Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ First Kisses ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I told you I was going to be irregular with the updates. Anyway I was really inspired yesterday and so I wrote a longer chapter. Anyway lots of fluffiness in here, had fluff in the brain all weekend and this is where is ended up. Thanks to those of you who reviewed and liked this. I hope you enjoy this chapter and continue to read!


Ano = Umm

Gomen = Sorry

Ohayoo = Good Morning

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 4: "First Kisses"

Something was different; he wasn't sure what yet, but something was different. He felt warm soft puffs of air on his face, he went to roll over but his arm was currently wrapped around something. The thought 'pillow' ran through his mind but by the warmth and steady rise and fall movement he knew that wasn't it. Currently forgetting his sleeping arrangement he was hoping Ryou hadn't curled up next to him in his sleep again. Bakura hated to admit it but he had a tendency to hold things in his sleep. He cautiously opened one eye closing it quickly as the sun blinked at him. He slowly opened his eyes once again; having the sun blind him but waited for his eyes to adjust. He finally blinked away the last of the brightness to look down at what he was holding. His eyes went huge and he felt his heart stop. There in his arms was the stupid woman. The events from yesterday came flooding back. 'What the hell is she trying to pull! I'm not Ryou!' His face became slightly heated as she stirred in her sleep and with the larger shirt he let her borrow on he got an eyeful of cleavage. He diverted his eyes to look anywhere but at the girl, he wanted to jump up and flee, but that would wake her up and then she'd probably yell at him for being a pervert.

Maybe he could try and slide his arm from underneath her. He slowly started to move it out from under her body when her brows furrows and she leaned closer, her two hands lightly grabbing handfuls of his shirt. He sweat-dropped trying to figure out how to get out of this one. He was considering the jumping up and running approach again, but was broken form his thoughts by a single soft voice below him.

"Bakura…," she said softly. He was like a deer caught in a pair of headlights. 'Is she awake?' He looked down and then around the room trying to figure out how to get out of this one. He sighed as he only saw one way out.

"Hey, Anzu," he said gruffly. She stirred a bit still not waking. "Hey wake up." She stirred a bit more but her face scrunched up as her eyes fluttered open to meet a very confused looking Bakura who was actually blushing. She would have laughed but she saw why he was blushing. Her two small hands were clutching his shirt and his arm was trapped underneath her. She let go of his shirt and sat up letting him sit up as well.

"Ano…gomen," she said looking down.

"What were you doing? I may look like Ryou but I'm sure as hell not that little weakling." She nodded looking like she may start to cry keeping her eyes at the ground. He wasn't sure if he should say something or not, he didn't know what the hell would happen if she started crying. 'Stupid women, always so emotional.'

"Gomen…I-I just…" She sounded like she was going to cry and he looked ready to run away at the first chance he got. 'Crying women always get you in trouble.' She finally looked up to meet his eyes. "I just didn't want to be alone," she finally got out, and before he could respond she launched herself into his arms burying her face in the chest. After yesterday and even after all the bickering and fighting between the two, her fear of being along was much greater than the anger she had for him.

Unfortunately that was how Ryou found them as he came out of his room. Anzu, dressed in Bakura's clothing, in Bakura's bed, which he seemed to be occupying as well, her arms around Bakura. Pissed was not the word as jealousy crept into the young man making him wish he could send Bakura to the shadow realm, and make sure he stayed there. He was pretty sure his eye started twitching when after a minute Bakura put his arms around the girl. He took this time to make himself known. He put on his best smile and walked into the room looking a bit surprised.

"Good morning, guys," Bakura immediately dropped his arms and took a scoot away from the girl, trying not to blush while looking mad. Tea looked up at Ryou with her soft blue eyes and smiled.

"Ohayoo Ryou-kun," she said sweetly. "Did you sleep ok, you look a lot better this morning." He felt himself starting to melt staring at that smile.

"Hai, Anzu. Did you sleep well? I thought Bakura gave you the guest room." The smile left her face and was replaced with a thin line.

"Ano, he did. But….I-I just really didn't want to be alone last night," she said her eyes avoiding her gaze. 'They both probably think I'm a childish idiot for being afraid to be alone.' Ryou's eyes softened a bit more looking down at her, her eyes still holding a bit of fear as she spoke.

"It's ok Anzu, I'm sorry I didn't think you'd be lonely or I would have done something about it." 'Like stay with me,' he thought to himself.

"I-I'm sorry if I inconvenienced you," said Anzu, turning once again to Bakura. A blush crawled back across his face but he shook it off.

"S'ok." With that he got up and went to the bathroom. Anzu turned bashfully to the young man in front of her. 'I'm pretty sure when he saw me and Bakura like that it must not have looked right.'

"So, uh, I should probably help you clean up," she said jumping up. She turned and started folding the blankets and futon. Ryou couldn't help the blush that came over his face as he watched her small form in nothing but Bakura's boxers and t-shirt, but he pulled his gaze away just as she tried folding the larger blanket by herself.

"Let me help," he said walking over and taking the other end of the blanket and grabbing the corners walked up and handed them to her as she held the other corners.

"Arigato Ryou-kun," she said with a smile as she grabbed the blanket, pillow, and futon and tried carrying them to his room by herself. But she couldn't quite get a grip on the large bundle. She was about to try grabbing the large stack again when Ryou grabbed the larger of the pile, the folded futon, and smiled making Anzu's heart do little flip flops. He started walking back to the bedroom with her behind him. He set down the futon and moved back so she could place the blanket and pillow on top. She was backing up from setting the pile down when her heel tripped on a protruding floorboard and she fell backwards, toppling onto Ryou. She opened her eyes to meet with a pair of chocolaty brown ones only centimeters from her own. Her heart was in her throat as her face turned a deep crimson.

Ryou felt his heart skip a beat as he saw anzu's face less than an inch from his own, his face igniting. He felt her body pressed heavily against his own, as she still hadn't made an attempt to get up from the position in which she fell on him. Her soft body pressed against his own, her eyes pools of blue in which he was currently drowning. Her name on his lips, but his voice was currently missing as they lay there in that position, neither one of them making a move. That is until a deranged looking Yami found them and was really trying to find a reason not to send his other half to the shadow realm. They still hadn't noticed him standing in the doorway and cleared his throat finally getting their attention.

As soon as their eyes left each other the trance was broken and Anzu hurriedly got to her feet apologizing. Ryou quickly followed suit apologizing as well. Bakura was about to say something when a very loud stomach growl silenced the three of them. They all sweat-dropped as Ryou's stomach once again pleaded for substance, Ryou's face becoming a nice pink.

"Maybe we should get something to eat," he suggested hoping to divert Bakura's attention from the scene he had just witnessed. Anzu silently nodded before walking out of the room. But before following the two other boys to the kitchen she went to her guest room to clean up. 'I can't believe that just happened. Even though nothing really did happen…,' She sighed. 'But I wish it would have.' She shook her head clearing it of thought as she finished folding her futon and blanket and dragged (she already figured out she couldn't carry the large bundle) the pile into the same room as the others.

Meanwhile the two fair-haired boys sat in the kitchen in complete silence as they waited for their breakfast, consisting of Eggos and toast (AN- Ryou's the only one who knows how to cook and he's sick). Ryou felt the evil aura that surrounded Bakura as he glared at his other self. 'Why is he glaring at me like that? I mean nothing happened, not to say I don't wish something would have happened, but it didn't! And who is he to be mad, he slept with her last night! Why the hell is he pissed anyway, the way they were fighting all of yesterday you'd think he'd be acting differently. What is up with him.'

'God damn hikari, I leave him alone with the girl for a minute and he tries molesting her! Damnit I don't remember being this pissed off since, since, god I can't even remember! Why the hell am I pissed in the first place? The fucking annoying woman is fucking with my damn head! I shouldn't give a flying fuck what the hell she does or what happens to her! What the fuck is going on?!' (AN: He says fuck more that me at a hockey game 0.0)

Just as the tension in the room was getting thick enough to slice with a knife Anzu walked in looking cheery. She felt the tension swimming in the room and took it upon herself to try and rid them of it. "Ano…so what are we doing today guys?" The tension seemed to lighten a few degrees as her words made it through.

"We're not doing anything. You're going to get a crash course in this demented world of yours and getting your memories back," Bakura barked. Anzu looked a bit taken aback. 'Looks like the asshole from yesterday has returned,' she thought sighing. 'And to think I actually thought he was kind of cute.' Just then the toast popped up and Ryou walked over putting them on a plate heading back to the table. Tea looked over the toast and grabbed a piece biting into it. It didn't seem too bad, just bland. She saw a jar of jelly sitting on the table. She saw a flash of light and all of a sudden, she was looking through much smaller eyes. She noticed her hands were smaller as she observed a woman, who looked somewhat like her, putting toast on the table. The woman put some of the jelly on the toast before handing it to her.

"Eat up Anzu," she said. And with that Anzu was back in the kitchen with two white-haired boys staring at her.

"Anzu, are you ok?" She shook her head clearing her head.

"I think I just saw one of my memories. A pretty stupid one at that, but I remembered something," she said almost squealing with happiness. Ryou smiled at her, she looked so happy being able to finally shed some light on her past. They finished with breakfast and Anzu went wandering around the house messing with the various machines and other devises. She quickly picked up what most of the devises were, since every time she touched something or looked it over, the identity of the item and its use would come back to her in a flash. She had to call one of the two 'brothers' over every now and then to explain something to her, but instead of being embarrassed about asking about it, like they thought she'd be. She was just really happy to finally start piecing bits of her memory back together. Once her round of the house was done she went to the living room and plopped down on the couch next to Ryou who was sitting there with a blanket watching TV.

"You finished looking through everything?" He looked over at the young woman feeling a blush come across his face as she smiled at him and leaned against him.

"Yup. When do you think I can go outside?" She looked up at him hopefully.

"Probably not for another couple of days." She looked like she was going to pout and started giving him the puppy dog eyes. "If I could I'd let you go out right now, but you're still pretty banged up and need some rest."

"So it's like how you don't wanna stay home sick but Bakura is making you?" He grimace at that but nodded. "In his own little way he's saying he cares about you, I think," she said smiling.

"I think so too, but don't tell him that. It'd just get him pissed at me again."

"How can two brothers look so alike and act so different?" He was thrown off for a second about the brother's thing until he remembered Jounouchi making up the whole brothers ordeal.

"We're still different people even if we are related," he said trying to go with the lie.

"At least you have each other. You said yesterday it's just you and Bakura here, where's your parents?" A look of sadness came ovr his face but only for a second.

"My mother died when I was young. And well…dad kind of threw himself into his work after that. So besides the occasional visit from dad every few months it's just me and him." She smiled but it was a sad smile, she held his hand and gave it a squeeze and he squeezed and smiled back.

She nodded and started sitting up pushing against Ryou for leverage when she heard a giggle. She looked at him questioningly as his face turned beat red. She looked down to see her hand pushed against his left side. A smirk came over her face as his went pale. Both of her hands were on his side and began tickling him like there was no tomorrow. Poor Ryou was in tears, and tried pulling away from her. She just continued the relentless assault and moved one of her hands to his other side and was tickling him on both sides now. He was squirming under her hands and fell back on the couch. She continued the assault nonetheless as he fell back, now towering over him, until he reached up and tried tickling her.

Now it was her turn to squirm as they both fought for dominance, laughter filing the room, until Ryou finally pinned her under him, and they both struggled to breath. Once their breathing was under control they both noticed the position they were in but neither wanted to pull away. Slowly their lips came together in a soft kiss, their lips barely touching.

Bakura had heard all of the laughing and came to see what they hell was going on. What he saw gave him the shock of his life. Ryou on top of Anzu on the couch with his lips on hers.

Anzu quickly pulled away as she looked up at the stunned boy, both of their faces red. 'How did that happen?! One minute we're tickling each other, the next he's lower his face and-! Not that I didn't want him to…' She felt her lips still tingle as a thought rose to her head, 'My first kiss.' She looked over as she saw a very pissed Bakura fuming in the corner before turning and stomping away. 'Ut-oh, I think his brother is pissed at me, again! How do I keep pissing him off?!' She noticed she was still kind of sitting on Ryou and quickly got up offering him a hand up. Both of their faces were still glowing a bright red.

"S-sorry about that, I didn't mean to fall on you…like that," she said avoiding his gaze.

"I-it's ok, I guess that's what we get for wrestling around like that," he said also avoiding her gaze. "Maybe I should go talk to Bakura," he said. 'Or more like it go get the crap knocked out of me,' he thought with a silent sigh.

"No, I should go," she said and before he could stop her she took off in the direction of his very pissed Yami. 'Oh god he'll kill her,' he thought and took off after her. He went to the room he and Bakura shared and noticed neither were there and then went to look in the guest room but noticed the door was locked. 'What the?!' He tried the doorknob a few more times but couldn't get it to open. 'Bakura, please don't hurt her.'

Anzu felt nervous as she locked the door but did it anyway. 'I need to talk to him and figure out what's going on.' "B-Bakura," she called out to the figure leaning against the windowpane. He turned his gaze to her as she approached. "I-I'm sorry." He looked at her confused, but turned his gaze away.

"Stupid girl, why are you apologizing? You didn't do anything," he said irritation apparent in his voice.

"Yes I did!" He turned to look at her, his crimson gaze catching her own.

"Then what did you do?" She blinked confused for a second. He was about to get up and leave the room when she spoke again.

"I made you mad, I don't know how I did it or why you're mad, but I did that and that's why I'm sorry. I don't want you to always be mad at me, you seem like a really good person anytime I'm not pissing you off." He was taken aback by her words but just stared at her before closing his eyes.

"Stupid girl, I'm mad at everyone. Something always seems to make me mad, don't feel like you're the cause of all of it. Some of it yeah, but not all of it," he said with a smirk.

"But I don't want to make you mad at all. What can I do to not make you mad at me," she asked now pleading. He felt his anger rising again but looked up at her eyes that showed desperation. 'She's that desperate for me to not hate her? Why the hell should she care for me? After all I did to her and her friends…even if she can't remember it now, she will eventually. Why do I care, why do I want her to stay this way, naïve to all the crimes I've committed and just see me as another person? To have a chance?' He felt his anger ebb away and walked up to her.

"Don't remember me," he said in all seriousness. She looked confused and was about to say more but he cut her off. "Just forget about my past completely, that's how you can make me happy." With that he quickly leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her lips. The sensation was only for a moment, but she felt her heart skip a beat. But he pulled back and walked past her to the door, unlocking and exiting it without another word.

Anzu fell to her knees. 'I've just had my first two kisses in one day. From Ryou-kun, and Bakura-kun.' Her face became a deep red as she sat there stuck deep in her thoughts. Two boys occupying her mind and her heart.

AN: So what did you think? Too fluffy? To OOC? Not enough fluff? Please please review!! I hope you enjoyed!