Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When the tide comes in....... ❯ Lighthouse ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

AN: Okay this is a mini story I decided to write. Inspired by the episode of Charmed where Phoebe turns in to a mermaid.

When the Tide Comes In

Night. Light travels over the ocean waters. A small boy, Yugi, surfaces the water, his lavender eyes reflecting the movement in the waves. Yugi dives into the water again, his laver and silver tail surfacing as he dives farther down into the waters depths.


Yami opens a cupboard and grips a pop tart. Closing the cupboard, he glances out the window. 'I wonder who that is' the thinks. A person is sitting near the waters edge.

Yami takes a bite out of his pop tart and walks out the back door. Walking across the backyard the reaches the ocean side.

"Hey," Yami said.

The boy gasped, he hadn't noticed Yami walk up to him. He gets up and turns quickly.

"I'm sorry, I was just resting," Yugi says thinking he is in trouble.

"Okay calm down," Yami said. "What's your name?"

"Yugi," he replies.

"Well, Yugi, do you want to come inside and sit?" Yami asked, taking another bite of the pop tart.

Yugi's eyes widen and he nods slowly.

"What is your name?" Yugi asked as they walk towards the beachside house.

"Yami," he replies as he opens the kitchen door and holds it for Yugi.

Yugi steps into the kitchen and looks around. Yami leads Yugi to the living room and sits on the sofa. Yugi sits as well.

"So, when are you from, I haven't seen you around before?" Yami states, curious on where this rather cute boy is from.

Yugi looks up, a scared look on his face, of which leaves quickly. "I… My family and me just moved on to the island a few days ago," Yugi looked away. "I live on the other side, I was board and took a walk,"

"I see," Yami said. Yami glances at a deck of playing cards. "Do you know how to play BS?" Yami asks.

"No," Yugi replied.

"I'll teach you if you want to play," Yami said.

"Okay," Yugi smiles as Yami grabs the deck of cards.


"I win," Yami declared.

Yugi grabs the last of the cards and grins. "How bout a game of 52 pick up," Yugi said as the cards dropped and scattered over the floor.

"Why, you little," Yami pulled Yugi down on the floor and tackled him, straddling him with ease. "You are gonna help," Yami said as he got off of a bright red Yugi.


"Bye," Yugi said as he left out the door. It was close to dark and Yugi was leaving.

"See you later, maybe you can come back tomorrow," Yami replied.

Yugi ran off down the streets of the city. Yugi stopped as he reached an abandoned area of beach. Warning signs were hung saying things about an unsafe dock that was deteriorating. Yugi ignored them as he walked silently on to the dock. His light weight allowing such ability.

Yugi silently removed his clothing and set them at the edge of the dock. He dove into the water, submerging fully and surfacing to grab his clothes and hide them under the dock where the water wouldn't get to them.

Yugi felt has his legs seemed to grow in to one and become slightly longer. Yugi sighed. He had to admit that that Yami boy was rather nice. He would return tomorrow.


Please read and review! I hope you like it! Please no flames, I fragile.