Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anime? ❯ Show 2: Press Conference, Scenes From a Hat ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, “Whose Line is it Anyway?”, or the song “Austin,” although Ayumi IS mine.
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Ayumi: Hello and welcome back to “Whose Line is it Anime?” Why don't we continue the show with “Press Conference.” This is for all four of you. *contestants walk on stage* Pegasus is holding a press conference to make a big announcement, but he doesn't know what the announcement is. Téa, Tristan, and Mai are reporters and based on the questions they ask Pegasus will try to determine who he is and what he is announcing. Start whenever you're ready.
Mai, Téa, & Tristan: *look at card saying what Pegasus is*
Pegasus: *caption reads “Yugi's Dark Magician announcing his engagement” * Thank you all for coming to this important press conference. *Tristan raises hand* Yes?
Tristan: Buddy Lewis, from the National Inkier. Do you think this will interfere with your job?
Pegasus: Not at all. I plan to do the best that I can do no matter what. *Téa raises hand* Yes?
Téa: Suzy Marks, from Majestic Shadow. Won't Yugi miss having you close by?
Pegasus: Awe, screw him! This is none of his business. *Mai raises hand* Yes?
Mai: Nicole Johnson, from Us magazine. Who's the lucky woman?
Pegasus: Ishizu Ishtar.
Audience: Oooooooooooooooo.....
Tristan: What country do you plan on visiting afterwards?
Pegasus: I was thinking about Egypt.
Téa: How do you plan on making use of your powers?
Pegasus: I shall use them to make the world a better place.
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* That sounded so corny, Pegasus.
Pegasus: Why, thank you.
Ayumi: So, who are you and what are you announcing?
Pegasus: I am Yami announcing my engagement.
Ayumi: You ARE getting engaged, but you're not Yami.
Pegasus: I'm...the Dark Magician!
Ayumi: Correct! *contestants walk back to seats* Okay, 1,000 points to all of you, but minus 1,000 points to Pegasus for thinking he was Yami and saying the “lucky woman” was Ishizu instead of me. Now, let's play one of my favorite games...“Scenes from a Hat”! *pulls Japanese-flag-print hat from under desk*
*Pegasus and Mai walk to left side of stage; Tristan and Téa walk to right side*
Ayumi: For this game, before the show we asked the audience to write down suggestions for scenes that they'd like to have our contestants act out. We stick the good ones in this hat, and we see how many they can do. The first scene is *pulls out slip of paper from hat* “What teachers think while reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.”
Tristan: *walks on stage* Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah...
Mai: *walks on stage* I'd like to get my hands on whoever wrote these lyrics.
Pegasus: *walks on stage* We could make this a whole lot more cheery if we sang the words!
Ayumi: *pulls out slip of paper* “Messages you wouldn't expect to hear on an answering machine.”
Téa: *walks on stage* “If you're calling about the car, I sold it. If it's Tuesday night I'm bowling. If you've got something to sell, you're wasting your time - I'm not buying. If this is anybody else, wait for the tone. You know what to do. P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you.”
Ayumi: Hey, that's from the song “Austin”!
Téa: Yep. And the other time it goes...
Ayumi & Téa: *singing* “If it's Friday night I'm at the ball game, and first thing Saturday if it don't rain, I'm headed out to the lake, and I'll be gone all weekend long. But I'll call you back when I get home on Sunday afternoon. P.S. If this is Austin, I still love you...”
*Pegasus, Tristan, and Mai sweat-drop*
Tristan: *walks on stage; holds pretend phone to ear* WE'RE NOT BUYING ANY!!! *hangs up phone* Whatever...
Pegasus: *walks on stage; holds pretend phone to ear* Your mission, if you chose to accept it, is to leave a message after the beep. This phone will self-destruct in 3, 2, 1...KA-BOOM!!!
Ayumi: The next scene is...*pulls out paper* “What's REALLY in that fruit juice.” (A/N: thanks, KC1 at ff.net)
Mai: *walks on stage* Ingredients: Carbonated water, Artificial Flavoring, and Red #40.
Tristan: *walks on stage* Ingredients...not available!?
Téa: *walks on stage* Ingredients: Vodka, more Vodka, and even more Vodka.
Pegasus: *walks on stage* Ingredients: Filtered water, Cranberry Juice, Apple Juice from Concentrate, Pineapple Juice, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C).
Ayumi: How the heck did you remember all that!?
Pegasus: *pulls juice bottle from pocket* It's all right here!
*Everyone else Anime-falls*
Ayumi: O-kay...Well, our next scene is *pulls out paper* “Things Yugi will never say.” (A/N: given by an anonymous reviewer)
Tristan: *walks on stage* D-*beep, beep-beep, beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep*-k.
Téa: *walks on stage* Naw, I don't feel like dueling today.
Pegasus: *walks on stage* I surrender!
Ayumi: Actually, he did surrender to Rebecca Hawkins.
Mai: I doubt he yelled, “I surrender!” though.
Tristan: No, he just said it calmly.
Ayumi: *pulls out paper* So, “Things you shouldn't do in a grocery store.” (A/N: thanks to Mists [anonymous] at ff.net)
Mai: *walks on stage* I wonder what this tastes like...*pretends to open a container*
Tristan: *walks on stage; pretends to climb up shelves* LOOK AT ME!!! I'M TARZAN!!!
Téa: *does cartwheels on stage*
Mai: *walks on stage with Pegasus* That'll be $15.98.
Pegasus: Could I write you an I-owe-you? I'm afraid I left my money in my other pants.
Ayumi: *hits buzzer* Nice job all! I'll give 1,000 points to all of you, with a 1,000-point bonus to Téa for singing with me and doing cartwheels. Don't go away, we'll be right back!