Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ The Power of Many ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: Yay I updated! Wow I'm finally near the end! This will probably be wrapped up in the next 2-5 chapters (I'm not good at estimating so please don't hold it against me. Anyway I noticed a couple people saying Anzu was really popular with the guys and I think it was because of comments I made about Yami Marik and Ryou. Ryou is kind of just hung up and hasn't totally moved on yet and Yami Marik. Well he's been in the shadow realm for a little over a year, I kind of see him as a newly released convict ^^(), he's interested in any cute piece of toosh. That probably sounds stupid! Sorry! Anyway thank you to everyone who has reviewed you've inspire me to write another chapter even as I am slowly buried in homework. Especially a new fan I got at Media Miner (I don't get many reviews there and getting a new fan makes me feel all giddy). So thanks to all of you who review and make me want to write more! Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.

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"Who Am I?"

*Warning: Lemon in this chapter*

Chapter22: "The Power of Many"

"No, No, and NO!"

"Bakura you can't just make this decision on your own!" This of course would be the 'discussion' going on between Bakura and Anzu that had started the second everyone agreed with her plan. Everyone of course except for one.

"Yes I can! The ring is still mine even if I gave it to you for protection and I decide what's done with it!"

"Fine so you want to send me out there alone with no protection!"

"You're not going out there period!"

"Who are you to make decisions for me?!"

"Why ask a question you already know the answer to," he said though he wouldn't look her in the eye after that. They both sat there panting, red in the face from yelling at each other for over an hour before Anzu plopped down on the spare bed in the guest room Ootogi had let them borrow for this 'discussion.' Bakura was leaning against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest and looking anywhere but at her. Neither said a word as it seemed like they had said all there was to say in the last hour.

"I'm scared," she said finally breaking the silence.

"You should be! Why the hell would you put yourself in danger like that?"

"I'm not afraid to do it! I'm afraid…I'll fail."

"That's why you shouldn't do it!"

"Do you have that little faith in me?" He was taken aback at her words and his eyes finally met hers as a tear found its way trailing down her cheek. He frowned and made his way over to the bed plopping down beside her.

"Out of all the idiots in the other room I think you're probably the most capable." She looked up as another tear made its way down her face dripping onto her pant legs. "But there's always the possibility you will fail! And even though you're the most capable I wouldn't mind if someone else failed…but you." He growled lowly. "How do you make me so strong and so weak at the same time?"

"The same way you make me both strong and weak," she said wiping away her tears and cupping his face in her hands. They both leaned in their lips lightly brushing against each other before becoming something much more. She moaned as his tongue darted out and licked along her lips making her brain turn to fluff as she willingly parted her lips letting him delve into her sweet depths.

*Warning: Start Lemon!*

She felt her face burning as his hands slipped around her small body pulling her against him. Her arms went under his own and gripped his back tightly pulling him to her as their bodies brushed together. His mouth left hers as he made his way to the nape of her neck suckling and licking feeling himself grow hard with every moan and gasp as his hand made its way to her chest and cupped it before rubbing his thumb over her hard peaks beneath the fabric.

She felt so hot she didn't know if she could take it as she continued to grind her hips against his. She pulled away from him for a second, much to his protest, pulling her top off and tossing it to the side and shivering under his touch as he ran his nails along her back in a slow and agonizingly sensuous way making her arch her back giving him access to what he wanted. Having come across this contraption that seemed to have no use but to get in his way he was ready to just rip it but remembered watching her put one on and as his hands made their way across her back he stopped at the clasp. And like the excellent thief he was got it open in a snap letting the material slowly drop from her heaving bosom.

His tongue slowly ventured to one of her maiden peaks licking around it before letting his mouth engulf it making her gasp his name. He smirked as his hand found its way between her legs and started rubbing up the shorts she still had on along her inner thigh. She felt like she was on a roller coaster of sensations as every part of her body seemed to be screaming in ecstasy. Her body felt like it was on fire with every touch and the heat only seemed to get worse after the touch was gone. She felt her body aching with need and moved to sit on his lap as he continued.

She needed him; she needed to feel him against her. Her hands went to his waist grabbing the bottom of his shirt and pulling back pulling it over his head before they latched onto each other again. Her nails made marks against his own back as she moaned and leaned closer letting him continue with his ministrations. She leaned down and unfortunately it meant he had to pry his mouth away from her as their tongues once again dueled for dominance. But as she distracted him her hands made their way down to his waist pulling his pants down along with his boxers which was a feat in itself as she had to crouch over his lap instead of sit on it. But eventually they got the offending items off and she let her hand roam over his hardened flesh enjoying his moans as she stroked it softly. She felt she had the upper hand and let her mouth wander over to his ear where she nipped and licked before softly blowing in it and feeling his whole body go rigid under her touch.

She slowly pushed herself against his body and pushed him back onto the bed. As she bent over still continuing to assault his ear she undid her remaining clothing and kicked them off the end of the bed. She felt really nervous about their position but if he didn't mind then she decided to go along with it. She was already wet with excitement and slowly positioned herself over him before slowly lowering herself on him. She moaned letting her body adjust to him as he watched her body arch like a cats in pleasure and smirked. He grabbed onto her hips as she slowly began to ride him, her hands placed on his chest as she fought for leverage.

As she started to speed up he moved his hips with her own and was satisfied with the way her mouth parted slightly moaning as he did so. The way her body was moving above his own, the power he let her have over him, made him even more excited then before. She continued to ride him as she felt herself getting nearer and felt his hands go from her hips to her ass squeezing it and pulling on it encouraging her to go faster. But even as she sped up she felt herself going over the edge and couldn't help it when her body went stiff and stopped as she moaned his name and gripped his chest. Even as she seemed to have paused he continued to buck his hips up into her tight channel as she came and felt himself nearing as well.

As she slowly came down from cloud nine she felt him still hard inside of her and rode him harder and faster then before. The after effects of her climax leading her closer to another as well as him. Before she could once again release she felt him arch beneath her as he moaned and went over the edge. Even so she continued riding him, draining him dry but he let her as that was all it took to once again send her over the edge. She gasped loudly as she slowly down and finally stopped coming to lay on top of his body both of them panting and sweating. She slowly lifted her face to meet his own and kissed him gently before slowly sitting up and getting off of him and instead laying next to him as they both caught their breath. Anzu was surprised when Bakura was the first to speak.

"I know you're not weak, but I still worry." She was about to protest but he cut her off. "But I believe in you, and we'll go through with this plan of yours." Anzu was surprised to say the least, as he was a bit pig-headed. But she didn't care as she threw her arms around him and leaned over whispering in his ear, "I love you."

*End of Lemon!*

Of course the gang had been sitting there listening to them fight for the last hour to the point where Ootogi began taking bets. Yami and Honda said they'd break up, Yugi and Ryou said he'd give in. Jou said Anzu would give in. While for some reason Mai, Shizuka, and Yami Marik said they'd end up having sex. Guess who won?

"That is disturbing to say the least," said Yugi.

"I need to have that room sanitized and that bed burned," said Ootogi.

"It's not that bad is it," asked Honda but they all quickly agreed with Ootogi when they heard Anzu moaning Bakura's name. The situation was odd to say the least; especially for poor Ryou when Jou was just joking around and asked what would happen if she ended up moaning his name instead of Bakura's. Of course the other two girls in the room hit him over the head for that and the guys decided not to push the subject any farther. Truth be told that was a weird situation for most for we know that although these guys have traveled through time and space and other crap and saved the world many times most were still virgins.

"But when do you think we should put this plan into action," asked Yugi.

"I'd give them another 10 minutes," said Jou still trying to be the comedian which got him a few more lumps on the head from the females of the group.

"How are you such a pervert and you haven't died from brain damage yet," Yami asked him referring to the number of times he'd already gotten hit on the head.

"What did you say Honda?" Yami just sweat-dropped at poor Jou and his lack of healthy brain cells.

"It should be becoming dusk soon, do we wait for night fall or tomorrow morning," asked Ootogi.

"And who is going exactly? I know everyone who has a millennium item and Anzu but what about the rest of us," asked Shizuka.

"All you can really do is try and hold down the fort and try to have some back-up plan going in case we fail," said Yami sighing. "Maybe if nothing else you can find a way to protect yourselves."

"Oh that sounds fun and happy," said Mai sarcastically.

"But how do we know if something goes wrong," Shizuka asked again.

"I guess we need someone to come with us if for nothing else to warn you if we don't succeed. Any volunteers," he asked looking around at everyone. The room was dead silent. "Oh come on." Mai whispered something in Jou's ear and he quickly raised his hand. Yami was happy they had a volunteer but sweat-dropped as Mai winked at him after getting Jou to volunteer. Ootogi grabbed Honda and made him go with him as they exited the room mumbling something about supplies.

It was about this time that Anzu and Bakura made their way back into the room looking a little ruffled but fine. Jou automatically opened his mouth to say something but the death glare Anzu shot him was enough to kill his joking gesture on the spot. Ryou looked anywhere but at the two embarrassed and everyone else just looked around like they were trying to avoid something.

"Ano," Anzu started. "I guess we should work out the details of the plan."

"We already have some. The only people going are item holders, you, and Jou. Jou is coming as sort of a watch to alert everyone else in case we fail. The others are going to stay here and think up a plan in case we fail to either protect them, try to fight back, or maybe both. I think we're going to put this into action tonight. Anzu, do you know how you're going to get him to notice you?" He noticed the annoyed look on Bakura's face as he said that but waited for Anzu to respond.

"We could just always go over to Malik's house but he'd have the field advantage. How about the park? That's where he found me last time. But how do we make sure he doesn't know you're there?"

"I've been thinking about that. We could go there early and with our hikari's help abandon our bodies for a while and return to the items. If we stay in our soul rooms he won't notice until it's too late."

"Wait a second. Aren't I the one with the ring though," she asked wondering how she was going to go from luring Marik with the ring to tossing it to Ryou/Bakura.

"Good point," said Yami. "I guess then we'll just have to have Bakura go back in the ring and have you as his host body." Both Bakura and Anzu gave him looks that clearly told him that was going to be extremely awkward. Before either had a chance to protest Yami cut them off, "No buts about it. It was your idea to lure him out Anzu." She shut her mouth quickly and huffed looking away. "Anyway we'll do it at the park so that way our bodies are nearby when all of this happens. Once we get Marik out of the way we can reclaim our bodies and take care of a certain duel monster," Yami said finishing this up. "Everyone got it?" Everyone nodded except Yami Marik who was now eyeing Shizuka until Jou smacked him up side the head for looking at his sister. Evil psychotic Yami or not he wasn't letting any guy near his sister.

"Yeah yeah I got it," he said pissed off and wanting badly to eat Jou for dinner Hannibal lector style but was sure his little friends would eat him alive for that. (AN: Can you tell I'm hungry?)

"We should set out soon then," said Bakura noticing how close to dusk it was already getting. Anzu nodded in agreement as Honda and Ootogi came back with a yellow pack.

"Here," he said tossing it to Jou.

"What's in here," he asked digging into the pack.

"There's a radio in there, we'll be on channel 7. Its faster then running back here if something goes wrong. There's also a tazer and pocketknife in there."

"You think a pocketknife is going to stop that thing from taking over the world," he asked looking at Ootogi like he was a dumbass. Which he promptly got hit over the head for by said person.

"Of course not but you may need it for something else. It's better to have it and not need it then to need it and not have it." Jou didn't believe this but still slung the bag over his shoulder. "There's a flashlight or two if you need them in there too. But I don't know how good the batteries are. They nodded before they gathered by the door. Yugi, Yami, Bakura, Anzu, Jou, and Yami Marik started heading out the door as they were wished luck by their friends. Ryou had a bad feeling as he watched Anzu walk out the door. A really bad feeling.

Anzu shivered as they walked away from the house, and it wasn't from the cold. She really wasn't sure if this plan was going to work or not. But they had to try something. They made their way to the park and looked around finding a small clearing where all of this was going to go down. Jou set himself up in a tree a distance away but so he could still see and checked out the radio making sure it worked. But the others had to yell at him to shut up as he yelled in the radio for them not to touch his sister.

It was then that the all tried to get a hold of themselves as Yami gave his body up and went back to the puzzle and back into his soul room to await the confrontation. Bakura and Anzu were a little more uneasy about the whole thing as Anzu had never experienced the whole Yami/Hikari thing and even though it was her boyfriend it was weird to think she had to share a body with him for a short time. Bakura was really not looking forward to being in a girl's body either. Not that he didn't like her body, he smirked at the thought, but more like he only had a short amount of time for her to adjust to it before their plan went into action. They had separated their souls from their bodies under the tree Jou was scouting out to make sure they were a safe distance away. Anzu and Bakura both looked nervous as he took up a position leaning against the tree and Yami now in Yugi's body helped him once again seal his soul to the ring.

Anzu definitely felt the weird shift as soon as it happened. It was like she was fighting for control of her body, like she had a very potent drug coursing through her veins as she fought to control herself but everything seemed foggy. 'Don't think about it, just let go. You're ok,' came the familiar and reassuring voice of Bakura. She nodded and gave into it and within a few minutes the fog cleared from her brain and she was once again in control though she now had a feeling in the back of her head that reminded her she wasn't alone. 'Anzu you ok?' She nodded and he seemed to take her word for it. 'Ok I'm going to try and take control now so you know what's going on and don't freak out later.' She nodded again though her heart was racing and she had a million and one things running through her mind as this happened. But it was then she felt something in the back of her head slowly calming her, soothing her frantic thoughts and pulse. She calmed down as she felt a wave of energy come over her and she felt kind of high like when she got the gas at the dentist. It was then she felt detached and found herself in a weird room surrounded by mirrors with a tree in the middle and some pictures on the wall. The mirrors had hand rails on them like at dancing school. 'So this is my soul room?'

"Anzu, you ok?' She nodded her head but realized he couldn't see it in there.

'Hai,' she called out. She looked around the room a bit adjusting to it while Bakura was adjusting to a few things of his own.

Yami was trying very hard not to laugh at the look of discomfort on Anz- no Bakura's face. But the task became too much for him but he was able to at least keep it to just a chuckle. "Baka Pharaoh," came a deeper version of Anzu's voice that actually made Bakura blush. Yami Marik seemed to be enjoying this greatly and actually hit on the former tomb robber hoping he could somehow get farther with him in her body then with Anzu herself. He was sporting a good sized bruise on his side a minute later.

"Girls shouldn't be able to hit that hard," he whined.

"Urusei!" Yami got his laughter under control long enough to steer Bakura away from him.

"Ok well we need to get Anzu back to the clearing so-"

"Yeah I'm going, I'm going." Anzu felt Bakura get very irritated and hoped whoever irritated him was strong enough to stand up to his wrath. She knew at this point he was already irritated enough sharing a body with her. 'Anzu.' His voice caught her off guard and she jumped. 'You're coming out again now.' She nodded and before she knew what was happening she had that high feeling again, only it didn't last as long as last time and as she came out of it she was once again standing in the park with Yami and Yami Marik.

"You ready to do this Anzu," asked Yami placing a hand on her shoulder much to the irritation of Bakura. "You can back out if you want and no one is going to call you a coward." Even as Yami Marik went to open his mouth Yami shot him a look.

"I'm sure," she said taking a deep breath. "Let's do this."

Anzu walked slowly down the paved path catching only glimpses of it in the poor lighting from the street lamps. She was almost to her destination. They had decided to have her sneak to the edge of the park and slowly walk her way around and into the park to sit on the bench Marik had found her on before. They were hoping he'd somehow stalk her to the bench, which even for a plan sounded creepy, and catch her off guard like he did before. She listened as the ring was quiet beneath her shirt. She had put two shirts on and put the ring between so when it hit her chest it wouldn't jingle and so far so good. 'Yeah if only Marik would decide to show up, as creepy as that actually is,' she thought to herself.

'He'll show, bastard will probably try waiting you out,' came the familiar male voice in the back of her head.

'What if I sit too long, won't he get suspicious?'

'He'll probably be suspicious of you being out at night alone period. Especially after last night.'

'WHAT?! But how do I catch him off guard if he's already suspicious?!'

'Calm down! I didn't want to say anything until this was already under way.'

'This is because I'm not going to like it am I,' she said looking thoroughly annoyed and pissed.

'Probably. Say you got fed up with the Pharaoh and wanted to join up with him.'

'You mean tell him I want to be his woman?'

"Hell no! You're my woman!'

'Yeah but then wouldn't he think it's weird that I'd leave you behind with everyone else?'

'Of course not. I wouldn't be caught dead with those losers without you.'

'Those losers are my friends! And he knows about you and me,' she said with a slight blush on her face. 'From that time he…' She shook her head clearing the memory of the time he tried molesting her but not before Bakura got a glance and growled low. She felt herself sweat drop but continued. 'I'll have to say something like we got in a fight and I left you. That's perfect! I could play the broken hearted rebound girl!'

'Rebound? And you left me? What the hell is a rebound,' he asked coming back to his first question.

"Yeah but I have to think of a good thing for a fight! Oh and a rebound is when you break up with someone and you're really emotional and latch onto the first thing you can for some comfort. Sometimes it can be like a one night stand other times just a shoulder to cry on. But a rebound relationship doesn't last because it's just something to get you through the pain. I got it!'

'A rebound?'

'No! I'll say you were jealous of Ryou and you and me got in a huge fight and I left!'

'What the hell!? Why would I be jealous of Ryou? And like I said before why do you get to leave me?'

'First of all because I had a crush on Ryou for a little while, remember when I first came to stay with you?' His only reply was a grumble. 'And I'd leave you because it's a girly thing to do. Girls get emotional and run away not guys. Ok time to get into character.'

'Into what?' She started summoning up all of her worst memories possible. When she lost her parents, he non existent aunt and uncle, those guys in the alley, her aunt and uncle kicking her out. Almost loosing her friends. Her eyes started watering and her breath became hitched and uneven as her eyes turned red. 'Damn you're good,' he thought. If it wasn't for the fact she was dragging up any and every painful memory she could muster she would have smiled at the compliment. She then went from a walk to a slow trot keeping her vision to the ground and wiping at her eyes.

'Come on take the bait,' she thought as she mentally started to calm down. 'I can't keep this up forever!' True she could cry on command but she couldn't keep it up for very long. The wind started picking up almost like a foreboding omen. And was it her or did it seem to get quiet all of a sudden? She let out a startled cry as she really didn't see where she was going and tripped on the sidewalk. She was going down face first for the ground and knew she was about to do the world's most painful face-plant when two strong arms grabbed her form behind. She gasped as she was pulled to her feet and turned to meet her savior…Marik.

She couldn't react as she stared up at his startling lilac eyes. His hand slowly went to her face and brushed away a stray tear from her cheek.

"Why do you mar your beauty with such things dear lady," he asked as he clasped onto her wrists in a firm but not tight grip. She almost shrunk back but remembered her plan. She was able to pull together enough emotion for one more crying fit as she leaned into his grasp and started crying soaking his shirt.

"I-I c-can't believe…he…I mean I…I thought I *hiccup* loved him…but he..," she was able to get out the last part turning to a whimpering sob.

'Damn she could win an Oscar,' thought Yugi from his position a few yards away in a tree. Bakura was thinking along the same lines but didn't say anything as he stayed on the alert. Marik stroked Anzu's back as her sobs slowly quieted.

"It's ok, just tell me what happened." She shook her head violently in protest. "Ok, ok, just forget about him then," he said soothingly as he rubbed her back smiling in what looked like a victory smirk. He cupped her chin in his hand and tilted her head up to face him as he slowly started to lean forward fully intent on crushing her lips with his own.

'Oh like hell,' Bakura growled and shoved Anzu into her soul room immediately taking control. Even as he smirked up at Marik he knew something was wrong as Marik was smirking right back at him.

"Hello Bakura."

"Oh sh-" He didn't have time to finish his sentence as Marik kneed him in the stomach and he went down hard in Anzu's body gasping for breath.

"Using your girlfriend to try and get the rod? That's low even for me. Wait, no it's not," he laughed sadistically. "What the hell makes you think you could do it alone?" But even as he said this Bakura saw him searching with his eyes and knew he didn't know weather Bakura had come alone or not. He kept his face the same as before growling low and holding his stomach.

"So what you wanted to just use her as a good fuck," he said changing the subject.

"Of course isn't that what you used her for," he smirked. Bakura saw red and was at Mariks' throat before the Egyptian could put up a good offense. It was at this time that Yami decided to make his appearance. Everything worked like clockwork, Marik was startled by the appearance of Yami and while he was distracted Bakura lunged for the rod and wrestled it out of his hands, but not before the blade of the rod made a thin cut along Anzu's cheek. Bakura tossed said rod to Yami Marik who in turn smirked like the cat that ate the canary before turning the rod on his imposter hikari. There was a bright light and as they turned now to the imposter that clung to the Millennium necklace. Yami had his puzzle glowing and it didn't take long for Bakura to join in on this little fiasco.

The necklace was no match for the other items and they felt the pull as Yami Marik had his hikari once again within the rod. They all now turned towards the imposter.

"This is the end of the line," said Yami being the dramatic hero as he always was.

"Your ass is grass fuck face," Bakura growled out still pissed about that comment about Anzu. The guy was really starting to sweat as Yami turned to him and announced what they all were waiting for.

"Let's play a game," he said smirking.

AN: Ok couple of notes here. First of all poor Ryou still being hung up on Anzu felt kind of odd listening to that and what Jou said made it worse because facts are facts and the fact is he and Bakura do look a lot alike. So that's what's going on there. Also sorry if you thought them listening in was gross but I was actually inspired while at a friends house and something similar happened. Also Anzu's soul room wasn't plucked from no where, in season 1 of the anime Shadi goes probing her head and you see it and I based it off that. And last note is I am going for season 1 where Yami kind of liked to torture people with shadow games so sorry no duel will be in the next chapter. But only because they are hard to write and I've seen people not like them because they think it's tedious. So I'm going out on a limb and making up my own. God help us all. Anyway thank you again to everyone who read this! I hope you stay with me to the end and that you enjoyed!