Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who am I? ❯ Finale ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: I want to start out by saying someone who reviewed mentioned the fic "What's in a Name?" where Kuribo was trying to take over the world. I was in a hurry last time so I forgot but I wanted to say that did inspire me to make Kuribo the villan. It's kind of like Ryou how you think he's all good and pure and kawaii but he has a dark side. Anyway sorry for the long wait and sorry for it being kind of short but I hope with all that happens in it, it'll make up for it. Anyway thanks to all who have read this far and who have enjoyed it. This is for all of you who read this, even if you don't review ;p Hope you enjoy!

Disclaimer: I no own Yugioh, though I wish I owned two certain white haired bishies! I'll just have to settle for plushies for now.

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"Who Am I?"

Chapter 24: "Finale"

Anzu woke up with an ache in her neck and her head felt like it was splitting open as she groaned and fought to pull her groggy body into a sitting position. She opened her eyes and squinted as it hurt to even try opening them, but wherever she was it was still pitch black. 'Where am I?' She tried to get up but fell down roughly as she felt something clamped down tightly on her right arm rubbing against her sore wrist. She grabbed and it and heard a metallic rustling as she pulled the chains into her line of vision. She shifted the rest of her body and felt the same kind of clamp on her left leg also pulling on the heavy chain to see if it was really there. She tried remembering how she got to…wherever it was and remembered she thought she heard Bakura before someone grabbed her.

'Didn't Yami Marik say something about Kuribo having followers over here?' She shivered at the thought and grabbed the chains to find where the led. She found them clamped onto some kind of metallic wall. It wasn't bolted to the wall, more like welded. She sighed as her eyes were slowly becoming adjusted to the dark taking in her surroundings. She could make out three of the four dark walls, and as she tried to get closer to see if there was a door on the fourth the chains strained against her.

"You should save your strength," came a deep voice from the other side of the room, which made Anzu back up a bit and tried squinting into the darkness to see her captor. "Don't try and find me, I just blend in with the shadows. Do you fear the dark?" His voice was really creeping her out and she found herself backed against the wall she was currently chained to. "Don't worry you'll eventually become the dark, or die," he said with a deep chuckle that sent shivers up her spine.

Even as she felt the cold biting effect the darkness did indeed seem to have on her she felt the ring beneath her shirt become warm, but not glow, and placed her hands over her chest taking comfort in that warmth. "No one is coming for you, except for of course master. He will be here shortly; you may as well give up." She heard something metallic click and then a loud bang that made her jump, before slumping to the wall holding onto the ring beneath her shirt. 'Bakura, please find me.'

He could have sworn he felt her presence if it was just for a second before it disappeared and once again loathed the fact that he did not have the ring. Though if he did have it it would be useless as she wouldn't have an item and would probably be…He shook his head trying to keep his thoughts away from there. 'Shes's a lot stronger then people think and she's not going to die here.' He'd already come across a couple of duel monsters and none of them were able to tell him where she was even after torture. Though the last one he had gotten a hold of, the four star lady bug of doom (AN: They really exist in Michigan ;p), had told him where he could find some of the fuzz balls cronies, then he made sure the bug was nothing more then a smear on the ground.

So that's where he was going now was to find Muka Muka and Neo Bug. 'Figures the little fuzz ball would have insects on his side.' Now if only he could find them. Or at least that was what he was thinking before he was eating dirt, or whatever the floor of the shadow realm was made of, as something had come up behind him while he wasn't paying attention. He quickly got to his feet and turned around smirking. 'Looks like I'm in luck,' he thought looking over the large praying mantis looking bug in front of him. 'This should be fun.'

The bug pulled back one of its claws and took a swing at him to which Bakura easily ducked out of the way. Now that he was actually paying attention, the praying mantis felt he had something to worry about and was having second thoughts about attacking a 'stupid human.' But as it was too late to pull out now the bug was giving it all or nothing. Bakura was only slightly annoyed he didn't have the ring so he could just blow the damn thing up but then again he had a more useful purpose in mind. He quickly pulled out a dagger from his belt and jumped at the creature catching it off guard as it was a bit taller. He latched onto the upper part of his arm and quickly sliced through it spraying green goop onto the surrounding area before the twitching limb hit the ground. The bug gave a loud and deep scream of pain pulling back and shaking the upper part of the dismembered arm Bakura still clutched to.

He used this to his advantage as it swung the arm, well the half arm, in a wide arc he dropped down and rolled on the ground and onto his feet behind it. He quickly latched onto its lower back climbing up even as it thrashed about. He climbed up and took off its other arm, at the shoulder this time, making the bug drop onto its stomach in pain. Bakura smirked evilly knowing just how to use this thing to his advantage.

Anzu groaned as her stomach growled again and rubbed her sore arms. Even though she didn't remember jarring her arm or doing anything to make it sore it was aching. 'Probably from sleeping on it weird when I was out.' She hadn't seen or heard from anything since her last 'visitor' and was glad. Though at the same time she was growing more and more nervous as she remembered him saying something about Kuribo coming to visit soon. 'What is it about the cute ones that always seem to be evil under it all?' She sighed but jumped slightly when she heard the creaking that signaled something had entered the room. She felt even more creeped out as she didn't hear anything after that. She swallowed the lump in her throat before calling out.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" She heard something scraping against the floor about 3 or 4 yards in front of her. "H-hello," she called trying to bite back the fear in her voice. But as the sound seemed to come closer she felt the ring growing warm. She moved her hand over it but as she did she felt a hand clamp down on her mouth keeping her from yelling out. She struggled against it for a minute before a second hand came up to her cheek and softly stroked it making her squint into the darkness before seeing a tinge of white. A single tear slid down her cheek as he pulled his hand away.

"Bakura," she whispered softly in a hopeful tone. Instead of speaking he leaned in placing his lips over hers. The kiss was rough and needy; like he needed to make sure she was really there. He slowly pulled away from hers and she felt a blush creep across her face as he was still close enough for her to feel his breath on her lips. "How did you get here," she asked.

"Don't you remember," he said his voice sending a shiver down her spine. 'His voice…sounds weird.' "Your little friends sent me here." As soon as the words left his mouth his eyes glowed an odd magenta color making her gasp and pull back. She bit back a scream in the back of her throat as the familiar figure before her twisted and turned in ways that made her stomach turn. She could hear joints popping and things stretching as the thing in front of her regained its true form. But even as she looked on something was different.

"What happened to you?"

"What don't you like it," he asked sneering. Yes he could sneer, for even though she knew this being in front of her was in fact Kuribo his appearance had changed a lot more then she thought. He had a somewhat human form, like a Halfling with bits of brown fur sprouting from various parts of his body, a long mane of brown hair falling to his waist. His hands and feet were bare and as in his old body were scaly with claws, but while in his old form they seemed cute, they now looked sharp and menacing. But his face was twisted into a cruel smile as his eyes continued to glow in that ethereal light making him seem even more twisted and demented then Bakura right before he was blown away in Battle City.

"There was no way my old body could harness the powers of the shadow realm let alone get me to your world. So I had to…modify it a bit. Not bad eh," he said creeping closer to her again. She tried to scream but it was cut off by his clawed hand holding her face. "If you don't like this figure I can always shift back to looking like your boy toy. Even if it takes a lot more energy it's possible now that I'm back here to use that kind of magic."

"How did you do this? All of this?! How did you get so strong?" Even as she felt fear numbing parts of her body and making her break into a cold sweat, her curiosity overwhelmed her.

"Wouldn't you know that Master's favorite little pet would leave his oh so important magic book lying around for anyone to grab. If it was me I would treasure anything Master gave to me. But it seems the only way you get anything you want is by taking it," he said grabbing a hold of her face in a tighter grip and pulling it close to his own. "Wouldn't you agree?"

"Go to hell, I'd rather die," she said knowing full well what he meant.

"Don't worry my dear," he said letting his index claw slowly drag along her cheek just enough to draw blood. "You will." At her gasp he quickly got up and tossed her back at the wall. "You will die and be reborn into the shadows, and then you'll be one of us and have one hell of a time trying to cross over," he said smirking. Before she had a chance to say otherwise the wall began eating the chains, or so it seemed. It was then she finally understood she was inside the labyrinth maze as it began pulling the chains closer to the wall and then towards the door at the far end. She was like a dog being dragged on a chain by its cruel master. She could struggle but the wall would still pull her so she went with it as it led her out of the little room and down a few more hallways into a main room. It was there the chains stopped and a few more of Kuribo's minions came and undid her chains as they bound her with new ones tugging on her to the center of the room which held a pedestal. From what she saw there was nothing on it, but she was pretty sure she knew what was going on it.

She struggled against the various insects of the shadow realm, but though they were small they were many and they were able to easily place her on the pedestal and chain her down on her back. She jumped as she heard footfalls coming from the hallway she had just come through and saw Kuribo's familiar figuring smirking cruelly. He held out his hand and the skull ladybug fluttered over placing a jagged dagger in his hand. He slowly made his way to the pedestal his smirk never leaving his face. She struggled against the chains, making them rub her skin raw as she did so. 'I can't go! Not like this!' He was now standing over her, the dagger held tightly in his left hand smirking taking pleasure in her pain and fear.

'Please I can't die! Note yet! BAKURA!' Even as he brought the dagger down to pierce her tender flesh he yelled out in pain as the ring started glowing bright enough to blind him. He shielded his eyes as the ring slowly dimmed to just a golden glow beneath her shirt. He looked at her amazed and reached out to touch the ring but pulled his hand back quickly, as soon as his hand had touched the metal there was a sizzling sound and the smell of burnt flesh. Even as it seemed to not like him it sat there on Anzu's chest, not harming her skin in any way. He was furious and raised the dagger to finish what he had started but even as the dagger was millimeters away from its target it began glowing as well and was flung across the room.

To say he was pissed would be an understatement. The one he had chosen to be his personal slave could now not be touched by him and he had a Millennium item, something that could help him easily sneak back into the other world with, and he couldn't touch it. He backed away a bit and began to concentrate speaking in a language long forgotten by human ears and a dark mist seemed to surround him. But before he could finish his concentration was broken by the screams of his followers coming from the hallway. He turned to the doorway ready to take this new rage out on whatever came through first.

But as he liked to throw people off guard instead of coming in the door Bakura burst through the wall, on the back of Muka Muka. 'What the fuck,' was the only phrase Kuribo could get his mind to think at the moment.

"Anzu," he yelled spotting her lying on the pedestal.

"Bakura," she yelled smiling before looking down at the ring. 'Thank you! Thank you! I swear I'm going to polish you every day!' Being as Bakura saw no more use for the creature he finished off Muka Muka and jumped off its back coming face to face with the upgraded Kuribo.

"What the hell? And I thought the pharaoh had funky hair!" Kuribo seemed even more pissed, if possible, and jumped for the dagger that had been thrown across the room. Bakura saw where he was going and took off for Anzu trying to get the shackles off with his own dagger, only for the stupid thing to break.

"Shit," he cursed as it seemed nothing was going his way today.

"The ring, try the ring," she yelled quickly seeing Kuribo headed there way, weapon in hand. He quickly stuck his hand under her shirt making her blush as she fought not to scream and pulled the ring out. It glowed bright for just a second as the shackles seemed to rust away to nothing. But just as she had fully sat up she saw Kuribo directly behind Bakura and put herself between the two.

Even as he tried once again to harm the girl, he bounced back, almost as if by a force field, the ring still glowing. Bakura came up behind Anzu with a smirk, not even bothering to pull the ring off her neck, grabbing the sides of it and aiming at the pain in the ass still clutching the dagger. Anzu wanted to cover her ears as the his scream echoed through the huge room bringing it to deafening levels. But with Bakura's arms where they were all she could do was watch as she saw pieces of him being torn off as he fell to his knees. Blood was pooling around him and splattered across the nearby wall as his form began shifting again. This time she was pretty sure it was trying to revert to its normal self. She felt a few tears escape her eyes.

Even though he had hurt her friends and tried killing them all, she didn't think she could watching another living being die right in front of her eyes. She squinted her eyes shut as his screams died down and refused to open them until she felt a hand softly cup her cheek and looked up into crimson. Without her knowing Bakura had come around from behind her and now stood in front of her looking down with eyes full of sympathy and she couldn't help but smile as she thought she would never see something like that from him ever.

But even as he bent down to kiss her he stopped, his eyes widening and buckled forward. She caught him in her arms and was brought to her knees with his weight. She felt something wet on the back of his shirt and pulled her hand back before gasping. Her hand was soaked in blood, his blood. She looked at his back and saw the dagger in his side. She looked over at the dieing form of Kuribo who still had his arm outstretched from when he threw it. She couldn't help the feeling of rage boiling inside of her as she looked at him. 'He couldn't die in peace; he had to try one more time. What the hell is wrong with him!' Even as he was dieing he smirked at her gasping for breath as his blood continued pouring from his ragged body.

Her hand went to her chest and grabbed the ring tightly feeling a righteous fury building within her. 'You've helped me before. Help me now.' Even as she felt hot tears making their way down her face there was another flash and as she finally got her vision back she could make out the form that was at one point Kuribo plastered against the back wall looking like someone had taken a rolling pin to his form. She held back a sob as Bakura lifted his head and held her close.

"You ready to go home," he asked holding onto the Millennium necklace, the eye of Horus glowing on his forehead. She didn't trust her voice to answer so she just nodded and wrapped her arms around him, the ring glowing brightly between the two before a final flash leaving the room empty of the living.

AN: Not many, but one thing is that yes I know Kuribo had shadow magic on his side, like what he was going to use on Anzu but the items are stronger. Meaning he didn't stand a snowballs chance in hell unless of course you're talking about Hell, MI (don't ask). And one other thing, Bakura is not dead, I don't mean to leave off making you think he's injured to the point of dieing but I don't know if I played it off well. It's supposed to be like at the end of a horror movie with survivors hurt or mangles but still alive enough to limp off to safety. So I hope I at least got close. Oh and for those that didn't know…this was it. Last chapter. I will have an epilogue but I don't count those as chapters (don't ask, I'm weird). So just one more thing after this to wrap it all up. Also just to ask, this is an adult kind of story (at least the unedited version). So does anyone want some lemon in the unedited epilogue? I think I could do without but just wanna ask and make sure because I am not doing a sequel. Sorry but when it comes to sequels they're never as good as you wish them to be so I wanted to ask. Anyway I hope that cleared up some stuff and that you've enjoyed this fic as much as I've loved writing it! Ja!