Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Where Were You ❯ That September Day ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to the Alan Jackson song "Where Were You (When the World Stopped Turning)" nor do I own the rights to Yu-Gi-Oh! I'm just a simple Fan Fic writer. This idea came to me one night and I had to write it. This story is based on a true event, but is entirely fiction. To those of you who lost friends and family in the tragedy of September 11 2001, Don't ever loose hope, and if you're at odds with someone, remember the good times you shared with them and don't hesitate to tell them you love them, you may never get another chance. This is my first attempt at writing Fan Fic.

Joey Wheeler turned on the radio. The voice of Alan Jackson filled the speakers. He nearly turned the song off when he heard the first few lines of the song:

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?

Out in the yard with your wife and children

Working on some stage in LA

Did you stand there in shock at the site of?

That black smoke rising against that blue sky

Did you shout out in anger?

In fear for your neighbor?

Or did you just sit down and cry

**Flash back**

The phone rang, and Joey sleepily rolled over to answer it. He could hear loud noises in the background, and people screaming in terror.

"Joey? It's Riley. I just called you to tell you good bye/"

Joey woke up fully and sat bolt upright in bed.

"Riley, man, what do you mean good bye. What the hell's going on!"

A steady low rumble sounded in the background, it sounded like a fire? What the hell was going on indeed? Riley should be at work now, not goofing off.

He heard Riley choke back a sob and a whimper.

"I'm dying man. Some plane hit the World Trade Center; it hit my tower, man. I am just calling to tell you good bye."

Reality hit Joey with the force of an elephant sitting him. He grabbed his remote and turned on the TV. The WTC had been attacked, black smoke was roiling out of the buildings, and one of the best buds he had was trapped inside. He felt totally helpless. Joey watched helplessly as one of the towers started to crumble. The apocalyptic cloud nearly buried the city. The smoke hadn't even started to clear when the other tower began to sway

"Riley, stay on the line, man, I miss you, and I love you" Joey never got to finish what he was going to say. A loud rumbling came across the line and the cell phone abruptly cut off.

Joey watched in horror as the other tower gave in and crumbled to the ground.

**End of Flashback**

Tears slid freely down Joey's cheeks. He felt a strong embrace wrap around him. He sobbed unashamedly into the shoulder.

"There was nothing I could do, I didn't even get to say good bye to him" Joey sobbed. "Didn't get to say goodbye. It's just not fair."

Tristian held his friend. He'd never seen Joey get this upset. He knew all about Joey's friend Riley, how they grew up in New York. Joey was happy for Riley when he got a part time job at some business at the WTC, and now he was gone.

I'm just a singer of simple songs

I'm not a real political man

I watch CNN but I'm not sure

I can tell you the difference in Iraq and Iran

But I know Jesus and I talk to God

And I remember this from when I was young

Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us

And the greatest is love

Riley Cooper and Joey had been friends for a long time, almost as long as Yugi and Joey had. Riley had moved back New York three years ago, on an architecture scholarship. They'd moved to Domino when they were six and soon became friends with Yugi. Yugi was shocked to hear of Riley's death, and comforted Joey the best he could.

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?

Teaching a class full of innocent children

Driving down some cold interstate

Did you feel guilty cause you're a survivor?

In a crowded room did you feel alone?

Did you call up your mother and tell her you love her

Did you dust off that bible at home?

Did you open your eyes and hope it never happened

Close your eyes and not go to sleep

Did you notice the sunset the first time in ages?

Speak with some stranger on the street

Did you lie down at night and think of tomorrow?

Go out and buy you a gun

Did you turn off that violent old movie you're watching?

And turn on "I Love Lucy" reruns

Did you go to a church and hold hands with some stranger

Stand in line and give your own blood

Did you just stay home and cling tight to your family

Thank God you had somebody to love

Joey looked up from Tristian's shoulder. He wiped the tears from his eyes. This song starting bringing back happier memories of Riley. This song was of healing. He called his mom.

"Mom, I want you to hear something, and tell me who it reminds you of:"

I'm just a singer of simple songs

I'm not a real political man

I watch CNN but I'm not sure I can tell you

The difference in Iraq and Iran

But I know Jesus and I talk to God

And I remember this from when I was young

Faith hope and love are some good things he gave us

And the greatest is love

The greatest is love

The greatest is love

Joey's mom's voice cracked and he heard both her and his sister, Serenity crying.

"Joey, it reminds me of Riley. I'm so sorry to know that's how he died, and you were the last person he talked to."

Joey interrupted his mom, he had one thing to tell her, and this song made it clear that if he kept putting it of, well who knew what would happen.

"Mom, I know we've had our differences and all, and I know I've been a real jerk to you. I want to say I'm sorry, and I want to tell you I love you."

Where were you when the world stopped turning that September day?