Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Crazy News Casters ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Two:
Crazy News Casters
Laria stood back stage with her hands on her hips, glaring around the room. Joey, Bakura, Seto and Yami had hid from her so they wouldn't have to go back after the commercial break.
“Come on guys!” Laria growled, “We have to finish the show!”
“No we don't!” Seto yelled from his hiding place. Laria grinned and went to where she heard his voice come from. She knelt down and looked under the couch.
“Hey bro!” she smiled sweetly.
“Damn you!” Seto glared, “Why are you doing this to us?”
“Cause you love me.”
“Splendid.” Seto said unenthusiastically as he crawled out from under the couch.
“Now to find the others,” Laria said standing up, “Hey Ryou!”
“Ryou,” Laria pouted, “I'll give you the Millennium Bangle if you come out!”
“Bagel?” Joey asked, coming out from his hiding spot.
“Bangle, not bagel!” Laria rolled her eyes, “Well two down.”
“Oh man...”
“COME OUT HERE NOW!!!!!” Laria screamed to the other two players that were still hiding. At that moment Yugi, Malik, and Marik came back stage.
“What's all the yelling about?” Malik asked.
“Ryou and Atemu are hiding from Laria so they don't have to finish the show.” Joey explained.
“I'll get my yami to finish the show for you.” Yugi said taking a can of Dr. Pepper out of his pocket. He opened the can and Atemu ran out of his hiding place and grabbed the pop from Yugi.
“What about Ryou?”
This called for desperate measures.
“Ryou!” Laria yelled, “If you don't get out here now I'll go get Bakura to come find you!”
“I give,” Ryou said coming out of his spot with hands up in the air. “Let's just get this over with.”
“Great!” Laria grinned evilly, “I've got lots of fun stuff planned.”
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
Laria sat at her desk on stage, the players looked anything but happy to be there.
“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway?' The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter,” Laria said “Yup, the points don't matter, just like what happened back stage. I'm your host Laria Kaiba, and I love to torment my friends.”
“Like you couldn't imagine...” Ryou muttered.
“And now lets move on to our next game...” Laria said “Crazy News Casters!”
All the players got up. Seto and Atemu sat on stools in the center of the stage. Ryou went to the left of Atemu and Joey went to the right of Seto.
“Now in this game Seto in an anchor of a news show and the others will be given another personality's to act out.”
“That doesn't sound too bad.”
“Seto, like I said, you are the anchor, Atemu you are the co-anchor and you are an irritated mailman.”
“Ryou, you are doing the sports and you are a bad comedian.”
“We already knew that Lar.” Seto smirked.
“That's what he has to act.” Laria told them.
“He doesn't have to act,” Joey smiled. Ryou glared at Seto and Joey, who were both snickering.
“Joey you are doing the weather and you are,” Laria tried to hold back her laughter as she read the card, “You are going to be a poodle.”
Everyone but Joey laughed.
“What is this, pay back for making fun of Ryou?!?”
“Don't look at me,” Laria smirked, “Yani wrote it.”
Joey growled.
“Bad dog!” Seto laughed.
“Seto, you can start when you hear the music.”
There was a music cue.
“Welcome to News Watcher 10. I'm Stinky Mc Joe, and now, the six o'clock news at nine. Tonight's top story... trouble causes problems.” Seto said. “And now to our co-anchor, Pumpkin Pie”
“Oh sure!” Atemu said crossly, “You get the good story, that's it you're getting nothing but bills from now on! All of you!”
“Thank you Pumpkin Pie,” Seto said, Atemu muttered something glaring at him, “And now on to sports with our sports announcer, Chip Beef on Toast.”
“In golf today Tiger Woods hit a birdie,” Ryou said, “Speaking of golf, why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants? In case he got a hole in one!”
“And now on to weather with Princess.”
Joey was down on his hands and knees. He went over and bit Seto's leg.
“Owww!” Seto growled, “Stupid mutt!”
Laria held out a piece of bagel. Seto got up to kick Joey, but he was already over at Laria's desk eating the bagel.
“That's our news for this evening. Don't forget at two a.m. to turn your clocks back or forward twenty-four hours.”
Laria buzzed them and the players got up and went back to their seats.
“I'm going to give 500 points to both Mikari-chan and Rowen for being the only ones in the audience who like Seto.” said Laria.
Seto blew them a kiss.
“Ok that's enough of that.” Laria said, “It's now time for more commercials, but before we go...”
Malik, Marik, and Yugi come out from back stage carrying a rope.
“What's that for?” Atemu asked looking at the rope uncomfortably.
“We're going to tie you to your chairs.” Laria said as the players started to get tied up.
“Why?” asked Ryou as he was tied.
“So we don't have to go through what we did last year.”
“Awww man.” Seto sighed as he was tied.
“I find this rather insulting!” Joey said as he was tied.
“I find it rather kinky,” Marik, who was tying Joey, smirked. Joey's eyes went wide.
“We'll be right back after this so don't go away!”