Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Anime Is It Anyway? YuGiOh! Style ❯ Lets Make A Date ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own YuGiOh! or Whose Line Is It Anyway?. Damn!

Whose Anime Is It Anyway?Part 1: Whose Duel Is It Anyway
Rika: Welcome to Whose Anime Is It Anyway? Part 1. On tonight's we have Braindead as a peanut, Joseph Wheeler. Restocked daily, Yugi Motuo. The funky chicken, Mai Valentine. Last but not least, stuck-up moneybags himself, Seto Kaiba. And I'm your host Rika. Let's get this show started with, shall we? If you've ever seen this show, the people you see right here will make up everything off the top of their heads. Then I give them these crappy points which are as important as Joey talknig to you.
Joey: HEY!
Rika: And at the end of the show, I pick a winner and they get to do something special with me. (takes seat)
Audience: (whistling)
Rika: By any chance, has someone seen my co-host?
Yugi: I think she said something about someone named Inu-Yasha?
Rika: Oh, god! Please mercy on his poor soul!
(door swings open and Kitty walks up)Kitty: Sorry I was a little...tied up.Rika: Just take your seat.
(Kitty walks over and takes seat)Rika: Let's start out with a game called, "Let's make a date." Mai will be asking questions to try to figure out who these bachelours are. They've never seen what they're supposed to be. Go ahead and start Mai.
Mai: Bachelour #1, I love a good book or duel. What do you like?
(teenage girl possessed by devil)Joey: OMG! Oh my god! Like what don't I like. I love painting my nails, chatting on my cell, and ...( deeper voice) I love dragging these pathetic mortals down to hell!
Mai: Um...interesting. Bachelour #2, what is your idea of the perfect date?
(having marriage problems with Seto)Yugi: I don't know what it would be like. I haven't been out on one since that special day. (turns to Seto) You've met someone, haven't you? That's why you don't come home at night. I always have dinner ready and the kids keep asking me where you are. You don't love me anymore!
Mai: okay... Bachelour #3. How do you deal witgh a breakup?
(Joey)Seto: Well, I've only loved one girl. She was beautiful. But I lost her to someone with a bad Australian accent.
Joey(real Joey): (evil glare) You did not lose her . You never did and (hopefully) never will. And it wasn't Australian, it was British. LOL! What a dog...
Seto: Stop acting like you know everything you stuck-up jerk. And I ain't no dog!
Mai: Back to you Bachelour #1. Where are you from?
Joey: OMG! What a great question. I am, like, from Japa..(deeper voice) from the depths of hell. When I go back, I'll be dragging all of you with me!
Mai: Bachelour #1, I think we need the fire department in here. Your making me feel like I'm on fire. Bachelour #2, how many relationships have you been in?
Yugi: One, but it's coming to an end. (Turns to Seto) I gave you the best 15 years of my life. (Acts like taking off ring and throws at Seto) Happy! Now you can be with your little girlfriend! (Pretends to cry)
Mai: You go girl! Bachelour #3, do you do any sports?
Seto: I duel. I learned from my best friend and his grandpa. I'm not very good, though. I get beat by my best friend, a stuck-up, good for nothin' jerk, and my so called "girlfriend."
Rika:(beeps buzzer) Okay, Mai. Who do you think they are?
Mai: Bachelour #1 is, a teenage girl who is possessed by the devil.
Kitty: Yep!
Mai: Bachelour #2 is, having marriage trouble with Kaiba and Bachelour #3 is, Joey. And he didn't lose me to Valen, Kaiba!
Seto: Whatever... (everyone walks to seats)
Rika: 10,000 points to Mai for getting that correct and for admitting that you never left Joey, in public.
Kitty: You'll regret that later. (Gets hit on head by Sapphire)(door swings open and someone comes in with their hands and legs tied to a chair, tape over mouth)
Rika: Inu-Yasha!
Inu-Yasha: Mmmbftu dmmckmmbu!
Rika: I can't understand what your saying. (walks over and rips tape off mouth)
Inu-Yasha: OW! I've been locked up in a closet!
Rika: You ran into Kitty?
Inu-Yasha: Yup...
Rika: KITTY! (Turns around and only sees an empty chair spinning)
Inu-Yasha: Where the hell did she go!
Rika: Wait here. Roll the commercials! (walks off)