Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Whose Line is it Anyway ❯ Scenes from a Hat and 60 Second Alphabet ( Chapter 27 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

---Give Peace A Dance!
Special Thanks to Sen-nen Chi Yasha, Computerfreak101, Chibi Millenia Phantom, Yugirules, and Dragonmastergurl for today's Scenes From A Hat.
Happy Birthday to Chibi Millenia Phantom and Dragonmastergurl!
WeirdPerson - Yes, I have seen half an episode of The Green Screen show, I must say it is as funny as Whose Line, if not funnier!
Melodicmoonstar89 - it sounds like a good game, but I want to protect the Whose Line-ness by sticking with traditional Whose Line games.
Meditation6 - Haha! I cannot believe you mentioned the Dark Magician being conceited; I practically died laughing when I read that!
Computerfreak101 - AHHH! YOU CALLED ME LAR! (Cries)
Faust IX - Doom… Warriors…? Who are they? Oo;;;
Kiku Okassu - My biggest fan? You have a lot of competition to be the “Biggest Fan”. Writing a Whose Line story really is not stealing since technically there was many Whose Line stories on FF.net before I posted mine. Whose Line is a very common thing, which makes it easy for it to become popular, yet hard at the same time. I cannot wait to read your story, I am sure it's bond to be great!
KIT-KIT - That's cool that you know CORN. I wish some people from my school got on FF.net, but there are none that I know of, except Princess Nymphadora, but she doesn't count because she stole my story idea and she sucks at writing.
Moon'sHope- Your catch phrase? I wonder what that is?
Wow, it didn't take me long with this chapter, and it probably wont take me long to do the next chapter either, I know exactly what I'm going to do with it.---
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Scenes from a Hat and 60 Second Alphabet
“I over heard Laria talking to her fans,” Bakura said from the backstage doorway to the exit. The players that were gathered backstage looked up at him, “She's planning to do a hundred of these Whose Line things.”
“A hundred!?” Seto exclaimed, after that he was completely speechless.
“Wow, I think that sounds like fun,” Mokuba smiled, Seto gapped at him.
“Seto, I think you're brother has lost it,” Joey commented.
“Ha,” Atemu laughed, “The only one that has lost it is Laria.”
“That's the understatement of the century,” Seto muttered, finally able to speak again.
“Yeah, but its true,” said Atemu, “First she doesn't do a Whose Line in weeks, then she starts up again and now she's planning to do a hundred!”
“And she keeps muttering about me,” Bakura added.
“Yeah, like its odd that someone's muttering about you,” Atemu said coolly.
“In fact,” Bakura growled at the former Pharaoh, “It is, I haven't done anything! I haven't even been apart of Whose Line since the second one!”
“You know,” said Seto, “That is true. Plus Laria keeps talking as if Bakura was in the last Whose Line, but the only people in the last one was me, Yugi, Atemu, and that one chick.”
“Serenity,” Joey growled, “You know, my sister!”
“Whatever mutt,” Seto said rolling his eyes, “It's not important.”
“What's not important?” Laria asked, as she appeared in the doorway that lead to the stage.
“Nothing,” Seto said quickly.
“No!” Bakura interrupted “This is nothing!”
Laria gave Bakura a quizzical look.
WHY DO YOU HATE ME?” Bakura screamed, pointing at the Authoress angrily.
“Two words, Tomb Robber, two words!” Laria laughed, counting them slowly on her fingers, “PLOT. HOLE.
“Plot what?” Bakura asked.
Laria froze, wide eyed when she realized what she had said.
“You heard nothing!” Laria shrieked, “Now everyone get on stage now!”
“But I—“
“Everyone but you!” Laria growled, pointing at Bakura as everyone else scampered through the door and to their seats on the stage.
----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------
“Welcome back to Whose Line is it Anyway,” Laria greeted cheerfully, the players were still scared, and very confused, about what had happened backstage, “The show where everything's made up and the points don't matter. We've got a lot of Whose Line for you so we'll get on to our first game, Scenes From a Hat.”
All four players stood up, Seto and Mokuba went to one side of the stage while Atemu and Joey went to the other side.
“We all know how this game works right,” Laria said pulling Shadii's turban out from under the Whose Line Desk, “Before the show started we asked our audience to right down scenes they'd like to see, and we pick the best ones and put them in this hat and see how many our players can act out.”
With that, Laria stuck her hand into the turban and pulled out a slip of paper.
'Weird things to break out in song about.'
Joey stepped on stage.
I… passed… a stone day, I passed a stone today!
Laria buzzed him out and he was replaced by Mokuba.
I'm sure enough to say, that my brother is gay. All the guys say hooray, because my brother is gay!
The audience erupted in cheers as Laria buzzed him out. Seto once again gapped at his younger brother as he rejoined him on the side of the stage and gave Laria a high five.
“Great job Moky!” Laria laughed pulled another slip of paper from the turban, “'Things that would make the Whose Line cast pee their pants in fright.'
Atemu stepped on stage.
“Welcome to THE HUNDREDTH EPISODE OF WHOSE LINE!” Atemu emphasized the last part by waving his hands.
Laria buzzed him out and pulled another slip of paper from the turban.
'Unusual words found in a Canadian dictionary.'
Atemu stepped on stage again, pretending to hold a book.
“Placebo Donut… anything from Tim Horton's.”
Laria buzzed and Seto took Atemu's place, also pretending to hold a book.
“Clone… all the buildings in Toronto.”
Laria buzzed and Seto stepped off stage.
“Ok, one last scene,” Laria said pulling the last slip of paper out of the turban, “'Announcements that will make the audience boo.'
Mokuba stepped on stage.
“My brother is not gay!”
The audience, mainly the Yaoi Seto shippers, booed loudly. Laria buzzed several time indicating that the game was over. All the players returned to their seats.
“At this point I usually award points;” Laria said solemnly, “But Joey is actually starting to believe in them.”
Joey glared at the Authoress.
“Ok, now let's move onto our next game…60 Second Alphabet!” Laria said, “This one is for Seto, Mokuba, and Atemu.”
The three players stood up and stepped onto the stage.
“Ok in this game the players have to make up a scene but each line has to start with next letter of the alphabet.”
“Yeah, yeah, Lar, we've played this before.” Seto sighed.
“Fine, Mr. Know-It-All,” Laria said turning to the audience, “What letter should they start with?”
“P!” suggested Kiku Okassu.
“G!” said Faust IX
“A!” Sen-nen Chi Yasha said.
“R!” suggested Landi McClellan.
“R, that's good enough!” Laria said turning back to the players, “Ok 60 second alphabet. You're scene is Seto and Atemu are locked in an epic Shadow Game that is starting to go completely awry. Starting the letter R, take it away.”
“Right,” Atemu said, starting the scene, “So it's my turn then?”
“So you think!” said Seto.
“Take him out Big Brother!” Mokuba cheered from the sideline.
“Understand will you that we're having a Shadow Game here,” Atemu said to Mokuba.
“Very well, I'll just have to cheer louder.”
“What was that?” Seto asked quickly.
“Xylophone music!” Atemu exclaimed.
“You hear it too?”
“Zounds!” Mokuba exclaimed, “Why is there xylophone music in the Shadow Realm.”
“Alright,” Atemu said, “if we just stick together.”
“But we're in the middle of a duel!” said Seto.
“Couldn't you just finish it later?” Mokuba asked, sounding scared.
“Duels aren't important right now,” Atemu said, “I think something strange is going on now and we should leave before something bad happens and we all die because that would be awful and…”
Atemu mumbled off into silence.
“Elephant?” Seto asked, “Did you see an elephant?”
“Fine,” Atemu said, “When I was little I used to see purple elephants, I used to name them… what was it?”
“Just when I thought the past was gone it comes back,” Atemu said sadly.
“Kind of reminds me of us, Big Brother,” said Mokuba.
“Let's comfort him.” Seto said giving Atemu a hug.
“Mokuba, your brother is so great!”
“No kidding?”
“Oh now what are we going to do?”
“Perhaps we should finish our duel.”
“Quite a good idea.”
“Right,” said Atemu with a smile, “So it's my turn then?”
Laria buzzed the scene over and the player returned to there seats.
“Great game guys great game!” Laria said excitedly, “G-G man G-G!”
“What is your problem?”
“We'll return after this commercial break with more Whose Line!”
---Like I promised in the last chapter, here is the summary to my novel, The Sad Cake.
Warning: If you're looking for well thought out plot lines, predictability, and explanations… You're reading the wrong book.
It was just a simple football game, a simple rivalry among schools… until Laria got her hands on the situation. With help from her Notebook she twists this simple concept into an epic high seas adventure… upon The Great lakes.
Cap'n Bootstraps and her crew of miscreants aboard The Sad Cake control the Mighty Michigan. Until a rival ship from the Huron, The Jolly Ranger, decide that Bootstraps is more suited to be marooned then captain. Now Bootstraps sets out on a journey to take out the Jolly Rangers that leads her to discover the truths of her past, and the downfall of the greatest pirate ship to ever sail The Great Lakes.---