Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whisper Autumn Nights ❯ chapter two ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Whisper Autumn Nights

-Chapter Two-

Yugi stood in front of a full-length mirror, putting white powder on his face. He was dressing up as Dracula, a technically dead being, so he was trying to make himself look as pale as possible.

`If I can win the costume contest, I can impress Anzu!'

Smiling widely, he put the white powder down on his dresser. Then, reaching for the red cape on his bed, he tied it around his neck. Striking a pose in the mirror, Yugi had to admit that he looked good. He had done a great job on his costume...and he had made it all by himself! The short teenager was very proud of his work.

He blushed slightly, looking over to the digital clock on his nightstand. `Six-fifty. Anzu will be here soon to pick me up. Ugh, I still can't believe I told her I didn't have a car. I don't care what Jounouchi says, she must think I'm a big loser. What idiot asks a girl to a dance and doesn't even have a cool car to pick her up in?'

Sighing, Yugi placed the plastic fangs in his mouth. He giggled, and then jumped at the sound of someone pounding on the door. `She's here!' he thought ecstatically. Grabbing his shoes, he hurriedly put them on and raced down the stairs.

It wasn't Anzu at the door.

"U-um, m-may I help you?" Yugi questioned, looking nervously up at the tall man who stood menacingly above him in the entryway.

The young man fixed his sharp eyes on the young boy, and his lips curled into a sneer. Then, he leaned in closer and grabbed the boy by the collar. "Yeah," he whispered, his breathing heavy. "I've come for revenge...Azzizi" He ran a pale hand across the boy's neck. "Now I'll drink your blood and my vengeance will bet complete..."

Yugi opened his mouth to scream as the cloaked man lowered his lips to the curve of his neck. "No! Stop! Let me go!" He cried, struggling to get free. His captor's grip was much too strong, though.

Before the short boy could even say something else, Jounouchi released him, threw the hood off of his robe and let out a loud scream. As a quick reaction, the younger let out a loud yelp and tried to run away, tripping over his own feet and landing flat on his face in the process.

Jounouchi started howling with laughter. "Oh that was priceless!"


Yugi grinned widely as he walked into the school gymnasium with Anzu on his arm. Blushing slightly, he looked up at her. "I never told you how pretty you looked," he whispered, his cheeks darkening even more.

Anzu giggled girlishly and flipped some of the brown hair extensions over her shoulder. "Thank you, Yugi. That's really sweet."

The small boy bit his lip, hoping his next question wouldn't sound rude or offensive in any way. "If you don't mind my asking...um...what are you?"

He looked over her outfit. It consisted of a short white dress that fluffed out around her knees. A light brown vest covered her bare shoulders and fell down to the middle of her waist, partially covering her chest. There was a red ribbon tied in her hair and she had on heavy eye shadow, blush, and bright red lipstick.

The brunette smiled. "I'm a tavern girl. You know, like Teana from that Halloween story Ms. Ishtar told us." She twirled her hair around her finger. "The pictures in the book I've read depict her in a similar outfit." She twirled around, the bottom of her dress flailing out. "I dress up as Teana every year. It's so perfect that you decided to be a vampire!"

Yugi nodded. "Yeah, now we have a couple theme." He blushed again.

Anzu smiled. Looking around the decorated gym, her eyes lit up when she spotted some of her friends. "Come on, Yugi," she said, leading him in the direction of her friends.

The tri haired teen was relieved when he saw Jou and Mai in the group. At least he knew someone. Speaking of those two, Yugi had to stop himself from laughing out loud at how their costume looked out.

Jounouchi looked like a real convict, wearing the black and white jumpsuit and handcuffs around his wrists. Mai, taking charge as a real police woman, had on a short black business suit with a sheriff badge on her right breast. A black hat was tipped slightly on the side of her head, and she had one handcuff on her wrist too, just so that her boyfriend couldn't escape.

The blonde winked at the small boy. "Hey, Yugi. You look just adorable!"

"Mai, I'm not supposed to look adorable. I'm a vampire," Yugi replied, frowning. Great, that was just what he needed, his costume looking wimpy. What would Anzu think now?

"Just because you're a vampire doesn't mean you have to be ugly." The brunette held tighter onto his arm. "I like cute vampires better than ugly ones."

Yugi now loved his costume more than ever. Anzu liked it, and that's all that mattered to him. Her approval. His face flushed, he turned to her and thanked her. Then, as a slower song started up, he asked her if she would dance with him.

Anzu's cheeks reddened slightly. "Um...sure," she answered, taking his offered hand. Together, the two of them headed to the center of the gym where the couples were dancing.


Outside the gymnasium, there was much commotion. Apparently, someone had tried sneaking in without a paid ticket.

"I'm sorry, young man. But you're not even a member of this school. I cannot let you inside."

The principal gulped as icy crimson orbs locked with her startled brown ones. The tall stranger growled, his lips curling downward as he sneered at her. "You will let me inside," he stated, taking a step closer to her. "I am an exchange student that just arrived here. My name is...Yami. My name is Yami Mutou, and I've already turned in my ticket."

He smiled smugly at her, reaching out a hand trailing it down the young woman's cheek. "Now, as I said before, you will step aside and allow me entrance."

The principal nodded; a dazed look in her eyes as she let the mysterious teenager pass.

Music was thumping loudly as Yami made his way into the gym. Some youths were gathered together, dancing in the center, whilst others mingled in the corner, eating and chatting with one another.


The man's eyes darted around the room, lighting up when they landed on a familiar brown haired girl. `Teana...' He thought, licking his lips in delight. `She looks as beautiful as ever.' His expression darkened slightly when he noticed the person she was dancing with. `Azzizi. I should have known.'

Unbuttoning the first four buttons of his white, billowy blouse, Yami made his way towards the pair. He was rather pleased that his appearance turned heads. After all, who could say that had just awoken from a three-hundred-year sleep and still look good enough to cause a distraction?

Not many.

Putting a smile on his face, he tapped the brown haired girl on the shoulder. "Excuse me," he whispered, putting on an innocent look. "I couldn't help but notice your costume. You're supposed to be Teana, right?"

The girl nodded, breaking away from the one she was dancing with. "Yes. Um...do I know you?"

The teenager chuckled, his crimson eyes gleaming. "I don't think so. I just moved here." He politely extended a hand. "My name is Yami."

The brunette shook his hand, returning the greeting. "I'm Anzu. This is my good friend, Yugi Muto. He just moved here from Japan at the beginning of the month."

Yami took Yugi's hand and squeezed it hard, his smile turning into a smirk. "Pleasure," he grit out.

Yugi winced, yanking his hand out of the other's grasp. Looking up at the new student, his brows furrowed. Something about him seamed oddly familiar....Where had he seen this boy before?

As a different song began to play the tall tri haired teen look imploringly at Anzu, "You wouldn't mind if I danced with the beautiful young lady, would you, Yugi?" he questioned, flashing the girl one of his winning smiles.

"Um..." The shorter boy was about to protest, by the taller's hand pushed him away from Anzu. The boy glared as best as he could and tried to approach them again, but he couldn't find the courage to say anything.

Anzu took Yami's offered hand and took another place on the floor. Coming closer to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and frowned. "I feel like I just ditched Yugi. That's so horrible of me," she whispered.

Yami snorted lightly. "It's just one dance," he replied, placing his arms around her waist and pulling her as close as he could. "Besides..." he pressed his forehead against hers, his eyes staring straight into her azure orbs, seeing right into her soul. "You would rather dance with me."

The brunette blinked, and then rested her head on his shoulder, tightening her grip on him. "Yes...I would," she agreed tonelessly.

"I was wondering...since I am new to this town, would you mind showing me around? Giving me a, how would you Americans say it...a tour!" The crimson eyed teen grinned, holding her closer. "You could show me around the city. And then maybe we could go out to dinner or something?"

Anzu shook her head, her clear blue eyes showing confusion. She bit her lip. "I-I don't know if that's such a good idea. I don't know you very well. Plus, I'm sure the principal will assign someone to show you around."

Yami sighed. "I guess that's true. But...I'd still like to go to dinner with you. If that's okay?"

"Mr. Yami, I don't even know your last name," the teenage girl said in a scolding tone.

"I don't know yours," he said with a smile.

Anzu giggled. "It's Mazaki. Anzu Mazaki."



The tri haired boy smirked. "My last name. It's Mutou. Now..." he looked down at her lovingly. "We are fully acquainted, and I'll ask you again. Would you care to go to dinner with me sometime?"

Anzu blushed, looking up into the other's eyes. She wouldn't lie, this guy was a Grade A hottie. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Everything she ever looked for in a boyfriend. But...there was something strange about him. Something wasn't right. But she couldn't figure out what. "I...I suppose it would be alright."

Yami's smirk turned into a wide grin. "Splendid! That is absolutely wonderful! You won't regret it, I promise." He rubbed his thumbs against her side.

"Before I forget..." the brunette said, looking over his outfit. He was dressed in a long sleeved loose white shirt which had the first few buttons undone to reveal his tanned chest. His pants were brown and tight like leather, and his brown boots were very vintage. "What are you supposed to be?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I happen to love that vampire story so much, that I dressed up as Atemu." He winked at her. "It kind of makes us the perfect pair, doesn't it?"

Anzu blushed, her heart thumping. Yami was definitely flirting with her and...and she liked it. She liked this new student a lot.


"Oh my god, he was totally into you!"

Anzu blushed. She was standing with some of her friends and they were all giggling and laughing at the fact that the new student had already taken such a liking to her.

Shizuka Jounouchi smiled coyly. "He's really good -looking. Did he ask you out?" She questioned, fixing the top of her Angel costume.

"Well...he invited me to dinner."

The other girls squealed. Miho Nosaka hugged the brunette and congratulated her. "Your first boyfriend! I'm so proud!"

Anzu smiled. "You guys, we aren't necessarily together. He's just taking me to dinner, that's all. And I might show him around the town a little bit. That doesn't even mean it's a date."

Miho's mouth hung open. "Not a date? Not a date?! Anzu, that has date written all over it!" She looked knowingly over to Shizuka, and then she turned back to the other girl. "I guarantee your little `tour of the town' will lead to you two making out in the park after like five minutes."

"You guys!"

The red haired girl laughed. "Don't be so uptight. I thought you wanted a boyfriend?"

The brunette sighed. "I do...I was just thinking of someone maybe more like Yugi. I mean, he's so kind and considerate. And he's really cute." She blushed.

Miho made a gagging noise. "Yugi? That little twerp? Please! You totally can't be with him. I mean, he's a loser. Not to mention he's shorter than you." She smiled. "Yami is what you need. I mean, just look at him." She pointed to where Yami was talking with a group of girls that had formed around him. "He's tanned, tall, mysterious, hot...and look at that smile! Try and tell me that that smile doesn't give you Goosebumps!"

Shizuka nodded. "He's definitely your type. And...if you don't snag him, then I will!" She winked playfully at her friend and then walked towards the new student.

Anzu sighed and turned her head in the opposite direction. Her eyes widened when she saw Yugi standing a few feet away. She bit her lip, noticing the crestfallen look on his face. "Yugi!" she cried out, holding a hand out to him. But he just shook his head and walked away. `Oh no...did he overhear Miho saying things about him?' Immediately she began to feel guilty, and so she went after him.