Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Can you Trust? ❯ Chapter Four ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Peggi-Ahem. I don't own Yugioh, blah blah blah.

Dark Sanctuary- Thankies for the reviews! It's okay, I love Bakura too, and it was hard to make myself write him getting hurt. *sniffle*

Sheamaru-sama- Yeah, I thought it was sad. I got teary writing it. Well, it gets sadder later, but yeah. . .




All-. . .

Peggi-*sweatdrop* Just begin chapter four.


Yami-I need to ask you a favor. Can. . .would it be okay if. . .

He seemed to be avoiding asking Bakura something, and Bakura wasn't about to blow it off.


Yami-I need somewhere to stay the night. Yugi came into my room and he. . .he just began hitting me. Hitting me so hard. Kicking, scratching. . .he had a leather belt and he. . .

Yami's voice trailed off, and he began crying again.

Yami-Gods, why is this happening to me?! Why can't things be the way they were before?!

Bakura-Pharaoh, how long has this been going on?

Yami-A few weeks. Off and on. But now it's getting so bad, I can hardly stand it. Yesterday I got to drinking, and today I can't even numb the pain.

Bakura-Drinking? So is that why-

Yami-Yes. By the time I came to my senses. . .I don't know why you're so scared of being around me, I don't remember anything from. . .I was drunk Bakura, and when I finally came to my senses. . .it was too late.

Bakura-It's. . .it's okay.

Yami-What is?

Bakura-What you did to me. I forgive you.

Yami-I know those bruises and scratches must be from me. You can't just-

Bakura-I can do anything I want to do and there's nothing you can say to change my mind. It's just that if Ryou ever began hurting me, I'd probably start doing things too.

The two of them talked for a couple of hours. Talked about their Hikaris, movies, music, philosophy. Everything.

Yami awoke first, jumping at first, nervous when he realized how he was laying. Both spirits were on the sofa, Bakura lying against Yami, Yami's arms wrapped around his chest and stomach protectively. Bakura also woke up as Yami removed his arms.

Bakura-I must have fallen asleep, I didn't mean to. . .um. . .want some coffee or something?

Yami-No, I have to get back. Yugi will be mad enough at me.

Bakura-Oh, Yugi. Right.

Bakura saw him out the door and went back into the living room. He wasn't sure why, but he picked up the phone. It only rang twice before Kaiba answered.


Bakura-Kaiba, it's me. Have you found Mokuba yet?

Kaiba-Yeah, he came home late last night. He's fine. Why do you ask.

Bakura-Kaiba, I. . .could you come over here?

Kaiba-Why would I waste my time to visit you?

Bakura-Please? I miss Ryou and there's nobody to talk to. Please?

Kaiba-. . .Fine, I'll be over in a bit.

Kaiba hung up the phone, and Bakura plopped down on the sofa. He had to tell someone. And he knew Kaiba already didn't like Yami. Bakura truly felt bad for Yami, but what he'd done to him. . .if he didn't tell someone it could snowball and with his current emotional state. . .

He must have fallen asleep, because the next thing he knew, there was a knock on the front door. He opened it to see Kaiba standing impatiently in the doorway.

Kaiba-I only have twenty minutes, so you'd better make this fast.

Bakura-Kaiba, please, this isn't a casual visit. It's about. . .it's about Yami.

Kaiba raised his eyebrow in interest.

Kaiba-The Pharaoh?

Bakura-Yes. . .

Bakura took off the sweater he was wearing to reveal his badly bruised chest and arms.

Bakura-It's about the Pharaoh.

Kaiba-Oh my gods, what did he do to you?!

Bakura-I don't remember much. . .It was the day before yesterday, Ryou had been gone for a few days. I was all alone in the house, and Yami knocked on the door. I opened it, and he pushed me to the floor, walked in, and locked the door behind him. I remember trying to talk to him, to find out why he was trying to hurt me. He started hitting me, hitting me very hard. I was crying. . .

He didn't want Kaiba to know he was weak, but he had almost no choice in the matter. He needed to tell him.

Kaiba-Go on.

Bakura-I must have blacked out, because the next thing I remember, I was on the bed. There was blood everywhere. But Yami wasn't there. He'd raped me, and I. . .I don't remember much. Bits and pieces here and there, but. . .gods, Kaiba. I need help. I don't know what to do. Now he's saying Yugi's been hurting him and when he came over here he was drunk. I'm still hurting from. . .

He broke down crying, and to his surprise, Kaiba wrapped his arms around him.

Kaiba-Just calm down. I'm here for you. Calm down.

Bakura cried on Kaiba's shoulder for a while. When he finally stopped, he glanced at the clock.

Bakura-You. . .you should g-go. It's b-been over twenty minutes.

Kaiba-Yeah, I have a meeting to go to. But I shouldn't be too long. Do you want me to come back when it's over?

Bakura-Would you mind?

Kaiba-Nah, there's nothing at home for me to do besides hear Mokuba complain, and I think you need me here much more than I'm needed at home.

Bakura-How can I ever repay you for helping me?

Kaiba-I'm sure you'll think of something.

He smiled at Bakura, and walked over to the door with him.

Kaiba-Here, take this.

He pulled a pen out of his pocked and scribbled something on a notebook.

Bakura-Your pager number?

Kaiba-Yes, and cell phone number. Call me if you need to. Anytime.

Bakura smiled back at him. Kaiba left, and Bakura closed the door. The phone rang, and Bakura jumped. He answered it.

Ryou-Bakura? Bakura what's going on?


Ryou-I just got a phone call from Yugi. He said Yami was over at the house and stayed there over night. He's still not home. First of all, you aren't supposed to have guests over, and next, if you did anything to him and I find out about it. . .is that your big secret? Did you hurt the Pharaoh? I know you don't like him but-


Ryou-Bakura. . .I'm sorry. . .

Bakura-Stop nagging me! I'll tell you what's been going on when you get home but if you don't stop bothering me about it I just might not tell you at all!

Ryou-Sorry, but you must understand my point of view. Yugi calls me worried sick about Yami, and you were the last person to see him, and to top it off, he's been missing from last night and still hasn't been found. Bakura, with you I just never know what's wrong.

Bakura-Ryou, things have been going on since you left, and until you come back, I can't give you the details. You need to just trust me.

Ryou-Fine. I trust you. But you'd better make sure you remain good while I'm gone. I don't want anyone calling me, telling me you've done something wrong. I've gotta go now, I'll call tomorrow. Bye.

Bakura hung up. How dare Ryou think he'd done something to Yami, when it was really the other way around! Suddenly, it sunk in. It occurred to him that Ryou'd mentioned Yami still hadn't gone home. In some part of Bakura's mind, he was worried. He was worried that perhaps yami had run away to escape Yugi. So he wouldn't be beaten again. And if Yugi was so mean to Yami, why had he called Ryou to see if he'd heard anything? Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Bakura answered it, hoping it was Kaiba. Hoping he'd decided not to go to the meeting.

Bakura-Yami? What are you doing back here? Yugi is looking for you.

Yami-I know. I was going to go home, but I saw Joey and I stayed at his house for a while. I wanted to give this to you.

Yami handed Bakura a gold arm band.

Bakura-what's this?

Yami-It's just something I found in my soul room. I know how much you liked it when we first met face to face.

Bakura-What do you. . .you mean you remember that?

~*~*~*~*~*~ Flash Back~*~*~*~*~*~*~

A young Bakura struggled as the guards dragged him into the sentencing room. They threw him to the floor, causing him to hit his head with a thud.

Yami-What are his charges?

Guard-Ninety-eight accounts of reported tomb thieving, the murder of fourteen civilians, two accounts of kidnap-

Bakura-And taking this is an admirable charge.

He smugly handed over an armband made of what appeared to be gold. He held it up and one of the guards snatched it away.

Yami-Leave him to me. I will decide his punishment immediately.

The guards nodded and left him to the Pharaoh.

Yami-Now, what is your name?

Bakura-My name is Bakura. Nice place you've got here.

Yami-Don't mock me. Or your punishment will become far worse than it already is.

Bakura-Ooo. . .spooky.

Yami-Have you heard of Millennium Magic?

Yami toyed with the armband as he talked, making Bakura want to go up to him and take it. There were no guards. No one would know what happened if he mauled him.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~End Flash Back~*~*~*~*~*~*~

That had been the day he'd been banished to the Ring for 5000 years. And now the very armband he'd tried to steal on that fateful day was in his hands.

Bakura-You aren't going to give me another sentence, are you?

Yami-No, not this time.

Yami smiled at him and ran a hand through his hair.

Yami-I wouldn't do that again to you. Now, I seriously must leave. I'm sure Yugi is, in some way, worried about me. So I must leave now.

Bakura-Bye, Pharaoh.

It had been four hours since Kaiba had left, and now he was back. He and Bakura sat in the living room on the sofa. Bakura was leaning against him, Kaiba's arms around him. His hands lightly caressed Bakura's still-bruised arms.

Bakura didn't remember falling asleep, but when he woke up, it was light outside. Kaiba wasn't there, either. He must have slept all night. He sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He gasped as he turned around.

Bakura-What are you doing here?!

<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*> ~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~<*>~< *>~<*>~<*>

Peggi-*deep breath* Okay, not only did I leave it on a cliffhanger, but also, I made it a really long chapter! And sakuuya, if you're reading this, then yes, the infamous cliffhangers prevail! Even the E.D.D. can not stop them! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!



Bakura- ^___^ Much better! *tosses mallet aside*

Co-Hosts-. . . . . okay then. . .REVIEW PLEASE!