Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When Time Wizard Backfires ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Indeed, they were able to find the few old boxes that contained Seto and Mokuba's belongings from when they were young. After a short wrestling match, they managed to change Seto, Yami, and Yugi's clothes into ones that were better fitting.

After gathering them up, they all went out shopping for the necessities. Seto was actually very cooperative, but he still refused to call Joey anything but 'Puppy'. Yugi was very quiet and obedient. Yami, on the other hand, was a bit of a holy terror at times.

Mokuba held his brother's hand as they walked. It was strange seeing his old clothes on his friends. He opened Seto's locket that he had put on himself since it was too big for his brother now. Seto looked exactly like Mokuba in the picture, just with short brown hair.

Tristan carried Yami on his shoulders. Yami had on a pair of pants and a T-shirt that they had been able to find in Mokuba's things.

Joey held Yugi over his shoulder. He was amazed at how tiny the boy had become. Even the smallest outfit that they could find looked a few sizes too big. His little arms wrapped around Joey's neck.

'I didn't think it was possible, but Yugi's cute enough ta give someone cavities now.'

Yugi's violet eyes were wide with curiosity as they walked through the store. He had on a pair of jean overalls and a striped, long sleeved shirt underneath.

Mokuba spoke up, nose crinkled, "Do you think we have to get diapers?"

Suddenly, Tristan looked a bit wary of having the little spirit riding upon his shoulders.

"Nah, one of them would have done somethin' by now. They look like they're 2 or 3 anyway. Should be safe.. What's da matter, Trist? Ya afraid of gettin' peed on?"

Mokuba crinkled his nose further. "Ew.. Gross."

They all received a few looks from the passersby as they dug through clothes and toddler accessories. Joey found himself highly amused and somewhat horrified upon finding a breast pump. It was Mokuba that ripped it out of his hands and put it back on the shelf.

"I think we got enough ta last us.. Hopefully it won't be too long before we can fix 'em," Joey said as he put the last of their items together.

Mokuba went to go find a shopping cart and to chase down Yami and Seto as they ran loose. Yugi stayed beside Joey and Tristan.

"You have no idea how long they'll be like this, Joey. They could be like this until they grow up again."

A tiny fist came to tug at Joey's pant leg, but his anger had been riled up and did not notice.

"I know that, but at least I'm lookin' at da bright side! I still say that my plan with Ryou and Bakura is gonna work!"

Another little tug and a shy whisper, ".. Joey?..."

"But we can't contact them in anyway! They're in the middle of nowhere, Joey. And we don't know if we could even convince Bakura to help!" Tristan replied with annoyance.

Yugi tucked a hand between his legs as he tried to cross them. Once more, he tugged, "Joey?..."

Still, the blonde was oblivious. He glared at his brunette companion angrily. "He's gotta help us!.. We're Ryou's friends after all and Bakura likes him. I'm tellin' ya it'll work"

The small boy started to wiggle on one foot and gave a light whine of urgency. He tugged again. "Joey?.. I have to go potty..."

"Joey, you know that he doesn't like us.. And you have no idea when we'll be able to even talk to Yugi's grandpa so we could get them back here."

Joey growled. "Well, we gotta do something! It might be da only way we can change them ba-- WHAT??"

Honey eyes snapped down sharply at the insistent tugging that had begun to annoy him. Yugi jumped with a gasp as he was startled. That was enough to break his concentration and he whimpered as he watched a dark stain spread over the front of his pants. He looked back up, amethyst eyes brimming with large tears, and started to cry.

The blonde bit his lip and kicked himself mentally. He hadn't meant to yell and realized that Yugi was only trying to get his attention to tell him he needed to use the restroom. He knelt down before his tiny friend while the little one sobbed and rubbed an eye with a small fist.

"Hey, don't cry, Yug.. I didn't mean ta yell at ya like that.. We'll get ya cleaned up. It was just an accident," he said while trying to wipe some of the fallen tears away.

Joey spoke calmly, remembering when he used to care for his baby sister, Serenity, in the same way. Mokuba came back with a cart that held Seto and Yami and saw the scene before him.

"What happened to Yugi?"

"I, uh.. sorta yelled at him by accident and scared da piss out of him," he replied sheepishly.

"Yeah, literally," Tristan added as he motioned to the soaked pants.

Joey flashed an angry glare to the tall teen before he carefully scooped up the sniffling child.

"I'll go clean him up in da bathroom while you guys go pay for that stuff. Just bring something for him ta change into. There's no way those pants are gonna dry."

"You sound like a parent, Joey," Mokuba marveled.

"I took care of Serenity da most while my parents were still together, after all. I know how ta deal with kids. Hurry up and go pay and I'll be in da bathroom."

Tristan and the others left while he took Yugi towards the restrooms. There was a unisex one set aside and labeled a 'family' bathroom'. Joey was just happy that it looked clean and stepped inside.

He pulled down the changing table that was inside and placed a clean sheet down before he carefully undressed Yugi from the waist down. Joey cleaned him up and rinsed out the clothes at the sink while the tri-color haired boy sat quietly in his shirt and socks. He still looked sniffly.

"Hey, don't worry about it. I'm not mad at ya and I'm really sorry for yelling like that.. We'll get ya changed back ta normal. I promise." Joey gave his friend's head a soft pat and hair ruffle.

There was a knock at the door and Tristan's voice, "Hey, Joey? Are you in there?"

He turned back to reply, "Yeah. C'mon in. Da door's open."

They all crowded into the small bathroom while Mokuba looked through their bags for the clothes.

"How's Yugi? He looks like he stopped crying at least," the youth handed Joey the new outfit.

"He's doin' okay. He's all cleaned up now so after I get him dressed, we can get out of here."

The blonde took up a pair of underwear before tugging up the new pants around Yugi's belly. Once he slipped the little shoes back on, he scooped Yugi up into his arms and gave him a comforting hug.

"If we get them changed back and they don't remember what happened, let's not tell 'em.. Though it would be great ta have something like that ta use on Kaiba," Joey snickered.

They all agreed and made their way out to head back to the Kaiba mansion.

"Before we go home, how 'bout we get da squirts some ice cream?"


"So what are they supposed to eat, anyway? Baby food or something?" Mokuba asked while he and the other 'kids' played with some of his things.

"Mokuba, they're not newborns, ya know. They're just like they used ta be.. Just, younger. Anything should be alright as long as they eat it.. But all this talk of food is really makin' me hungry. It's gettin' late anyway. Probably should eat dinner soon."

"Well, I don't really know that much about kids, Joey. Seto was the one that always took care of me when I was little, not the other way around.. But I guess I'm starting to understand now."

"So, what'll it be tonight?.. Hey, squirts, what do ya feel like having?"

Three little heads poked up from their activities.



"Macawoni an' cheese!"

Joey started to giggle a bit. "Ya know, they're pretty damn cute like this. Maybe it won't be so bad watchin' them."


Joey collapsed upon the couch while Tristan lay sprawled out in a chair. Mokuba had fallen asleep on the floor.

".. Tristan?.. Promise me you'll punch me in da nuts if I ever say I want kids.."

"Only if you do it for me too, man..."

The blonde's arm fell over his eyes. "It's only been a few hours and I feel like I've grown 30 years older.. How are we supposed ta keep up with those guys?"

"I'm not sure, but I'm thinking of buying some duct tape to use on Yami," Tristan let out a long breath.

"They don't call 'em da 'Terrible Two's' for nothin' ya know. I'm just glad Kaiba isn't being a pain in da ass like he usually is."

"Thank god for Yugi at least. He seems to calm them down.. But I still could have done without the marathon around the mansion."

Joey, eyes still covered, smirked a little and snickered. "Think we should tell Yug that Yami's a nudist?"

Tristan rolled his eyes. "Trying to hold onto a wet and naked kid that's kicking and squirming isn't my idea of a good time, man. And he almost bit me before I got him back into the bathtub!"

The other teen lost it and began to laugh. Looking back upon it now, it was rather amusing. When he calmed himself down, he looked over to Mokuba.

"We should probably put him ta bed. Don't want him ta get cold there on da floor."

"Hey, Joey? Where are we going to sleep?.. We never asked Mokuba."

"Eh, anywhere sounds good right now. I'm sure there's plenty of extra bedrooms around here. Besides, it's not like my ol' man will miss me much anyway."

After placing the raven-haired boy into his bed, the other two went to find somewhere to sleep. They found Seto's room, but Joey felt uncomfortable enough being in his house, let alone his bed. Searching further, they found a guestroom.

Joey stripped down to his shirt and boxers while Tristan followed suit, then climbed into the large bed. The blonde yawned and stretched before he settled down.

"Almost reminds me of Duelist Kingdom.. Heh, night, Tristan."


A/N: That `han-gabers' part is actually stolen from myself. I've been told many times by my mother that that's how I apparently said `hamburgers' for a good portion of my infant years. *groan* Aren't parents just the best at bringing up the worst memories? And yes, she still teases me about it to this day and I'm going to be 22 this year.. Help me..