you think. Thanks. I will eventually put up a pic of Kihana. Which reminds me; the meaning of her name. Ootori means phoenix in Japanese. Kihana is a made up word, but I decided the kanji for her name would be moon (tsuki) and flower (hana). I just took out the tsu in tsuki to become ki. So her name all-together means Moon Flower Phoenix, or if you put her last name first and first name last, then its Phoenix Moon Flower.

And those who have only seen the evil dubbed version of the show, Honda is Tristan, Jonouchi is Joey, and Anzu is Téa. Mutou is Yugi's real last name. Not Moto.

gomen/ gomen nasai- sorry/ I'm sorry

Daijoubu- (in this case) It'll be all right

hai- yes.

Ee- yes

Usou- (around) no kidding or literally, lie

Okaerinasai- welcome home

I won't put up the second chapter until I get at least 5 reviews!