Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Beaten and Blurry. ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anzu looked through her dueling deck, it began to gather dust from under her bed, she added some new cards to it and put it out on the table. "Duel Monsters isn't as important to the guys anymore..." she said flicking through her cards. "Its hard to believe that they don't duel anymore, they are all obsessed with the girls. And Yami...well I guess he is still working on getting out with his crush." she giggled. "If you ask me, whoever it is, is the luckiest girl alive, Yami is so sweet..."

Anzu shook her head at the thought of what she just said and ut her deck away. She had gotten a call from her mom the night before, and her mother will be staying in Canada for a few months now. "Yay..." Anzu groaned. "A perfect time for a party....but no one to come." she sweat-dropped at the thought of getting Jou and the others over for a party...only one word could describe what they would be like... WASTED!

"Anzu! Get out here!" the sound of Seto's voice coming from the porch made Anzu's heart leap.

Anzu walked out and looked at her former boyfriend. "What do you want?" she demanded.

Seto grabbed her and slammed her up against the wall. "I know what your trying to do!" he said.

Tears welled in Anzu's eyes, her back hurt from the impact from the wall, also she didn't know what Seto was talking about. "What? What do you mean?"

Seto slapped Anzu in the face and grabbed her hair, making her look up at him, his blue eyes full of anger. "Your trying to get out with Yami to get back at me! Admit it Mazaki!" Seto yelled slapping her again.

Anzu sobbed. "No Seto! I'm not!" she screamed. "Please don't do this!" more tears fell from her eyes.

"Do what?" Seto hauled back with his fist and punched Anzu hard in the face, blood came from her nose and mouth. Seto's eyes filled with terror and she slung Anzu into the wall. "Oh m-my god..." he said looking at his hands, the horror of what he had just done crept up his spin, he took one last look at Anzu before running out the door, locking it behind him to keep everyone out. He jumped in his car and sped off down the road.

A couple hours later, Anzu was still on the floor where Seto had left her, her mouth open, allowing a large puddle of it to form by her head. The blood that was coming from her nose was dried up on her face. She was scared, scared to move, at times even scared to breathe.

Her cards were scattered over the floor, they had fallen out of her pocket, Anzu just looked at them, in a daze. "Seto..." she mumbled angrily. "Why did you do this to me...?" she slowly sat up on the floor and wiped all the blood off her face. Her face was tender, and she could barely touch it, she knew it was going to leave a bruise, that's why she couldn't go outside, or out of the house. Not because she was scared of what people would think, she still didn't want Seto to get in trouble, she was too soft hearted; but after what he had done, she was WAY over him now...


Yami walked down Anzu's street, he was planning on going to her house and telling her how he felt. "But how will I tell her?" he moaned. "This is TOO hard."

A strange feeling came across Yami when he got to Anzu's drive way, and the eye appeared on his forehead. "What the hell?" he asked out loud looking up at Anzu's house, the eye still glowing on his forehead. "Something's wrong here..." he ran up to the house.

"Anzu?" Yami yelled, he rattled at the locked door. "Anzu! Open the door! Anzu!" Yami started to bang on the door with his fists. "Anzu! Are you okay?! Answer me for the love of Jesus!"

From inside Anzu's eyes wandered up to the door, hearing Yami's voice made more terror go into her body. What would Yami do if he saw what Seto had done to her? But she had to let him in, it was clear he knew she was there, and that there was something wrong.

Anzu stood up and opened the door a crack, she looked out at Yami who looked frantic, the eye disappeared off his forehead when he saw her eye looking out at him. "Anzu...let me in...please."

"I don't think that's a good idea, Yami..." Anzu said.

"What? What do you mean by that?" Yami was now scared that the feelings he was having was true.

"Yami...I'm scared..." Anzu said, she ended of with a low sob. "Of what you might do...if I let you in..."

"Anzu...what happened? Let me in, now." Yami demand.

Anzu sighed and opened the door, she watched as a stunned, and horrified look came across Yami's face. "Seto was here..." she said looking at the ground. She began to cry.

"Oh dear god, Anzu..." Yami brought Anzu into a tight hug and he sat her down on the floor, shutting the door. "Why did he do this?"

Anzu looked into Yami's crimson eyes. Should she tell him? What would he think? She guessed she had to. "He...he..." Anzu blinked. "He came here thinking I was only...being around you to get back at him....." Anzu cried again.

Yami hugged her close to him, his soul ful of anger. He wanted to get at Seto for doing this to Anzu. There was nothing else he wanted to do, he just wanted to see Seto fall. "I'll get him back..."

"No! No..." Anzu said. "No please. Yami you can't. Seto is bigger than you...." Anzu looked at Yami with pleading eyes.

"I don't care..." Yami stood up.

"Dammit, Yami!" Anzu grabbed Yami's arm and hauled herself up to her feet. "Your not going! Promise me...." she looked at him, her eyes narrowed.

"Anzu, I..." Yami sighed and hauled his arm away from Anzu's grasp. "I promise..."


No bruise appeared on Anzu's face, she looked as good as new. "So are we ready?" she asked holding up her electric guitar." Kami, Ise, Yumi, Yami, and Anzu were all in Kami's garage to practice.

"Lets do it!" Yumi cheered. "A one, two. One two three GO!"

"Lying here on the floor where you left me
I think I took too much
I'm crying here, what have you done?
I thought it would be fun...."

Anzu sang, she ran her fingers over the strings of the guitar, she smiled and continued.

"I can't stay on your life support
There's a shortage in the switch
I can't stay on your morphine
'Cause it's making me itch
I said I tried to call the nurse again
But she's being a little bitch
I'll think I'll get out of here......"

The girls looked at each other and they all sang the chorus.

"Where I can run just as fast as I can
To the middle of nowhere
To the middle of my frustrated fears

And I swear you're just like a pill
Instead of making me better
You keep making me ill
You keep making me ill."

The music stopped and Yami clapped his hands. "Excellent!" the strange feeling came across him again, he jumped and looked at Anzu, a smile was on her face as she and the girls fooled around, and for a second, her face looked blurry to Yami...