Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Clash of the Bishies ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Redid this chapter because I didn't like it, mostly because I never got a chance to revise it after its first draft because I was busy with my BF. I like the ending of this chapter a lot better than the original and I hope you do too. Also I had the urge and created some Ryou/Anzu smut. I posted it on Fanfiction.net but since it's nothing but smut (unlike my other stories that have some plot), I'm taking it off and posting it on adultfanfiction.net, go to my profile for more details. Also the fact that it's Ryou/Anzu has no bearing on this story and I can shut up now.

Oniguri = Rice Balls

Minna = Everyone

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who Am I?"

Chapter 7: "Clash of the Bishies"

Bakura had just finished up his shower and was trying to get his hair dry. It was times like this he was considering just cropping it all off, thick hair didn't dry well. His mind wandered back to other wet things. Such as a certain soaked young woman who had more curves than a snake. 'Damn she doesn't even know how fucking hot she is.' He had given up on denial and finally admitted to himself that he did want her. He remembered as they got in the house, the way the water on her face made it shine along with her blue eyes. The water on her face, dripping down to her chest, the cold water against her soft skin, against her…' He shook his head clearing his thoughts. 'Maybe I should have taken a cold shower.' He just gave up on drying his hair and deemed damp good enough and tossed his cloths and the towel in the hamper before stepping out. The cool air from outside the bathroom hit him, but what he saw before him gave his system more of a shock then the air.

Anzu on top of Ryou, their bodies tangled together, on the floor. He looked up to see Yugi and his little group in the doorway looking as stunned as he did. 'Damn idiot probably fell on her again,' he grumbled about to yell at his other half, when Anzu decided to speak up first.

"Ryou-kun was going to show me how to get pregnant."

Blood, all he could see right now was blood. Blood on the walls, on the ceiling, blood coming from a certain white haired look alike weakling. Oh yes there was so much blood. He didn't even know how he gotten over to them without even noticing.

"What the hell!" It felt weird, he knew he had said it, but it had a disconnected feel to it, as if it wasn't him saying it. "I take a shower for ten minutes and you're trying to knock her up." Once again he heard the voice but he was pretty sure it wasn't really him. If it was really him he was sure Ryou would be in the shadow realm being molested by Pegasus. Somehow he was able to keep himself from killing Ryou, but at the same time he felt paralyzed in anger, he couldn't even get his vocal cords to work.

"Knocked up, I thought we were talking about being pregnant," asked Anzu.

"It's a slang term for pregnant Anzu," said Shizuka speaking up quietly. The room once again went silent.

"Why did you want Ryou-kun to get you pregnant," asked Shizuka timidly since she was the only person who seemed to have a voice.

"I don't want to be pregnant," she wailed. "We were watching TV and there was this one show and this woman was pregnant and having a baby but it looked like it hurt and I don't want to have a baby. But I don't know how babies are made and Ryou-kun said he couldn't explain so I told him to show me but he ran away," she said all in one big breath with big watery eyes. "Won't someone tell me how babies are made?" She slumped her head looking defeated. Everyone looked stunned and Ryou blushed as he wondered who was going to start the talk of the birds and the bees.

"Well if you really want to know," Bakura said with a smirk. All of the guys in the room either blushed or glared at him.

"Hey Anzu, why don't we go have a talk," said Shizuka grabbing Anzu's hand and hauling her off Ryou and away from the perverted Bakura, walking towards their bedroom. "We'll be a while guys, so give us a little privacy ok?" With that the two retreated into the room. All the guys looked at one another before all eyes fell on Ryou on the floor.

"Well what was I supposed to tell her," he asked annoyed. Everyone just sweat dropped and made their way over to the TV to plop down on the couch. Ryou and Bakura ended up sitting next to each other somehow and even though the situation wasn't as bad as Bakura thought Ryou knew he was still pissed. He could feel the anger still rolling off him and looked around hoping to see another open spot but didn't. Bakura gave him a smirk and knew that meant death for him later so he sighed hoping he could enjoy these last few hours of life somehow.

Yugi was in front of the TV digging around in his bag. "What are you doing Yugi," asked Ryou trying to see what the boy was doing.

"We brought over a few of Anzu's favorite movies hoping it would cheer her up a bit."

"Good idea, what are they," he asked looking at the DVDs in Yugi's hands.

"Moulin Rogue, Chicago, and that new Romeo and Juliet."*

"I still don't understand that new Romeo and Juliet thing, I see what they're doing, but when they talk I don't understand a damn thing," Jounouchi said looking bored.

"Well they are speaking in old English dialogue," said Ryou speaking up.

"Anyway I hope they help her somehow, but most of us have to leave by eight, and I don't know if they'll be finished by then. If not she can borrow them," said Yugi.

"I've never seen most of-" Ryou's sentence was cut off by the shouting of "OH MY GOD!" coming from Ryou's room.

"I think she got to the good part," snickered Jounouchi.

"Dude, you think it's funny that your sister is explaining sex," asked Honda. Jounouchi got visibly angry and whapped his friend upside the head.

"Pervert," he mumbled.

"Umm so which one should we put in first," asked Ryou trying to change the subject.

"I think Moulin Rouge is her favorite," said Yugi glad for the subject change. They popped the DVD in and messed with the settings for a bit wondering when Anzu and Shizuka were going to emerge from the room.

"Can we get some food," grumbled Jounouchi.

"Jounouchi," yelled most of the men in the room, not including the two owners of the domicile (AN: Wow I used my vocabulary ^^ ).

"Well some food would be good," said Ryou getting up. "What would you like?" That was a bad question to ask in this group of friends.

"Steak!" (Bakura)

"Chips!" (Honda)

"Ramen!" (Yami)

"Oniguri!" (Yugi)

"All of that, and a turkey with stuffing," yelled Jounouchi finishing off the list of oddities. Poor Ryou sweat-dropped looking at the crowded room.

"Well we're watching movies, how about some popcorn and pop (AN: It's POP damnit not SODA! ><)," he asked the group. He got a few nods and decided it was better than nothing. He decided four bags of popcorn would do for now and left one in the microwave before grabbing a 12 pack of Faygo Red Pop** and bringing it into the living room again where Yugi and Yami were now dueling and Jounouchi and Bakura were fighting over part of a candy bar they had found...somewhere. 'Do I want to know where they found that,' he thought not too happily. He set the 12 pack in the middle of the table and went back to the kitchen to throw a second bag of popcorn in.

Anzu had very swirly eyes and was trying to digest everything Shizuka had just told her. "It can't be true!" But at the same time she knew it was true. With everything Shizuka had told her Anzu had remembered the day in health class where her naïve little self found out the truth. That and a few other not so fond memories of guys trying to grope her or touching her in ways she didn't like. It ended with her hand against their face but all of this came pouring back to her. She was drowning in memories and trying to comprehend this new information. She thought back to what she had said when everyone walked into the house and felt like she wanted to crawl under a rock and die. 'Maybe I can move to a different country and start a new life.'

"Anzu it'll be ok, they know you have amnesia, as long as you don't say anything I don't think they'll say anything either," said Shizuka patting the very upset girl on the back. She was finally beginning to warm up; she'd skipped the shower and changed into some warmer cloths when she and Shizuka had entered the room. A few more memories suddenly planted themselves inside her head. One of them being just a few days ago when Ryou offered her his coat even though he was sick. Of walking with him to the library. Eating lunch with everyone and sitting next to him. His eyes, his voice, his smile. She sighed as a blush came to her face. She remembered how she'd been infatuated with him since day one.

"Must be a good memory," Shizuka said breaking her thoughts. Anzu only blushed a deeper red indicating she was right. Something else struck her quite suddenly; Ryou was…he really was my first kiss.' Her face was now a dark crimson as she thought of just what happened earlier today. She said he was her first kiss before because she couldn't remember anything, but after everything she had remembered she was positive now. 'And then Bakura….' She felt her eye lids droop a little as she remembered the kiss he gave her. 'They both make me feel so warm; they make me want something…' She shook her head with a sigh and decided she needed to splash a little cold water on her face.

"Maybe we should get back to the others. I need to use the bathroom." As soon as they opened the door they noticed the smell of butter and…popcorn? They saw small specks of white fluffiness and butter scattered near the end of the hall and a bowl go flying by. They both looked at each other and went to the end of the hall not believing what they saw. There was popcorn everywhere! The couch, the floor, the table, the plants? Jounouchi looked pissed and was trying to go after Bakura meaning he'd probably dumped most of the popcorn where it was now before Jounouchi could eat it.

"You asswipe I'm going to kill ya for wasting all that popcorn," Jounouchi said while being held back by Yami and Tristan. Bakura was just as bad.

"Shut up you fucking mutt! You're the one who kept bugging me to fucking duel and I said no!" The two girls ran in between the two who were ready to lunge at each other.

"Come on brother, it's just some popcorn we can make some more," pleaded Shizuka.

"Please don't hurt him Bakura. He didn't mean to get you mad. Please," she asked while giving him her best puppy dog eyes. Surprisingly Bakura was the first to turn away from the fight and humphed sitting down next to Ryou again. Jounouchi and the others looked confused at Anzu who was now smiling.

"Thank you Bakura-kun," she said and leaned down and actually gave him a hug. Everyone's eyes went wide as his face took on a pink tinge. Ryou scooted over a bit and patted the spot between him and Bakura to sit down. She did so and turned to see everyone else taking seats and grabbing what was left of the popcorn in the other three bowls. "So what were you doing? Ryou-kun aren't you cold?" She noticed he hadn't changed from his wet cloths yet.

"I'm fine, they're pretty dry by now." She looked a little worried but he reassured her with a smile.

"We were waiting for you," Bakura said in a displeased tone.

"We brought over some of your favorite movies and thought you might like to watch them," Said Yugi smiling at his friend.

"Wow, really. Thank you minna! So what are we watching first?"

"It's called Moulin rogue," he said as he pressed played on the controller. Anzu looked back and forth between the two brothers and either side of her and smiled. 'I wish this would last forever.'

They clicked the TV off at about eleven yawning loudly. "Ryou-kun, are you going to school tomorrow," asked Anzu.

"No, I think I'm just going to skip, it's only two days until spring break and I don't think I'll miss a whole lot," he said standing up and stretching. "Did you enjoy the movies," he asked as she nudged Bakura awake before getting up.

"Yeah they were awesome! But so sad, I mean why did they both have to die in the end! And in Moulin Rouge why did she have to die once they finally found love," she said her face a red tinge as she continued on about true love. Bakura grunted and headed for the bedroom, probably to change and sleep. Ryou seemed to be over his cold, thus they were staying in the same room again. And Anzu alone in the guest room.

She went to her own room as Ryou sleepily murmured a good night and Bakura grunted some kind of goodnight as well. She went into her room and changed into a long T-Shirt and some shorts before pulling her bed into the middle of the room. She sat down on the futon but couldn't make herself lie down. She continued wanting to just get up and go over to their room. 'I don't want to sleep here. When I'm alone here, all I see is the darkness. I can't see what's in the darkness and it scares me.' She involuntarily shivered. 'The worst they can do is tell me no right…? Be brave, just go over there, lie down, and go to sleep.' She nodded with renewed confidence and grabbed her futon with blanket and pillow on it and walked out of the room to the one across from hers.

The two boys were still awake, both thinking about a certain brunet in the other room. They continued hearing movements from the other room. They had both talked about it, about letting her stay with them in this room, but thought it sounded a bit too perverted after what she had 'remembered' today. Didn't mean Bakura still didn't protest she should stay with them. They both looked over at the door as they heard her door shut and theirs open. They watched wide eyes as the girl dragged her futon. "Scoot over." The two quickly made room still wondering what was going on. She moved over in between the two and plopped the futon down before she followed it and looked at the two.

"What," she asked innocently. "I didn't want to sleep alone." With that she lay down in her bed facing Ryou and closed her eyes with a slight smile on her face as she warded the darkness off with her two white-haired protectors.

Two said boys looked between them Ryou with a blush across his face as he watched a smile come across her serene face. Bakura smirked before opening his mouth.

"Hey Anzu, if you still wanna see how to get pregnant," he whispered scooting closer to her. She felt a blush come to her face wishing once again she could find a hole to crawl into and live the rest of her life there. She felt her face heat up as she was pulled in the other direction as Ryou grabbed her and pulled her to him in his futon.

"Don't touch her you pervert," he growled.

"She was the one who brought it up," he said matter-of-factly with a frown on his face that clearly said he didn't like Ryou holding his Anzu. "And you're the one trying to get her to sleep with you in your futon." He blushed crimson as he looked down at Anzu in his arms sporting a face similar to his.

"I'm protecting her from you."

"You're the one she needs protection from."

And so the arguing went on for a while until the two boys fell asleep. Anzu was the last to finally start drifting off to sleep. Her upper half lay sprawled on Ryou's futon, her other half was on her own which was now inhabited by Bakura. Ryou had an arm loosely placed around her shoulders while Bakura had an arm loosely around her waist. She smiled inwardly as she gave in to sleep.

* I just chose some really artsy entertaining movies since she is into dancing and entertainment and such.

** I don't know if Faygo is just in the Michigan region or not, but it's a really sheap brand of pop, but good!

AN: What do you think of the revised version. To be fought over and end up sleeping in the arms of Ryou and Bakura -^^- what a dream. Anyway hope you enjoyed!