Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whenever, Whereever ❯ Bakura ( Chapter 15 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Why them...?" Anzu mumbled, she and Yami sat alone on the couch in their and Jou's hotel room. Only Yami was the only one sat up, Anzu was lay down and had her head rested on Yami's lap. "I mean....Jou and Honda...?"

Yami chuckled and looked down at her. "I know what you mean. But, I have to say, they aren't bad."

"Oh my god how could you say that..." Anzu giggled. "Yeah, I have to admit it too, I guess its good to get them into it."

"Yeah, and since the concert it tonight..." Yami said. "Are you going to be okay?"

"I got a bad feeling..." Anzu said. "That call wasn't a threat...I say it was a promise...."

"Nothing is going to happen to you...." Yami said. "Anzu, that's my promise."

Anzu smiled up at her friend, her smile made Yami practically glow. "Thanks, Yami...you're the best friend I ever had...."


"So...how about this?" later on that day, Anzu and Jou was alone in the apartment, Yami and Honda was gone out to get Honda some new cloths, Jou decided to go with some of his old cloths. He was wearing a pair of baggy blue jeansa with the knee out of them, and a white muscle shirt.

"Great....you really...have the look." Anzu said sweat-dropping.

"Thanks...I think this is what I'm gonna wear." Jou said sitting down by Anzu. "Thanks for askin' me to sing, Anzu." he put his hand on her knee.

"No problem..." Anzu said, she looked down at his hand. "Now...move your hand."

Jou never said anything, he just sighed and moved his hand up and down Anzu's knee. Anzu tilted her head back and laughed. "I meant move it altogether."

"Ha! Okay, Anzu." Jou took his hand off Anzu's knee.

"Your weird." Anzu said looking at him.

"Thanks..." Jou said. "Now you know why Yumi got me." Anzu sweat-dropped.


It was the night of the concert. Anzu was wearing a tight leather jacket, and matching pants. Yumi had on baggy black jeans and a black tank-top, Ise was wearing a small black skirt, and a black hoodie. {not much of a combo, but Ise is strange anyway.} Kami had on black makeup and a pair of black pants and shirt. Honda and Yami had on their usual wear{think back to Battle City}.

Anzu sat on the bathroom floor back stage, she had her head over the toilet, she was very sick to her stomach. A loud knock came on the door, making her jump. "C--come in.."

The door opened swiftly, and Anzu was soon in a head lock. "Your not going to listen to me are you?" the guy asked.

Fear ran through Anzu's body as she looked up into the eyes of Yami Bakura. "What the hell?!"

"Thought you could get pass me, eh?" Yami Bakura looked at her. "That song...Whenever Wherever, if you sing that I go back to the shadow realm, why? Because your and Yami's love will be joined forever, and I was put here to stop that from happening."

"You can't stop me..." Anzu said trembling.

Yami Bakura sniffed Anzu's hair and licked up the side of her face. "I think I can...you see, if I go back, your friend Ryou does too."


"I'm sorry...did I stutter?" Yami Bakura grinned and let Anzu go. "Tell anybody about this and your dead for sure."

Anzu watched at Yami Bakura walked away, she turned back to the toilet, her eyes wide. "We'll lose Bakura..." she gasped.

~Don't worry about me, Anzu.~ a voice said.

"Bakura?" Anzu looked around. "Where are you?"

~I'm in the Millennium Ring....~ Bakura said. ~Sing that song! Sing it as soon as you can! Don't worry about me Anzu! I don't care if I have to go back....as long as your happy.~

"What do you mean?" Anzu was petrified.

~I always had a crush on you...Anzu.~ Bakura said. ~And I want you to be happy....just sing that song...~

Anzu felt Bakura's presents drifting away...


"Are you ready, Anzu?" Kami asked as they all got behind the curtains. Anzu could barely hear her from the screaming crowd.

Anzu nodded. "Yeah....I am...."

"What's the opening song?" Ise asked. "The guys aren't out here."

"They don't need to be." Anzu said. "This song is called I will survive. We don't really need the guys for this...."

"Are you ready?" Mr. Phil asked.

"Lets do this thang!" Yumi hollared.

Mr. Phil gave a thumbs up, and the curtains were hauled away. Anzu looked at the crowd, there had to be over a hundred thousand people out there...and in the front row was Yami Bakura, along with Seto. Anzu look a deep breath. "HELLO HOLLYWOOD!" she screamed into the microphone. The crowd went crazy.

They girls started to play their instruments, even Anzu with her electric guitar, and she began to sing.

"At first I was afraid.
I was petrified.
I kept thinking I could never live
Without you by my side.
But then I spent so many nights
Just thinking how you'd done me wrong.
I grew strong.
I learned how to get along!"

The crowd went louder, this filled Anzu with pride...not with the fear she was having all night, a smile spread across her face.

"And so you're back from outer space.
I just walked in to find you here
Without that look upon your face.
I should have changed my fucking lock.
I would have made you leave your key
If I'd have known for just one second
You'd be back to bother me.

Oh now go.
Walk out the door.
Just turn around now.
You're not welcome anymore.
Weren't you the one
Who tried to break me with desire?
Did you think I'd crumble?
Did you think I'd lay down and die?
Oh not I.

I will survive.
As long as I know how to love
I know I'll be alive.
I've got all my life to live.
I've got all my love to give.
I will survive.
I will survive.

It took all the strength I had
Just not to fall apart.
I'm trying hard to mend
The pieces of my broken heart.
And I spent oh so many nights
Just feeling sorry for myself.
I used to cry.
But now I hold my head up high!"

Back stage, Yami, Jou, and Honda sat at a round table. "Listen to that..." Jou said. "Anzu is such a great singer..."

"Yeah..she sure is something isn't she?" Yami said.