Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Who Wants to Live Forever? ❯ There's no Time for Us ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

One of my first Yaoi stories, and man did it show. Ah, well. I redid it, so it's much more descriptive now. Yay! Bakura-san x Ryou-chan, this time around. Enjoy. ^^
NOTE: I don't own Yuugiou or Queen ( Though I'm in love with the Guitar Man. 8D ) so don't sue me. I have nothing to give you anyway. Unless you want my dog or something.
“Yuugi, do I have to do this?”
“Hey, you're the one who suggested it in the first place.”
“You still said it, so you're going through with this.”
Ryou sighed, there was no use arguing, Yuugi was right. He had suggested this whole thing. Now he stood backstage in a Karaoke bar, shaking slightly in anticipation of what was to come. See, after a few drinks he had decided that he was going to go up on that stage and `sing his bloody heart out' to Bakura. Now that he was sober again, he wasn't so sure that it was a good idea. It wasn't that he couldn't sing, he had been complimented on his voice before, it was just the fact of singing to Bakura in front of people that scared him. Also, he had no clue if his Yami returned the affection. Either way, this was his one, and possibly only, chance to show how he felt. He had to go through with it. The previous singer finishing her butchering of `My Immortal', Ryou heard the announcer's voice call out to the audience.
“Wasn't that lovely folks? Oh, stop your racket." He straightened the collar of his black shirt and fended the booing from the audience with a lazy hand. "And now, let's have a warm late-night welcome for Mister Ryou Bakura, who will be singing Queen's 'Who Wants to Live Forever'!"
Hearing the music start, Ryou walked nervously out onto the stage. He swallowed hard upon seeing Bakura sitting relaxed with Marik and Malik. The older Ishtar jabbed him in the side, directing the annoyed, pale face from bothering Malik, to his Hikari standing in the midst of the stage lights. Ryou smiled shyly, watching confusion spread across Bakura's face. Piano introduction finished, he swallowed again. The lyrics were in his head; he didn't need the TV screen showing them to him. His strangely deep singing voice simply said what he thought.
There's no time for us,
There's no place for us,
What is this thing that builds our dreams, yet slips away from us?
Ryou's eyes couldn't leave Bakura's. The confusion was falling, leaving behind an expression he couldn't recognize on the usually demented face. For a moment, he choked, but gathered himself to let his voice free again.
Who wants to live forever,
Who wants to live forever. . . . .?
Ryou's voice carried through the Club, holding the word as an eternal question waiting to be answered. He dared not open his eyes now, for fear of seeing rejection on across the face he had quietly hunted for so long.
There's no chance for us,
It's all decided for us,
This world has only one sweet moment set aside for us.
Who wants to live forever?
Who dares to love forever?
Ooooooh. . .
When love must die.
As the instrumental sounded, Ryou gathered his courage and opened his eyes. His heart leapt with joy to see Bakura's smiling face. Then he knew, with no doubt in his mind, the love was mutual. With the ending of the instrumental came the most touching point of the song, the true pronunciation of never-ending love. Ryou sang it with more power than he had ever sung before, his face a show of pure happiness.
But touch my tears with your lips,
Touch my world with your fingertips,
And we can have forever,
And we can love forever.
Forever is our today.
Who wants to live forever?
Who wants to live forever?
Forever is our today.
The sound of a dull bell sounded in the background of the song, and Ryou could think of nothing but his joy. Strangely coy feeling, he looked down to Bakura once more, eyes gentle, but smile almost smug.

Who waits forever anyway?
The song ended to cheers and clapping from the audience, Ryou's song had apparently been a hit among them, but the pale boy's attention was at only one place: the now empty seat between a wildly clapping pair of Egyptians. He walked off the stage with a million thoughts in his head, barely hearing Yuugi congratulate him on a song well done. Ryou simply nodded to his small friend and made his way to the exit. He couldn't help but wonder why Bakura left, where did he go? Unwanted tears came to his eyes. He could've sworn Bakura had enjoyed the song, had gotten the message. Would he avoid him now? He couldn't help thinking that he had just blown his only chance with the Thief. Biting his lip, he pushed open the large back door, fully intent on going to his bike and riding blindly home to wait. He didn't make it past the alley dumpster.

A pair of strong hands had taken hold of his shoulders from behind and pushed him against the wall. For a minute, he panicked. Just as he was about to inform whoever had him that his wallet was in his left pocket, the hands loosened their grip and slid gently down his arms, intertwining their fingers with his.
“Not all love must die.” Body free, he turned to face the voice, only to be met with a pair of dark brown eyes. There was no mistaking them, and the young boy's heart felt again like it would burst as the Thief nuzzled into the crook of his neck. Looking back up, Ryou desperately resisted crushing his lips against Bakura's, as the alluring eyes that met his burned fiercely. The other, however, had no such will. The world, and their hearts, stopped as the kiss changed from soft to something full of an unrestrained passion.

"Ryou. . .You didn't have to go through all of that to tell me how you felt." The voice was husky and warm against his ear. Ryou swallowed again and smiled.

"It was more fun, though." Another kiss consumed him, broken only by a single word. A word he had wanted to hear come from the Spirit's lips for so long:
