Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Do Angels Go When They Die? (Reposted) ❯ Together For Life ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Where Do Angels Go When They Die? - Chapter 9

By Angel Reaper (and Diane)

"Yugi, have you seen my jacket?" Yami called out, searching his bedroom for said item. It was about a year after Yugi had returned. Both teens, young adults actually, were attending Domino University, and were doing quite well in their classes. They had managed to rent a small apartment off campus. Even though there were two bedrooms, they chose to sleep in only one of them.

"Um, I think I washed it today, so it might be in the bag of clean clothes," Yugi replied, hurriedly typing out the ending for his paper about western civilizations. The reason why Yami was looking for his jacket and Yugi finishing off his paper was that the two had made plans for a date tonight. Yami looked over his koi's shoulders, wearing his found jacket, as his fingers flew across the keyboard to finish the last sentence.

"Can we go now?"

"Yea, of course." Yugi saved his document and shut down his laptop, getting up and kissing Yami on the cheek. Soon they headed out for the movie theaters, holding hands and looking at each other adoringly. The two had confessed their relationship to their friends a long time ago, and now it was quite natural for them to be showing signs of affection in public.


What movie were they seeing? It didn't really matter, currently they were sitting in the back of the dark theater and kissing each other like crazy. Yugi's hands were entangled in Yami's hair, eyes closed as he felt the wonderful sensation of his yami's lips against his. Yami forced his tongue into Yugi's sweet tasting mouth, exploring every bit of it eagerly. Gods it had been such a long time since they had been together like this ever since the semester started...

When they paused for a minutes to catch their breath, Yugi opened a bag of M&M's he had bought and placed it in his mouth. Yami continued where he had left off before, slipping his tongue in between Yugi's lips. He paused when he found the little chocolate candy, an idea suddenly occuring to him. Deftly he stole the M&M while Yugi squeaked quietly. He ate it and smiled at his hikari.

"Delicious. Would you like to try?" He took two pieces and put them in his mouth, then let Yugi lean over and let his tongue curl around his for the little chocolates. Yugi carefully tasted them and grinned.

"They taste great. Your turn, Yami." They both continued this playful game until there were no more M&M's left, and the movie began playing the ending credits. Yami got up licking his lips, the taste of chocolate and his hikari lingering in his mouth. Getting a hold of Yugi's hand, they walked out together onto the streets to get back to their apartment.


As they were passing by an alley on their way home, Yugi stepped back in suprise when a cat leaped out, followed by a snarling dog. Unfortunately, Yami didn't realize it until the cat had jumped onto his shoulders, digging its claws through his clothes and into his skin. He yelped and stumbled back, while the dog looked up at it angrily, barking and yapping like crazy. The cat hissed and jumped in front of the dog, scratching it over the muzzle. The dog promtly ran away, whimpering and disappearing back into the alley.

"Aw, poor kitty," Yugi said outloud, picking it up by the midriff. His skin prickled as he examined the cat closely. It was a female, and her fur was a cinnamon color with dark tabby marks. There was no collar claiming it to anybody, so it must be a stray. The most curious thing about this cat was it's extremely sparkly blue eyes, it reminded Yugi of someone...

"Rei?" he whispered, and the cat meowed softly. With her small nose, she nudged the little pentagram necklace that Yugi was wearing in memory of Rei. She meowed again, and Yugi cradled her against his shirt, where she curled up and purred contentment.

"Yami, can we bring her back to the apartment? Please?" The older teen looked uncertain.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Yugi. Are you even sure it's her?"

"I'm positive that this is Rei. Please Yami!" he pleaded, his amythest eyes looking incredibly sad. Yami tried to resist the urge to look at them, he knew the power they had to change people's decisions in an instant. "She took care of me before, and now I want to pay her back by taking care of her!"

The darker half accidentally looked into Yugi's eyes when Rei mewled again, and his will broke. "Oh fine, we'll take her home. But your taking care of her, not me."

Yugi cheered and rubbed his cheek against Rei, who meowed happily and purred. Yami shook his head, muttering something about irresistable puppy eyes under his breath as they walked home.


The two curled up in bed for the night, Yami's arm draped over Yugi's body posessively. Their newfound pet Rei was sprawled out on the couch, choosing that as her bed instead of the makeshift one they made by Yugi's desk.

Even though Yami was asleep, Yugi was lying on his back wide awake. He thought back to the previous year and all that had happened after he came back to life. It was hard pretending to have never met Jou and Honda and all the others before, when he knew all their personal secrets.


"Yami, are you sure we should do this?" Yugi whispered nervously, holding his hand tightly. "This might be a bit awkward..."

Yami squeezed his hand reassuringly and kissed him softly, leading him up to the condo that Jou and Seto shared. "It'll all be fine, Yugi. Remember, even Anzu didn't recognize you, so what chance does Jou have?"

"But she was really mad, she might of been blinded by anger, Yami," Yugi objected. They were already standing in front of the door, and Yugi pressed his back against Yami's chest as close as he could. Their blonde friend opened the door smiling as always.

"Hey Yami, is this your new boy-" he stopped abruptly when his gaze reached Yugi, who offered him a shy smile and lowered his amythest eyes. Yami shifted uncomfortably and squeezed Yugi's hand again.

"Um, can we come in, Jou? Are Honda and the others here too?"

"No, they're not here yet, you two are the first to arrive." He led them to the living room where Seto was waiting, reading a magazine with his legs crossed. He looked up and nodded at Yami, then went back to reading. Seto didn't even look at the smaller teen Yami was holding hands with.

"Hey Yami, can I talk to ya privately for a minute?" Jou asked, and Yami nodded. Yugi sat down on the opposite end of the couch from Seto, glancing around in wonder. The blonde led the crimson-eyed teen into the kitchen and firmly shut the door, making sure that no one was around. He turned around and faced Yami, looking at him gravely.

"Yami, are you alright?"

The question took him by suprise. "I'm perfectly fine, Jou. Why, is there something wrong?"

Jou ran a hand through his already mussed hair, contemplating the best way to say the things on his mind. "Yami, I know that Yugi was your hikari, and that you two had a special bond, but... are you obsessed with him or something?"

"What?" Yami said incredulously.

"Seriously Yami, do you have a thing for Yugi? I mean, you spent hours at the graveyard, you broke up with Anzu because you had a dream that Yugi told you to, you were mourning for months after he died-"

"Jou, listen to me-" Yami tried interrupting.

"No, I'm not done yet Yami. I think you have a little problem or something, and I want you to get help. I mean, now you have a boyfriend that could be a clone of Yugi! His name even IS Yugi!!"

"Jou!" Yami shook him by the shoulders to get him to stop yelling. His eyes held Jou's light brown ones in a fierce glare. "Jou, I appreciate you trying to look out for me, but stop it. I am not obsessed with Yugi. I was a little depressed after Yugi died, but now I'm happier. I broke up with Anzu because I wanted to. And it's just a strange coincidence that his name is Yugi, Jou. I like him alot, so I want you to treat him nicely. You might like him too if you get to know him."

He released Jou and walked out, taking a seat next to his koi. He glanced at Jou as he walked out and narrowed his eyes in warning. The blond just sighed and gave a tiny nod to him.

"So Yugi, how did you meet Yami?"

"Oh, he was taking a walk through the park, and I bumped into him accidentally and dropped my Duel Monsters deck all over the ground. He helped me pick them up, we started talking, and then we went to a cafe and had lunch together," he lied, his face not showing any hint of anxiety. He and Yami had created stories in case their friends inquired about things such as that.

The doorbell rang, and Jou got up to answer the door. He looked suprised as Anzu pushed him aside and marched into the living room.

"I thought I'd find you here, Yami," she said. The older teen looked up at her and instinctively stood up and put himself in between her and Yugi.

"What do you want, Anzu? I thought we were through."

"No, not until we talk, Yami."

"We did talk last time," he said in annoyance. "It's just that you walked away angrily, not me."

"Listen Yami," she spoke, ignoring his last comment, "all of this silly nonsense about us not being together is just wrong. You and I were meant for each other, we're a match made in heaven! You're wasting your time with this Yugi person, I know that you really aren't gay. You're just with him because you have pre-marital jitters and need to think about spending eternity with me, right? If you come back to me, I'll forgive you for leaving me and we can get married again!"

Yami was about to speak up angrily, but he was suprised when Yugi jumped up from his seat, his amythest eyes flashing.

"Listen you," he began. "get it through your head that you and Yami are done forever. He broke up with you because he was unhappy. He wanted to be with me because we love each other very much, and he likes having me around. So stop chasing after him, it's your own fault that you mistreated a wonderful soul like his and he wanted to get away."

The room was deathly silent as everyone stared at the small angry teen who was holding Yami's hand. Suddenly Anzu screeched and launched herself at Yugi, her hands grasping to scratch him or squeeze his windpipe until it was crushed.

"I will not be talked to like that by a little fag!!!!"

Yugi cried out and threw his arms up to shield himself, and Yami had to use all of the strength he posessed to drag the female off his boyfriend and carried her out into the hall. She refused to let go of Yugi's hair in one hand, so he was forced to follow along, wincing as Anzu determinedly tried to pull out his hair. Yami didn't flinch as she tried gouging his eyes out with her long nails and simply pinned her hands behind her back with one hand. He yanked the pentagram necklace off from Yugi's neck and pressed it to her forhead. Instantly she stilled and went limp, her eyes clouded over in a trance.

"Wow, Rei's necklace is powerful stuff," he murmured, impressed. Yugi sighed in relief as he slipped out of Anzu's grip and rubbed the sore spot where his hair was yanked rudely. Yami turned his attention back to the limp figure he was holding.

"Anzu, I command you to stay away from me and Yugi forever," he said firmly, then removed the necklace from her forehead. There was a small impression where it had been, but then it disappeared as she woke up from her trance and walked away, not even looking back at the two. Yugi took back the necklace and put it around his neck once again, silently taking Yami's hand and went back into the condo.

"You've got some guts, Yugi," Jou said admiringly. "I liked the way you stood up to her. If I ever need someone to say stuff like that, I'll go to ya first."

Yugi smiled and muttered that it was nothing, and Yami grinned. He took Yugi into the bathroom, where he put a bandage over the long scratch Anzu had inflicted on his forehead.

"I think Jou likes you now," he commented, kissing Yugi on the lips lightly.

"That's good. I would hate having my best friend not liking me after I get resurrected," he replied, returning the kiss and smiling serenely.

(End Flashback)

Yugi absentmindedly ran his fingertips up and down the arm that Yami had placed over his body while thinking back to that, smiling when Yami shifted over to be closer to him. His sharp features were much softer when he slept, Yugi noted.

"You're staring at me, koi," Yami mumbled, and Yugi blushed.

"How do you know?"

"I have a sixth sense about such things," he replied seriously, although there was a hint of amusement in his voice. His eyes opened sleepily, and he propped his head up against one hand to get a better look at his lover. "Is there something you want to talk about?"

Yugi shook his head. "No, I just can't sleep. I'm sorry if I'm keeping you up."

"It's alright, I can always help you go to sleep," he said casually, caressing his face and glancing at him meaningfully. Yugi blushed and shook his head again. Yami sighed and withdrew his hand.

"Is there anything I can do to help you fall asleep?"

"No, I'll eventually sleep, don't worry about it," he assured Yami, shifting closer to him and resting his head against his chest. The older teen sighed and settled down again, quickly dozing off and quietly luring the younger into sleep as well.


When Yugi awoke drowsily the next morning, there was a pocket of empty warmth where his yami had been sleeping. He sighed happily at the extra comfort and immediately rolled over to Yami's side of the bed. His ears picked up the sound of someone cooking in the kitchen, and he buried his head underneath the blanket. A few more minutes of sleep couldn't hurt...

A few minutes later, Yugi heard a chuckle, and was shaken lightly by someone's hand. He looked up curiously to see Yami carrying a tray one handed, with his favorite breakfast plates balanced on top.

"Oh wow, Yami..." He sat up and gladly accepted his breakfast, smiling broadly at his lover. Yami liked suprising his lover sometimes with caring actions, like giving him a massage or buying him little presents that he knew Yugi would like. This suprise was especially pleasant for Yugi when Yami took the fork on the tray and fed him bits of syrup-covered pancakes and fresh fruits.

"Is it good, Yugi?"

"It's great, I love it!" he said brightly. "Thank you, Yami, this is really nice of you to do for me. I wish I could suprise you sometimes too, to repay you for all of the things you've done so far."

"No, you shouldn't bother, just having you love me is good enough for me," he replied, pleased that his hikari liked his breakfast in bed.

"But there must be something I could do, I don't want you to feel left out," Yugi insisted. Yami hesitated for a moment as he thought about this.

"Well, there is one thing that would be nice..."

"What is it? Even if it's big, I'll try to suprise you with it." Yami pulled out something from his pocket, and held it out for Yugi to see. In his palm was a simple diamond ring, sparkling in the morning light. The younger lover stared at it with wide amythest eyes.

"Yugi, will you marry me?" he whispered softly. Crimson eyes met delicate violet ones, and there was a small pause of silence as he waited for an answer. Finally, Yugi replied with a dazzling smile.

"Yes, I'll marry you. I want to be yours forever."

Yami reached out and took Yugi's left hand, gently sliding on the ring. Yugi threw his arms around his neck, crying softly out of sheer happiness. Yami smiled gently and drew him closer, feeling content because now he and his lover would be together, no matter what.

(End of Story)

AR: [sniffles] Oh, now I'm sad. This story's ended, I saw the episode where Yami no Malik got killed, and high school is starting soon!! Oh, all of this is so tragic, ne?

Diane: Um, why are u sad about Yami no Malik? He's the villan, he's got to go sometime!

AR: T_T But he was the best bishonen villan ever!! If I could, I would of bowed down and called him a god!! But I'm monotheistic, and I already have a God, so I just stare at him and try not to salivate too much.

Diane: -.-u Freak...

AR: Anyway, thanx for all the reviews, they were all so nice and encouraging! Cya around, I have a new story idea coming out!