Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ *sigh* ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Anzu sat alone in her, Yami, and Jou's room, she was in her room sat at the desk, going over the songs. "The concert is in a few days...I have to find the other song to sing to Yami, to let him know how I feel..." she picked up the song called Whenever Wherever. "This is one of them..." she said. "He'll be the last one, and....Cry will be the first one." she smiled and held up the two songs.

Just then, the phone rang. "Hello?" she asked picking it up.

"It seems you haven't listened to me." a voice said, it was the same voice that was on her answering machine, the one who made the message that Anzu never heard.

"Wh-what?" Anzu stammered. "Who is this?"

"You know me, well, you mightn't, but I know you." the man said. "And I'm here in the hotel."

"What do you want?" Anzu yelled.

"No need to shout." he said. "You never took my warning, so now I'll have to come after you."

"What? Why didn't you want me to come here?" Anzu began to tremble.

"I'm not going to let you sing at the concert, when you sing a certain song, the love between you and Yami will be sealed. When that happens I'll be sent to the shadow realm, and I'm not letting that happen..." click. He hung up.

Anzu began to breath hard, and she put the phone down. "Wh-what am I going to do?" she backed up and tripped over her chair, falling on her back.


Kami looked out through her room window, Seto sat on the bed watching her. "What are you looking for?" he asked.

"Nothing." Kami said looking over at him. "It just bugs me that I'm in Hollywood and I'm bored."

Seto chuckled. "Wanna go out around somewhere?"

"Sure!" Kami exclaimed. "Lets go!"

"Your pretty jumpy at stuff, Kami." Seto said putting on his coat.

"Yeah..." Kami said walking pass the table where the bracelet lay. "I can't help that."

"Of course." Seto said, he opened the door, when Kami was out he followed.

*KAMI!* Kama screamed, but she knew she couldn't hear. *DON'T GO WITHOUT ME! KAMI!* Kama ran around her soul room, hitting the walls. *LET ME OUTTA HERE!*

Kama looked out through the center of the eye on the bracelet, Kami's deck was right by it. *YES!* she exclaimed. *Maybe I can get out of here after all!* the Wingweaver card was on the top of the deck, Kama could see it clearly. *If I can get that card to come to life, I can use Wingweaver's body to follow Kami.*

Kama tried, but couldn't get the bracelet to move, she finally stopped and fell to the floor of her soul room. *I give up...* she murmured. *I'm sorry Kami....*


Yami walked back into the hotel room humming. Him and Jou had been in the lobby talking about girls. (Typical) Jou had told him to go for it with Anzu, don't be scared of how he felt. Heh, what great advice coming from someone who never had the guts to look at Maii when she was around.

'But I guess he went through it.' Yami said to himself, he sat on the couch. 'And for once Jou really made sense.' he chuckled.

"Ya-Yami..." Anzu called from her room. "I-is that you?"

"Yeah, its me." he called back. "Why?"

"I...got a call." Anzu said walking out of her room.

"From who?"

"I...don't know." Anzu sat down by Yami.

"What did they say?" Anzu told him what the person had said, but she felt out the part about their love, just not to make Yami uncomfortable. "Go back to the shadow realm?" Yami asked.

"Yeah..." Anzu said. "Yami I'm scared..."

"Its ok, Anzu." Yami said looking at his friend. "Nothing will happed to you, I promise."

Anzu smiled. "Thank you, Yami....I really mean it."

Yami brought Anzu into a hug. "No problem, Anzu. Anything for you...."

"In places no one would find!" Anzu sang under her breath that night. "All your feelings so deep, inside...." she smiled and rolled over in bed, she listened to Yami and Jou carry on out in the living room and smiled. "Guys..." she muttered.

Anzu looked out through the window, Hollywood was lit up like a Christmas tree. "Beautiful..." she said. Then she frowned. "But dangerous..." she thought back to the phone call she had, had. "I hope its all a joke."


Seto held Kami close to him on the couch in their room. "This day was fun." he said.

"Yeah, wonderful!" Kami exclaimed, she picked up a pillow and got over on the other side of the couch. "I had fun, thanks Seto." (Got ya then, I bet you thought they were going out!)

"Hey, we were both bored." Seto said. "We needed something to do."

*Pick up the bracelet...* Kama screamed. *Please, Kami!* she sighed, tears of frustration rolled down her cheeks. *I don't want anything to happen to you, Kami....*

Kama watched at Kami and Seto tossed a pillow back and forth. *AHHHHH!* she screamed as she pounded her fist against the center of the eye. *KAMI! PLEASE!* more tears came, Kama fell to the floor and rapped herself into a ball.

She couldn't believe she was stuck in the soul room, she just wanted to get out, or at least be joined with Kami again. *I need my own body.* she fumbled. *But I forget the spell.* Kama thought for a second. *Yami! I can contact Yami and get him to bring Anzu over here! She'll put on the bracelet and then I can get out!*