Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Take off. ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

The alarm clock rang in Yami's room on the morning they were to go to Hollywood. His eyes shot open and he jumped out of bed. Yami shoved on a pair of baggy, navy blue pants, and a matching muscle-shirt. "The puzzle..." he said looking around. "Where is the puzzle..?" then he spotted it on the table by the phone, he laughed at himself and put it on over his neck.

On his way out the door he grabbed his bags. "Now...." he gasped for air. "To get to the airport..." a car beeped and Yami nearly jumped out of his skin, he turned around and Seto, with everyone else in his car, besides Anzu, stopped by Yami.

"Need a ride?" Seto asked with a smug grin.

"Yes." Yami said.

Seto smirked and opened the front passenger seat door. "Climb in."

Yami shrugged and climbed in the car, resting his bags on his lap. "Where's Anzu?"

"She said she'll get there herself." Ise reported. "She didn't seem in a good mood."

"Yeah, I wonder what could be wrong..." Kami asked. "this should be the happiest day in her life!"

"Maybe she's on the rags." Yumi chimed in, in a loud voice. It made everyone in the car sweat-drop. Yumi looked at them all, a huge question mark floated over her head. "What????"


Anzu paced around the front desk at the airport, she looked at her watch and scanned the crowed. "Guys where are you?" she asked out loud.

"ANZU! Long time no see!"

Anzu spun around to see Ryou Bakura behind her. "Bakura! Hi!" Anzu threw her arms around his neck and gave him a tight hug. She slowly backed up from him and smiled again. "Are you going to Hollywood too?"

"Yes," Bakura said. "I got a front row ticket reserved."

"Hey, as long as you stick with meh, you won't need neither stinking ticket." Anzu said with a grin.

"Really?" Bakura smiled. "Thanks, Anzu." Bakura looked around. "Where is everybody else?"

"On their way I hope." Anzu said. "They don't really need to hurry, we have a privet jet here to pick us up so they can take their time."

"A privet jet? Cool."

"Yeah, you should come if you don't already have a ticket bought." Anzu offered.

-Take it....- Yami Bakura said inside Bakura's head.

"Um, sure, Anzu." Bakura said. "I'd love to."


"Hey! There's Anzu!" Yumi's voice rose up over the crowed. "And Bakura is here too! This is so great!"

"Yeah...all we need now is Jou, Yugi, and Honda and we will be all here!" Kami said. "But they won't be around until tomorrow."

"Hey Bakura!" Ise squealed and jumped in his arms. "What's up?"

"Hey, Ise..." Bakura said sweat-dropping.

*Be careful, Kami.* Kama said from in her head. *I sense that Bakura's Yami is up to something.*

*~Great...~* Kami sighed and looked around at her friends. *~Like what?~*

*Not sure.* Kama said. *But its not good, just watch him.*

*~Got yeah.~*


"Ah! This is SO cool!" Anzu shrieked. Inside the jet there was a round circle of couches and large pillows of all colors, there was a tv and a bathroom in the far end of it. "I...I think...this is...wow."

"Its pretty neat..." Yami said looking around.

"Yeah." Seto said sitting down.

Kami came up behind him and put her hands over his eyes. "Guess who?"

"Its other Kami or the cold clammy hands of death." Seto guessed with a smirk on his face.

Kami smiled and took her hands off his eyes as she sat by him. "Its meh!"

Seto looked at her and sighed. "Dammit."

"Hey! Not funny!"

Seto chuckled. "I'm joking, Kami. Chill."

Kami smiled. "Thanks for coming, Seto." she whispered.

Seto never answered, he just looked out the window as the jet left the ground. 'Your welcome.' he thought. 'Anything for you...'

"I Know A Guy Who's Tough But Sweet,

He's So Fine, He Can't Be Beat!"

Ise started to sing. This got all the girls up on their feet as they all began to sing.

"He's Got Everything That I Desire,

Sets The Summer Sun On Fire,

I Want Benji!

I Want Benji,

Go To See Him When The Sun Goes Down,

Ain't No Finer Guy In Town,

You're My Guy, You Walked Up To Order,

So Sweet, You Make My Mouth Water,

I Want Benji,

I Want Benji,

Benji On The Beach, There's Nothing Better,

But I Like Benji When He's Wrapped In Leather,

Some Day Soon I'll Make You Mine,

Then I'll Have Benji All The Time,

I Want Benji,

I Want Benji,

I Want Benji,

I Want Benji!!!!!!!"

"I hate Good Charlotte..." Seto mumbled.