Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Anime Is It Anyway? YuGiOh! Style ❯ Hoedown ( Chapter 7 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own neither, you damn disclaimer!

Kitty: Welcome back! Tonights winners Mai and Allister! They get t o relax while we get to do our favorite game, Hoedown! Okay, what's tonights Hoedown about!
Audience: Divorce! Anime! Seto!
Kitty: Seto! Let's do the Seto Hoedown!
Rika: Take it away!
(music starts playing)
Yugi: My rival's name is Seto,
He's really, really dumb.
He just sits there,
And acts like a bum.
Then oneday I asked him
What he wants to do.
He turned around and said,
I want to kiss you!
Joey: I hate a lot of people,
That is very true.
But out of all the people,
I really do hate you.
You are such a stuck-up jerk.
Can't you get a life?
And if you ask me one more time,
I won't be your wife!
Rika: Seto's really stupid,
I hate him most of all.
He needs lots of help,
I saw him kiss the wall.
I think there was a mirror there
I scared me a lot,
When I saw him turn around,
And start to kiss the pot!
Kitty: Seto's face scares me,
Very, very much.
Just the other day,
He asked me out to lunch.
He took me to a resturant,
And ordered a plate of bass.
I couldn't take it anymore,
I yelled, you can kiss my ass!
Everyone: You can kiss my ass!
Rika: Okay, we'll be right back everyone!