Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ When you Chose to Leave me ❯ One Year of Love ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Song belongs to Queen, One Year of Love.

Characters belong to Takashi Kazuki

Chapter One

One Year of Love

Bakura's POV

The bar isn't really full. There are people inside, but really, it isn't full. There aren't even enough people to make it seem like there are people inside. I suppose that's the part that makes this bar suck.

I admit it. I love this place. Smoky air, thick clouds of nicotine filled the space where there were no solids. Drinks served at a good, cheap price. They hit a person pretty hard too. They got a whole line of bloody alcoholic nectar. The one and only perfect place to get bloody dip shit, totally pissed drunk.

Ah Ra damn it. I've been with Ryou for too long. Even his accent is catching. Damn him. Nah, not him. Ra damn that bloody, god-forsaken son of a bitch. No, wait…he isn't god-forsaken, if he were, he wouldn't be so bloody, fucking lucky. Its luck I swear, the way he wins, the way he acts and Ra, the life he was born into. Damn him.

Its been so fucking long, three thousand fucking years and he still can't get the bloody fuck over it. I can only wish he'd fuck off and leave me and Ryou alone.

//Just one year of love, is better than a lifetime alone

One sentimental moment in your arms //

Ah…who's the one singing…god damned singer, thinks he knows everything does he? Yeah right. He's obviously never been made to spend three thousand fucking years by himself where he can bitch about what a son of a bitch he's been and how stupid he is.

One moment in his arms? HA… I nearly got myself killed and for what? To spend one night with him and then get accused of raping him…hahahahahahahaha….

// Is like a shooting star right through my heart

It's always a rainy day without you//

Ha…Like it rains in Egypt. It close to never rains in Egypt. When it does, it doesn't pour, it floods. Yeah, the whole bloody, fucking Nile.

Shooting star through my heart? More like a bloody mother-fucking lightning bolt from Ra himself…bloody ass hole…damn I hate him…

Hey bartender, hand me another shot of vodka. Yeah, you bloody fuck heard me. Without the bloody fucking rocks…humans…ah fuck them…who cares that I use to be one? Yeah, cue bitter laugh. I used to be human… it's all his fault.

// I'm a prisoner of love inside you -

I'm falling apart all around you - yeah //

Gotta admit, guy's got a nice voice… sounds…like him…too much like him…damn…I don't want to think about him…that's why I'm here…correction we're here…only thing is…Ryou's too fucked up and too busy flooding his soul room to try to get drunk the way I am…

Say what? What happened? Ya wanna know? You got a problem with that? So I, we, got dumped. Big, bloody, fucking deal…it happens right? Haha…suppose to be easier after the first time? Yeah right…who wrote the book on life?

I feel like such an asshole…I thought I'd gotten over him. Having spent three thousand years in the shadow realm should have done something right? Noo~~~~~~!

//My heart cries out to your heart

I'm lonely but you can save me //

Damn. I came here to forget, but it sure as bloody hell is not working. That guy singing, he sounds too much like him…damn him. Damn him. Damn him. DAMN HIM. Bloody fucker…you'd think…after all this time, I'd learn that he'd never love me…that he'd go for his bloody, fucking, son of a bitch High Priest. You'd think, once bitten, twice shy…yeah right…bloody fucking right…

Cry out to him? Like he'd save me…if he'd listen to me…he wouldn't have walked off with his royally fucked blue eyes…mind you, its not blue eyes' fault…when you're with him, its hard to refuse him…I should know, I've been on the receiving end TWICE! Maybe I should print a huge sign that says, `Hey! Wanna fuck? Ring me!' I know he'd be happy.

// My hand reaches for to your hand

I'm cold but you light the fire in me //

Hahahahahaha…like that ever happened…I sure tried to reach him, but what did he do? Yeah, turned around and sealed me in that bloody ring of his. So thoughtful of him wasn't it? I was practically dying and all he did was seal me in the ring. No good bye, no sorry…worse of all…no `Aishiteru'…oh no…all I bloody got was a kick to the head and three thousand years in a bloody fucking ring.

// My lips search for your lips

I'm hungry for your touch //

*Snort* hungry for his touch? He doesn't leave you hungry for his touch, he makes you crave it. Crave the danger, the adrenaline, and…mostly the need… you just can't get enough once you've had it. You have to have more. You can't just stop…it's like a drug…he's like a god damn drug…Angel Dust…yeah…me and Ryou have been hitting that for a while now…ever since the we caught his Seto with my Yami. That was like what…one year ago…yeah Ok, so I let him screw me while he dreaming of Seto and Ryou let Seto screw him while he was pining after Yami. What a joke life is.

// There's so much left unspoken

And all I can do is surrender

To the moment just surrender //

Damn…holy fuck…haha a holy fuck. A fuck with a pharaoh is about as holy as you can get. Bastard. I said I wouldn't cry over him…and what do you know…I'm crying my bloody eyes out…you got a problem with that? Like I care. You're a fucking bartender…do your job and I'll do mine. You pour, I drink got it?

// And no one ever told me that love would hurt so much (Oooh yes it hurts)

And pain is so close to pleasure //

Have I mentioned the whip…that sadistic bastard…he loved the whip…yeah it hurt like hell, but as long as he was happy…I mean…that's all that mattered really. Come to think about it, he still likes it, used it on me last night, just before he threw me out of the house at the feet of his High Priest, without letting me get dressed first. Some good guy he turned out to be.

Oh no, don't worry about me…I'm just a worthless tomb robber who can NEVER do anything right…can't walk right. Can't talk right. Can't scream right .Can't beg right. Can't fuck right.

// And all I can do is surrender to your love

Just surrender to your love //

Yeah…that's right…that's all you can do…give yourself up. Give it all up to him…it feels great while you're at it…just remember it hurts after that…a piece of advice…never. NEVER. NEVER. Fall in love with a Pharaoh. They always go for the High Priests.

Yeah…keep the change…I dun need it…where I'll be going…I won't need nothing, but me, myself and Ryou.

If ya see a tri-colored haired kid with a tall famous brunette, do me a favor and tell them this, "I will never forgive me for giving myself up to you."

Ya, you do that bartender and I'll give you something the next time I come round. Now I gotta go kill myself… later…

Just one year of love, is better than a lifetime alone

One sentimental moment in your arms

Is like a shooting star right through my heart

It's always a rainy day without you

I'm a prisoner of love inside you

I'm falling apart all around you

And all I can do is surrender

Continue or not? You decide…review and see what was Ryou's reaction and see what happens after that….