Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Wherefore Art Thou, Puppy? ❯ Chapter III ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

LS: Right. It's been awhile, and you guys are probably ready to kill us. So please don't. *dodges rotten tomatoes* We're all sorry for the long wait.

We'd like to thank everyone who reviewed Chapters I & II, we're really grateful for the support you've shown to us.

Disclaimer: [See Chapter I Author's notes]

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Wherefore Art Thou, Puppy?


Chapter III


-One moment to apologize

One moment to kiss you-

Jou groaned as he tenderly rubbed his cheek, feeling a dull ache upon contact. Abruptly the crusted blood snapped open again, causing the bright red liquid to pour from the wound.

"Mokuba, you're grounded!"

"B-but Setoooo!! You only said you'd take my games away if I didn't bring my grades up next semester!"

Jou smiled faintly as he listened to the two brothers quarrel. It was just so amusing to listen to two siblings arguing about something so trivial.

"Go to your room, and think of everything you will do this coming semester to bring up your grades. I expect you to write down at least fifty appropriate actions that you will take."

"What?! Please, Seto…I promise I'll do better!"

"I don't want to hear another word about it! Now go!"

Mokuba finally obliged, stomping up the staircase and slamming his bedroom door behind him.

The only reason Jounouchi didn't burst out laughing right there was because it hurt his cheek too much to smile freely.

"What are you snickering about, Mutt?" came the deep, husky voice behind him. Jounouchi rotated slightly, his eyes wide with fear.

"I, uh…well, there was this really funny part in Romeo and Juliet, I just couldn't help but laugh…"

"There is nothing funny about Romeo and Juliet," Seto growled. "Even a dimwit like you should know that when bunch of people die, it isn't funny."

"No, of course not," Jou replied. He started giggling again, still attempting to stifle his grin. "It's the double entendre that Shakespeare used that's utterly hilarious."

"Since when did you learn to use phrases like, 'double entendre' and, 'utterly hilarious'?"

"Uh…English class?"

"Wow, Mutt," he nodded. "I'm impressed. I guess old dogs can learn new tricks."

"For the last time, Kaiba, I ain't a mutt!!" Jounouchi shrieked.

Seto rolled his eyes. "Come on, let's get back to work."

"All right," Jou agreed. "But first, can I use your washroom?"

"Why?" he demanded.

"I…need to use the bathroom."

"Didn't you just go before we left school?"


"Look at me when you're talk to me, Mutt," Seto ordered.

"I am!" Jou yelled, exasperated.

"My face is over here," he stated evenly, gesturing towards his face.

Jou glared at him, completely turning his face towards Seto. "Where the hell is your bathroom?"

Seto's eyes widened. "Jou, you're bleeding!"

"I know; that's why I wanted to use your washroom, dummy!"

Seto's cobalt eyes narrowed again. "You should get that cleaned. I don't want your foul blood on my carpet."

"If you tell me where your Ra-damned bathroom is, then I will clean it, your Majesty," he snarled. He could feel his face flare with heat and the blood sliding down his face. "Please, just tell me where the bathroom is so you don't have to see my 'foul blood' on your million dollar carpet."

Seto glared icily at the blonde before pointing to the small couch. "Sit."

Jou blinked at him, dumbfounded. Did Kaiba just tell him to sit? He glowered at the tall brunette.

"Why should I? I'm not your dog!" he growled.

"Sit!" And for some reason, he did. He could feel the blood on his cheek slowly beginning to dry and crust. Seto left the room for a minute, only to come back with a First Aid kit in his hands. He sat next to the blonde, and opened the kit that was now in his lap.

"Come here," he ordered. Jou complied, scooting closer and turning to face him. The CEO, having a soaked cotton ball ready, took hold of Jou's chin and began to clean the wound, swiping up the dried blood in doing so. The alcohol burned against the open wound, causing Jou to flinch away. But Kaiba held a firm grip on the other's chin, taking care to get the entire wound clean.

Once finished, threw the soiled cotton ball across the room, into a little trash bin by the door, though not taking his eyes away from the blonde's. Sapphire stared into amber and Seto's long slender fingers caressed Jou's cheek. Jou's eyelids became heavy at the slight pleasure of fingertips grazing his face. He shivered at the ghostly touch and leaned into it, whimpering softly.

The moment was broken all too soon when Jou's watch made a beeping noise, which caused both boys to jump apart. The blonde looked down at his watch and his amber eyes widened with fear.

"Oh no…" he breathed, getting up abruptly. He knew he was going to be in trouble.

"What's wrong?" the brunette asked, curious at why the other had jumped up so quickly.

"I uh…have to go…I'll see you tomorrow," he stuttered, picking up his bag and scampering out of the study and out of the Kaiba mansion as fast as he could.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jounouchi scrambled home, praying that his father would be asleep or out of the house.

No such luck.

When Jou opened the door, he found his father looming ahead, glowering at him fiercely.

"Why are you late, boy?" his father growled.

Jou gulped.