Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who does he love ❯ Who does he love ( Chapter 1 )

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Who does he love more?

A/N Here is another one-shot. I don’t want to say much without giving it away. I will warn you that some things in this one-shot are repeat but it was from the two main characters point of view. So it was a must. Anyways, I hope you like this one and please send reviews.

Don’t own the characters or the song.

I've known about youFor a while nowWhen he leaves meHe wears a smile nowAs soon as he's away from meIn your arms is where he wants to be

Mokuba Kaiba let out a soft sigh as he watched his older brother, Seto, getting ready for work. Or at lest that was what his brother said he was getting ready for.
Yes, he was getting ready for work but he was also getting ready for something else, someone else. That was what was upsetting Mokuba so much.
Mokuba and Seto had been dating for almost two years now and his 18 now. For these past two years it has been great. Nothing has gone wrong and Mokuba thought his brother was happy.
Mokuba had been and still was but Mokuba knows that his brother’s eyes have moved to someone new and as has acted on this.

Letting out another sigh Mokuba walked up to his brother and wrapped his arms around his middle as he laid his head on his brother’s back. “Going to be late again?” Mokuba asked him as he held back the tears.
Now while Seto was at work he worked hard. He was working on a new game and wanted to get it right. It was after work that got Mokuba upset. It was the fact he went to see someone.
“More then likely. Don’t worry Mokie; I’ll be home before you wake up.” Kaiba said as he looked over his shoulder and flashed Mokuba a smile.
“Oh. Ok.” was all Mokuba said as he tighten his hold on his brother. “I love you, Seto.” Mokuba said as he just buried his head. “I love you as well Mokuba.” Seto then said a he turned around and kiss Mokuba. It was a soft kiss and it was filled with love. Mokuba could feel the love that his brother had for him but knew that he didn’t have all his love anymore. Seto then moved out of Mokuba’s hold and started to head out the bedroom.
‘Do you Seto? Do you really love me?’ Mokuba thought as he followed behind his brother.

Mokuba watched his brother from the top of the stairs. He saw the smile on his lips and knew what that meant. He knew that as soon as he was done with work he would be rushing off to see him. He would be his arms as soon as work was done. Mokuba hated it.

Mokuba then walked into the living room to see a letter address to him on the table as he picked it up and let out a growl as he read it. Turning, he walked to the window just as his brother pulled away. Standing in the shadows was one he thought as a friend now hated with all his heart. “Joey.” he growled out.

But you're the one he rushes home toYou're the one he gave his name toI never see his faceIn the early morning lightYou have his mornings, his daytime, and sometimes i have his nights

On the other side of town and few hours earlier, Joey Wheeler was thinking of his love. That and the fact that he was with someone. Normally Joey would not have dated anyone knowing they were with someone but Joey had had feelings for Kaiba for a while now and jumped at the chance to date him.
As Joey sat there thinking of this, his eyes narrowed as the thought about the one his love was with.
It wasn’t right. Kaiba shouldn’t be with him. If Kaiba wanted to date someone else then he should have found someone his own age. Not someone so much younger then he.
Joey just shook his head as he looked down to a piece of paper in front of him. There was no greeting and no name. He knew that the kid would figure it out.
Joey read it over to make sure it was right.

I know you’ve known about me and have for a long time. I also know how much this must be killing you. I know but because it hurts me. But let me tell you that I won’t give him up. I’m also assuming the same goes for you.

Eve if I’m with him, its you he rushes home to. You are the one he talks the most about and you see him in the morning and during the day. I, rarely, have his nights. It usually just a few hours then his gone, rushing home to you.

Its you he seems to care so much for but I am willing to fight you for him and I will win.

Once Joey was happy with it he got up to deliver it.

After Mokuba read the letter he walked to the front window were he could see the gates where he could see Joey stand, coming out of the shadows.

But does he love youDoes he love youLike he loves meLike he loves meDoes he think of youDoes he think of youWhen he's holding meAnd does he whisperDoes he whisperAll his fantasiesDoes he love youDoes he love youLike he's been loving me

Clinching the paper he decided to confront the one trying to steal his brother.
‘Does he love you…..’ Mokuba started to think as he turned away from the window and headed for the front door.
Joey saw Mokuba watching him then turn away. ‘Can he really love you…’
‘Like he loves me?’ Mokuba kept on thinking as he open the door and stood there for a moment or so.
‘Like he loves me?’ Joey saw Mokuba watching him before walking out the door.
‘Is he thinking of you…’ Mokuba eyes narrowed the more he thought.
‘Does he think of you…’ Joey watch Mokuba heading towards him as he kept on think.
‘When he holds me?’ both then thought as Mokuba walked until he was only a few feet from the closed gate. Joey walked forward until he was fully facing Mokuba now.
‘Is he whispering…’ Mokuba walked forward as well. He was here to confront Joey.
‘Does he whisper….’ Joey glared at Mokuba. The one that had Kaiba first but if he had his way, would be the one to lose him.
‘All his fantasies?’ both then thought as Joey had reached up and grabbed the bars on the gate. ‘Lucky these bars are between us or else I would be hurting him’ Joey then thought.
‘Does he love you….’Mokuba stood there as he watched Joey with eyes full of hate and fire. His eyes looked like they burring with the hate he now had for his ex-friend.
‘Does he love you….’ Joey could see the fire in Mokuba’s eyes but didn’t care. He’s were a swirling with hate for him.
‘Like his been loving me?’ Mokuba and Joey thought. Mokuba was going to let Joey start. Fine out what he had to say.

But when he's with meHe says he needs meAnd that he wants meThat he believes in me

“It’s not right Mokuba. It’s not right for you two be together.” Joey started off as he was breathing heavy from all the anger he felt at the moment. His hold on the bar tighten even more, so much that his knuckles were turning white.
“It does not matter what you or anyone else things. Seto is mine. Always has been and always will be.” Was Mokuba’s come back.
Joey just shook his head as he closed his eyes thinking of last night. “Lat night Seto spent it all with me. He was very sweet and very gentle. He told me that he needs, wants me. Said he believes in me. Joey said as he slowly open his eyes again.
“Not only did he say these things to me but it was said in his touches. I could feel how much he needs me.” Joey said with a smile that turned into a grin.
And when i'm in his armsOh he swears there's no one elseIs he deceiving meOr am i deceiving myselfAm i deceiving myself

“He says the same thing to me when he holds me. He, sometimes, add that there is no one else.” Mokuba said.
Mokuba then shook his head as he looked like he was going to say something else but just looked off to where Seto’s car went. “But, knowing all this, is he deceiving me or am I just deceiving myself?” Mokuba then asked as he looked up to Joey as he then looked down and turned away.
Joey watched him as he let out his own sigh. “Am I deceiving myself as well, Mokuba?” Joey asked but Mokuba had walked to far away to hear him.

But does he love youDoes he love youLike he loves meLike he loves meDoes he think of youDoes he think of youWhen he's holding meAnd does he whisperDoes he whisperAll his fantasiesDoes he love youDoes he love youLike he's been loving me

‘Can he really love you…’ Mokuba was heading for the back of the house. He didn’t want to deal with anyone at the moment. He needed space to think.
‘Does he love you…’ Joey watched Mokuba. He saw how broken the young man looked as he shook his head and turned to walk away as well. Joey headed for the park.
‘Like he loves me?’ Mokuba then looked when he got to the back as he saw the gazebo that was in the middle of a garden. It was his favorite place to go when he needs a place to think.
‘Likes he loves me?’ Joey was walking the path that was in the park. As he did he was watching the other lovers there and was wishing that he and Seto were like them. Just him and Seto.
‘Does he think of you…” Mokuba sat on the bench that line the inside of the gazebo as he looked out to the flowers but not really seeing them. He was seeing his brother and all the times they were together. Wonder who he was really thinking of.
‘Does he think of you…’ Joey then sat on a park bench as he watched the happy couples in love as they walked by.
‘When his hold me?’ They both thought. Each of them closing their eyes to hold back there tears.
‘How can he whisper…’ Mokuba then open his eyes as few slipped out. They ran down his check as more started to follow them.
‘Does he whisper…’ Joey opens his own wyes as he watched a couple sitting across him. The guy was whispering in his girlfriend’s ear.
‘All his fantasies?’ Joey got up as he started to head home. He couldn’t’ be around them. It was hurting to much.
Mokuba just let his head drop as felt himself start to shake from the sobs he was now crying. ‘When he’s holding me? How can he doe this?’
‘Does he love you Joey….’ Mokuba then brought his knees up to his chest, wrapped his arms around them as he buried his head. Mokuba loved his brother and Seto didn’t seem to love. Not enough to stay faithful.
‘Does he love you….’ Joey had stopped in front of Kaiba Corporation as he looked up to the top floor where he knew his love was, working.
‘Like his been loving me?’ Mokuba just cried harder at this thought as Joey just lowered his head and walked off. ‘I should make him choice but scared of losing.’ was the next thought that crossed both minds. Both scared of losing the man they both loved.

I should not lose my temperI should not be ashamedCause i have eveything to loseAnd i, i have nothing to gain

It was now two months later. Seto had not chanced. He was dating them both and knew they knew about each other. Knowing this did not chance him or make him choice. He still dated them.
The two would not give up either. They both still wanted him, fought for him even thought they knew it was a losing game. Just who would lose they were not sure about.

Mokuba had driven himself to Wheeler’s apartment. Deciding it would be wise not to park outside it, he park about a block away then walked the rest of the way so he could stay in the shadows.
As he walked he pulled his coat more around himself. It was a cold dark winter night. So cold that snow was starting to fall. It was small flacks that were turning into big fat ones.
When Mokuba reached Joey’s apartment he looked up to were he knew Joey lived. He could see the light on as he then saw his brother kiss Joey before walking away only to show up at the door where he kissed Joey again then left. ‘More then likely to me.’ Mokuba thought with a growl.
Mokuba then shook his head as he looked up to what Joey as he stood there. “I can’t be upset or lose my temper.” He said softly.
Joey stood there watching Kaiba as he left as he shook his own head before turning to go back in. He should not be ashamed. It was his choice to date someone that was already with someone then his not to call things off.
Mokuba then turned and walked away to get in his car and head home. He knew that if this went on he could lose everything. “If it goes on.” He said softly as he got in his car.
Joey was starting to turn lights off as he was getting ready for bed as he stopped at his window and looked out it. “I have nothing to gain from dating Seto. Nothing.” He said as he went to shower.

But does he love youDoes he love youLike he loves meLike he loves meDoes he think of youDoes he think of youWhen he's holding meAnd does he whisperDoes he whisperAll his fantasiesDoes he love youDoes he love youLike he's been loving me
As Mokuba was driving all he could do was think of his brother and wonder how much Seto loves Joey.
As Joey got out of the shower and was drying off he was wondering the same thing. “Do you love him, Seto…”
“But does he love him like he loves me?” Mokuba asked himself, losing himself in his thoughts.
“As much as you love me? Whom do you love more Seto? Me or him?” Joey asked as he put on a pair of boxers.
“Is he thinking of you…” Mokuba start to speed up. He wanted to get home so he could be with Seto. He needed to be with him. What Mokuba didn’t know was that part of the road a head of him had frozen over with ice.
“Are you thinking of him…” Joey then wonders out loud as he crawled into bed. Pulling the covers over him Joey just laid there with his hands behind his head and his feet crossed at the ankles.
“When his holding me?” Both asked themselves. Joey just rolled onto his side as he watched the snow start to fall. Mokuba had started to take a curve to sharp and wasn’t paying attention to the road.
“Does he whisper…” Mokuba was jarred from his thought as he started to fight the car but it was it too late, he was losing control as he went around the cover, hit the patch of ice and started to go off the road.
“Is he whispering….” Joey kept on think as he closed his eyes.
“All his fantasies” Joey could picture Seto in his mind as he rolled back over and open his eyes again and let out a sigh. Mokuba on the other hand was fighting hard but lost as the car started to flip over and roll a bit. He got thrown about in the car before it stops, on it top.
“Does he love you…” Mokuba then wondered again as he lay there, pinned under the car. “Will he care…will he come rushing to me when he finds out I was in a crash?”
“Does he love you, Mokuba…” Joey said as he kept his eyes on the ceiling for a moment or two as he felt his eyes start to close to the sound of sirens in the background.
“Like his been loving me?” both said softly as they let there eyes close. Joey was falling asleep as Mokuba was feeling some of the pain he was in leave his body.
“Does he love you, truly love you Joey?” Mokuba asked as he let the darkness over take him and take him away from the pain he was in, physical and emotional. That question to always linger on his lips.

A/N Ok People, I know that I have spelling and grammar errors. So please do not tell me in your reviews. I also know this is one hell of a long one. But the song it self is long and the story was long on its own. I hope you all like it and please send me reviews. See ya all next one-shot.