Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Close for Comfort. ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anzu sat on a large blue pillow by one of the windows on the jet. Lost in her thoughts she never realized that the other girls were partying to the hardest. A low, shuttering sigh escaped her lips, and that same feeling of sickness that came over her when she first found out that they were going to Hollywood flowed back to her again. 'I don't know if I'm nervous...or scared...' she thought. 'These feelings that something bad happening won't leave me...' she thought back to when she had the idea of staying in Hollywood. 'That idea is suddenly not sounding too great.' she looked around at her friends. 'I think the faster we get back the better.'

Yami glanced over at Anzu and sighed. 'I wonder what's wrong?' he thought. 'She seems kinda...quiet...maybe I should do something.' Yami sighed and walked over to Anzu and sat down beside her, he reached up and rapped his arm around her shoulder. "Everything okay?" he asked.

Anzu looked over at Yami surprised, she blinked. "Um...yeah, yeah everything's....f-fine." she looked out the window again.

"Are you sure?" Yami asked. "You seem quiet, that's all."

Anzu looked over at him again, her blue eyes glittered. "I'm fine, Yami. Don't worry about it. I'm just tired, really."

"Here." Yami lifted up his free hand and patted his shoulder. "Put your head here, go to sleep."

Anzu smiled and rested her head on Yami's shoulder. "Thank you, Yami." she closed her eyes and was soon asleep.

A feeling of overjoying happiness flowed through Yami's body, he hadn't felt so good before. He looked down at Anzu, her chest slowly rose and fell with each breath. 'She's so beautiful.' he thought. 'And so perfect, too perfect for me...' he sighed. 'A girl like her would never look at a guy like me twice, its not meant to be.'

*Look at them, the perfect couple..* Kama said in Kami's head.

*~Yeah...~* Kami smiled. *~They ARE perfect for each other, aren't they?~*

*Yes, but too bad it may not happen.*

*~What do you mean?~*

*They are both having bad feelings, that's normal, but my own feelings are backing them up.* Kama sighed. *Something will happen, I don't know what, but it won't be very good.*

*~Yeah...oh and Kama.~*


*~Thanks for talking Seto into coming.~*

*No problem.* Kama smiled to herself.

*~But I got the feeling that...~* Kami stopped and looked out the window. *~WOW! We are flying over Hollywood now! Its so pretty!~*

*I see.* Kama said.


Anzu and Yami walked around their hotel room. "This is so cool." Anzu said looking around.

"Its really cool, eh?" Yami asked sitting down on a couch. "Now, I wanna hear you sing. Just to see if you 'still' got it."

"You want me to sing in order to see if I still got it?" Anzu demanded.

Yami smirked. "Yeah."

"Well fine." Anzu stood up in front of him. She smiled.

"Chill out whatcha yelling' for?
Lay back it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
you will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
and you're talking to me one on one but you've become..."

Yami nodded his head to the music he made in his head, a smile stretched across his face.

"Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
And you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no..."

"I'm convinced." Yami said with a chuckle.

Anzu jumped on his lap. "I told you!" she exclaimed, she rapped her arms around his neck to keep from falling, Yami helped out by putting his arms around her waist.

They looked into each others eyes, Yami was lost, he wanted to kiss her, but didn't know if he should act on it. Anzu's eyes lowered to Yami's lips, then she looked back up in his eyes. They found their faces moving closer together, their eyes closed. Then the phone rang, both their eyes shot open, and sighed and mumbled a 'sorry', then got off his lap and walked over to the phone.

"Hello?" she asked.

"Hey Anzu!" Yumi said. "The guys are here, can we send one of them up to stay with you and Yami?"

"Um," Anzu looked over at Yami. "Sure, see ya." Anzu hung up the phone. "The guys are here, they are sending one of them up to stay with us."

Yami sighed, still not over the fact they almost kissed. "Lets just hope its not..."

"HEY YA'LL!" Jou ran through the door, scooping Anzu up. "Ya miss me?!"

"Jou...." Yami finished off his statement sweat-dropping.


*This should make you happy.* Kama said. *Your sharing a room with Seto.*

Kami cut off all connection with Kama by taking off the bracelet and placing it on the table. 'Yeah, yeah.'

"This is a nice looking place." Seto said sitting at the table by Kami. "Don't you think?"

Kami nodded. "Yeah." they both smiled.