Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Anzu's family ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Hey guys!" Anzu exclaimed as she ran up to her group of friends.

"Hey, Anzu." they all greeted her with smiles.

"So, are we all ready to go?" Anzu asked.

"Yeah pretty much." Ise said. "Honda never helped much though."

"I'm all ready." Yumi said. "And I asked Seto to go...is that okay?" Anzu nodded.

"I was ready last night." Kami said with a big smile.

"Same." Yami said not looking up from where he sat on the sidewalk.

"I got a call that said that we don't need to bring any equipment with us, its all going to be supplied." Anzu said with a smile.

"YES!" Yumi screamed falling back into an unprepared Ise's arms. "That really makes my day better!"

"I think that goes for all of us." Kami said.

"Yeah." Ise said giving Yumi a shove. "Way better."

Kami turned her head away from her friends, Kama's words haunted her. 'I wish I couldn't hear what she was telling Seto...' she thought. 'I'm starting to have second thoughts...about going...'

"Hey, Kami. Everything okay?" Anzu asked.

Kami put on her biggest, fake smile she could. "Yup! I'm just really excited!" 'And scared.' she added to herself keeping the smile on her face.

'They are all so happy.' Yami thought looking up at them. 'They all don't know what might happen. They don't...'

Yami's thoughts were interrupted by Ise's loud voice. "OH ANZU! I just remembered! We have someone to set you up with!" Ise let out a loud squeal.

"Yeah! That's right, I forgot about that!" Kami said.

"What?" Anzu looked at her friends. "You...gotta be kidding me....you know I already got my eye on someone else..." Anzu tried not to look at Yami.

"No...we don't..." Yumi said. "But by the look in your eyes I think we know who it is." she added in a low voice Yami couldn't hear.

Anzu sweat-dropped.

'Someone else...' Yami thought looking at Anzu. 'Who is the lucky little bastard?' he sighed. "Well girls I'm gonna head back home." he walked away slowly.


"Your...going to set me up with Yami?" Anzu asked, the girls were all sat in Yumi's room on the floor. "How pray-tell are you going to do that?"

"We have our ways." Ise said with a grin.

"Guys...I'm flattered, but I don't need your help with getting another date." Anzu said.

"Ah...but we wanna help." Kami whined.

"Yeah, please Anzu." Yumi pleaded.

Anzu shook her head. "Its okay guys, I'll be fine."

"Okay, but its your lose." Yumi said with a sigh. "This is a twelve in a time offer."

"A twelve in a time offer?" Anzu asked, she rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, did I stutter?" Yumi asked with a smirk.

"Ah shut-up." Anzu said tossing a pillow at Yumi's head. They all laughed.


Later on that day, Anzu stood in her room, looking at herself in the mirror, she picked up hjer electric guitar and began to sing.

"Mama please stop cryin'
I can't stand the sound
Your pain is painful and it's
Tearing me down

I hear glasses breaking
As I sit up in my bed
I told God you didn't mean
Those nasty things you said
You fight about money
About me and my brother
And this I come home to
This is my shelter

It ain't easy, growin' up in WW3
Never knowin' what love could be
You'll see, I don't want love to destroy me
Like it has done my family...."

Tears rolled down her cheeks, she thought about her mom being away, and how her dad could be out there after her. Their family had BIG problems, her dad had went kinda crazy and had tried to kill her and her mother. This caused Anzu's feeling of love to have to be pushed through, she could barely show them, because she never really know what love was. Seto was the first to shoe any kind of love to her, even thought it wasn't all that true.

"Can we work it out
Can we be a family
I promise I'll be better
Mommy I'll do anything
Can we work it out
Can we be a family
I promise I'll be better
Daddy please don't leave

Daddy please stop yelling
I can't stand the sound
Make mama stop cryin'
'Cause I need you around
My mama she loves you
No matter what she says is true
I know that she hurts you
But remember I love you too!

I ran away today, ran from the noise
Ran away (ran away)
Don't wanna go back to that place
But don't have no choice, no way!"

Anzu dropped her guitar and sat on her bed, a crooked smile came on her face. "When I go to Hollywood I won't have to come back." she said. "Mom won't know where I'm gone, and neither will my old man."