Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Party Quirks ( Chapter 24 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter Twenty-Four
Party Quirks
Bakura sat at the Whose Line desk during the break. He had the Notebook in his hands and was lazily flipping through the pages. Laria's barely legible chicken scratch covered almost every page. Parts of stories were scattered through out the Notebook, along with random notes scrawled into margins, there seemed to be no form of organization to it at all. Bakura wondered how the Authoress managed to keep track of anything.
Well it doesn't matter anymore, Bakura thought as he flipped to a blank page.
Laria was gone and Bakura had every intention on making sure she never returned to power. This was his story now, he was in charge. It felt good to have so much control from such a simple thing. With very little effort, he could be in command of the players every move. As long as the Notebook stayed in his hands, he was unstoppable.
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Back stage the Whose Line players gathered. They couldn't believe what had happened. It was already another chapter and still Laria had not returned.
“I can't believe she's gone,” Seto said.
“Aw, Kaiba misses his sister,” Atemu snickered.
“I do not!” Seto screeched, “It's just… not the same without her.”
“Well you all better get used to not having her around,” Marik said, “If I know Bakura, then I know that he sent her to a place where no one will find her.”
“The Shadow Realm?” gasped Atemu.
“No, worse…” Marik paused “…No Where.”
Another gasp sounded from both Atemu and Seto. No Where was where characters in stories were sent when they were no longer needed… or have died.
“How could he do such a thing!” Seto exclaimed, “When I get my hands on him I'll—“
“You'll what?”
Bakura stood in the doorway, Notebook in hand, grinning at the players. Seto gulped and stared at the spirit like a deer caught in the headlights.
“It seems our little Seto here doesn't appreciate my authority,” Bakura said calmly, “No matter, there's always ways to deal with the insubordinate.”
“No!” Seto screamed as Bakura opened the Notebook and scribbled something down.
“I never did like you Kaiba's anyway,” Bakura said as he snapped his fingers. With out another word Seto Kaiba disappeared.
“You've done it now Bakura!” Atemu exclaimed, “You've completely ruined Whose Line.”
“Oh, stop over reacting Pharaoh,” Bakura scowled, “I know what I'm doing.”
Once again, Bakura went to the Notebook; he wrote down `New Whose Line Player' and snapped his fingers. Tea appeared in the middle of the room looking confused.
“Is that the best you could do?” Bakura said glaring at the Notebook.
“What's going on?” Tea asked staring at them.
“There's no time to explain,” Bakura said, “We've got to go start the show.”
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
On stage the regular Whose Line players, plus their newest player, sat in their seats and Bakura sat at the Whose Line Desk.
Tea was extremely confused about what was going on. She didn't know where she was, much less what she was supposed to be doing. All she knew is that one minute she was at home planning a friendship party for all her friends, which would consist much hugging, and camaraderie, and the next minute she was here. The worst part was that no one had told her anything, some friends they were.
“Welcome back toWhose Line is it Anyway,” Bakura said, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. Just like anything that has to do with the Kaiba name, the points are completely useless.”
“Yeah right,” Atemu muttered.
“What was that Pharaoh?” Bakura shot a glare in Atemu's direction.
“Yeah, right,” Atemu said quickly, “I was just agreeing with you.”
“You better,” Bakura said, still eyeing him suspiciously.
Atemu grinned innocently.
“Now, we're going to move on to our last game,” Bakura said, “Party Quirks!”
“You can't do Party Quirks for the last game,” Atemu said.
“It's always a song isn't it?” asked Joey.
“Yeah, what the mutt said,” said Marik.
“What's going on?” asked Tea for the second time, but to of no avail.
All four players were instantly silent.
“Good,” Bakura said, “Now, let's play.”
All four players stood up, Marik went to center stage while the other three players stood off to the side.
“Now in this game, Marik, you're hosting a party and the other players are your guests,” Bakura explained, “The trick is that they've all been given a strange quirk or identity and you have to guess what they are.”
“Start the party,” said Bakura, “I'll bring in the players with the doorbell.”
“Oh this is going to be such a good party,” Marik said.
“oh yay, some one's here,” Marik pretends to open a door and Joey came in
Joey: a dog
Joey got down on all fours and scampered a crossed the stage. He barked once and then commenced on chasing his tail.
“I'm glad you came as yourself,” Marik said as the doorbell rang again.
Tea: Hermione Granger
Tea walked on stage, still looking confused.
“You know,” she said, “You guys still haven't told me what's going on. I am so uninviting you to my surprise friendship party!”
“Uh… that's… great…” Marik said, looking over at Joey, who was acting less like a dog and more like a pig. The doorbell rang again and Marik opened the door to Atemu.
Atemu: an irate Drum Major
Somehow, Atemu's clothes changed, he now donned a white Drum Major's uniform. He high-stepped over to center stage and began doing the Can-Can while singing `Viva Las Vegas'.
Marik blinked confused at the three players. Bakura was enraged, Joey was acting like a pig, Tea wasn't even acting, and he didn't have a clue what the hell Atemu was doing, but it wasn't right.
“NO!” Bakura yelled, throwing the Notebook at them. “YOU ALL LOSE!”
It landed center stage and caught fire. Marik seemed to be the only one to notice the flaming Notebook. He jumped out of the way and over to the Whose Line Desk just as it began to burn a hole in the floor. But it didn't stop there; the hole grew quickly, engulfing the other three players on stage.
Panic ensued immediately after the players disappeared. Audience members screamed and ran toward the exits. The hole in the floor was growing steadily larger at an alarming rate. Marik and Bakura scrambled away from the Whose Line Desk just as it fell into the nothingness. It was only then they realized they were the only to people left.
The two spirits ran toward the exits only to find them closed and locked. They turned back to find the hole only centimeters away from them.
“You've created a monster!” Marik shrieked.
“No,” Bakura said calmly, “I've created a Plot Hole…”
With out another word the two were sucked into the eternal black oblivion.
------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
Laria woke with a start. She breathed quickly as parts of the dream still flashed in the back of her mind. Stealing the Notebook, Plot Holes, a messed up Domino, a poorly written Whose Line, being sent to No Where. No, this had not been a dream… this had been a nightmare.
She looked around as the last few traces of the nightmare disappeared from her conscious like whips of smoke. She found herself sitting at her computer table. Looking up at Compy, she saw her Word Pad was open and the makings of another Whose Line was there. She must have fallen asleep while writing. She looked over at the clock to see that it was four in the morning.
She closed the window and shut Compy down. Rubbing her tired eyes, she made her way to her room and flopped down on her bed.
“I need a vacation,” she muttered to herself as she fell once again into the subconscious of sleep.
THE END (for now)