Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Super Hero’s and Song Titles ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Six:
Super Hero's and Song Titles
“Welcome back to `Whose Line is it Anyway',” Atemu greeted, “The show where everything made up and the points don't matter, just like that Kuriboh in Laria's deck.”
“You have one too Pharaoh!” Laria said from the audience.
“You're a disgrace to Kuriboh,” Atemu said.
“Disgrace!?” Laria exclaimed.
“Why are they fighting over that fuzz ball?” Seto sighed.
“What did you say about my furry little friend!?” Laria asked angrily stand up. Everyone stared at the Authoress as if she had lost her mind. This, of course, was extremely possible, and no one doubted it. Laria blinked and looked around at everyone. She blushed and sat back down in her seat laughing nervously.
“Are you done making a scene now?” Atemu asked.
“Yes,” Laria said quietly, sinking back in her seat, “Please continue.”
“Moving on,” Atemu said looking down at his card, “Our next game is...”
Atemu stared at the card for a couple seconds.
“What is it?” asked Malik.
“I don't know, there's no name.” Atemu turned back to Authoress, “Laria!”
“Sorry, I missed the name,” Laria said, “Go on to the next one.”
“Ok, we'll come back to that once Laria learns the name of it,” Atemu said going on to the next card, “But now it's time for… Super Hero's!”
“This sounds safe,” Malik said as all four players stood up.
“You're kidding right?” Yani grinned as Joey went to center stage and the other three players went off the side by Atemu's desk.
“Ok, in this game Joey is an unlikely super hero and will be joined by the other players,” Atemu explained, “But each of them has to name the other as they come in and try to screw them up.”
“Run that by me again,” Joey blinked. Atemu sighed and turned to the audience.
“I need a name of an unlikely super hero.”
“Super Toilet Man!” said Chibi Millenia Phantom.
“Body Parts Constantly Falling Asleep Man!” called out Lindsey and Leila.
“Dog Man!” yelled Sami.
“Ooo, pick that one Pharaoh,” Seto smirked.
“Ok, now we need a crisis for Dog Man.”
“No more bagels!” said Kaibalvr.
“Dog Man!” Atemu grinned, “There's no more bagels! What are you going to do?”
“I don't know!” Joey said. Starting off the scene he pretends to sleep.
“Woof, woof, woof,” Malik said from the side, pretending to be an alarm clock, “Woof, woof, woof.”
Joey glared at the other three players who were now giggling.
“Time to check the crisis monitor,” Joey said pretending to press some buttons, “Great flying doggie treats! There are no more bagels! I hope my super friends get here soon!”
“Sorry I'm late,” Seto said stepping on stage, “I got caught in traffic.”
“Good, it's Break Up and Make up Kid!” said Joey.
Why'd you call me over here!?” Seto yelled before switching instantly into a softer tone, “Nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, but look,” Joey pointed to the pretend crisis monitor, “There's no more bagels!”
Joey then commenced to scratch behind his ear like a dog.
“Who let the dog out?” Yani asked as she stepped on stage. Joey glared at her and started barking.
Bad!” Seto scolded, but then petted Joey, “Good dog.”
“Ahem!” Yani said to Seto.
“Oh right,” Seto said, “Nice of you to join us Super Glomper Girl.”
Yani glomped Seto.
Get off!” Seto yelled. Yani let go of the CEO, “Come closer.”
Yani glomped Seto again and then went over to glomp Joey. Joey, however, growled at Yani before she could get close to him.
“Uh, never mind,” said Yani as Malik stepped on stage. “Look its PMSing Sixteen Year Old Girl Man!”
Malik gave Yani a strange look as she glomped him tightly.
“There are no more bagels,” Seto said, “What should we do?”
“Don't... know...” Malik gasped, stilling being glomped by Yani, “Can't...”
Before Malik could finish his cry for help Joey bit Seto's leg.
Owww! Dumb mutt!” Seto screamed, then reluctantly changed his tone again, “Nice doggie.”
Unfortunately, since no one heard Malik's cry for help, he ran out of air and fell over unconscious.
“Uh oh...” Yani said looking down at Malik, but she simply shrugged and went off into the audience to glomp random people. Meanwhile down on stage Joey was pretending to chase his tail and Seto was restraining the urge to kill the blond for biting him. Yani came back to the stage, “Sorry I can't stay but there are lots more people out there to glomp!”
Yani left and went off the side.
I hate you never talk to me again!” Seto yelled at Joey as he left also, but then he looked back at the blond and whispered, “Call me”
But since he wasn't looking where he was going he tripped over the unconscious Malik and fell to the ground.
“Seto,” Laria said coming down from the audience, “You ok?”
“Yeah,” Seto said sitting up.
“Good, I was afraid we'd have to replace you with Atemu,” said Laria.
“What about Malik?” Joey asked.
“I'll sit in for him,” said Laria.
“Ok, then on to our next game... Song Titles!” announced Atemu.
Yani and Laria stayed by Atemu's desk, careful not to step on Malik, while Seto and Joey went over to the other side of the stage.
“Now in this game you have to act out a scene but you can only speak in song titles,” Atemu explained, “Now, your scene is, in the lunch room.”
Laria and Joey step out on stage.
“Hello,” said Laria.
“Am Henry the Eighth I Am,” Joey said
“Red, Red Wine.”
“Another One Bites the Dust,” Joey said pointing over to Malik.
“Time 2 Duel.”
“Uhh...” Joey thought for a second and then was buzzed out by Atemu. Him and Seto traded places.
“Eat It,” Seto said pretending to hold something out to his sister.
“I'm Sorry,” said Laria.
“Be Our Guest.”
“Mr. Jaws.”
“Then I Got High.”
“Everybody's Got a Water Buffalo.”
“Bye Bye Bye,” Seto waved.
“Huh?” Laria asked, Atemu buzzed, “Curse you!”
Laria and Yani trade places.
“I Lay Dreaming,” Yani sighed.
“Rain,” Seto said simply.
“It's Raining Men!” Yani exclaimed.
“I've Been Through the Desert on a Horse With No Name.”
“Destination Unknown.”
LANDSLIDE!” Seto yelled. Yani screamed and ducked behind Atemu's desk. Atemu buzzed her out. Seto laughed and was buzzed out himself.
“Sorry,” Atemu smirked, “That's not a title.”
Yani and Laria switch and Seto and Joey switched.
“If,” said Laria
“I Can Love You Like That,” said Joey as if finishing Laria's sentence.
“Hold My Hand,” said Laria.
“Hit Me Baby One More Time,” Joey said taking Laria's hands.
“I Come From a Land Down Under.”
Atemu buzzed Laria out, and a few more times to signal the end of the game.
“Yeah I won!” Joey exclaimed as they went back to their seats.
“What!?” Laria said, sitting in Malik's seat because he was still out on the floor.
“That wasn't a title,” said Atemu again.
“It was part of song,” said Laria, “Doesn't that count?”
“Ha!” Seto laughed, “Lar got beat by mutt!”
Both Laria and Joey glared at Seto.
“Great game,” Atemu grinned, “1000 points to Joey and 5 for Laria for sitting in for Malik.”
“Ha!” Laria laughed, “Lar and mutt got points!”
This time Joey and Seto glared at Laria.
“Alright, we'll be back after these words from our sponsors—“
“Atemu, we don't have sponsors.”
“Ok... well we'll be back soon then.”