Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Moving On ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I'm sooo sorry for not updating in so long. But I had the worst writer's block I think I've ever had. I actually sat in front of my comp for almost an hour just staring! Anyway my BF kidnapped me this weekend and now that I finally made it home I had a bit of inspiration. Sorry if it's short but I wanted to break it here or this chapter would be huge. Also in regards to ShibiChicken, yeah I guess I forgot to mention her ankle. But it wasn't sprained like two weeks off it need a cast sprained but more like a crap I did something stupid and it made a popping sound sprain that hurts for a day or two but after a couple hours is walk able, also a bishi = bishonnen = pretty boy. Also I do plan on doing a lemon or two…maybe three. Also people have been asking about where this translated doujinshi will be posted and it and I've tried putting it in the notes but it deletes it when I upload so just look up ff.net author Scarlet_Moonlightshe's the one who's posting it. But she's a bit busy so she hasn't posted YET and I only finished one so far anyway. Though I'm in the middle of three ^^() (I'm such a procrastinator). Anyway thanks to all of you lovely people who review because I appreciate all of it and it makes me want to write more.


Jii-chan = grandpa

Hikari = Light

Yami = Dark


>Ryou to Bakura>

<Bakura to Ryou<

Disclaimer: I don't own Kmart, Aliens, Samurai X Movie, or Dawn of the Dead. I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.


"Who am I?"

Chapter 18: "Moving On"

"I'm still sorry Yugi," Anzu pleaded as she looked over at her short friend from the other side of the kitchen table as he poked at his scrambled eggs his eyes downcast. Luckily for Anzu and Bakura after her little outburst they had gotten their appearances together and Anzu said she was upset about being woken up from her 'nap.' Yugi was still a bit upset that he had made his best friend actually curse at him. He looked up with a light smile on his face.

"It's ok Anzu, I should have known how tired you were. I mean you were in a hospital."

"So you forgive me?"
"Sure!" Ryou got up and took everyone's plates to the sink. He had taken up the job of cooking after remembering what happened last time with the pancakes. "So what do you want to do today? Maybe go to the movies? To the waterpark?" The two boys blanched and Anzu tried to keep her face calm while thinking on the other day. Luckily for them Yugi was only paying attention to Anzu. "Or we could go shopping." Anzu tried hard not to frown as she thought over which would be the least expensive as she calculated the few savings she had stored away. She didn't want to go announcing to the world she would be homeless soon and needed to save her money. Then Yugi would probably try and get her to stay with him. That wasn't necessarily a bad thing but she wanted to come to her own conclusions on this matter.

"I guess the movies would be ok. It's been a while since I've seen a good one."

"Great! So what one do you want to see?"

"Dawn of the dead," Bakura quickly replied. (AN: I know it left theatres a while back but that movie is f-ing a! >,<) Anzu chuckled nervously with a sweat-drop on her head.

"I guess that one would be ok," she replied. Yugi looked a little disappointed and was wondering about his friend's odd behavior around the spirit of the ring. 'I wonder if he did something to her. No…or she wouldn't be herself at all, not just when she was around him. Maybe *gasp* he's blackmailing her!' He looked suspiciously at Bakura who was giving a confused look at the way Yugi seemed to be trying to glare at him. 'What the hell has gotten into the midget? The way he's glaring at me you'd think he'd saw me kick a puppy or something.' He just glared back and Yugi backed down looking away. Anzu returned to the kitchen startling her friends as they hadn't seem to notice that she had even left. She splayed the paper out on the counter and skimmed through to the movie section.

"There's three showings at the Chimata Theatre only a couple miles from here. One at 3:30, 6:30, and then there's a late night showing at 11:00!"

"Late night showing?" Yugi tried to hide how nervous he was at the thought of going to see a horror movie and then have to walk home at night. But his huge watery eyes and shaky voice didn't help.

"It'll be ok Yugi, you can bring Yami too," she said trying to comfort her friend.

"Hey wait a second!" You can guess who had an objection to that scenario. "Who said the pharaoh could come," demanded Bakura.

"I did," she said in a soft spoken voice. "Yugi-kun isn't one for horror movies and it would be mean for him to invite us to the movies and we make him go see one at night just because he suggested the movies." Her eyes pleaded with his, hoping for some sort of compromise where someone wouldn't be killed or sent to the shadow realm. He closed his eyes and humphed. Anzu took this as a good sign for man-kind.

"How about we meet up at your house later tonight Yugi-kun, say about 5ish and we can hang out until the movie."

"Sure, hey if you don't mind how about we invite the others along? And have everyone stay over my house afterwards?"

"Huh? Will your grandpa let girls stay over when he's not there? You are going to invite a few other girls over right? Not to sound rude but it can be a bit uncomfortable sleeping with a huge group of guys in a confined space." She could feel Bakura's eye twitching from behind her as she turned to face her friend.

"Well what jii-chan doesn't know won't hurt him. We could make a real party of it."

"Real party?" Yugi just winked and got out of his chair.

"I'll see you tonight Anzu-chan! Bye Ryou-kun! Bakura!" With that he was out the door.

"Real party," Anzu repeated again. "Should we be worried," she asked turning to the two other albinos.

"Yugi-kun isn't a really bold person so I think it's probably just something harmless," replied Ryou. Anzu suddenly shuddered.

"What's wrong Anzu-chan," Ryou asked worried while Bakura just glared as he was about to ask the same thing.

"I wonder if Yugi is going to invite Marik," she said and shuddered again. "He's wanted to make peace and he doesn't know what happened at the water park."

"He better not! I don't care if the pharaoh is there I'm not letting that guy anywhere near you!" Anzu blushed at Bakura's outburst while Ryou just looked on wide-eyed. He looked between the two and saw how even though Anzu seemed embarrassed about the outburst she was still smiling about it and the smirk his yami had actually held no malice. 'Those two really do like each other.' He felt a dull ache in his heart but pushed it back and finally broke the silence.

"So what are you doing until tonight Anzu-chan?"

"Hmm, oh I was going to try and figure out my living situation, meaning," she paused and pulled out another part of the newspaper. "The classifieds. I need a job and to try and find another apartment."

"Hey I already said you could stay with us," barked Bakura.

"And I already told you that I think it's rude you don't even ask Ryou before offering something like that. I mean," she said turning to face Ryou. "I don't want you to feel awkward or anything in your own house."

"Awkward," yelled Bakura. "Who cares you need a place, we have a place."

"Bakura," she yelled but they both turned when they heard a chuckle and saw Ryou trying to hold back a laugh.

"You two fight like an old married couple," he chuckled as they both looked embarrassed. "And I wouldn't mind Anzu-chan, but only if you want. I don't want to make you feel any more awkward."

"Well I have about two more weeks before I have to be out so I think maybe I should try looking for a job first."

"A job? Don't you know that one guy who owns like half of the world or something," asked Bakura poking at the salt shaker with his fork.

"Owns half the world," questioned Ryou. "Oh you mean Kaiba-kun!"

"Kaiba?! He hates Yugi and since I'm his friend Kaiba and I aren't really buddies or anything."

"You could ask. He did save you that one time in battle city after you saved his brother. And it's not like he outright said he hated you. It couldn't hurt," said Ryou trying to put on a positive face.

"Maybe…but what kind of job could I possibly apply for?"

"Well maybe there's something posted in the classifieds." She smacked her head with a sheepish look on her face.

"Yeah guess you're right." She pulled out a red ink pen and started sifting through the ads. "If you guys want you're more then welcome to watch some TV or something I know it'd be more then a bit boring watching me try to find a job."

"If you think so, but if you need some help don't be afraid to ask," Ryou said and got up heading to the living room. Bakura grunted and got up to follow but he didn't get very far before her hand grasped his own holding him back. Once Ryou left the kitchen, not noticing the scene, Anzu came up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

"Thank you for letting Yami come tonight and for letting us go to the party. I know you still don't get along well with the others so it means a lot to me." He turned around, with her arms securely around his waist as he grasped her chin in one of his hands and tilted it up. Sapphire met crimson as their eyes locked and their lips met in a crushing heated kiss. He suckled on her lower lip pleading for entry that she willingly gave as his tongue darted into her mouth. Licking and tasting along her warm entrance as his hands found their way to the small of her back. She tilted her head to the side giving him easier access and let her own tongue intertwine with his, feeling the grooves and dips of his own oral cavity. The heat between their two bodies meshing together started to become too much as they both slowly pulled away. She looked up at him and smiled as a small lifting of the corners of his mouth might be considered a small smile on his part as well. He leaned down and put a soft kiss on her forehead before turning to the living room. She smiled and knew her face was still flushed. 'I guess I should take that as a 'your welcome'.'

Ryou watched the screen a whole 10 seconds before flipping it yet again. The only decent thing that seemed to be on right then was an Aliens marathon and The Samurai X Movie. Bakura yawned and stretched putting one of his legs on his hikari's lap while the other dangled off the sofa. >Bakura get off me>

<I'm not on you<

>Yes you are you're leg is in my lap>

<It's just my leg, the way you said it made it sound like I was straddling you<

>Bakura!> But the silent conflict between the two came to an end as Anzu reappeared in the doorframe holding a red pen and the paper. She came and plopped down between the two meaning she sat on the upper part of Bakura's legs but not quite in his lap.

"How goes the job hunt Anzu?"

"I don't know. I actually circled about 20 but I called most of them and now I'm down to seven and five only because there's no number to call you have to go in."

"And the job at Kaiba's," asked Bakura sitting up so now she technically was in his lap.

"Three of the five I couldn't call in for are for Kaiba Co."

"Well what are all of the choices?" She sighed before beginning.

"They need a full-time position at this new fast food place downtown, I called in and it's not bad. 5.75 an hour, even though that's low it's above minimum wage. Then the other one I called in for is only part-time and it's as a register person at Kmart. It's better pay $6.25 an hour, but it's only part time. Then one of the jobs I haven't called in is for a messenger which doesn't seem too bad. Work on commission but I don't know a lot of details on what exactly it is. Then there's a full-time job at a video store but the pay is lousy, $5.30 an hour." She paused to sigh. "Then the jobs at Kaiba co. include a receptionist, typist, and mail room personnel. Full-time position with $7.00 start off for typist and mail room personnel. $8.50 for receptionist."

"I'd say you should try for the Kaiba co. positions. They pay a lot better. You should probably look into the courier one too. It might sound good depending on how much commission on average is."

"Yeah but I need to get a resume, and fill out the applications. Do you think you can help me with the resume Ryou-kun?"

"M-me?" Bakura glared but she gave him a sad look and he turned back to the TV but his arms slid around her waist protectively.

"None of my other friends have really had a real job. Ootogi may have made his own game but he didn't have to apply for anything. And even though Honda-kun and Miho-chan worked with me for a bit the restaurant was pretty lenient about who worked. You're one of the most professional people I know, can you please help me?" He blinked a few times with a slight blush across his face. 'She thinks I'm professional?'

"Umm sure I guess. But there's something I wanted to ask about. We're only juniors in high school, do you plan on still going to school?"

"I plan on at least finishing this semester. But it depends on how much I can save up over summer. If I save up enough I'll try and get a part-time position somewhere so I can keep going to school."

"But what if you don't?"

"What other choice would I have? I'd have to drop out."

"Anzu-chan?" She didn't reply and just shook her head as to say 'it's nothing.' "Do you have a computer?" She nodded and made to get up but was anchored down by a pair of arms secured around her waist.

"Bakura you can come too, but I really need to start getting a resume together and downloading applications off of Kaiba co.'s website to fill out." His grip didn't loosen in the slightest. "Please," she begged turning to face him sitting in his lap practically straddling him. A hint of pink made its way across his cheeks as he grumbled and let go. She thanked him and turned to get up when she felt herself being lifted up and into a certain someone's arms. She blushed as Bakura picked her up bridal style and started carrying her towards her room with a sweat-dropping Ryou following behind.

AN: So what ya think? Now I have somewhere to go in the next two or three chapters. Not sure where I'm going to stop this but anyway I hope you liked it and I'll try and get the other chapter's out soon!