Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ In the Dark of the Night ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Well you wanted it twice as long so it took about twice as long to write it but lots of action and I'm finally getting somewhere! Yay! Anyway not a lot to say in this one, except I hope you enjoy reading it! Ja!


Daijoubu ka = Are you ok?

Kuso = Damn

Aibou = Partner (what Yami usually calls Yugi)

Baka = Idiot/Stupid

Oniichan = Brother (Older Brother)

Gomen = Sorry

Argiatoo = Thank You

Ra = Egyptian God

Hikari = Light

Baka Onna = Stupid Woman

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.

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"Who Am I?"

Chapter 20: "In the Dark of the Night"

"Anzu I think you're spending way too much time with Bakura," Jou announced loudly as the group made their way out of the theatre.

"Are you still going on about how I laughed at that once scene?"

"The end of the movie you think they finally escaped somewhere safe but they end up trapped on an island full of those things and get killed and all you can do is laugh?"

"It was just too ironic. Anyway how can you be happy when there's always a happy ending? Sometimes it's funnier if there is no victory."

"You play resident evil and hate the endings don't you," said Mai speaking up.

"Actually don't know never finished them," she replied rubbing the back of her head bashfully. She felt an arm slip around her waist and smiled as she felt herself being pulled closer to a certain warm body. She was happy Bakura at least paid attention to the movie. Though in some of the less exciting parts he had tried kissing her and getting her 'play' a little. She was pretty sure she had awakened a monster, a three thousand year old horny monster. They made their way onto the train thankful this station stayed open longer then the other one she had ridden before when she had gone to find Bakura. She glanced over at Yugi who now had his arm back so to speak. Somehow Rebecca's grandfather had come back without her knowing and for everyone else to be able to continue to have the party she had to take the plunge and go home to make sure he wasn't suspicious. Though not without some kind of compensation for having to leave aka a kiss from her darling. But she had to give the girl credit, she knew what she wanted and wasn't afraid to go for it.

"So what do you want to do once we get back to Yugi's," she whispered to the guy beside her.

"You know what, but you said you were too sore." She blushed and punched him lightly on the arm.

"Fine what do you want to do that we can do?"

"Steal the millennium items from the shrimp, take over the world, and have you as my queen." She couldn't help but blush and rub the back of her head embarrassed.

"That does sound like a nice offer but maybe some other time." She looked up as a flash of light caught her attention outside the train. "Was that...lightning?" Sure enough a minute later everyone heard the roll of thunder that accompanied the streak of light.

"Crap we're going to get stuck in the storm on our way back to Yugi's," Mai complained apparently not too fond of storms.

"It hasn't started raining yet, if we run for it we might be able to get back before the storm gets really bad," said Ryou looking out noticing the lack of wetness on the ground and the train.

"Running," Shizuka moaned. The poor girl was still getting over the bit of liquor she had in her system and somehow seemed to skip to a hangover sometime during the movie as she was very queasy and had a huge headache.

"It'll be ok Shizuka, it's not that far really."

"I can give you a ride on my back if you want," said Honda trying to get on good terms with the girl. Unfortunately ever since that game Shizuka had decided Hnoda was a sick pervert and she wanted nothing to do with him. And at the moment her face turned green again and she looked like she was going to be sick.

"T-that's ok Honda. I think I can make it on my own." Even if she was disgusted and frightened of him she was still her sweet polite self.

"I'd also like to offer to give you a lift Shizuka," Ootogi said coming up beside her. "I know you said you could make it but don't be afraid to ask for help." She blushed and nodded as Honda hung his head in defeat. 'Poor Honda, but he wouldn't be in this mess if he wasn't such a pervert.' She saw another flash and this time with the thunder the train shook under the might of the upcoming storm.

"Crap how much longer 'til our stop? I don't know if we're going to be able to beat this thing," said Honda freaking Shizuka and Mai out. Jou would have done something if not for the fact that even though he was now stable after his drinks earlier he was more docile even when it came to his sister.

"I think we should be there in another five minutes," Yugi said watching the sky carefully through the window on the train. Anzu looked over at Bakura who for some reason looked very jumpy and seemed to be deep in thought as his eyebrows were furrowed. She looked over to Yami to see the same look upon his face.

"Is something up," she asked the white haired man still holding her around the waist.

"Something doesn't seem natural about this storm," he said casting a glance out the window. "It feels like that time the aurora borealis showed up in the middle of the night. There's some kind of magic in the air."
"Shadow magic?"

"I don't know, maybe. But we have to be on guard until we get back to Yugi's house." She knew this must be making him really uneasy as he didn't even bother to try and make up some kind of name to insult her friend with. She nodded and laced her fingers through his hand that was on her hip. Another large flash lit up the bus, the thunder coming right after shaking the whole train leaving them in total darkness once it passed.

"W-what happened," asked Shizuka panicking.

"The storm must have knocked out the power to the train." Sure enough Anzu noticed not only was it dark but they were no longer moving. Anzu thought she saw something move out of the corner of her eye and turned but didn't see anything.

"Anzu," the voice came from her male companion still holding her close to him.

"It was nothing," she said but continued to scan the area with her eyes. For some reason she felt uneasy, like someone was watching her. She pressed herself against Bakura and almost jumped out of her skin as she felt the floor beneath her move as the train jumped back to life. Well it began moving, but the car was still in the dark.

"We are experiencing some technical difficulties but are using our back up generator to get us to our next and last stop until we can get this fixed. We are using the bare minimum so we do not have lights and the doors and other things must be opened manually once we get to the station. We will have someone come by all the cars to make sure you can get out if you are having problems with the doors. Thank you for your patience we will reach our stop in the next three minutes," came the announcement over the intercom.

"This night just keeps getting weirder and weirder," said Kaiba surprising almost everyone as his quiet nature made almost everyone forget he was there.

"Oniichan," Mokuba called softly as he stayed close to his brother. To say everyone was a bit on edge would be putting it lightly. Even those without millennium items felt something was out of place on the train. Anzu turned her head sharply to the right to look near the back of the train her eyes wide. She could have sworn she heard someone whispering to her from back there, at least she hoped it was someone. But there was no one standing behind her and Bakura on the train. She swallowed a lump in her throat and tried to calm her heart as it seemed to want to burst from her chest.

"We seriously need to get off of this train," she whispered to herself more then to anyone else. They heard the brakes beginning to come down as the train came to a slow stop. She saw the station nearing and felt hope come to her poor little heart as the train slowed and finally stopped. Jou and Honda went to get the doors and started prying them apart.

"Sheesh aren't you supposed to be big strong men, can't even get train doors open," Mai mocked trying to get them to move faster and try to cover her own fear at the same time. It got the job done as Honda Jou and now Ootogi all tugged the doors open little by little until it was large enough for people to squeeze through. Yugi and Yami made it through first to help Jou and the other guys pry it open just a bit more for more people to fit through. They filed out quickly leaving Bakura and Anzu the last two to get off as they had been in the back.

"Ladies first I believe it is," he said holding her hand as she made it out of the train. As soon as she was out of the train she heard some kind of struggle and a thump in the train and growl of pain from behind her as she turned to see Bakura holding his arm in pain. He quickly bailed out of the train. "Close the doors! Now!" No one dared argue with him as he barked out orders. The guys came together pulling and tugging on the door as they heard something inside thumping around before the thumping noise started heading for the door. They quickly closed the door just as whatever it was threw itself against the door denting it slightly.

"Bakura!" Anzu was at his side trying to see the wound on his upper arm that he was holding with his other hand. "Daijoubu ka?" She slowly pried his hand away from the wound and gasped as she saw three long and deep claw marks. "Bakura!" She quickly grabbed the sleeve of her sweater and bit down tugging with all she could before she heard the ripping of the fabric. She pulled on the rip tearing a good part of the sleeve off before ripping it again making a long strip. She quickly set to wrapping it snugly around the wound.

"What was that," Jou said finally seeming to become himself again.

"Hell if I know, let's just get back to the squirts so we can at least try to put something between us and anything else that might be watching us." Everyone seemed to grow very uneasy at his last remark and jumped as another flash in the sky had most of them running for Yugi's house. It had yet to start raining so they were hopeful they'd make it back before it started to downpour. Anzu looked over worriedly at Bakura's wound as they continued their jogging pace. She looked up as Honda called out they could see Yugi's but the smile immediately disappeared as she felt a drop of moisture hit her arm.

"Kuso it's starting to rain. Pick up the pace," she called to those still lagging behind her. Sure enough as soon as they had started running Ootogi had picked Shizuka up and was now carrying her while Mai tried to keep up with him. They made it to the shop just as the rain really started pouring down and Yugi quickly unlocked the door letting everyone tumble inside the entryway of the shop. Everyone sat there panting a minute before the first of them composed themselves.

"I thought you left the lights on down here Yugi," Kaiba said as Yugi looked around noticing the entire house was now in darkness.

"I thought I did too. Hold on." You could hear him shuffling around to the wall a bit down the hall and a flick of some kind of switch. "I guess the storm must have knocked out the power. Someone should go down and try to flip the circuit breaker."

"Aibou something doesn't seem right. Are you sure the house was locked up before you left?"

"Positive, I had to unlock the door to get in."

"The baka pharaoh is right. Something seems off here." Anzu clung to Bakura's good arm and looked around at the shadows passing off the walls.

"Maybe we should go to someone else's house," Anzu replied meekly. She didn't know if it was what happened at the train station or just the mood that had fallen over them since the storm started, but she felt like something was there and if it wasn't for her common sense barely holding on she probably would have fled into the storm already.

"I think Mazaki has a point, weird things always seem to happen around you people," Kaiba said turning back towards the door. "Mokuba, let's go." Mokuba nodded and went after his brother who grabbed for the door handle but screamed out in pain as his hand touched the knob.

"Kaiba!" Various shouts called through the shop before anyone was able to react. Surprisingly Jou and Mai were the first to react and grabbed a hold of his shoulders and torso and pulled him off of the door.

"Oniichan!" Mokuba went to his older brother who was holding his hand in pain. Surprisingly enough Jou ripped off a piece of the bottom of his shirt and started wrapping it around Kiaba's hand tying it off.

"It doesn't look too bad, just singed," Jou said as he and Mai helped Kaiba to his feet much to his protest.

"I should have known better then to come over here. It seems like every time I meet up with you something strange happens."

"G-gomen Kaiba," Yugi stuttered walking up to the door with Yami in front of him. Yami closed his eyes and concentrated as the puzzle began to glow and the eye appeared on his head. Yami looked like he had gotten slightly shocked as he held his hands out towards the door and recoiled the glow fading and Yami cursing under his breath.

"This is the work of shadow magic."

"Oh great someone's probably trying to put some or all of us in the shadow realm again," moaned Ryou trying to keep it together. Unfortunately because of some of his Yami's actions in the past he had visited the place a few times and it definitely did not bode well with him.

"No one's going to the Shadow Realm tonight," Bakura barked out trying to keep his light from scaring everyone else, more then anyone Anzu. "At least none of you. This joker though better know who he's dealing with."

"Well where do we go? We can't just stay here in the doorway the rest of the night," asked Mai.

"Why don't we go upstairs?" Everyone looked at Bakura oddly, then again him trying to give suggestions that didn't include death were rare so they had a right to be confused. "Idiots, we don't know if whoever did this put seals on the windows upstairs. If something is unlocked even if it's a long way down it's a way out." Everyone gave him an incredible look at him actually coming up with a decent plan. "Don't look at me like I'm a dumbass, I'm an ex-thief I have to know about getting in and out of houses." These people were really getting on his last nerve.

"Argiatoo Bakura," Anzu said holding on to his arm and leaning against him. "But should we really go unarmed? Do we have anything for weapons," she asked and also got weird stares.

"Ok I'm not that weird for thinking up a way to defend myself am I," she said getting annoyed.

"Well with as often as you get kidnapped-," started Mokuba.

"You're one to talk," she said cutting him off. He blushed a bright red that everyone could see even in the darkness.

"Ok you two calm down. I think we might have some stuff in the closet near the stairs leading to the apartment." They nodded and sat there in front of the door still, no one moving. "So who's going to lead?"

"It's your place Yugi you should lead," said Mai. "Plus you know where everything is." Yugi was really hoping it wouldn't be him, he wasn't a coward but with all the things happening tonight he was more then a little cautious.

"It's ok, I'll lead," said Yami as he felt the apprehension from his Aibou and took the lead. "Jou you take up the rear, everyone stay together, the store may not be big but in the dark there are lots of hiding places." Everyone nodded and stayed close as they slowly made their way to the other side of the room, when Shizuka stepped on a loose board that creaked and made almost everyone jump and Shizuka squeak. Shizuka covered her mouth embarrassed and they made it to the closet without incident. "Ok we made it." The puzzle started glowing as he held his hands out towards the door and concentrated. After a minute the puzzle stopped glowing and he opened his eyes again.

"I didn't sense anything in there, I think its ok." He opened the closet and nearly jumped out of his skin as a large dark object came towards him. He jumped out of the way as the object landed with a thud resembling Yami's now pounding heart. He bent down and slowly grasped the large dark object picking it up and realizing it was… "An umbrella?" Yugi slowly made his way past Yami and went digging through the closet rather noisily making everyone else at least a bit nervous.

"I wonder if he knows we're here already," asked Shizuka getting really nervous.

"Probably, that's how we got locked in almost right after we entered," said Bakura getting a pinch from Anzu. "Ow, what it's true," he hissed loudly.

"Here," Yugi said pulling a few items from the closet. He went over to Jou and handed him a cane before turning to Honda and handing him the offending umbrella.

"What? I get an umbrella?" Jou knocked him over the head with the cane as Yugi continued around the circle. He handed Ootogi a Crocket Mallet, Yami a fireplace poker (which didn't make sense to anyone because they didn't have a fireplace), and it came down to giving either Bakura or Kaiba the baseball bat.

"You're both really hurt though, I don't know if you should try and use one." Bakura grabbed Yugi by the scruff of his shirt with his good arm and pulled him closer.

"Give me the bat."

"Why the hell should you get it," Kaiba said in a threatening manner. "I have someone I need to protect."

"As do I!" Anzu blushed but sweat dropped as their bickering continued. 'Only one way to settle this,' she thought. She went up to Yugi and grabbed the bat out of his hands.


"Ah, good hand it over," Bakura said holding his hand out towards her.

"No way, I'm keeping it."
"What?! And have you protecting me? Ubsurd!"

"No! I'm protecting Mokuba. You both said you needed someone to protect meaning you could take care of yourselves. So now that I have the bat I can protect myself and Mokuba."

"But-" They both started but Anzu cut them off.

"Come on Mokuba. Stay close," she said grabbing his hand and leading him towards the stairs.

"Hold on I should go first," said Yami stepping up front. He slowly opened the door to the stairs leading to the apartment and was met with complete darkness the door to the apartment was closed leaving the small hallway in the dark. "Everyone needs to hold hands there's no light whatsoever in here. And I mean it!" He knew Honda and Ootogi were about to protest because they were right next to each other and would probably have to hold hands. Everyone grabbed hands and Anzu was happy to have Bakura holding onto one of her hands as Mokuba grabbed a hold of her other. Shizuka grabbed onto Ootogi and her brother. While Mai was between Ryou and Yami. Then all the smaller groups joined hands into one long snake of arms and Yami slowly started his way up the stairs with everyone following behind. Yami was right, it was pitch dark. The only bit of light was from the bottom of the stairs which they soon left behind.

They were almost to the top of the stairs but as always with this group something had to happen. And that something was Honda trying to steal Ootogi's spot to hold hands with Shizuka. This wouldn't have been such a big deal if it wasn't for the fact that the stair way, in order to fit in the small area known as the game shop, was very narrow so that while trying to tug Ootogi and squeeze past they actually got stuck in a weird sandwich in the stairway. This of course caused a commotion in which they both went tumbling. Ootogi onto Shizuka and Honda back into Bakura. With all the noise Anzu was pretty sure that whoever it was knew they were here by now. But they made it to the top of the stairs with no casualties so it was a step in the right direction.

Yami opened the door quietly and signaled for them to stay back as he made his way into the living room. He motioned for them to follow as they made their way further into the apartment. "Where do we go now," he whispered which Anzu didn't think was necessary at this point. Yugi was about to respond when they heard a noise coming from the bedroom area. Yugi nearly died of shock as everyone else held their weapons at bay or clutched one another. "I guess that answers that question," Yami said as he slowly made his way towards the bedrooms. Yugi nearly died when they went down the hallway that had Yugi and his grandfather's bedrooms and heard it coming from his room.

"I-it's in my room," Yugi stated the obvious staring at the door like it was going to grow a mouth and eat him.

"It'll be ok aibou," Yami said reassuring him by putting his hand on Yugi's shoulder. Yugi nodded as Yami once again took the lead and put his hand on the doorknob. Everyone waited in the ready as he slowly turned the knob and quickly pushed in the door flinging it wide open hearing it hit the wall adjacent. They rushed in and nearly dropped their weapons at the site before them. There before them was Yami Marik, tied to Yugi's bed, gagged, and in only his underwear.

"I don't remember that being here before we left," said Jou speaking up. Everyone sweat-dropped and nearly fell over. Ootogi tapped him on the head with the mallet.

"Baka. But anyway, what do we do about him?"

"We should ask him why he's here…and in his underwear," said Anzu her creaks becoming slightly heated while glancing at the young man in his current position. Bakura growled as he noticed this and stepped forward almost choking him as he ripped the gag from his mouth.

"You heard her, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Ow, Ra that hurt! Damn you're such an ass," he hissed. Bakura gripped Yami Marik's chin in his hand and held it so he was staring strait at him.

"Why the hell are you here? Aren't you supposed to be in the shadow realm?"

"Hmm hasn't anyone told that to you," he said with a demented smirk plastered on his face. Bakura growled and was about to punch him when he felt a hand grab his arm and hold him back.

"Please don't Bakura." Bakura held back as he looked back at Anzu and felt his anger rise again as Yami Marik snickered at him.

"Taking orders from a woman now? And you say I'm pathetic." Before he even knew what was happening Anzu's fist found his face and effectively shut him up. He groggily shook his head trying to get his eyes back in focus. When they did he was staring into the eyes of a very pissed off woman who was now holding onto his head with her hands in a vice like grip.

"Tell us why you're here," she said in a tone that said she wasn't taking crap from him.

"Fine sheesh Bakura call her off." She growled and looked ready to hit him again but backed off. "I was trying to find my way out of the shadow realm again. I felt that my hikari had the rod and I was trying to use its power to get back through. Unfortunately I wasn't strong enough on my own and while trying to get out I got ganged up on and beaten down pretty badly. Then this voice starts telling me to get out of the shadow realm like I was trying to, but I didn't understand what was going on until I found I actually escaped. He had been leeching off of me so he stole some of my power and at the same time gave me some of his making me strong enough to get back. But in the process I dragged his ass out here with me. But for some reason when I came through I had my own body and then before I even got that under control he got control of Marik and the rod. He can't kill me because of our connection but he's trying to keep me out of the way too."

"You probably didn't know but once Yami regained his memories for some reason Yami and Bakura both got new bodies, and I guess the shadow realm gave you the same since you were able to get out." He paused in thought for a second. "So this guy came from the shadow realm," asked Ryou.

"Yeah he's actually a duel monster, but I don't know which. I got ganged up by about a dozen of them and don't remember a lot of it. And since he's possessing Marik I don't know his real form."

"So that wasn't really Marik the other day," Anzu all but screamed and felt herself shiver in disgust as she remembered going over his house and him trying to….she shivered again, almost violently.

"Yeah and he plans on trying to get all the other items before trying to take on Shadi. If he gets four of the seven then four should over power Shadi's three, that's at least how he thinks. He already stole Isis' necklace from where Yugi hid it when you guys were gone and then he has the rod. He's been trying to get the ring before he tries taking on the puzzle."

"And just what the hell is that supposed to mean," Bakura growled. "That it's easier to get the puzzle then the ring.

"At this point yes." Anzu and Ryou both had to hold him back from strangling the almost naked man on the bed. "It's not the ring that's weak. It's you!"

"What the hell are you saying?"

"Why is your arm hurt? If you had been using the rings power you should have repelled the damn monster before it got to you."

"That is," Bakura tried replying but couldn't come up with a decent answer.

"It's because of the Baka Onna," he said with a sneer. Anzu looked confused and looked back and forth between the two. "Ever since my light's possessor has been after you Bakura's been using the ring to shield you from the rods power."

"B-bakura," she asked looking at him a bit shocked with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Don't give him so much credit he's probably been doing it subconsciously." Bakura punched him in the side growling.

"So what if he has two items we still have two of our own!" Almost everyone in the room was growing more curious by the minute as this mystery unraveled. Except of course for Jou and Honda. Honda because he was once again trying to get close to Shizuka but Ootogi noticing was trying to keep her away. And Jou was now experiencing some kind of early hang over much like his sister earlier.

"Yeah but loose them and you'll loose a lot more then before."

"What the hell are you babbling about," Yami said finally coming into the conversation.

"Well hello pharaoh how are you tonight," he said with that same evil smirk on his face.

"Shut up, I don't have time for any of your games, what the hell do you mean by loosing a lot more then before?"
"What I mean dear pharaoh," he sad in a mocking tone. "Is if he can get the items away from you and send you to the shadow realm you're as good as dead. Even if you are the darkness and they won't attack you he has his own little followers waiting for you, you get stuck there and you're as good as dead," he said almost singing the word dead. "So if I were you tomb robber I'd start using the item for yourself or even you won't be able to get back here.

"Stuff it," he growled while looking deep in thought. 'Shit if I've been doing all that without thinking then how the hell do I stop doing it? Shit we have to get out of here.' Then it hit him.

"Where the hell is he?" The half naked Yami smirked.

"Baka is probably still waiting in the basement. He thought for sure the first thing you would do is try to turn the lights back on when you first came in." Yugi shivered as he remembered he was the one who wanted to try that.

"Thank god we didn't try that," Shizuka said with a bit of relief.

"Then again with all the noise you've been making up here I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to come out from his hiding spot."

"Crap what if he's right," Jou said panicking before the nausea hit him and he had to lean on Honda for support. "I shouldn't do that anymore."

"What think," asked Honda annoyed his friend may barf on him at any minute.

"Why you," Jou growled but was stopped by his sister.

"Stop bickering already, we have to get out of here."

"What about the windows like Bakura said," Mokuba piped up. Yami nodded his head and tried touching the windows but much like Kaiba got a shock.

"Forget it it's locked up too," he said blowing on his hands. His millennium puzzle had been able to take most of the damage for him. They heard something moving below them.

"Crap he's moving! We have to get out of here," Mai all but screeched.

"How we're trapped in," yelled Yugi.

"Wait why not use the millennium items," said Ootogi piping up. "Both of them," he stated as it looked like Yami was going to point out he tried earlier. Bakura shrugged and put his hands around the ring as it started glowing while Yami did the same with his puzzle. The window seemed to almost sizzle with energy as the two tried to break the barrier keeping them in.

"Stupid hikari's, concentrate too," Yami Marik barked at them. Yugi and Ryou looked at him confused but decided it couldn't hurt and began concentrating on getting the windows open. Anzu turned as she heard the door close and saw Honda and Jou locking the door as the sounds seemed to be moving towards the stairs. Those who had weapons besides Jou and Honda gripped them tightly. Her heart seemed like it was going to escape from her chest as she sat there watching as the window continued to sizzle but not yet give in. 'Please god let this work.' She clasped her hands tightly together trying to hold back the fear building inside of her as she was sure she heard someone starting up the stairs. 'Please let this work; please get us out of here.' She heard someone open the door to the top floor of the apartment. 'Please!' She was brought out of her current state when a loud resounding crash hit her ears and she opened her eyes to see the window shatter outwards. Bakura and Yami nearly collapsed as their lights grabbed and supported them.

"Hurry get something to climb down with," ordered Jou as he and Honda were now taking the time to push Yugi's dresser in front of the door. Apparently fear is a good cure for a hangover in Jou's case.

"The ropes holding Yami Marik down," Shizuka said pointing.

"But wait can we trust him enough to untie him," said Mai taking a step back. She wasn't one to hold grudges but she was one to still fear him after what he did in battle city.

"There's no time," Anzu said stepping forward and started untying his left foot. She quickly got rid of it and went to his right foot. "Come on someone help me!" Surprisingly enough Kaiba reached up and started undoing his left had while Anzu went for his right. They got the ropes undone and quickly pulled them to the window tying them together. Yami Marik on the other hand took a while to even sit up as he groaned and rubbed his sore limbs. But by this time Yami and Bakra had pulled themselves together and were helping Jou and Honda push the bookshelf in front of the door. They heard the footsteps coming down the hall and stopping right in front of the door.

"Hello in there," came Marik's voice in an almost sing-song way. "Won't you please let me in?"

"Like hell," Jou yelled.

"Yeah we're not complete idiots," yelled Honda.

"Oh well," he said still in that sickeningly sweet high pitched voice. But his voice quickly changed and took on a low demonic tone as he growled out, "Guess I'll have to break down the door." Jou and Honda backed away and looked proudly at the barrier in front of the door. Then almost wet themselves as something slammed itself against the door and moved their 'barrier' about half a foot easily letting a hand sneak its way into the room. Shizuka and Mai screamed as Jou and Honda quickly charged the door and shoved the stuff back in front of it. The door closed hard on the hand as the man screamed in pain and was able to wedge it back through the door. The heard an animalistic growl come from the other side of the door as Jou and Honda still sat in front of their little barrier trying to push against it. The two boys almost went flying as the beast formerly known as Marik threw himself at the door again.

"Done," Anzu announced as she and Kaiba finished tying the rope together. They quickly tied it to Yugi's bed post before tossing it out the window. "Who's first?"

"Mokuba," Kaiba answered quickly. Even though Jou looked like he wanted to protest and have his sister go down first the look Kaiba gave him actually made him wonder if the CEO wouldln't go as far as killing someone for his little brother. So he just dumbly nodded.

"Come on Mokuba," Anzu called over to him. Mokuba went over to the window and grabbed the rope.

"Oniichan," he called out weakly before hugging his older brother.

"It's ok Mokuba I'll be down in a minute," he whispered words or reassurance before his brother went down the rope slowly making sure not to slip. Once he was on the ground safely Anzu called Shizuka over to climb down with Ootogi trailing behind her. Jou and Honda were still in front of the door holding it off when Yami and Bakura came up to help them hold it off, abandoning their weapons. Jou nearly jumped out of his skin as a hand shot through the door splintering it nearly in half. Anzu looked over at the door just as Mai started making her way down the rope.

"Kaiba you're next, get climbing as soon as Mai gives you enough room. Yugi! Ryou!" They were helping the other four boys trying to hold the door as Anzu called them over to the rope. They saw Kaiba's head just disappear from view as Yugi started getting on the edge of the window sill. Anzu looked over at the four boys holding the door wondering how the hell this was going to work. Her attention was called back to the window as Ryou almost slipped on the ledge and went tumbling back into her.

"Baka hikari get going," Bakura yelled from the door as Anzu helped him on the rope.

"Jou, Honda you go next," Yami called to the other two boys.

"What the hell I'm stuck with you," Bakura roared.

"Do you really think they can stand up to this guy," Yami yelled.

"Of course not but since when do I care about them?"

"Doesn't matter because they're already gone," Yami said smirking as Bakura realized they took off as soon as Yami told them.

"Bastards," he called to their forms retreating out the window. Anzu stepped aside unsure of how to react as Yami Marik made his way over to the rope and winked at her before following the others.

"Anzu get going," Yami called.

"What!? And leave you guys?! No way!"

"Anzu get going," Bakura growled.

"Bakura," she replied meekly.

"I mean it get going now!" She looked at him sorrowfully before nodding and slowly climbing down the rope. She made it to the ground with the others and noticed Kaiba and Mokuba were gone.

"Where did Kiaba and Mokuba go," she asked worried.

"Kaiba took off as soon as he got on the ground. He said something about never hanging out with wierdos again," said Ryou. "Where are Yami and Bakura?"

"They're holding the door. I hope they know what they're doing." Ryou patted her should reassuringly as the poor girl seemed ready to cry. Before anyone knew what was happening they heard a huge crash and the rest of them were blinded by a brilliant light coming from the room before two figures jumped from the window right before an explosion. Everyone covered their eyes and ducked as debris from the room came flying out of the window. Anzu blinked some of the dust from her eyes before they settled on the two figures on the ground.

"Bakura!" She ran over to one of the prone figures as the dust continued to settle. She kneeled next to him and put her head on his chest and was thankful to hear his heart still beating. "Bakura wake up," she called gently shaking him slightly. "Please wake up," she said her voice cracking and sounding desperate. She watched intently as his body moved slightly and his eyes cracked open looking up at the figure looming over him. "Y-you baka," she yelled at him as he sat up before launching herself onto him hugging him tightly to her.

"Baka onna I'm not going to die because of some damn monster." He held her tightly enjoying the fact he actually was still alive and able to do this. Even if he wouldn't admit it for a second there he thought he had a one way trip to the shadow realm.

"But he's still up there. Knocked out for now but we shouldn't chance it. We need to go somewhere else," Yami said, apparently Anzu had been so wrapped up in, well Bakura, she hadn't noticed him getting up and around.

"But where and who would take in all these people for the night," asked Mai.

"We can't go to Bakura's there's a good chance he'd go there hoping he'd go home," said Yami.

"I sure as hell am not going home," said Jou. No one wanted to question him on why and just agreed with him.

"That leaves Mai, Ootogi, or Anzu," said Shizuka ticking everyone off on her fingers.

"Forget it all I have is a hotel room," said Mai as she wasn't planning on staying as long as she already had.

"Why don't we split up," asked Ryou. "Try and confuse him."

"Good idea, one millennium item holder to each group," said Yami. "Yugi and I will go with Ootogi, so Bakura and Ryou go with Anzu. Who's left? Honda, Shizuka, Jou, Yami Marik, and Mai."

"I'm going with Ootogi," said Shizuka.

"And I'm with my sister," said Jou.

"I'm going too," said Mai.

"What so we get Honda and Yami Marik," asked Anzu obviously not happy with the agreement.

"Just for now. We need to work out a plan but everyone's too exhausted to do anything now," Yami said as Anzu looked around their group and noticed that a lot of them did seem really exhausted. She felt an arm slip around her waist and looked up to see Bakura watching her with a possessive look as if to say, 'I won't let anyone have what's mine.' She almost sweat-dropped but if anything felt more assured by that look.

"Yeah I guess. We'd better get going before the rain soaks us and we end up getting sick and become sitting ducks," said Ryou. The two groups split up and took off in different directions. From somewhere in the rubble of Yugi's room a hand twitched and two velvet purple eyes glowed from the darkness.

AN: I thought since I did a little quiz thingy for my other fic I should do one for this too. So go ahead and take a guess at who is behind the possession of Marik. If someone gets it right then you can pick out the next doujin I do. Anyway hope you enjoyed that! Ja!