Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Ashes and Earth ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Don't own Yu-Gi-Oh, and never will either.

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 6

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

Eagerly Yami crushed his mouth against Yugi's, slipping his tongue into his mouth and sampling his sweet tasting innocence. Yugi mewled softly, encouraging him on as he continued his exploration. He barely noticed Yami's hands brushing against his hips and thighs sensually. All he could focus on the fact that his dream was finally coming true, to be together with his yami.

There was a small cough, and Yugi glanced over and turned red when he saw Rei standing there. Reluctantly he pushed away from his yami, feeling very embarassed. Yami just glared at her, how dare she interrupt them while they were busy.

"I don't want to know what happened, so please don't tell me," she said evenly. "I'm just going to pretend that I didn't see that. But please, if you are going to do that kind of thing, please don't do it in my apartment. Go to the roof or something if you want privacy. I really don't want to find out if spirits can make love and have to clean up after them."

At that, Yugi hid his face on Yami's shoulder so that his blush wouldn't show, and Yami stroked his hair absently. Rei sat down on one of her sofas and cleared her throat.

"Alright, Akina-sensei and I have done some talking, and we both agree that Yami's in some sort of a coma, which explains why Yami could touch my hand. Only real ghosts like Yugi need spells so then they can touch material things."

"Then how come I couldn't touch Anzu before?" Yami objected. "My hand passed right through her shoulder."

"Well, it takes a couple minutes for the energies that allow you to touch and feel things in your body to transfer to your spirit. I guess you didn't wait long enough," she said with a shrug. "Anyway, the point is your still alive Yami, but you're separated from your body. I don't know how long it will be until you return to it, but for the time being, you'll stay with Yugi."

He nodded solemnly and whispered in Yugi's ear, "I almost wish that I was a real ghost, so then I could spend my afterlife with you..."

Yugi smiled and hugged him tightly. An idea popped into Rei's mind as she watched Yugi whisper something back to his lover and nuzzle him affectionately, and she hid her grin behind her hands. It was the perfect idea, the two would be really happy and they would be together without any life or death boundaries!

"Yugi, I forgot some stuff back at magic school. I'll come back as soon as I get it, but please don't make out with your boyfriend here again, go to the roof." She got up and smirked when she saw Yugi blushing again, then headed out the door and hurried to the elevator. She would need some more help from Akina-sensei in order for her project to work out right...


Rei rapped on her teacher's apartment door and called out loudly, "Akina-sensei, it's Rei again. I need some more help with a project idea of mine and-"

"Stop yelling and come in," someone said crossly from inside the apartment. "The door's unlocked. Good gods, you have a loud mouth..."

She giggled as she stepped into her teacher's apartment, she liked annoying her teacher, it was fun. And Akina-sensei knew than Rei did it on purpose, so she yelled at her grumpily and to cuff her sharply. It was a strange student-teacher relationship, but it worked out fine. The two would never admit it, but they did care about each other as good friends.

Rei walked in to find her teacher watching over a self-stirring cauldron that was floating over a small witchfire that didn't burn the floor around it. She motioned for her student to stay away for a moment, then added something to the cauldron and took a spoon to sample it. She then carried the cauldron over to the kitchen and left it on the counter. The witchfire went out on it's own, and Rei made herself comfortable on a leather couch.

"Now, you said something about a project idea?" Akina asked, settling into an armchair. She brushed away some of her curly red hair and fixed her sharp green eyes on her student. Rei nodded eagerly.

"Akina-sensei, you know how I have to look after Yugi, right? Well, he's in love with the person that I last came to you about, Yami. At least, I think they're in love, they were making out and holding hands and stuff like that-"

"Oh, get to the point, you talk aimlessly about random subjects for hours before you say what's important," her teacher interrupted. Rei scowled at her, then continued on.

"If Yami goes back to his body, then he'll be alive again, and Yugi will be alone. Yami isn't going to die anytime soon, and Yugi will be a ghost for a while. So... I was wondering if I could create a new body for Yugi, and then bring him back to life! I know that necromancy's forbidden, but-"

"No," Akina said flatly. Rei looked at her crestfallen.

"But it's for a good purpose! I'm bringing two soulmates together!"

"You said it yourself, necromancy's forbidden. And you know why, don't you? It's a dangerous art, bringing the dead back to life. There are so many complications, and many things could go wrong. You could die yourself!"

"Well, I'm willing to take those chances," Rei said stubbornly. "I don't want Yugi to mope around my apartment when Yami gets out of his coma. Please Akina-sensei, help me out!! I need your guidance to get through want I want to accomplish!!"

She got down on her knees and held her hands up, begging as hard as she could for her teacher to help her. Akina frowned and looked away from her student, placing a hand over her mouth to silence her pleas. Finally she spoke grudgingly.

"If you breathe a word of this to the gods, I promise you'll die painfully, be risen from the dead horribly, and then killed again even more painfully than the first time."

Rei nodded and pushed her hand away from her mouth. "Tell me what to do, sensei."


Yugi blinked in amazement when the elevator finally reached the roof and opened the doors. "Wow, this is the roof?"

It looked more like a small park, with several trees scattered around and lush green grass. There was a gazebo and several benches near the center, and a gravel walkway starting from the elevator doors. Yugi stepped out and looked around in awe, holding hands with Yami like they were young children.

"I can see why Rei told us to come up here," Yami commented. Yugi ran eagerly to see the gazebo, and a bemused Yami followed him at a slower pace. He curled an arm around his hikari's slim waist and drew him closer. Yugi smiled and snuggled closer to his darker half, enjoying the close contact.

The crimson-eyed pharoah gently licked Yugi's ear, smirking at the gasp he made. Then he started suckling on his earlobe and making a wet trail of butterfly kisses, listening to Yugi whine and squirm. He bit the soft skin and began sucking on that as well, leaving behind a red mark that he licked apologetically.

"Like that, huh?" Yugi nodded breathlessly, and Yami took a final lick from his earlobe. It was fun to tease Yugi like that, but now it was time to get serious, so to speak. He kissed his little koi softly at first, but then harder and more agressively when Yugi panted and moaned his name. His hands brushed over Yugi's hips and thighs again (and that area between his legs that made Yugi's breathe hitch), then travelled slowly up his chest and stroked his face. That's when he realized that Yugi was crying, and drew away startled.

"What's wrong, Yugi? Did I do something wrong?" Yami asked anxiously, brushing away some of the tears. The amythest-eyed hikari shook his head, then sniffled quietly.

"It's just... I've wanted this for so long. And now, it's like a dream come true. Except it's not... I'm dead, you're alive and will have to leave soon, and you're still with Anzu! I-I know that you said that you want to break up with her, but... doesn't everybody who cheats on their girlfriends say that just so they can get the other person?" Yugi broke into a fresh wave of tears, and Yami's heart broke. His hikari thought he was "the other person"! He held his sobbing hikari close and whispered loving and reassuring nonsense to him.

"No no, Yugi, don't think like that, don't ever think like that! I don't want to cheat on her, I don't want to have anything to do with her. I want to have a relationship with you, and you only. Do you know why? Because you are sweeter, kinder and better than Anzu will ever be. She's harsh and rough, you are soft and gentle. She just cares about herself, you care about everyone. Please trust me Yugi, when I get out of my coma, I'll break up with her, and we'll never see her again. And then we'll be together, even though you're a ghost now, we'll be together somehow. And then when I die, we'll spent eternity together in the afterlife with each other, I promise. I eternally promise this..."

He continued on softly until Yugi's eyes grew heavier and his breathing evened out. Yami stopped talking and smiled sadly at him. Poor hikari, Anzu must of hurt him really badly to make him cry even after a few months. Then again, he might of inflicted a few wounds too unknowingly. Yami winced when he remembered his dense behavior before.

"Once again, chibi ichi," he whispered, "I'm so sorry I didn't realize your love until now, please forgive me..." Yami brushed his lips against the smaller one and re-adjusted him in his arms so that he was holding him bridal style, then carried him to where the elevator was and stepped in.


Rei snuck a look around the gates, then carefully walked in, making sure not to make any loud noises. She crept down the aisles, shivering in the moonlight. Now she knew why people thought that graveyards were creepy at night, especially with a full moon in view.

She nearly screamed when a crow - or was it a raven? Was there even a difference between the two? - suddenly cawed at her and took flight, then got control of herself and bit her lip. She was there for one purpose, and one purpose only. Continuing down the row of cubicles, she finally found Yugi's gravemarker and sighed with relief. She fished out a piece of paper that Akina had wrote specific instructions on, skimming over them even though she had memorized them beforehand.

"Gomen nasai Yugi, but this is the only way to give you a new body," she muttered, bowing with her hands politely folded in front of her. She straightened, then took out a hammer and chisel that she had brought along and started chipping lightly at the edges of the gravemarker, wiggling it here and there to loosen it. Finally it was loose enough for her to take in her arms and place it on the ground, leaving the small cubicle open.

"Oh gods, forgive me of this somewhat terrible crime," she said cringing, reaching in and grabbing the small vase that held all of Yugi's ashes. She poured about a fourth of the ashes into a container she brought along, and then placed the vase back into the cubicle and shoved the gravemarker back into place, bowing again and asked for forgiveness from the gods. When she straightened up, she placed her tightly sealed container and tools into her shoulder bag, then knelt at the end of the sidewalk and scooped up some of the damp earth into another container she had. This was also essential for what Akina had in mind.

(A/n: Before I forget, I'm borrowing the spell that brought Kikyo back to life from Inuyasha and putting a slight twist to it. So, I guess I don't really own it, but I'm using it cuz I'm uncreative enough to create my own spell!)

After sealing the container with soil, she placed that alongside the container with ashes and calmly left the graveyard. Actually, her hands were trembling and she was having trouble breathing normally. She knew that if anybody found out, and somehow found out that she was behind it, she knew that she would be in deep trouble for disturbing the grave.

Somehow Rei made it back to her apartment and entered her private workplace. The previous owner of the apartment had used it as a dark room to develop photos, but the young witch had made some changes so then it would be a suitable workshop to conduct experiments in, like installing a small firepit for her cauldron and a few shelves for herbs or spellbooks. She kept some of the red lights though, she was rather fond of them. She took out the two containers and placed them on a counter, skimming over Akina's written instructions again.

'Hm, there are some rare herbs that are required, I'm glad that Akina-sensei supplied me with them, or else I would be hunting all over Domino for them...' She glanced at the herbal shelf over her shoulder and gave a startled yelp when she saw Yami peering over her shoulder and quickly crumpled the paper in her fist.

"Y-Yami, what are you doing here? This is my private workspace, I don't like it when people barge in. I-I might be doing highly-sensitive spells for all you know... um, where's Yugi?"

"He fell asleep, so I put him on the couch," he said calmly. "So, did I see instructions to a spell on that piece of paper?"

"Maybe, but it'd be nice if you had knocked," she snapped. Rei got even more annoyed at Yami when he began snickering, then rolled her blue eyes.

"If you don't mind, Yami, could you leave? This is a serious spell that must be followed to the letter, or else disasterous things could happen." She turned her back to him and prayed fervently to the gods that he would leave her alone, but was interrupted went the crumpled instructions flew out of her hands and into Yami's, whistling innocently as he started uncrumpled it. Rei shrieked made a dive for it, but missed it and watched horrified as he began reading through it, his mischievious smirk slowly disappearing and his red eyes widening.

"Holy Ra..." he breathed, staring at the brunette witch. "What in the world are you trying to do?!"

Rei hung her head ashamed, a deep blush rising to her cheeks as she started to mumble an explanation. "I-I'm just trying to give Yugi a new body, so then he can be alive again, and then he'll be with you, and-"

"Wait a minute," he interrupted. "Why are you doing this? And why the hell do you need to steal his ashes to make a new body? That makes you a filthy graverobber!"

She bit her lip as she thought of a simple way to explain this complicated situation. "Well, I do think of Yugi as a friend, even though I'm kinda shy and too busy to spend much time being his guardian. I-I just want him to be happy, and he's happy with you. And I highly doubt that you're going to die anytime in the near future, so you can't really spend time together as ghosts. So, the only answer is for Yugi to spend time with you alive."

"And what about the ashes, graverobber?" he demanded. She frowned at him and folded her arms across her chest.

"I don't appreciate being called a graverobber, and I had to take some ashes. My sensei Akina says that if you mix the ashes of a departed one with the earth of his grave, then-"

"Then you and your teacher are graverobbers!" She rolled her eyes.

"Stop interrupting me, why are you so hung up on the term 'graverobber'?" He folded he arms and held his head high.

"I was a pharoah in Ancient Egypt 3,000 years ago," he said stiffly. "We took it as a deep insult when tomb raiders went and stole valuables from our forefathers' resting places and desecrated their bodies. I still feel the same way back then as I did now."

Rei had a look of disbelief on her face, and looked at him quizzically as if wondering if he was sane. "Riight... well, anyway, if you mix the ashes of a departed one's body with the earth of his grave, then you must add in water that's been blessed by a priestess and leave the ash-soil-water mixture in a special clay human mold in a special oven for three days. After the three days, the clay will crack open and a exact replica of the departed one will be there. Only problem is, the soul won't be in the replica, only a witch can put the soul into the body." She sighed. "And I don't know if I have enough magic reserved within me to put Yugi's soul into the body. If I use too much, I'll start using up my life force as well..."

Yami had been quiet for a long time, his head swimming with all of this sudden information. After she had explained it, it did seem like a noble cause, even if she did steal his hikari's ashes for the new body. He started muttering something, and she lifted her head.

"What's that? I didn't catch what you said." He said it louder and clearer.

"Um, you could use some of my magical reserves, if you start to run out..." She stared at him open mouthed and then shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I could've sworn you said I could use your magic, Yami." He nodded, and tapped his transparent Millennium Puzzle.

"Like I said, I was the pharoah 3,000 years ago. This Item has more than enough magic if you start to run out." Rei's mouth moved, but no words came out. Finally she croaked out something semi-understandable.

"Um, wow, um... thank you, I think. Um, yes, thank you, arigato..." she trailed off, her eyes out of focus as she thought about this strange occurence. Yami decided that he should leave now, and closed the workshop door behind him and headed over to where his sleeping lover was. He laid down and cuddled as close as he could to him, nuzzling him cat-like. He yawned and closed his crimson eyes sleepily.

"I promised you we were going to be together, koi," he murmured. "And I always keep my promises..."


AR: [yawns] Hope ya liked the fluffy bits in the chapter, sorry I left ya hanging last time.

Diane: Wow, it's almost midnight and ur done!

AR: Ugh, nobody was on today, so I figured I might as well finish this chapter. Anyway, the lemon's coming up maybe in 2 chapters, possibly 3. When it does pop up, I'm afraid I'll have to cut it out for FF.Net since that's the reason the 1st version of this story got deleted. [glares murderously at Atomic Ghoul] Stupid 22-year-old who acts like a 6-year-old ratting sellout for the FF.Net Administrators...[growls and loads her M-16] Yo quiero mucho venganza...

Diane: [restrains AR] Hey, do you want me to take you back to the nice therapist in the mental institute?

AR: =P Phooey, the therapist there didn't know shit about pyschology... Anyway, the lemon shall be cut out on FF.Net, but it will be avalible on Mediaminer.org. My penname there is Black Angel Reaper, and the story title there's the same. Look out for the lemon in 2 chapters, k? Ja ne!