Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who killed Yugi Moto? ❯ One-Shot

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Ok before I start the story I want to say that *I* the authoress also have another story posted! It's a DBZ fan fic that I wrote during math one day so please go look at it right now! Also I am in the story and I go by the name Aku Tenshi. ::scuttles away::

Paramedics stood by and officers questioned people within the area. Why? Not only so they would know who robbed the 7-11 but murdered Yugi Moto.
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Officer:So you're saying not only did the person have a bomb but a spear with one eye in it?
Jet Black: Man I only camer here to buy Bubbletape...
Officer: Well that's what all the other witnesses are
Jet Black: All I want is some Bubbletape, I just lost my bounty and all I want now is Bubbletape... and maybe a beer. No just bubbletape.
Officer: I'm sorry sir...
Jet Black: I have the bounty loosing friend that hates women with attitudes, kids, small animals, busted my shop, and Bubbletape wanting blues. (plays harmonica)
Officer: Okie dokie
Jet Black: oink oink oink oink oink bite me piglett. oink oink oink.
Seto Kaiba: Well somebody ask me so I can have a flashback! (shifts from one foot to the other)
Officer: Ok what happened?
Seto Kaiba: (drinks Slurpee then burps) Got Milk?
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Kaiba has flashback to three days ago when the events started occuring.
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Yugi: (stands in front of mirror wearing millenium puzzle and no shirt.)
Yami: Big.
Yugi: Small.
Yami: Yami.
Yugi: Yugi.
Yami: Dark manly nipples.
Yugi: Pink girly nipples.
Yami: Muscular.
Yugi: Whimpy.
Yami: No hair.
Yugi: Lots of hair.
Yami: (looks down pants) Still very manly...
Yugi: (looks down pants) Got milk?
Yugi: Shorter.
Grandpa: (walks into room wearing tight leather pants) Yugi Happy Birthday! I didn't know what you wanted but I heard under-age drinking is in! So here. (hands Yugi six pack of beer)
Yugi: Thanks oh and here Happy Birthday! (hands his grandfather gift wrapped box)
Grandpa: But Yugi it's your... Birth... thank you Yugi. (opens box and inside is a t-shirt that reads "Sexy Grandpa") Yugi what can I say?
Yugi: Well you have an extended vocabulary.
Grandpa: Enjoy the beer.
Yugi: I'm going to share this with Malik and Ryou. (walks to karaoke bar)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
At the karaoke bar...
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Yugi: (walks in and spots Malik and Ryou at a table constantly trading lunches and sniffing them)
Yugi: How come you guys aren't eating your lunches?
Ryou: We're not hungry so we're trading lunches and seeing which ones smells better until we are hungry. (Trades lunch with Malik, takes a sniff, then trades back again)
Yugi: So then why did you order lunches if you aren't hungry?
Malik: We didn't order them, we found them sitting here on the table. Got milk?
Yugi: (hears familiar voices and turns to see Joey and Honda sitting at bar) here you go you guys (gives Malik and Ryou each a beer then walks over to Joey) Hey Joey!
Joey: Yugi.... (looks at Yugi's pants) Nice pants.
Yugi: So guys, wazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzup?!
Honda: (ignores Yugi) Yo Ciao Lee hit me!
Yugi: Is that Ciao Lee Wong?
Ciao: (gives Honda Coke) No me Ciao Lee Young, Ciao Lee Wong my great great grandfather.
Yugi: You know guys, Ciao Lee Wong was the first Chinese Italian to pee pee in someone's Coke?
Honda: (takes sip then twitches)
Ciao: Yes my great great grand father very famous. Here for free Shirley Temple for your knowledge.
Yugi: (takes sip of Shirley Temple then takes whisky bottle out of pants pocket and proceeds to pour it into drink) Ah that's the stuff (takes another sip) Got milk?
Ciao: There ya go (gives him milk) Also free.
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Back at the table...
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Malik and Ryou take sips of their beer and sniff other people's lunches while Yugi goes around puring whisky into people's drink glasses when they are turned away.
Anzu: (walks into karaoke bar where no one seems to be singing any karaoke) Awesomeness, super awesome!
Honda: She wants a coke.
Ciao: Well she get coke (gives Tea glass of Coke after few minutes hesitation) Here you go on the house penis as you might say.
Ryou: hey everyone check this out! (smacks Malik's butt and begins to sing) I like big bishie butts and I cannot lie, you other bishies can't deny...
Malik: (vomits the passes out)
Ryou:(continues spanking) When a bish walks in with an itty bitty waist and uh (passes out also)
Joey: Those two should lay up on the booze, hey Yugi gimme more whisky.
Yugi: Gimme gimme never gets.
Joey: this gimme gets! ::relaeses pet hamster)
Mr. Jolly: (takes wisky bottle in mouth then runs away)
Anzu: Super awesomey awesomey awesomeness!
Honda: THAT'S IT! (grabs Anzu's face then dislocates her jaw. He then gets close to her face and says in mocking tone) Awesomey Awesomeness. Awesome supperdy dooper!
Johnny Steps: (walks in)
Johnny: I'm looking for Anzu and pie.
Anzu: Awesomey awesome!
Honda: Damn she can speak even when her jaw is dislocated.

(Joey is ignored by everyone at scene)

Johnny: Let's dance on top of kaiba Corporation!
Anzu: Aws...
Joey: let me guess, awesomey awesome?
Anzu: (nods head yes)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
On top of Kaiba Corporation...
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The battle begins. Johnny starts by doing the monkey while Tea does heel toe. Joey gets furious and starts break dancing freestyle. Our beloved pimp master Steve is seen doing the funky chicken off in his own little corner. Honda isn't on top of the building so let's all assume he got hit by a bus on the way over to the corporation.

Anzu: Awesome! (echo) Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!
Johnny: I CAN'T TAKE IT! (picks up anzu and throws over the side of the building)
Anzu: Awesooooooooooooooooooooooooome! (screams in fear then her body lands on the ground)
Person #!: Can I have a name?
Person #2: sure...
Bruno (Person #1): Oh my God! That girl just fell from the... oh false alarm it's Anzu.
Rhonda (Person #2): Eat her flesh.

Reviewer: Johnny Steps killing Anzu was the best thing you have done!
Akutenshi: Oh thanks, got milk?
Reviewer: Our ratings have never been higher, I'm promoting you to Yugi.
Akutenshi: (shines) YAYAYAYA!
Yugi: Then who am I going to be?
Reviewer: (takes off Yugi's wig then pits it on Johnny) Yugi you're bald?
Yugi: I've worn the wig so long my natural hair never grew in.
Reviewer: You'll be Seto, Yugi.
Seto: Then who am I? Why am I here?
Reviewer: (stares) Seto is Mai and Yugi is Johnny Steps.
Yugi: But Seto..
Reviewer: We don't need him.
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At a local 7-11 store...
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Mai: How are we going to kill Yugi?
Ryou: (walks out of store with bag of Skittles) Got milk?
Steven our beloved pimp master: (blinks)
Ryou: I betcha ten bucks Malik that you can't rob this 7-11.
Malik: I don't remember who you are or how I got here but ok.
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Insert a few days here...
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Malik: With this bomb ties to myself that will go off at midnight, which may not be enough time to rob the store and get out safely, I shall get my ten dollars. (barges into 7-11 screaming) Alright everyone give me their pocket protectors and a chili dog...
Clerk: Anything else? Oh My God he has a bomb!
Malik: Oh yea give me all of your money.

(Malik runs out of stote and bumps into Yugi)

Yugi: It was wrong of you to steal that money Marik...
Mailk: My freakin name is Malik! (pulls out millenium rid and begins stabbing Yugi with it)
Bye hahaha, I'm going to get away...


Kaiba: And that's the last anyone saw Yugi alive.
Spectators: (begin to cry)
Officer: So where's Yugi's killer?
kaiba: Hey wait I... nah never mind he died 3 freakin feet away from 7-11!

Akutenshi: So who wants to be the next Yugi?